Posted by Reworking the Attack System

Fizzlepop (#49710)

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Posted on
2017-07-22 16:32:31
Bear with me, a lot of this is just organized rambling about an idea I've had for awhile now about reworking the attack system here on lioden, while possibly giving submales another use at the same time (depending on how my rambling pans out).

Overview - For further explanation, see below.
- Selecting a user to attack in the territory tab could work like the pvp event battling.
- Submales "help" with attacking, gaining a small amount of stats/scars if attack is successful.
- A user being attacked would have warning, then "prepare" for the attack.
-Submales can "help" defend territory, gaining a small amount of stats/scars if defense is successful.


Selecting a user to attack
This would look more or less the same as it does now, you go to the territory tab and select a user to attack, however the way users are presented in the territory tiles changes-- instead of users being listed by having logged the most recent rollover, it would instead work like the pvp event battling by listing users who are within your level that are currently online or have been within the last ten minutes. You will still be able to bookmark users to come back to for attacking.

Submales "help" attack
This part of the process also works about the same it does now, with one addition: you may select one submale to take with you when attacking. Bringing a submale with you does not increase your chances of winning, instead it gives the chance to award a small amount of stats to the submale, much like patrolling, or equip a scar decor to the submale, like sparring does.

A dropdown will appear under the reward selection, where you may select one submale. You may select any adult male you own, so long as they are not currently gone patrolling, much like you cannot nest females who are currently hunting (you are, however, able to select males that are on patrolling cooldowns). This is optional, not selecting anything will not prevent you from attacking.
An alert bar will appear once you've attacked the user.


Scouting an attack
In the PVP event, you're able to participate in battling by defending attacks. This feature would work much the same, when a user attacks you, an alert will pop up. One of your lions acted as a scout, spotting the incoming lions and rushing to warn you.

Defending an attack
You will have fifteen minutes to "defend," which will give you a larger defensive buff (as it currently stands, kings defending a territory already get a defensive buff, this just makes it a small portion larger). If you do not defend, you still get a buff, however it is not as large. You will be attacked regardless of what you choose to do.

Submales "help" defend
Much like submales helping in the attack, they serve as no actual buff and have a chance to be rewarded stats or scars if you successfully defend your territory. You may set one adult male to act as a defender (see image below), they will have a cooldown much like when assigning cubs to broodmothers/claiming lionesses in explore. How long is up for debate, as well if a defending lion is also allowed to be patrolled.

Winning/Losing a(n) attack/defense
Winning or losing when attacking will work as it does now, you'll receive an alert with the results and rewards.

Winning or losing when defending will also send an alert, though the rewards may vary from experience with a small skill increase or impression depending on if you win or lose.

Both texts will include rewards for submales if you win.

Things that still need to be worked out

I'm open for any discussion on this idea, and they will be included in a section for user input, though below is what I can't really work out:

- Submales that defend, should they be set apart and unable to be patrolled, much like broodmothers are unable to hunt?
- A cooldown should be imposed for setting/removing lions from defense, though how long it should be I don't know.
- Should submales always defend territory from attacks, regardless if the user chooses to defend?

This suggestion has 109 supports and 9 NO supports.

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Edited on 22/07/17 @ 16:37:20 by Voodoo (#49710)

Laila 💰
(Gryffindor!) (#96222)

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Posted on
2017-07-22 18:51:53
For the bottom:

I think that the submales that defend should be able to patrol. Maybe they could try to spot attacking lions during patrol or something.

I think there should be a cooldown. Maybe an hour? Or until the next rollover?

Maybe there could be a chance that they could fail to defend

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Fizzlepop (#49710)

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Posted on
2017-07-22 19:20:23
The submales aren't actually defending, per-say. Think of it as coming along on patrols/hunts for adols, but it's with adult males and there's a chance to get stats/scars if your king successfully defends his territory, so I'm not sure what you mean by that last part?

What I was asking if submales coming along should only be linked should the user choose to defend their territory, or if they should always be "defending" and get the chance at stats/scars all the time, to be clear. They have nothing to do with actually winning or losing an attack/defense.

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Edited on 22/07/17 @ 19:21:11 by Voodoo (#49710)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2017-07-23 13:49:58
This might work for lower lvls but what happens to those higher lvl? There are less people to attack and most of them might not be online for most of the day. So the requirement for the opponent needing to be online is.... well. Difficult.

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Fizzlepop (#49710)

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Posted on
2017-07-23 15:07:45
The only time the online part comes into play is when looking through the territory tiles, you're still able to attack people who are offline, if that's what you mean. It has no affect on the actual battling system, since it will occur whether the user being attacked chooses to defend or not.

Though, the thought did come to me while going over this that if you get into the higher levels there may not be enough players to fill a section of tile, though I wouldn't know the actual numbers since I don't have a list of everyone over x level that logs in regularly. A solution that comes to mind is if that is the case to up the net and snag users who have been online in the last hour or more, basing how they pair up users on stats, instead of levels, or just removing that part of the suggestion entirely.

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Edited on 23/07/17 @ 20:13:22 by Voodoo (#49710)

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2017-07-23 20:21:28
I don't attack other players often, especially since I have the max amount of Territory I can gain from attacking. However, this looks really interesting and I'd love to see it implemented. It's very thought out and well-organized! Seems like it really fits the website.

Support for me!

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🅱️oneless (#123346)

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Posted on
2018-03-13 10:31:59
Seems a little too complicated for someone who's just trying to earn a territory slot or some EXP or a couple skill points. It would feel like a waste of my time for such a minuscule reward.

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2018-07-17 13:09:29
Very interesting idea 0.o support!

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Nyx [IC] (#121662)

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Posted on
2018-08-08 15:28:55
No support. I like the simple, noninvolved way it works now.

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