Posted by Vermehren: Wolf Roleplay

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2017-06-06 06:55:12

You are currently on the Vermehren Role-Play Page.

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[Rank Explainations found on Main Page.]

Oops! You might want to check out the Mother Pack's ranks, on the Genosses page!
Vermehren is recently detached from that pack, and these wolves have YET to discover rank!

As levels of hierarchy are established, names will become listed here from High Ranking to Lower Ranking. When all wolves have become present on the list, a more rank-based list will be added!

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Pack's Food Supply

[Food/Carcass images are made by me, Soltero: Deviantart]
(They are under Copyright.)
[Rabbit will substitute for rodents/squirrels until images made.]

The pack has NO food stored!
- This is a time where Food Aggressive tenancies arise-
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Other / Extra

- Dislike the character, not the player. That is our #1 rule.
- Do NOT post here unless you have been accepted.
- New members must ROLE-PLAY their way into the pack.

!! Remember the current season/plot:
The pack has no food! The pack is in new lands! The pack has NO ranks!

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-06-08 10:22:54
Female / 4.5 / PG 1 charsheets
Mentions: OPEN

In the distance a scuffle was going on, but the auburn female had another thing coming. She was staring down a fawn. The mother was off dead somewhere probably, or eating, it was the first deer she had seen in forever! Teeth glittered in the light as she moved forwards. Her mom had taught her this well, moving forwards like an inch-worm. Making not a noise, her fur rustled a leaf here and there but it wasn't noticed. She was mere feet away from the fawn before launching forwards. It was a few days old at best, and now, it was her next meal! Launching forwards, she managed to lock her jaws around the lower neck of the deer, not in a position to kill it but for its screams to travel. She growled and thrashed, hearing satisfying cracks and pops as the head was smacked against the ground and the animal lay still. Still alive as it had only broken it's neck. A quick rip and the fawn was dead, and being torn into. The stomach being ripped open first, the female tasted very little of the venison's blood or meat. Swallowing down her meal swiftly.

Amber eyes scouring the open for signs of her pack-mates. They would be met with a flurry of claw and tooth, not able to get close enough to touch her meal! The wind ruffled against her and the fawn, pushing the smells towards the scuffling siblings off to west of her. Tail lashed in irritation at the blasted wind, though her mindset never came off the kill and protecting it. She was continuing to dig in, not letting the possible threat of her half-siblings get in the way. One of them wasn't even all that aggressive towards food. Krieg and Kanti were her only real problems, though they knew her and food all to well. She'd eat as much as possible now, and hide it if they didn't come find her first.

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Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2017-06-08 11:37:08

Krieg - 5 Years - Male
Pg.1 CharSheets - Mentions: Kanti, Citlali, Auburn

Teeth latched on to his thieving sister, a satisfaction-filled growl bubbling up from the brute's now parched throat. Ah HA! "Gotsha," he mumbled with a full mouth of fluff, something like a to-himself-whisper. Krieg's hold undoubtedly aided Kanti's effective grab onto a chunk of rabbit flesh, but the mere thought of HER success caused Krieg to become even more eager for his own!! Another growl was produced, this one more lengthy as it was emitted upon jowl's opening. Teeth left Lali's flesh, growl continuing as Krieg took a step backward, trying to await his opportunity to slide in an ALSO claim a piece of juicy rabbit. A three way tug-a-war; yes, that was the plan! Until.....

Single ear was pulled sideways, gobbling down the dying screech of yet another potential meal. Krieg's skull soon followed the turn, both ears now set forward as enthusiastic gaze scanned the nearby forest line. No words hinted towards Krieg's leaving. He was off without a single goodbye given to still warring sisters, ducking below low hanging branches as he made his way through thicker areas of forest. Nose led the hungry savage, right to where his younger half-sibling lay trying to devour said food all for herself. GREEDY! Instead of launching straight in and delivering a bite to Auburn's face, like he tried with Kanti, Krieg instead came forward atop a leisure stroll. A confident one at that, with the addition of a little 'how do you do' head nod towards half sibling. Teeth were bared, in an attempt to intimidate Auburn. His intention was to simply slip in and begin devouring the fawn from her opposite side, unless she sought to loose her head over it!

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Edited on 08/06/17 @ 11:39:34 by Soltero (#9059)

Jalesi (#99503)

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Posted on
2017-06-08 11:49:53


Kanti :: Female :: 5 years
Mentions: Krieg, Citlali

The mention of their father was met with a growl as Kanti continued pulling. Ears only briefly flipped forward when the dying screech of another animal but her focus stayed on the rabbit. After all, it was rightfully hers. Rear legs dug onto the ground as she pulled and head thrashed from side to side until finally the carcass was ripped in half just behind the rib cage. Kanti decided having only half would have to be good enough. For now. Eyes briefly turned to watch Kri run off to investigate the other side before the wolf turned and trotted a few feet away. Kanti lowered her head to rest her hard earned prize on the ground and begin eating. Still, she kept alert of her surrounding lest any late comers might try, yet again, to take her food from her.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-06-08 12:06:21
Female / 4.5 / PG 1 charsheets
Mentions: Krieg

Her eyes snapped to her older half-brother, lips curling up over her teeth in warning. Yes she was aggressive towards her food, but she was slightly wary of the older sibling. Not by much and the closer he got the more vocal she became. A simple warning indeed, teeth still buried in flesh but the bubbling growls could not be missed from the fae. There was enough here surely.. Though the thought did not pass through her mind. "Watch it." Came the response at last. Auburn didn't share her food often, hardly ever at all! But the fawn was plenty and the fae did nothing to stop his coming in. Ears laid flat, reminding the male of whose kill this was exactly. Tail lashed out in irritation, the fawn had given away the meal and she knew someone would come by. It'd probably been noted, she was more aggressive towards other females when it came to food, Krieg. Usually her exception. The teeth showing did nothing to intimidate the female, another bubbling growl rising from deep within her. It was a deep guttural sound, one that said 'you don't scare me.' It was true though, the male did nothing to intimidate her, she'd been living with these wolves for awhile, they didn't scare her.

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2017-06-08 14:50:12

| Female | 5Yrs | Loc: Forest |
| MI: Krieg, Kanti, Auburn, Citlali |

Taima's burnished bronze iris was slowly revealed as Krieg dashed by, intent to find the source of the most recent death cries of a newly caught prey animal. Shifting her muzzle so that it better fit in the cleft between her forepaws, a one-eye glare was sent after the male...Ever since her cousin had caught the sound of Kanti's kill, the air had been filled with low key growls and tussling. It was times like these that Taima gave thanks to the wisdom her father and her mother had passed on to her...better to find a decent meal while her relatives were sleeping, than to waste precious energy on minor food disputes. It was the official challenges to dominance that were the priority...not that food disputes did not have their time and place, but the frosted female preferred to go into those with a full stomach along with a rational mindset.

Thinking of the meal she had lunched upon only an hour or two ago had a pleased grin stretching upon the female's muzzle. It had been a scavenging mission more than an actual hunt, and a successful mission at that with the she-wolf having discovered a poorly buried pheasant untouched and only about a day old. She had eaten the whole thing, and the male avian had been big enough that it would hold her over for quite a bit longer into the future if she so chose.

Than again, with rest seemingly impossible to obtain perhaps starting a solid brawl would liven up the day? And perhaps test the waters of the foundation of haphazard dominance within the small wolf clan. Yes, that sounded like a good idea indeed. Getting up with a leisurely stretch, the frosted slate gray wolf strolled after Krieg's trail until she stumbled upon Auburn and Krieg feasting upon a infant doe, her gaze hardening in speculation as it darted between her two cousins.

Einny Meenie, Miney Moe

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Edited on 08/06/17 @ 14:52:40 by MoeMoe (#65000)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-06-08 14:55:24


"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self."

Citlali • Female • 5 Years • Plains • Mentions: Krieg; Kanti

Citlali's jaws clenched harder, a shock of pain brought on by her brother's sharp teeth. Her hind leg shot clumsily out, attempting to strike anywhere on Krieg's bulky frame. The pain soon relented however, as the large male released and sent a wave of relief through the golden female's mind. Now she could focus on her scuffle with Kanti. Her back paws dug further into the ground, creating shallow ruts in the dirt. She could feel the dirt collecting under her claws, dirtying the fur around her paw. A guttural growl made its way from her throat as the smaller she-wolf braced, attempting to hold herself still as Kanti shook her skull. As pressure relieved and the sound of snapping bones filled the air, Lali was sent scrambling onto her haunches, the rabbit's tail and the rest of its hind end in her jaws. Breathing hard, she lay down where she sat, dropping the rabbit's hind end and beginning to feed. Her tall brown ears swiveled in every direction, listening for any encroaching opposition.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-06-08 16:21:13
Female / 4.5 / PG 1 charsheets
Mentions: Krieg, Taima

The feast was soon cut short. Tai, one of her older cousins was waltzing up and her lips curled upwards as a guttural snarl pushed forth. The female rose, blood dripping from her maw as she glared the other female down. She surely had her fathers size, the large she snapped her teeth together as she took a few solid steps towards the other. Growling the whole way. She knew Krief would probably jump up into this fight or even gang up against her or the other. Either way blood would be spilled over this meal. "Go away Tai!" She snapped lowly, tail lashing behind her fiercely. Time to see who held the upper ground yea? The female squared her broad shoulders and faked a forwards lunge. Would the other back off some, or jump into this fight? Only time would tell. But Auburn didn't have time for games now. Her meal was going to be gone and she puffed up the longer the female sat there.

(Going to be short. On my phone sorry)

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2017-06-08 17:28:12

| Female | 5Yrs | Loc: Forest |
| MI: Krieg | MD: Auburn |

Auburn was the first to respond to Tai's presence, a growl emanating from the autumn shaded wolf along with some rather presumptuous posturing. Did the femme think she could so easily threaten the silver female? Surely not...the daughter of Lucifer was large and no doubt a formidable opponent, but Taima herself was not a light weight creature and in fact bore a bit more muscle than her cousin. A fake attack, in the form of a small leap, moved the fawn colored challenger in front of her meal placing her not far from Krieg's side. Despite this, the male continued to eat, his back facing Tai...probably for the best since it looked as if Auburn wanted a brawl with Mercy's mottled gray daughter.

The small lunge, to Taima's annoyance, had her legs stiffening and ruff on the back of her neck standing up. Lifting a lip at Auburn, the female stood her ground knowing that the longer she waited the more Krieg would eat....undoubtedly frustrating her younger cousin to no end. Almost a full minute had passed before the frosted she-wolf charged the younger female, her gray muzzle low to the ground and her eyes trained on her opponent's left ankle. If she could get a hold of that appendage...well, her father had taught her how to brawl dirty and dirty was how she brawled...there were a lot of delicate bones in that area. If that maneuver could always aim for a higher target...the lower muzzle? A meaty shoulder? Or perhaps the sweet flesh lining the throat? It all depended on how Roman's daughter reacted to Taima's attack.

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Edited on 08/06/17 @ 17:31:24 by MoeMoe (#65000)

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2017-06-08 20:06:56

Krieg - 5 Years - Male
Pg.1 CharSheets - Mentions: Auburn, Taima

Watch it.. Auburn's threat went in one ear and out the other, bold confidence never once leaving the Earth-tinged savage. Words would not phase him, and luckily neither did the actions that Auburn chose to award his direction. The curl of upper lip was instinctively mirrored, a thunderous growl escaping from beneath it, tongue sweeping eagerly 'cross exposed fangs as he advanced closer aloft an unbroken stride. Success! Krieg had slid in without having to participate in a brawl! Stomach practically dove against the Earth's surface, exposed teeth brought straight into an opening in the fawn's flesh. OM NOM NOM.

The advance of pitter-patter was heard from behind him, pulling a single ear that direction. It was almost enough to garner more than just a growl, which WAS -indeed- given; but Auburn had already rose and moved to confront said arrival. Taima, told by risen half-sister. Well, .. .. That meant Krieg had time to EAT! The male's OMNOMs became suddenly more ferocious, even causing him to rise back onto his paws so that food could be more easily inhaled down now stretched-out gullet. Threatening sound emitted each opportunity for a breath to be taken, none more obnoxious than Krieg when it came to food! Oh, the piggish wolf was practically waving his arms at the other two relatives; I'M EATING IT ALL. IT'LL BE GONE WHEN YOU'RE DONE. MUHAHA!! Yes, that exactly. Unlike the more clever Taima, Krieg did not think far into the future ahead. How was he going to rise as victor in a dominant dispute when belly was so bloated from this scrumptious dinner he was having? .. ..

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Edited on 08/06/17 @ 20:08:29 by Soltero (#9059)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-06-08 20:20:22
Female / 4.5 / PG 1 charsheets
Mentions: Krieg, Taima

The she's tail slapped against the male in her wake of taunting the female before her. A sudden lunge forwards by the snow kissed madam before her had the female snapping her jaws together fiercely. Nothing would sway the wolves which were taught to never back down. The male behind her only grew more loud with each bite he took into HER kill and she, this time, slapped a tail against him on purpose. The other was aiming downwards, probably for a ankle or foreleg and she rose up into the air only to slam down as the others teeth would close around where her ankle had been moments before. Own teeth sought to lock around the shoulder or whatever she could ahold of really, fierce growls and snarls echoing deep within her throat.

Auburn was a good opponent on most days, but some, hellllll some she could play hella dirty. Today however, with mostly full stomach she was a more level-headed fighter. With kill being devoured behind her? This brawl could bring one or the other up higher in this unorganized heirarchy they had. Always fighting over rank, never gaining anything. They were all 4-5 years old and fighting over food like pups! She gave a dark chuckle at the thought, even while mid-fight she amused herself! Auburn brushed fur was raised fully in the air now, obnoxious growls and snarls behind her as she HEARD HER kill behind devoured fueled her on.

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2017-06-09 15:07:27

| Female | 5Yrs | Loc: Forest |
| MI: Krieg | MD: Auburn |

Tai's ivory canines snapped closed on empty air, Auburn having risen on her hind legs only to land her upper body on top of Taima's, her front paws grappling for purchase around the silverine beast's neck. The move had the force of gravity behind it, causing Rajat's daughter to let loose a hot breathe of air as her muscle's tightened to stop her from loosing her was fortunate that the gray female had a slightly heavier build than her opponent or the move would surely have made Tai collapse forward. A low growl echoed from the she-wolf's cavity...her head was under the chest of her opponent and grabbing Auburn's throat was an impossibility.

It was at this moment that Tai felt the flesh just between her shoulder blades being pinched before a stinging sensation could be felt...her ruff had protected her from most of her opponent's teeth, but it seemed that the other wolf had at gotten at least two of her canine's into her cousins was only a matter of time before she got a firmer hold.

The low growl that continually rumbled within Taima's lungs turned into a deadly snarl as the frosted beast locked her eyes upon her opponent's hind legs...if at first you don't succeed...try again. The orange burnt appendages were so close...contracting her muscles sharply the gray she-wolf moved forward, not with speed...but certainly not at a snail's pace either. Perhaps she could grab one of her cousin's legs? Try for the left one again perhaps? Either way the frosted she-wolf was making progress and her forward movement under her cousin would undoubtedly start to unbalance the younger she-wolf.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-06-09 15:38:31
Female / 4.5 / PG 1 charsheets
Mentions: Taima

AHA! Teeth found purchase within the ruff, at least 2 teeth digging into the flesh as she sought for a more grounded bite. Wait... The wolf below her moved, moving forwards and the avoidance of this bite was beyond help. Teeth locked around the area just below her knee (? XD), left leg now compromised she sought to dig her self in deeper. Slightly unbalancing the female in her attempt to grapple further. Auburn let loose a throaty growl, soon however the female could use the control of the left hind leg to her advantage.

The females neck was bent at an odd angle from the movement of her older cousin though it did not sway her nor convince her to let go of her hold. Mouth ready to take in a new chunk of flesh and fur, this time... This time she would get the firm hold on the frosted she, balance was key until it was lost right? Maybe... She could use the unbalancing to her advantage! With the firmer bite, possibly, in hold, she would bring the frosted wolf down with her as she was tripped up. Or whatever the other was planning to do with that hind leg.

Auburn knew better than to rip her leg free, it could cause bad damage than what it would with just a normal attack. With teeth around her left hind leg, and her own digging between the others shoulder blades.. how could this fight turn out... She listened in, honed in on her kill and the fae below her. Growls and snarls ricocheted through her lungs and up through her throat, giving the impression of a very angered wolf.

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Jalesi (#99503)

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Posted on
2017-06-10 05:39:23


Kanti :: Female :: 5 years
Mentions: Citlali

After the meal had been consumed, bone and all, and the ground around where she had been eating was thoroughly inspected for any stray pieces, Kanti looked towards the brushes her brother had disappeared behind and now the sound of a scuffle was coming from. She could go see what was going on over there. There was a chance for a free meal, if whoever was fighting was too preoccupied with doing so... Or... Eyes flicked over to her honey-colored sister who was probably just finishing up her meal if she hadn't finished before Kanti. She could get payback for the mud-pelt comment and establish dominance over her at the same time. Yes, that was a very attractive option.

Mud-pelt... Hmph, at least I don't look like I rolled around in pee, she thought to herself as she began placing one paw in front of the other. Kanti kept her eyes and ears pointed in the direction that the fighting sounds were coming from to make it seem like that was her ultimate destination. It wasn't until she came abreast with Lali that her body language suddenly changed from alert and curious to aggressive. Ears pinned back, hackles up, tail straight up and knife-like teeth bared as her head shot out. Muzzle opened and then snapped shut as she aimed to grab a hold of some part of Lali's head or neck. Something nice and tender and that would give her a whole lot of leverage to force her sibling onto her back if she needed to.

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2017-06-10 08:17:39

| Female | 5Yrs | Loc: Forest |
| MI: Krieg | MD: Auburn |

As Tai's teeth successfully grabbed Auburn's hind leg, right below the hock, the she-wolf let out a growl of pleasure that quickly turned into a grunt of pain as her cousin fully pierced the thick layer of fur between her shoulder blades. The silver she-wolf could feel blood oozing out of the wound to wet the skin under her fur, any movement either of the wolves made sending pain snapping it's way up Taima's nervous system and into her brain. When Tai started to tug the other she-wolf's left hind leg toward her and to the right, it became clear that if Auburn was fully unbalanced her weight and her grip would bring, at the very least, Tai's upper body to the ground as well...if not the silver wolf's full body. Perhaps the other female could let her hold go.

Up to this point Tai had not done any serious damage to the other wolf's hind leg, hadn't even bruised the appendage. An injured leg meant little to no hunting, a new reliance on other was a weakness that could undoubtedly be used in other fight's of dominance as well. If Tai threatened to injure the appendage...

"Let go ov your hold, not rizk your vuture over one vight."

The gray female's words were muffled and twisted due to her full mouth, but the sentence the words formed was clear. If you don't let go, I will hurt your leg real bad and you won't be in line for ANY more dominance fights. To punctuate her threat Rajat's daughter let loose a viscous snarl and increased the pressure of her hold on Auburn's foot...the move would undoubtedly make the other wolf very uncomfortable. From this point on it was Auburn's decision on how things would turn out....if she released her hold? Tai planned only to tug her footing out from under her...but if the she wolf insisted on being stubborn? Well, than it would be time to find out what grinding one's molar's against a few leg bones could do.

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Edited on 10/06/17 @ 08:24:17 by MoeMoe (#65000)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-06-10 10:52:37


"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self."

Citlali • Female • 5 Years • Plains • Mentions: Kanti

Blood stained Citlali's golden-white muzzle, the sweet flesh of the rabbit sating her hunger for now. The succulent thigh meat remained stuck to the bone as leaves crunched under her sibling's footsteps. One rounded ear followed Kanti's form, listening for any signs that her larger sister might turn aggressive. Lali's skull lowered over her food, a deep rumble slipping from her throat, and felt the hairs along her spine stiffen and stand at attention. Her marbled tail lifted from the ground, curling over her rump. "Not again," she complained to herself, allowing her lip to rise and show off a row of sharp teeth. The she-wolf braced as Kanti lunged and grabbed a mouthful of fur, muscle, and skin, the minimal ruff of Citlali's neck doing little to protect the flesh from her sibling's teeth. Snarling, the honey-furred wolf opened her jaws and twisted around, hoping that her neck would be long enough and that Kanti would be close enough to her shoulders so that she could latch on somewhere.

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