Posted by »» Sunset Symphony «« Chat

owl (#120437)

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Posted on
2017-07-17 16:19:50

This is an official clan thread for the »» Sunset Symphony «« Clan!


Welcome one and all to Sunset Symphony, Lioden's first Sunset appreciation clan!

SS is the place for anyone and everyone who adores the upcoming base, Sunset and it's matching eyes, Dawn!


1) adore the sunset base and/or dawn eyes!
2) respect all other members
3) please, don't put food in the clan hoard, but anything else is fine!
4) have fun!


What's Happened?

»» {July 3, 2017} SS was founded, and became an official clan! ««
»» {July 17, 2017} An official SS thread was posted! ««
»» (Oct. 14, 2017} Owlwing was promoted as leader! ««

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Edited on 18/10/17 @ 21:14:54 by Owlwing {Light's off!} (#120437)

🐾 єlixir |Sunset
King| (#41376)

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Posted on
2017-07-19 09:28:53
Just thought I'd let people know that slots are full for the week but traditional breeding is /always/ open!
Only GB or items for traditional, however; no SB unless you're willing to pay full price!

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Jack | G2 Jellyfish
Prion (#98461)

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Posted on
2017-07-19 09:42:20
Don't have any lionesses in heat at the moment! I do have 2 in heat in 3 days... and at least one of them I may breed to a sunset stud ^^ (One of them is on her last heat. I would use a CRB, but then she wouldn't be able to have cubs at all, since I'm cutting this heat /SO CLOSE/ c'x She's already like 13, 8 and she's in heat in 3 days)

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Sionn (#72618)

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Posted on
2017-07-19 17:10:51
Hey guys!! I'm Sionn and I'm absolutely in love with the new sunset base (and dawn eyes, actually!!)
Going to keep on trying with the studdings until I (eventually!!) get one!

Also yes, I am absolutely still crying about Tefnut and looking forward to any Tefnut decor I can someday acquire. 😭

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(SunsetSide) (#112909)

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Posted on
2017-07-19 18:11:29
I need to do some research/asking around about the custom decor item, Such as how many items are made with the single use item to see if I have to have people order one at a time and pay the full item price OR if its like Skins at some other sites where you get 10 items out of it and you can ask for less money from the individuals and do preorders and five orders pays for the 10 items.

I'm pretty new (only joined in May, still on my First Kings on my Main and my secondary. Which reminds me, I need to join the clan on my main as well lol. I just stumbled onto this on my secondary.) and I caaan't exactly afford to buy one and figure it out on my own.

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🐾 єlixir |Sunset
King| (#41376)

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Posted on
2017-07-19 18:13:25
You could Mod Box it! @PlagueBarrenPride

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(SunsetSide) (#112909)

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Posted on
2017-07-19 18:17:23
@єlixir Modbox... TIME TO GO DIGGING INTO FORUMS AND OVERCOMING SOCIAL ANXIETY! -confetti- lol I will admit: this is actually the first of the clans I've been comfortable posting in regularly and keeping the main thread on my subscriptions (meanwhile the Tefnut Decor interest thread is one of the others on my main. XD

Edit: Aaaand just as I hit enter I notice "Modbox & Helper Hub" At the bottom of the page. I R SMRT

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Edited on 19/07/17 @ 18:17:49 by PlagueBarrenPride (#112909)

Wildwood (#71978)

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Posted on
2017-07-19 18:19:47
sunset studs, nice. i'll definitely be hitting them up after my birthday when i can treat myself to some gb :) i think i have a few inferno girls that'll be in heat around then.

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🐾 єlixir |Sunset
King| (#41376)

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Posted on
2017-07-19 18:26:58
I'm always around, pretty much 24/7, so if you have any questions at all feel free to hit me up! @PlagueBarrenPride

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(SunsetSide) (#112909)

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Posted on
2017-07-19 18:43:43
@elixer Thanks! I sent the Helperhub ticket, and now i'm going to continue digging around the custom decor threads to see if I can translate from how others who DO Custom decor and Beetle Skins do it.

In other news, trying to figure out how to turn the Tefnut decor I have so far into a Ghostly Tefnut. Not 100% on what I have. May need to try a few different methods. Here's the version I have right now


Trying to combine a regular ghost with the picture of her coughing up whisper-glow and add some ghostly whispery glows to it. Might have to try again and do one more like the existing whisper decors but in sunsetty colors.

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🐾 єlixir |Sunset
King| (#41376)

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Posted on
2017-07-19 18:55:48
I like that decor! The fading to it is nice.

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(SunsetSide) (#112909)

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Posted on
2017-07-19 19:13:44
Got a response from Lex!


The custom decor item is one use, for one decor. When the decor is submitted, you receive 3 free copies, but after that each copy of the decor is 3gb.

I actually just submitted a decor, haha. After submitting, Xylax (the site artist) has to approve or reject each decor, so it takes a few days to hear back. If you need any helps with redlines or anything, though, i'm on the leaderboard for most decors submitted, so i can definitely help you step-by-step and with custom decor tips if you need them!"


So it means I could likely charge 5gb for them, which answers everyone's questions here! I just gotta set up a preorder thread, though I'm letting Lex look them over first to see if they're missing anything before I start doing that.

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Jack | G2 Jellyfish
Prion (#98461)

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Posted on
2017-07-19 19:37:18
Aaaa I love both decors! If I ever get a sunset girl, I swear I'm gonna buy the ghost-Tefnut decor (or maybe the alive one, I dunno?) and give it to the sunset cub.

(Trying SO HARD to a sunset cub >n< I will one day! One day. Really hoping it's not as painful to pass as Cherry Blossom is, though. My king has yet to pass his base I'm really hoping to win one of the sunset raffles though, since odds are, the cub won't have both sunset and dawn eyes, both of which I adore. Honestly, if I could get a sunset cub with dawn eyes, even if it didn't have a single marking, and I could actually afford it, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. Or if the cub had amethyst eyes. Not as good as dawn, but it def works)

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(SunsetSide) (#112909)

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Posted on
2017-07-19 19:43:12
Lex gave me a few suggestions (one was to make sure I did something I had already done to make sure I understood the cutaway bit to have her interacting directly with the lion (like the dwarf example, and the other was to add a bit more/stronger shadow under her/with the lions she's interacting with, but the other was to contact xylax, deertush, or 7th for anatomy review/redlines/tweaks before submitting so right now finding out if they have an idea of which one would be the LEAST stressed out to have a random person going "HELLO RED LINE MY DECOR PLZ"

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GarrettWilde (#9660)

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Posted on
2017-07-21 18:50:43
Hello everyone. I am new to the group :)

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Jack | G2 Jellyfish
Prion (#98461)

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Posted on
2017-07-21 19:12:01
Ooooh my lioness Somewhere Only We Know has her last heat tomorrow! Gonna breed her to a sunset stud. Can't wait <3 Might breed my other lioness, But the Earth Refused to Die, as well. However, I'm broke so I prob should save my GB :'D

@Neph Hello!

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Edited on 21/07/17 @ 19:13:12 by Alpha (Amy) [#TeamApollyon] (#98461)

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