Posted by WIELD | Info & OOC

🔵 Saturn [lion
skulls] (#38235)

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Posted on
2017-06-12 11:59:50

1. to exercise (power, authority, influence, etc.), as in ruling or dominating.
2. to use (a weapon, instrument, etc.) effectively; handle or employ actively.

Character sheets | Roleplay


There had always been rumors of wolves with special powers who roamed the land. The stories, however, were always taken lightly. After all, they were just stories - right?
One pack, called the Veraen Pack, learned the hard way that fairy tales are sometimes more real than they first appear. It began with the birth of a litter - two small male pups. They seemed like any other pup at first. But soon, it became apparent that something was wrong. Torin, a small black pup, could disappear into shadows and reappear a short distance away. Terik, a grey pup, was just at home underground as he was above. As they grew older, their powers also seemed to grow. Torin could now play with fire, although he was not very good at it. Terik, however, had taken a darker turn. His powers were darkened, but this was too much for him to handle. Soon, this erupted into destruction. Terik lost control of his powers and the ground began to split apart, killing many of the Veraen Pack in the process. Soon after, Terik disappeared. Torin was dumbstruck. The remainder of his pack wanted nothing to do with him or the rest of his family. Though his parents had been killed in the destruction, they had left behind another young pup, who Torin took with him when he left.
Out on his own, Torin went to the mountains, where he discovered much about himself and the powers that he and his little brother possessed. Once he had found all that he could, Torin roamed for a while, before he learned of others like himself. Curious, he sought them out. The few that he could find joined him. Soon, Torin had developed a pack of his own, where he could protect those like him. He called this pack the Pwerus Pack. Now, wolves with powers are seeking him out, looking for his protection and the fellowship of others like themselves.
Will you join them?


✘ LioDen's guidelines are to be followed at all times. Brush up if you need to.

✘ Hate the character, not the player. OOC negativity will not be tolerated.

✘ We're going to try and be active. If you know that you're going to be gone for a while, please notify me. Otherwise, your characters will be removed.

✘ This is a literate roleplay. 1+ paragraphs with proper grammar, spelling, etc. is expected. Writer's block is understandable, but DO NOT overuse this excuse. If your posts are consistently short with many errors, you may be asked to leave the roleplay.

✘ This is a roleplay about wolves with powers, but do try to keep things balanced. No character should be overpowered. In unpowered combat, it is expected to be fair - no one will hit every time and no one will dodge every time.

✘ You will be allowed two characters to start off with. Once you have posted about ten replies to the roleplay thread, you will be allowed another. For any more, PM me and I'll decide if you can have another.

✘ There are no humans in this roleplay. There are also no dogs. Keep this in mind c:

✘ Moderate swearing is allowed, but do not overdo it. In accordance with LD's guidelines, any and all mature content (mating, birthing, etc) is to fade to black or be taken offsite.

✘ Character sheets are to go only on the character sheet thread ^^

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Edited on 12/06/17 @ 14:13:16 by 🔵 Saturn (#38235)

MoreTeaPlz (#115505)

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Posted on
2017-07-06 21:40:24
I might add a male wolfie, I think it'll be good because we have so many females and I don't mind playing two characters. Would it be okay for me to have a warrior slot?

EDIT: If none of the beta's reply by Thursday he might be vying for a more powerful role in the pack!

EDIT: Maybe I would withdraw Aalin and change to a male wolf.

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Edited on 06/07/17 @ 21:45:44 by MoreTeaPlz (#115505)

🔵 Saturn [lion
skulls] (#38235)

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Posted on
2017-07-07 08:48:27
You don't have to withdraw, it's fine for you to have another character ^^ you can have up to two.

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🔵 Saturn [lion
skulls] (#38235)

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Posted on
2017-07-08 19:41:23
'Kay, I finally added all of the reserves and new characters to the front of this thread.

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M03M03 (#117690)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-07-08 20:31:16
Hay Saturn you can go ahead an unreserve the rogue....I don't know when or if I'll be able to get up a charactersheet so I think it best if I hold of for now and just stalk the rp thread :3.

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-active} (#111404)

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Posted on
2017-07-08 20:38:15
I should really make a character soon....

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-07-08 21:08:31
I'll try and get a reply up by Tuesday at the latest. I'm behind on pretty much everything atm.

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🔵 Saturn [lion
skulls] (#38235)

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Posted on
2017-07-11 12:22:52
It's my turn to post :'D I'll try to do that tonight, sorry guys, I've been a bit busy the past few nights.

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🔵 Saturn [lion
skulls] (#38235)

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Posted on
2017-07-20 21:28:57
Writer's block e.e
My apologies

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
g1 olive nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-07-30 23:18:08
Ugh...You can drop my reserves. I am much too busy rip.

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Transkitty (#101285)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-07-31 18:52:58
I'd like to reserve that female beta then! My character sheet will be posted sometime this evening. :)

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🔵 Saturn [lion
skulls] (#38235)

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Posted on
2017-07-31 21:25:27
Accepted, then. Although I must admit things are going a bit... slowly :')

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