Posted by Herbe idea

*Chai* (#102200)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-07-19 04:42:07
As we always found herbe , and most of them we cant eat ,we can't craft or use , ' i found a usefull idea For it !! :

So we can plant it ! Thats the idea , and we get a garden after the caves and mounds , building a garden need a good place and sun + every week water (water from water root ) and when it rain on lioden !

Herbe when grow make flowers and fruits , vegetables too , like maruala fruit , flowers can be eated or crafted , maybe we dont need to craft it , to eat it as médecine For our lions , or For the bad mutations Cubs and prégnant lionesses , and For décoré !

We can pick the flower after 3 days of the planting , or pick the fruit /végétables after 5 days !

If you dont put water after a week plant will die ! (Plants like lion or Beatles they dont die only when you log in )
(Of caurse dried flowers or cactus will not die )

Beatles already have herbes to eat So we can throw it or sell seeds !!

Here the garden


Or. :

Wishe you like it ^^

This suggestion has 36 supports and 10 NO supports.

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Edited on 08/11/17 @ 15:12:11 by 🐦Chaima🌈 (#102200)

*Chai* (#102200)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-11-08 15:09:20
Okay :3 , édit ! I want every good suggestions from players , tahnks ?

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2017-11-08 16:12:56
Maybe (since water items are only around for one month) there can be this rain barrel thing. Since rain barrels are used to collect water when it rains for later use, whenever it's rainy season your rain barrel fills up and you don't have to water the plants because they already got rained on but when it's dry season you have to save the water so all your plants get enough but you have enough to last until the next rainy season.

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Luxaeus (#78363)

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Posted on
2017-11-08 16:27:12
You don't get water items for one month. I have gotten some aloe and water roots every now and then from explore

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2017-11-08 16:59:57
Mainly from one month, though. They're less common outside of the event.

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