Posted by Stud Slots Refresh Adjustment

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2017-07-23 13:22:44
Hi everyone!

I will try to keep this short and to the point.
Since it seems like Lioden developers are trying to prevent any lion and item freezing, I will go ahead and point out to them another abuse.

Main point is: We have the studding system. Back then, it caused a lot of problems when people overused the feature, even made free breedings, making competition impossible.

This was fixed with the implementation of the stud slots. Now, we have 15 slots weekly, which refresh on Mondays.

We also have the Cape Bulrush, which adds 3 more slots.

But there is a problem. People can bypass the need for more studding slots and freeze their males effectively, making them last way too long on the stud market.


Because the stud slots automatically refresh weekly.

Example: Lets say I have a nice stud with about 9k or 10k stats, awesome markings. Well desired by players. My slots get taken almost instantly when the week starts. Instead of rolling over the next day, however, I just roll over next week -telling everyone beforehand when-, maybe on Monday again to see all my slots restored. Now I have 15 slots again and my lion only aged 1 month.

Now, if I kinged my male at -say- 6 years, this means he will have about 1800 slots(!) to sell until he reaches 16 years. That without using any GB items. That is a big number.

What do I suggest?
Have the stud slots reset every 7 rollovers instead of weekly.

This way, if I king my male at 6 years, I can only sell about 258 slots. That without any GB items, no matter what I do. This seems more realistic to me, allowing no freezing of lions and abusing the automatic reset system this way. Plus it would make Cape Bulrush so much more desirable. Who the hell has to buy Cape Bulrush at all this way?

I mean, why do we even have the slots if it can be bypassed so ridiculously easily? Sure, it takes a week wait but for this, your lion ages ridiculously slowly and you can sell numerous slots.

I am open to other suggestions.

Thanks for reading.

This suggestion has 15 supports and 164 NO supports.

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Edited on 23/07/17 @ 14:04:38 by Axel (#6627)

Laura (#87312)

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Posted on
2017-07-23 14:11:57
In my opinion, if you can manage to sell out in a day, good for you! Some studs will have to rollover daily in order to sell out, but if you've worked hard on making a beautiful and high-stat king, then you reap the rewards of that. I agree that this would even out the stat market more, but this affects players who aren't stat kings and just average people who can't roll every day. It kind of defeats the purpose of a rolling system because then you have to roll every day in order to benefit the most.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2017-07-23 14:13:42
Well, I also said what needs to be said.

Honestly, I do not believe that the developers intended for this feature to be bypassed in such a manner either. Stud slots are there for a reason, to regulate the stud market and the cub market. They had this very reason. And this very reason is being bypassed. So why even have stud slots, I ask? Why?

Cape Bulrush was implemented to add more stud slots. Sure, it will cost a couple of GB but from the income, it should be easily paid for. There is also no limit on how many times you can use it. So the developers readily gave everyone a way to legally bypass the limits, as long as they pay to support the game. Consider the amount of money the game never gets because the limit is bypassed.

As for traditional breeding, with the new feature of linked accounts, there are now new ways how one could start limiting such transfers. From resetting the heat cycle of the female to making them untransferable and tradable for days upon days. Only excluding transfers between linked accounts. This way people with breeding projects can still put their lionesses from one account to the other without jeopardizing anything. But it would help with making traditional breeding a pain in the butt. (something has to be done about this, otherwise I vote to remove stud slots in general because they are largely useless.)

I also do not believe that a significant amount of people would leave because more limits are put in. Please try to not give this argument. We dont know what would happen. People actually foresaw a disaster in player activity once the stat gain limit was put in. What happened? Even those who threatened to quit still stayed and are here today. Giving such threats and speculations is useless.

Anyway, thanks for reading.

@Emerald: It does not defeat the rolling system. It actually makes it count. And it is just that. It takes most people days of rollover to sell their stud slots. So what is the issue? By the time you sell your slots, they get refilled.

Also, high stat good mark owning players can still reap the benefits by adding high stud prices. They still get far more GB than those who have less quality males.

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Edited on 23/07/17 @ 14:23:38 by Axel (#6627)

Fraekinn [Cons Cimm
Ocey] (#57572)

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Posted on
2017-07-23 14:21:50
What about people whose studs only sell for 250SB a pop? 50SB for a rolled king?

They can't afford bulrushes, and you cannot say 'but they won't be getting studdings' - because my smilus king is 250sb, I don't make enough to pay for bulrushes, and I sell out every week, as for rolled kings; hard mode players love them.

You seem to just be going in circles now, with no legitimate proof as to why everything should be changed - as it seems you're only targeting those with valuable studs, and I cannot help but notice you yourself have a 8k king, and have sold 7 slots. I cannot see why you are complaining about a system thats working for you?

You need to consider all sides, what would happen to mutation breeders if you scrapped the studding scheme? People with dwarves and leopons would be screwed, they'd have no choice but to breed to their own kings - which kills any breeding projects they may decide to dabble in. If it comes to traditional studding - which will be the only choice - people are running a bigger risk at being scammed.

Traditional studding is not as big an issue as you'd think, in fact I know a few stat kings that don't even get asked for traditional studdings, despite having sold out of their slots.

Some stat kings don't even sell out when they do roll, even if they tell people in advance.

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Edited on 23/07/17 @ 14:25:21 by Taevali (#57572)

Sir Valentine II (#18465)

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Posted on
2017-07-23 14:32:11
I don't agree :) Since the player that have chosen to freeze their lion also misses 7 days of playing the game :) If they chose to roll once per week its their choice :) So during events they miss out of 7 days of gaming which makes them miss out on alot ^^ I feel the studs work just amazing as it is! :)

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2017-07-23 14:33:51
Stud slots are limits. Limits on how much you can stud, to keep the market and competition going without overflooding anything. Obviously, if you run out of slots, you are done. If you can afford Cape Bulrush, good for you.

I honestly dont care about how my stud is. It might work for me but it doesnt mean I dont see the issue or that I want to turn a blind eye to a glaring problem. I am not like others.

I AM considering all sides. This is the most even-handed solution I could think of. 'Considering all sides' includes taking into account the bypassing of an entire system and stud freezing. What you seem to ask is to entirely ignore the problem because one side would have it a bit more difficult.

Again, shouldnt we just... remove stud slots entirely? I might actually make a suggestion about it too. I mean, stud slots are nonexistent anyway and the developers clearly dont make any effort to make the feature count.

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Edited on 23/07/17 @ 14:36:33 by Axel (#6627)

Chris (Main) 🌼 (#105465)

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Posted on
2017-07-23 14:37:35
I disagree entirely. This idea would cause outrage from everyone and would likely cause a lot of people to lose out on way too much profit. I could see a lot of people who would likely leave the game permanently if this were implemented. Plus making traditional breeding against the rules would make people even angrier. This is a game. Games are meant to be fun. Adding extra rules that make the game harder and less fun to play defeats the entire purpose of playing. It's a definite no from me.

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Bezthiel 🍉 (#81210)

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Posted on
2017-07-23 15:04:05
I don' t like this particular idea at all. There are way more reasons than just wanting to freeze your stud to not roll an account. Most people don't have a high value stud.

I also cannot see why stud slots exist since they can be bypassed entirely by traditional breeding. It's not even against the rules to advertise it anymore! Seems like lost potential for money when a GB item exists to add more stud slots.

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Cyanide 🌒 {Cream
Lover} (#27473)

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Posted on
2017-07-23 15:04:16
Okay so everyone else has had good points, but no one has really brought up my problem with it. Which is as follows: who cares? Why is this a problem? Because it's not. If I choose to roll over once a week because I really love my king and would hate to lose him, that's my right. I don't, I play almost every day, and I also don't especially advertise for studding. This king has barely had any stud requests. So your proposed idea wouldn't hurt me at all. I just think it's stupid, pointless, and punishes people for playing the game differently than you prefer them to.

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NeptuneNebula (#64036)

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Posted on
2017-07-23 15:04:27
Studs have been here for a VERY VERY long time, and to remove it now? That's just wrong. This is one idea that would make the lioden society a complete and total wreck. New players would leave instead of stay, breeding projects would stop, everything would go to hell. Plus, we have cape bulrushes and breeding items for a reason. No matter what, I highly doubt that this idea will go through, and if it does, well, as I said before, this wouldn't be a fun, loving, community anymore, it'd be an empty playground. I already said before, this is an absolute No from me. At this point, your repeating yourself, and you have enough people that have said no to this idea, to consider that this ain't happening.

Now, otherwise, have a nice day, and I hope that you change your mind and realize how badly this could affect the fun game of lioden, if it was implemented. ^^


(PS: I'm super sorry if I sounded rude, I try not to be, and if I did, well, I'm sorry, but I wanted to get my and everybody elses point out there, again, apologizes if I offended you badly )

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Edited on 23/07/17 @ 15:14:48 by ✩NeptuneNebula✩ #WCU (#64036)

Laura (#87312)

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Posted on
2017-07-23 15:05:16
Axel, it does defeat the purpose of the rolling system. The reason I said that is because the rolling system is implemented because some players can't go on every day and they shouldn't have to lose out on time with their favourite lions because of it. I can say that this is a major pull factor to LioDen as another breeding sim I've played since I was very young and still do (mostly for sentimental reasons) doesn't have this feature, and my motivation to play them differs incredibly between the two. Let's say that I was a very busy person who could only get on once per week. Now in order to gain profit, I'd have to wait 49 days for my slots to refill rather than having them refill once a week. You're not thinking about the majority; stat kings make up the tiny minority of players and players who can't log on daily make up a much larger portion of the community.

LioDen always has been and always will be a free and open market. You can do whatever you want with your goods and the game shouldn't try to dictate that.

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Chris (Main) 🌼 (#105465)

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Posted on
2017-07-23 15:07:10
I agree with Emerald completely.

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Waabin (#36543)

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Posted on
2017-07-23 17:56:17
No support.

Because of what Emerald said. Also, as someone already mentioned: they make sacrifices here, too. So they freeze their stud for seven days? That also means it takes seven extra days for their lionesses to have heats, their cubs to be born, to gain currency, ect.

Also, you're not taking into effect that when those males run out of slots, other studs get hit up as a second or third or fourth choices.

And finally, you're being a bit dramatic. "Again, shouldn't we just... remove stud slots entirely? I might actually make a suggestion about it too. I mean, stud slots are nonexistent anyway and the developers clearly don't make any effort to make the feature count."

A majority of players don't "stud freeze". When I run out of slots, I run out - like with most people on the site. If someone plays hard core enough, and wants to sacrifice six days of play on a main account, then that's their prerogative but they are exceptions to the rule, not the majority.

If you have an issue with certain players abusing a system, target those specific players or bring up your concerns directly to a mod or something.

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Edited on 23/07/17 @ 17:57:00 by Waabin (#36543)

Rosa (#98843)

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Posted on
2017-07-23 18:29:11
I agree with a lot of Emerald's points. The majority of players that I've seen don't "stud freeze", and I'm doubly sure (along with everyone else) that this would end up being more of a downside to the game than a potential helpful thing to input. I feel like a lot of breeding projects would go to waste, people would leave altogether, etc., and all the drama that would come out of that would really not be worth it in the end.

Plus, as Emerald has said, it's really up to the player to decide what the heck they wanna do with their king/lions in the first place. Trying to dictate that will always be met with a fair amount of resistance, imo.

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Red™ {Sepia} (#40406)

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Posted on
2017-07-23 19:12:59
As someone who has a very busy life and doesn't rollover nearly every day- this would really suck. For me and a lot of other people.

Honestly, this seems like you're trying to fix something that isn't broken

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august [G1 2x Ros
Tovero] (#113122)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2017-07-24 05:42:50
Would like to point out that bulrushes cannot, in fact, be used limitlessly like you seem think they can. There's a limit of 2 per week IIRC-that means there's 15 + 6 =21 stud slots per week, max.

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