Posted by Vermehren: Wolf Roleplay

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2017-06-06 06:55:12

You are currently on the Vermehren Role-Play Page.

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If you are new, or looking for further information about this pack, please visit the link shown above.

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[Rank Explainations found on Main Page.]

Oops! You might want to check out the Mother Pack's ranks, on the Genosses page!
Vermehren is recently detached from that pack, and these wolves have YET to discover rank!

As levels of hierarchy are established, names will become listed here from High Ranking to Lower Ranking. When all wolves have become present on the list, a more rank-based list will be added!

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Pack's Food Supply

[Food/Carcass images are made by me, Soltero: Deviantart]
(They are under Copyright.)
[Rabbit will substitute for rodents/squirrels until images made.]

The pack has NO food stored!
- This is a time where Food Aggressive tenancies arise-
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Other / Extra

- Dislike the character, not the player. That is our #1 rule.
- Do NOT post here unless you have been accepted.
- New members must ROLE-PLAY their way into the pack.

!! Remember the current season/plot:
The pack has no food! The pack is in new lands! The pack has NO ranks!

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Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2017-06-06 08:27:32

Krieg - Pg.1 CharSheets - Mentions: OPEN

It'd been barely two weeks since the budding group had become independents, having left the comfort of their forest-y home to wander deeper in to the heart of Yellowstone's vast expanse. The Summer heat was bearing down HARD in this more open plain; and so, it was no surprise that the Vermehren wolves had paused their travels beneath the shade of a small gathering of trees. Knowing that the majority were going to relax here a while, some took off to hunt down little snacks and others took advantage of an opportunity to nap. Krieg? He sought after the later option. The male's fluffed behind had claimed itself a space pushed up against one of these large tree trunks, his chin resting against the dirt between two-toned paws. Although eyes were sealed shut, it was still obvious that Krieg remained aware of his surroundings. This fact was made known by the occasional swivel that ears performed, in addition to the minute quiver conducted by ebon' nostrils. Lips were drawn into a wrinkle-influenced curl, a guttural noise produced at random, something that said he was probably dreaming...

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Edited on 07/06/17 @ 07:56:35 by Soltero (#9059)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-06-07 08:15:33


"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self."

Citlali • Female • 5 Years • Plains • Mentions: None

The golden figure, her pelt flecked in black where it wasn't honey-colored or white, stalked along the sparse shrubbery. Citlali placed her paws methodically one after another, careful not to disturb the plain's fragile silence. Four wolf-lengths away from him, a single brown rabbit grazed in a precious spot of grass, its tall ears flicking every which way. Insects buzzed around the noble creature's head and body, regular flicks of the she-wolf's triangular ears dismissing the irritants for only a second before their unwanted return. She moved forward again, narrowly missing a delicate twig the surely would have given her away. Before she could take another step, the tall shrubs shook and rustled as the small beast fled, prompting a quiet, disgruntled growl. She straightened, tail lashing behind her, and frowned. She and her siblings were all but starving, having been tasked with creating a new pack; a branch of Genosses.

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Jalesi (#99503)

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Posted on
2017-06-07 09:18:09


Kanti :: Female :: 5 years
Mentions: everyone

Tongue lolled lazily out of the side of her mouth and saliva dripped off it as the wolf attempted to cool down via panting. Kanti had chosen to continue moving and try to find water or a place to make a den instead of lazing about like some of the others. Rarely was she found lazing about like some of the others so it would be no surprise to her family that she was still on the move. Even though she had chosen to continue looking, she wasn't actually paying that much attention to her surrounding and was instead day dreaming about this and that. And so it took her by surprise when the rabbit Citali had been stalking streaked past her in a brown blur. Kanti did not even stop to process what the brown blur was, let alone think about whether or not she should chase it, before launching into a sprint after. Tail spun behind her to keep her balance as she matched the rabbits twists and turns before finally a quick snap of the jaw caught the creature by a delicate hind leg.

The wolf slid to a stop then used a paw to pin the screaming creature so she could apply the killing bite. As soon as the rabbit stopped moving, Kanti ripped it open and began to eat. The extremely nutritious offal was eaten first an then the hindquarters were set upon, where the majority of the meat was contained. She was eating quickly without stopping to savor as she knew that the noise the doomed animal had made would have attracted her packmates. While some wolves might feel obliged to share, she did not. In fact, she felt entitled to the entirety of the small, one wolf meal. After all, she'd been the one to catch and kill it. Any who wanted a piece of it would have to challenge her and she knew there were at least some wolves who were brave enough to try. And so with that in mind, Kanti kept aware of her surroundings for approaching wolves. Any who did dare to approach would be greeted by growl, even as she continued eating, and she would attempt to block them from the meat with her own body.

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Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2017-06-07 11:01:55

Krieg - 5 Years - Male
Pg.1 CharSheets - Mentions: Kanti, Citlali

Nothing could cause this beast to rise quite like an animal's dying screech! It was a like an inviting dinner bell, and was one-hundred percent irresistible! Those arrow-shaped ears, formerly limp aside from their occasional twitch, sprung into a forwards prick the moment said attractive sound reached them. Eyes popped open, limbs were stretched forward; and almost immediately after, the chocolate-tinged savage was on the move and headed towards a likely meal. Krieg's stride was comparable to battle-ready march, an expression that said his focus was unwavering. He had a mission, and said mission was to locate his quarry and then successfully obtain it.

Talons tore through the vegetated landscape beneath them, a trail of destruction left in his wake as momentum continued to build. It did not take long to locate his more beige-colored sister, Citali. Krieg paused, a curious look-over awarded her direction, nostrils quivering with an undeniable sense of anticipation until-- No, it was noticed that she had NO food! If Citali knew him, then she would not be surprise that Krieg now simply pushed on passed her, diving through the nearby shrubbery and weaving between a few budding saplings before- AHH HAAA! There is was. It was Kanti, Krieg's more competitive sister, that had obtained a little meal.

"Are you going to share?" he'd inquire, continuing to advance her direction without a lick of hesitation. Tongue escaped jaws not a moment later, gliding across the fronts of the male's now bared fangs, an obvious threat against Kanti's option to guard her prize. She knew all to well what would happen if she didn't!! And if she turned that bum his direction, boy, he'd go right in for a nice BIG bite of it!

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Edited on 07/06/17 @ 11:04:10 by Soltero (#9059)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-06-07 12:09:42


"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self."

Citlali • Female • 5 Years • Plains • Mentions: Krieg; Kanti

A scream filled the air, one apparently produced by the rabbit Citlali had been tracking. The honey wolf gave a frustrated snarl, striking the ground with a paw and flinging a tuft of grass in the other direction. If she knew her sister, and she knew Kanti well, she wouldn't give up the rabbit no matter what the peaceful she-wolf did. But luckily, maybe Kanti wouldn't get away scot-free with the unintentional thievery. Krieg's hulking form sped past Citlali, stopping for only a moment to check the smaller female for food before racing to the source of the scream. Moving at a swift trot, the golden woman followed her brother until he stopped and she spotted Kanti. Krieg was already berating the lighter female, closing in on her with a threatening stance. His threat was no doubt going to be met with opposition from Kanti, which would most likely result in a fight, as food usually did. Since she was out of the way of any hostile discourse that may go down, Citlali elected to chime in on the verbal side of things. "Yeah, Kanti! Share!"

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Jalesi (#99503)

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Posted on
2017-06-07 12:27:36


Kanti :: Female :: 5 years
Mentions: Krieg, Citali

In Kanti's mind, the rabbit hadn't been thieved at all. She had been the one to chase it and catch it. Citali had given up just because the rabbit had run away early. Pathetic.

The female pinned her ears back as she heard her brother's voice and let loose a deep snarl. She swallowed what was in her mouth then turned to face her brother, positioning herself between him and the carcass. Kanti bared her teeth and her hackles went up. "Go find your own, brother. It's mine," she growled. To a more submissive wolf, the image of her with blood all over her muzzle, bared teeth and ears pinned might be an extremely intimidating one. However, Kanti knew her brother wouldn't back down just based on looks. They had been trained too well that you couldn't always judge a wolf based on looks alone. She was tense and watching closely for him to make an offensive move. The wolfess was briefly distracted by her sister and her eyes darted to her. "Shut up, Lali," she snapped before turning her attention back on Krieg. Come at me, bro. Dare ya.

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Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2017-06-07 12:59:32

Krieg - 5 Years - Male
Pg.1 CharSheets - Mentions: Kanti, Citlali

Never having once stopped since gaze met Kanti, Krieg's momentum was never lost. So when Kanti turned her attention towards Citlali, their chocolate-tinged brother was easily able to take advantage of the offered distraction. Kanti's skull turned, and Krieg went in for the opportunity to blind side her. Legs continued their fluid stride, entire body launching from aloft hind quarters as back feet made a last connection with the Earth. This meant that he was now flying forwards a ways, jowls cast wide open and attempting to latch onto anywhere readily available. Prime target? Sister's exposed cheek, or maybe even her side where neck and skull met one another. That tender place was often juicy! Kanti was correct with her silent assumptions, that her food aggressive brother would NOT be influenced simply by her blood-smeared presentation. He was one of action, not conversation nor even much thought! The only way she was going to prove anything, was through the use of tooth and claw alone! But then again, she was used to that, right?! OMNOMNOM!

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-06-07 13:46:52


"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self."

Citlali • Female • 5 Years • Plains • Mentions: Krieg; Kanti

"But what if I don't want to shut up, Mud-Pelt?," Citlali teased, hollering with juvenile humor lacing her proud voice. But her sisterly teasings fell on deaf ears, Kreig lunging aggressively towards his sister and beginning a brawl. The golden wolf sat, not one for violence, but a certain bloody carcass caught her attentive eyes. A salmon tongue flicked from between her teeth and ran over her jowls, smoothing her whiskers and wetting the short fur around her mouth. Perhaps she could just sneak a bite or two of the hare. After all, it was hers to begin with. She'd found it, she'd tracked it down, and she was gonna get at least a bite of it. One step forward, then another, then another until she was sprinting, dashing by her combating siblings. She leaned down, dipping her skull hellward and opening her maw towards the rabbit, snatching it up as she passed by. Hoping that her siblings would not notice, Citlali paced toward a tall shrub, ears flicked back to listen for any objection.

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Edited on 07/06/17 @ 14:07:41 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Jalesi (#99503)

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Posted on
2017-06-07 16:54:33


Kanti :: Female :: 5 years
Mentions: Krieg, Citlali

The momentum that carried Krieg forward knocked Kanti back onto her haunches as she felt teeth sinking into the sensitive part where skull met neck. She mentally scolded herself for allowing her sister to distract her. It was two of the basics they were taught; keep your focus on your enemy at all times and use their distraction to your advantage. She snarled and twisted her head around in an attempt to grab at an ear or the skin on the back of his neck. Meanwhile, front paws lifted off the ground to wrap around the base of her brother's neck and she pushed up and forward with back feet. She was attempting to push down on Kreig's shoulders and bring his head as far back as she could so that it would be uncomfortable for him to maintain his hold on her throat. Of course, he did have a very delicate part in his maw and could attempt to choke her if he wanted. That's why as soon as Kanti saw the honey colored female attempting to get the rabbit, she chose to use it to her advantage though it also may have been because she wanted payback for the mud-pelt insult. "Lali has the rabbit!" If she had a hold of any part of her brother, it would be mumbled through teeth and fur instead of the hold being released. She certainly hoped that shifting the target would help, since after all this fight was all about food right now.

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Edited on 07/06/17 @ 16:57:40 by Jalesi (#99503)

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2017-06-08 05:54:43

Krieg - 5 Years - Male
Pg.1 CharSheets - Mentions: Kanti, Citlali

Teeth successfully met sister's neck, and as their two bodies came crashing against one another's, Krieg couldn't help but let lose a string of satisfied growls and a high-pitched whine of sorts. Oh he was OH-SO-HAPPY to have found reason to sink fangs into another's warm flesh; but that wasn't all, because Krieg had a thirst for blood now. Instead of attempting to choke his beloved sibling into immediate submission, the Earth-slathered bloke began to violently thrash about his obtained prize, obviously caught in the moment and not caring if he ripped some colorful hairs out. Kanti should have been familiar with this type of abuse though. It wasn't like t'was the first time Krieg sought to rip into her more attractive features. It wouldn't kill her, not unless he whipped her neck too far and too fast, but hopefully, AT LEAST, his sharp teeth would begin to sink deeper and deeper beneath the skin and into muscle!! Thrashing would keep Kanti's paws from really pushing Krieg's skull down, maybe even knock them completely from his shoulders, but that didn't mean that his neck didn't start feeling uncomfortable with the addition of her weight. The lean beast was also losing balance beneath his front footing, ... but THAT ended when Kanti spoke of a THEIF stealing HIS meal!!

Lali has the rabbit! Words played through Krieg's mind a second time before jowls snapped open and skull snapped skyward, teeth bared and pupils wide with hostile intent. Hindquarters recoiled, hurling the male forward in an attempt to ram himself further into Kanti. This would hopefully unbalance the smaller duchess, throwing her into the dirt a ways from Krieg and so allowing him to spin around and lock sights onto his thieving sister! If this sudden assault were successful, the time in which Krieg took to locate Lali would MOST PROBABLY give Kanti enough time to find her feet again. Bum was open for strike, or more if beloved sister sought it. Food, Krieg's weakness. WHERE WAS IT!

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Edited on 08/06/17 @ 06:18:37 by Soltero (#9059)

Jalesi (#99503)

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Posted on
2017-06-08 06:33:27


Kanti :: Female :: 5 years
Mentions: Krieg, Citlali

Your average wolf who would not be raised in the world of fighting and honed to be the best might have snarled or whine in response to the pain that Kanti was feeling as canines punctured her flesh a result of the thrashing head. Instead, rich pink tongue flicked out and licked her nose several times. They had been taught to show pain was to show weakness and allow your opponent to have an advantage and so she avoided whines or yelps whenever she could. Licking her nose was a tell she had and one that her family would know well. Thankfully, however, Krieg wouldn't be able to see that with how they were positioned.

One front paw was knocked off as a result of the thrashing but the determined wolf continued pushing with the other. That was until he recoiled his haunches. Kanti didn't have time to shift her weight off of him and instead was thrown onto her back on the ground. But hey, her plan had successfully worked and the slightly larger wolf had let go of her delicate throat to go after their sister. The brown ticked wolf rolled to her feet and immediately launched into another sprint. Her target wasn't Krieg's bum, however. It was Citali. Should she manage to catch up to her sister, sharp teeth would begin snapping at her hocks in an attempt to trip her up. It was payback time!

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-06-08 07:54:14


"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self."

Citlali • Female • 5 Years • Plains • Mentions: Krieg; Kanti

Uh oh. Citlali's ears flicked back to listen behind her, and in finding no more squabbling sounds, the female turned her head to reveal her sister's gray form pursuing her with no less ferocity than what she had fought her brother with. Maybe the honey-pelted wolf wasn't as slick as she thought. But while she wasn't sneaky, Lali was fairly nimble and quick on her feet. Throwing her forelegs up and out, her body extended. Her hind legs found fleeting purchase on the ground and sprang the she-wolf further in her stride. The carcass beat against her chest as she ran, no doubt flecking blood on her pale fur. As her body coiled to prepare for another burst forward, her tail spiraled and her shoulder curved inward, allowing the golden female to double back on herself and run in the opposite direction. As long as she had the food, she was in a position of power. Maybe she could employ her knack for manipulation in an attempt for fairness?

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Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2017-06-08 08:46:02

Krieg - 5 Years - Male
Pg.1 CharSheets - Mentions: Kanti, Citlali

Kanti's response was a surprising one! A brother's exposed, unguarded buttcheek was showing, and she didn't want to sink her teeth into it?! WOW! Fortunately Krieg did not assume this action either, otherwise he might have been distracted when launching himself forwards towards Lali also. Talons dug into the Earth below, legs flexing until they sprung themselves wide and propelled the chocolate-tinged tyrant forwards. Kanti easily sped past him with a better launch and greater speed; but that was alright, because Krieg planned to play on the stamina side of this chase!

The male's lengthy stride and dash-like pace was more controlled than either of his siblings, allowing him to pursue the both of them but not really tire as much - as half his energy was being stored. It was when Lali switched direction, turning on a dime to race back the way she had come, that Krieg's jowls were torn apart by a menacing grin and later snarl. He would look to cut her traveled path, having sent herself straight into brother's awaiting jowls. If not his, than Kantis, because it was now two against one. Teeth would sink into any flesh that had become readily available on Lali's lean figure, and where Krieg latched onto.. he would hold down with a fierceness that promised discomfort.

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Jalesi (#99503)

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Posted on
2017-06-08 09:31:27


Kanti :: Female :: 5 years
Mentions: Krieg, Citlali

She saw the honey-colored wolf starting to turn and within a second began her own turn. Back paws slid a few inches and front paws were forced to take her weight earlier then intended to make up for the temporary loss of traction. It caused her to lose time but the she-wolf did not let that dissuade her from the chase. It was enough time for Kanti to see Krieg trying to grab hold of their sister. Kanti's aim had always been for the food and not to cause actual harm to her siblings. She aimed to come up to pass Lali on whatever side she attempted to feint to or the opposite of where Krieg had ended up. Muzzle shout out and teeth snapped in an attempt to grab onto the meat. Should it be successfully grabbed hold of, she would hold on with a death grip and admit a growl as she tried to rip it away from the other wolf. It might seem like a lot of effort put towards a fairly small meal for better fed wolves but, for them, it was a meal that could hold them until the next morning. If one wolf could manage to eat all of it with all three going for it, that was.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-06-08 09:50:39


"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self."

Citlali • Female • 5 Years • Plains • Mentions: Krieg; Kanti

Things were not coming up Citlali. Her on-a-dime turn proved ill-fated as she slid hip-first towards her brother, bracing her side in preparation for a bite that would likely occur. She'd attempted to turn again, but her paws failed to find reliable anchorage on the ground. Her jaws locked harder on the rabbit as the flesh was pulled. Yellow eyes shifted in that direction revealed Kanti's hold on the rabbit, the chase all of a sudden turning into a game of tug-of-war. "Hey!," she exclaimed, voice muddled by the rabbit, "Leh go ob me! You fink dad wood wan' us killing each oder ober a rabbit?"

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