Posted by | Having Surrogate Mothers |
![]() Beth (she/they) (#34708) ![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-07-29 02:44:32 |
I have seen this posted one other time here. But it was over a year ago with no feedback and it doesn't seem to be what I mean so I'm posting this topic. If you find another of that I missed please let me know so I can support it and give my thoughts. Just about all of us have had too many lions in our dens at some point, I am personally in a moment of extreme need to get rid of lions. My suggestion is that we use surrogate mothers as a way to send cubs (0-5 months) to other users/the tree so that we can have space in our own prides and other users can get younger cubs sooner. The way this would work: Say I wanted to abandon a cub and they were only born yesterday (1 month), but I don't want to chase the cub because it had a nice marking, I could now abandon this cub and another user that has surrogate mothers available could claim/tempt it into their pride. The surrogate mother would act as the cub's mother and nurse it but would not have the same genes as the cub. The sm would have a drop down type menu similar to that that broodmothers currently have. The sm could nurse up to 3/4 cubs at a time and have a cooldown similar to that of cub protections. Purposes: •Abandon 0-5 month old cubs to the tree that other lions can welcome into their pride •Chase a mother lion but keep the cub •Allow you to raffle/trade 0-5 month cubs or their mothers Additional Information: •You wouldn't need to have as many slots for surrogate mothers because these aren't cubs coming from your pride rather than cubs you are adopting very early, you only need them for 5 months, at most, at a time. •Surrogate mothers would only be able to nurse 3/4 cubs at a time, including cubs of their own. •Pregnant/nursing lions couldn't be surrogates. •The surrogate would go into a nursing cooldown after she has reached her max number of cubs to nurse. Such as 4/4 cubs to nurse this week. Noted Comments/Concerns: • Q: "I don't know, it's not that hard to just wait 5 days until the cub can be by itself right? It'd be cool for story telling but not so much as a game feature." A: If you have a cub that ages into an adult, in let's say a month, and you have a cub with a mother you don't want, you can use a surrogate mother to care for the cub so that you can chase the mother and keep both cubs you want. • Q: "No support. Waiting 5 days is not really hard, and you can purchase and use an Aging Stone if you really need to chase the mother but you want to keep a cub that is still nursing. Apart from that, I really can't see this in game as it is right now. How would you prevent from entering a raffle with a cub below 5 months as a prize those players that don't have surrogate mothers active? What about cooldowns? Would they still be able to hunt? How do you explain these newborns surviving in the Giving Tree, with only a monkey to take care of them?" A: 1.) some people can't afford aging stones. 2.) we could have an option to exclude users that don't have surrogate mothers. 3.) the cooldowns and hunting would be the same as as broodmothers. 4.) most cubs aren't in the Giving Tree for very long, however I can see how that would be a problem and there can be a limit on how long they are there. Maybe an hour. • Q: " I don't support. If you can send your cub away to the tree because you don't want to keep it, you could just chase it. You don't need it, you need space, you make space by chasing, killing or sending to nature reserve. Or get an aging stone from oasis for 2GB if it's that special... Look, I mean if you don't like to keep it, just get rid of it, no other player will ever notice that this cub ever existed. Or you could simply wait a few days till the cub is old enough to sell it or give it to the tree. Then just chase or do whatever to the mother.. or simply chase the mother with the cubs.. or... yeah.. wait the 5 days. Furthermore, I think it's also pretty hard to put this into the game, especially for this tiny effect to just abandon/sell/trade younger cubs.. it would be too much work and it seems useless to me. Plus if you can trade/sell/tree cubs from 0-5, there would be even more cubs around instead of deleted out of lioden.. at least I could imagine that this would happen." A: As I stated before it can be hard to get gb. But say the cub has a special mark or somebody else has stated that they're interested and you don't need it or the mother. You can sell your cub sooner and chase the mother. As I said before as well it can be used when you are about to have an adolescent age into an adult and you are trying to keep the cub but not the mother. Or we could only be able to trade/sell them and not send them to the tree, I can understand why that would be a thing. I understand how it could cause an influx of other cubs but that comes with special marks as well or any mutation, etc. • Q: "No support from me. If we allowed the trading of 0 - 5 month cubs, there would be a complete overflow of cubs in the TC. Furthermore, it defeats the purpose of the cub needing it's mother; which in real life would be vital for the cubs survival. I know not everyone can afford aging stones, but the option is there." A: The whole point of them being surrogate mothers would be so that they still had a mother of some sort. • Q: "So this would be reduced to a differently named broodmother, that would take care of lions up to 4 months, and those cubs would still need to be protected by an actual broodmother because nursing and being protected are two different things. I'm sorry, but I don't see it. Cubs protected by a broodmother that are removed from their protection have 1 day cooldown before they can be protected again, which doesn't seem to be possible for young, nursing cubs. Would they still be swapable from account to account, with no cooldown whatsoever? Would they have a 1 day cooldown before they can be sent to another surrogate mother in another account? Besides, I think that if you need the space of the nursing mother, then you have to have an amount of lionesses around to hunt to be able to purchase a 2GB item in an emergency to make the cub grow up, or buy another territory slot." A: I do agree that nursing and protecting are different so yes you would still need another broodmother. As I said before they would still have the same cooldowns as a cub being protected by a broodmother. A lion that is protected by a broodmother is able to be sent to another account, so the cub wouldn't have to be removed from their sm to be sent to the other account. They can just be sent. If you only have, let's say 8 territory slots, then you have enough slots to hunt enough to feed your pride and enough to have babies. This may seem illogical to somebody with plenty of territory or lionesses but this could really help newbies to get started. • Q: "I think this "it's hard to gb" thing is a bit irrelevant, because if it's a cub which is that special you'll mostly going to sell it for gb anyway, so you can get the gb for the aging crystal from that player beforehand. And if you want to keep it and need to chase the mother for space reasons, you can still get gb, by selling things for sb and then trade it for gb or something similar. And if it's a cub with just one special marking (whatever that means to you, because I think the only markings that are hard to obtain are rosettes, but I don't know tbh) and someone still wants it, just sell it with the mother, because you would chase her anyway, so you can "gift" her to the buyer and they can chase/kill whatever her later. Furthermore I think if it's a cub with just simple special or breed-only marks, you can just chase it. No one loses anything. No one saw the cub, no one wanted the cub including yourself, so just chase it. Idk. You can even have a side-account and transfer them there, so your adol can age up. Or you could chase a lioness without cubs. Or sell the mother with the cub as I said before. I just think it's too much work to code this feature just for a small effect. Idk." A: As I just said it may be more beneficial for new players, who may not have a side account with more space than their main account. • Q: "You can attack other players for territory until you hit 40 territory slots, or pay SB, which is way easier for a player with only 8 lioness slots to do that commit a lioness out of 7 - because you need to chase the 8th one - to nurse this motherless cub and lose her 10 hunts." A: Cooldowns effect how much territory somebody can gain in a fashion quick enough for them to sell their cub. • Q: "You can attack a player for territory once a day, true. But that doesn't change the fact that it is easier to gain 1 territory every day the 4 days you need to keep the mother around than losing a huntress by using her as a surrogate lioness as a shortcut. The way I see it, this would not help newer players, but other players that have already hit the 40 territory limit or have even more territory slots, and for karma fodder purposes more than anything. " A: Maybe it does help people that aren't very new rather than newer players, but it would still be helping people. It would still make some game play easier. • Q: "I'm talking about the fact that cubs need to be 5 months old to be independent from their mother. That is, in itself, a cooldown. If you want to raffle, trade or sell the cub, you simply place the mother as the raffle prize or lion in the TC and the cub goes with her - if you don't care about what happens to her - or wait the additional 4 days it takes for the cub to be 5 months old to do it. If you need the space really bad, you use the aging stone, send some lions to your side account temporarily... whatever. As far as I can see it, surrogate mothers would only help to get more karma fodder, because you can kill/chase/send to reserve the mother, then wait for the cubs to be 5 months old to do the same to them." A: They would still be dependent on a mother, just not their biological mother. They would be as much use for karma as lions without a surrogate mother, the mother would still have the cooldown from breeding and having cubs, regardless of whether or not she nurses the cubs. • Q: "It's not the same, because, in theory, I could mass breed NCLs, make them surrogate mothers and nest them until I hit the limit o surrogate mothers. The first batch of NCLs I bred would give birth, the still pregnant NCLs would take on their cubs in addition to the ones they are going to have, do whatever with the ones that already gave birth, wait for the others to give birth, and do whatever with the mothers and the grown cubs. Do you see what I mean now?" A: If you can only have 4 surrogate mothers and they can only nurse 3/4 cubs at a time, including their own cubs, then you couldn't use the surrogate mothers as surrogates. • Q: "I understand from that up there that we couldn't use pregnant/lionesses already nursing as surrogates Alright, but this still permits players to mass breed, keep the cubs they want by "giving" them to another lioness, and get rid of the rest much more quickly than we are able right now. How would that be helpful? I still maintain the cubs being dependant from their own mother is useful and prevents mass breeding, bypassing it would not be helpful in the slightest. You are in dire need of space? There are ways - some cheaper than others - to keep the cubs around without resorting to this." A: Correct, a surrogate wouldn't be able to get pregnant unless the cubs it was nursing were transferred to a different surrogate which would leave your newborn to starvation because they wouldn't be being nursed. However it doesn't allow you to mass breed because, as stated, the lioness giving birth would still have the cooldowns that occur after naturally being bred. You would be getting rid of cubs that you didn't need, whether you trade or chase them. I would love your feedback to help me shape this idea as well as your support, please be constructive rather than destructive :) This is my first time using any form of HTML (including the bold text, please help me with any errors. |
Beth (she/they) (#34708)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-07-30 06:05:11 |
Axel- I do see the logic. They would still be aging up and taking up space though, not that they would never take up space. They would still be taking up space, regardless of whether they do it after they age up in your pride or another. ![]() |
BrotherLion (#107782)
![]() Resurgent View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-07-30 08:44:45 |
You have my support on this. "It's hard to get GB" is not irrelevant to this topic in the slightest. It really is hard to obtain GB when not buying it with real life currency, which for some is also a difficult task and especially if one is in need of GB for whatever reason. And it's not as easy as one might think it to be to gain a lot of SB in a reasonable amount of time, mostly for new players who have little to nothing in their inventories and are still learning the ropes, to trade for GB. And what good is that? If you trade all your SB for GB, and then spend the GB on something you need or want, you're broke. And it's not easy to care for lions with an empty Lioden bank account. Sure, there's hunting. But lionesses can only bring back so much prey at one time and it takes some lvling up for them to bring down something significantly large, or so it has in my experience. Not to mention that for those who have large prides and need food right away, hunting just doesn't cut it, and I'm one to forget about my hunts so I'm sure I'm not alone in that aspect. Ok, so there's Monkey Business, but again if newer players have next to nothing in their inventories there's nothing for them to sell to the monkey, which equals no SB earned. There's trades, which...I'm kind of beat there...But you can only trade so much for SB before you either run out of things to trade or offer. I honestly think some players here fail to realize that not everyone here can afford GB, be it with real money or through other players, so all those special GB only options are out of the question for most. Say you have about 2500 SB in your account and not much to support your pride with. Do you really think someone in that predicament is going to want to spend all the SB they have for GB just to age up a cub? No. I certainly wouldn't. It's a good way to fail financially on this game. For some people, waiting 5 days is too long. And this doesn't take into account players who can't be online on a daily basis to take their rollovers. This just prolongs that 5 day wait because lions don't age unless you rollover your account. That means cubs won't reach the age of independency if a player can't be on for say three days after they're born, which also means the mother they don't want to keep will remain in their pride until the cub finally does reach 5 months. Granted, if a player isn't online, they shouldn't need to worry about what they're going to do with the mother. But at the same time, a player can't go inactive and expect to come back online to an independent cub that was born the same day they went on hiatus. It's just another waiting game. As for the mass breeding problem, there's other ways to address that rather than shooting down someone else's idea that may or may not contribute to it in a negative way. How about we just curb on how often a main male can breed a day? That will surely decrease cub numbers. To add, I don't see how this idea would increase the breeding problem. Nobody can claim 10+ NCLs in a day, or else you'd need extreme luck to do so. The most I've been able to obtain is between 5 and 7. Not to mention that members who's main males are not dreamboats won't claim an NCL in heat. And lionesses go on a 20 day cooldown before they can breed again, plus another 5 days or so before they come into heat after the 20 days is up. And buying NCLs would surely get you more at a faster rate than claiming them from Explore, but they still have cooldowns before they can be bred again. And if we lessen how much a male can breed per day, out of the stud slots and/or to lionesses within his own pride, people won't be able to breed as fast and therefore cubs won't be as widely produced, leaving room for this idea. And trading. What if you promised someone a cub from having studded their male to one of your females? With something like this you can easily hand over their promised cub right away, instead of waiting. It might help people make sales on cubs faster too, if they set it up in a trade for someone without including the mother and waiting 5 days to make the profit. Or, visa versa, what if you do maybe a reverse stud request or have a friend transfer over a lion to be bred to your male, and you two agree that you'll keep the cub? With this idea, you can easily send their lioness back to them without having to wait for the cub to become independent, and your friend or the player that asked for a reverse stud request can have their lioness back in less time. See what I'm saying? All of that said, allow me to make a proposal to this idea. Why not instead of adding a surrogate mother option when we already have broodmothers, we replace broodmothers altogether, or combine that with the ability a surrogate mother would have, since people seem to be against having two different lionesses caring for the same cubs (which really is no different from a broodmother protecting a cub that still has it's biological mother). In my opinion, having a lioness to protect another lioness's cubs is just a waste of space when the lioness that gave birth to the cubs should be perfectly capable of protecting their cubs themselves. Lionesses with cubs are on a breeding cooldown anyway, they might as well protect their own cubs. And meanwhile surrogates can nurse and protect motherless dependent cubs. Maybe the only lionesses eligible for being a surrogate is if they have lost a litter, or one that is infertile. Not sure how staff would want the mechanics to work exactly, but I'm sure if it at least get's considered, details can be worked out among them. At least give this a bit of a chance guys. ![]() |
Beth (she/they) (#34708)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-07-30 08:52:59 |
BrotherLion- I really appreciate your support! You have so many good reasons that I'll be sure to add to this post when I get the chance. I honestly saw this very long post and expected it to be negative but it was honestly so nice and I really do appreciate how you made sure to think out what you said. ![]() |
Axel (#6627)
Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-07-30 10:18:18 |
BrotherLion. 1. New players will hardly meet the need to age up a cub right away. a) They might start out with few slots but through PVP - which is super easy- they can gain a slot a day. So while a girl is pregnant for 3 days, they can gain 3 slots. b) They hardly have valuable lions for the first few weeks. We are talking about newbies here with no access to custom and special lions. They wont have a need to free space for NCL marked and based lions. c) Sb is hyper easy to get. For everyone. GB is currently 1300-1400 SB a piece. Super cheap compared to other premium currencies in other games. d) If you struggle to take care of 40 lions because of activity and forgetfulness, then consider chasing or selling some lions. Making the game super easy for everyone is not the answer to your problem. So it is clear as day that helping newbies is irrelevant here. As for claiming NCLs... I am currently doing that in mass. I claim about 30 NCLs a day and every each one of them is in heat. Not because I am online all day. Claiming is easy. Once you got an idea how it works, claiming 10 of them a day is no challenge at all. So yes, this isnt a question if it may or may not contribute. It WILL contribute to the problem. It is established. As for the idea to limit in-pride breeding, since studding is a huge feature and there are thousands of studs available... It negates your idea. Massbreeders also chase the moms after the 5 days are up, negating the 20day cooldown. The natural limit right now is territory space and the 5day wait. Now take away those 2 and you get a worse situation. Promising something? Reverse or traditional breeding? Lioden does not support promise transactions anyway. So why should they implement something that encouages promise transactions? And well, allowing faster production of cubs IS the reason why it is not a good idea. None of your arguments hold their own, I am afraid. Lizzy... I... Give up here. You dont seem to understand, despite saying you do. No, you dont. Let us just drop this. ![]() Edited on 30/07/17 @ 10:21:57 by Axel (#6627) |
BrotherLion (#107782)
![]() Resurgent View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-07-30 18:59:56 |
Lizzy- you're welcome. Sorry it took forever to reply, I pledged my support to this a couple days ago. But I've been watching to see what others thought and decided I'll address some things that have been pointed out and give my own opinion on that. I guess for some it's easier to disagree, but I won't judge. Axel- my cpunterarguments wasn't meant to address just newbies, but all of Lioden as a whole. Sorry if it sounded like that's what I meant. But I don't think the points I raised have as much logical fallacies as you state they do, and I'm going to just leave it at that. Can't change my mind, can't change yours, so there's no reason to continue to argue. ![]() |
Kurisu 🐩 (1st Gen) (#63353) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-07-31 08:01:09 |
Okay just to make my position clear: I'm not the person who is anti everything. I'm a very supportive person if I like the suggestion. But I don't think that we need this "surrogate mother" feature, that's why I don't support. I still think that this GB thing is irrelevant, because you don't need to buy that aging crystal. I never needed it and I've been a newbie myself some time ago. We all started as newbies and we all were able to play this game without that surrogate mother feature and believe me, 2 years ago it was much harder to get SB and there were less helpfull features that we do have now. If you think getting SB/GB is hard, then check out forums and ask players how to gain ingame-currency, they are happy to help. When I started we didn't have so many mini-games for example. These mini-games like Serengeti Shuffle are very helpfull for newbies in need of SB/GB, because you can either win SB or win items that you can sell for SB/GB pretty fast. We didn't have the rollover rewards as well, but I think they are rather small than to make a big difference. And I never bought GB with money by the way. Back to the original suggestion. The purpose of these surrogate mothers is that we can give cubs from 0-5 months to them, so we can keep the cub, but get rid of the mother. Another point that was made is that we would be able to trade cubs sooner, so we have more space (since the cubs don't take den space, we're talking about the mother taking one slot of space). It was also said that some players have too many lions at some point and they need to get rid of some lions. But this seems to be a problem, because you can't chase that lioness who has cubs for 5 rollovers, because you want to keep the cub. So this is what it is all about. My point of view: If you're a newbie and have that adol who is 1 year and 11 months old, so it will age up at rollover (yep you'll get a message if you don't have space for another adult lion/ess), but don't have that one free territory slot, you are left with (at least) 2 options: 1. chase a lioness 2. get another territory slot Now you go through your den, looking for a lioness to chase, but you love every lioness so much, except the one with the pretty cubs that are just born today (0 months old). Now you want to get rid of that ugly lioness, but want to keep that beautiful cub. Now you have (at least) 3 options: 1. get another territory slot 2. send them to your side account 3. buy an aging stone to age up the cub The first option is the one I think every newbie should be able to go. You can fight another player (= PvP battle) for territory, which costs 20% energy. If you win, you'll get one territory slot. If you lose, try your luck in one hour or at a different time this day. Since one has more than 100% energy to spend (remeber you get 10% energy every 15 minutes as well) you can try to get a new territory slot more than once a day. Yes, you can attack other players for territory more than once a day, but you as a player can only be attacked once a day for territory (at least that's what I remember). Another option to get that territory slot is to buy it for SB. Now do newbies don't have that much SB to spend, so they'll need to get some SB to spend, since they are in a need to get another territory slot to keep all their beloved lions. You can play some mini-games and sell the prizes, sell some spare food, sell some explore items, offer services for other players (art, css, etc.) or maybe ask in the sales chat if someone can help you, because you're in a huge need of SB. Many people are very nice here and will give you the money for an extra slot if it's really that necessary. The second option is pretty nice as well, but might be a problem to newbies. If you don't have a side account, you even won't be able to do this, but I recommend everyone a side account, you don't even have to play with them or have lionesses. But of course you'll have to get territory slots there as well, which I'd do with PvP-battles (I never bought a territory slot for example, I fighted for all my 40 slots). So, but if you do have a side account, just transfer the mother with the cubs there and you'll have that extra slot. And then you can try to get a new territory slot, so you can send her back to your main account in the near future. The third option is the easiest one and it's a GB option. GB options are always a luxury to use and make the game easier. This game lives out of players who buy GB for real money, so I think it's nice that it's just a luxury and not a necessity, because you can play this browser game without the need to use GB features/options. They are just here to make it easier. Now you say that none of these options is a option for you and that you need to make one of your lionesses a surrogate mother, so you can send the pretty 0-months-old cubs to her, so you can chase that one ugly lioness, so that you can let your adol age up into adulthood. Did I get this correct? One thing that bugs me as well is that the mother of those 0-5 month old cubs is nursing them, feeding them with her milk. And you say that the surrogate mother (which did not have cubs) is now nursing the younglings. But I think it's a bit unrealistic (yeah I'm aware that lioden is not 100% realistic) that a lioness that did not gave birth can nurse other cubs, because she won't have milk for them. At least that's what I always thought. But you say we need those surrogate mothers to nurse/protect the little cubs for only 5 days/rollovers till they are old enough to be apart from their mother/surrogate mother. You want this whole feature implemented and coded, so young cubs can get traded/sold 5 days/rollovers earlier? It might be a help (especially for newbies), but we do have other options already. And now I think of all the other players that are not newbies. An example: You can have 1 surrogate mother per 10 territory slots. This surrogate mother is able to nurse/protect 3 or 4 cubs at a time. Let's say only three. I imagine this: some players will claim NCLs (which are always in heat when you're Dreamboat!) and breed them to their beautiful special-marked main lion. Some will even be able to let them give birth directly with an Instant Birth Feather (= IBF). If you don't use that luxury, you wait 3 days/rollovers till the lioness gives birth. (Note that most litters are only 1-2 cubs). Now you put these cubs to your surrogate mother/s or even sell them already (!) and get rid of that ugly NCL. Without this surrogate mother feature they would have to wait 5 days/rollovers and the NCL will take space all the time. But if you simply can chase them after giving birth, because you can already sell/trade the newborn cubs it will be easier to mass-breed which is already a big problem (as stated earlier in this thread). After getting rid of the unwanted mother, you can claim new NCLs and do this whole process again and again and again. With this surrogate mother feature you won't need to wait these 5 days. Right now you could only buy an aging stone for 2 GB, but I think most people won't do this, because you'll need ultra special cubs that sell for more than the price of such a stone, which I doubt happens that often (even with beautiful special-marked main lions). Now I'll adress some things BrotherLion mentioned. The GB thing. I wrote about it in the beginning and just to say it again: no, you don't need GB to play this game successfully. They said that some players are not able to get online daily. I don't see where the problem is with this. Your cub won't age and your lionesses won't age as well. So what are you worrying about? That's the reason why it takes 5 rollovers and not 5 real-life days. And if you're not online/playing nothing happens to your pride. It doesn't take too long to roll-over 5x, so you can trade your cub. You have to roll-over 3x to make the lioness give birth btw. If you only play 2x a week it's not the fault of the game that you feel like you have to wait longer. Since you don't wait longer, because you don't play the other time. And you really don't have to worry about your lions or what to do with them when you're not online/roll-over daily. If you do worry about this it's your own fault, because there really is nothing to worry about. You could even plan ahead, but that's a different talk. The mass-breeding thing. I wrote about it earlier as well. Yes, it adds to the mass-breeding problem. And I think it's not to underestimate. And no one shoots down another players idea. We just try to figure out if we really need this feature or not. We state our opinion to a suggestion that will affect us if it's implemented. That's why we're here. To talk about the suggestion, not to be negative or something. You say maybe we could curb down how often a main lion can breed a day. You can make that suggestions, but let me tell you that there are GB (luxury) options that allow players to buy extra studding slots. These GB help the site to stay alive (as I said earlier). So I think some people may not like the idea, but yeah you can still make your own suggestion thread, but it has nothing to do with the surrogate mother feature idea. You say nobody can claim 10+ NCLs a day? Let me tell you it is super easy to claim over 40 a day, especially if someone uses catnip and has free space in their den. You don't even need that much luck to claim them. I mostly do "manly roar - shake mane - puff out chest & then bite neck or rub head" and it works 70-80% of the time (even without being a dreamboat it's not that hard - I just went through this). I became dreamboat within one week btw and people who'll do this mass-claiming-breeding thing will make sure they get to dreamboat way faster than I did (they maybe will hoard dove feasts or something similar). 20 day cooldown before breedable again: Those mass-breeding players don't breed to a simple plain ugly NCL twice (I wrote about it earlier this comment), they will chase them. That's the reason why it adds to the mass-breeding problem we have. And I'm not sure if they have to wait 5 more days till they come into heat after the breeding-cooldown, I thought they are immediately in heat when the cooldown's over, but I'm not sure about this. You even say they could buy NCLs from other players which will make it even easier again to mass-breed. The trading thing. You talk about promise-based transactions that are not provided by lioden directly. And again. This feature will only reduce a waiting time of 5 days/rollovers that someone could just wait (or use GB to reduce this). It's just a waiting time of 5 days/rollovers, not weeks. Yes, it might help people making sales on cubs faster, but that is the problem we're talking about. 5 days/rollovers of wait is not an awfuly unreasonable time, but it helps with the mass-breeding problem. And it makes lioden more realistic in my opinion, since the newborn cubs need to get nursed by their mothers till they reach 5 months of age. If you don't like these promise-based transactions simply don't do them. It's not a feature of the game, it's an agreement of players. See what I'm saying? And that's the reason(s) why I still do not support. This might be my last response because I don't want to waste my (real life) time to explain my opinion over and over again. I tried to make my point of view clear with this comment. I really hope you don't think we are all negative people who just want to bash someone's idea. We are here to discuss a game suggestion, not to attack other players. ![]() |
Moxi (#130995)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-30 15:45:45 |
Support. Nice time saver. Having a limit on how many cubs a lioness can mother at one time is a good idea. ![]() |
Sinful (#108190)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-31 09:07:46 |
Sadly no support, the idea is interesting, but that type of trauma, loosing the mother and being put with another, would still have a high risk of the cub dying in the wild. If someone wants the cub, you want to chase the mother, then give them the mother, they give you an ncl and you chase the ncl. It would work easier than tossing a 0-5 month old into the tree and hoping some random person wants the marking. Be easier to wait the 5 days or just give the mother and cub to the person that wants the marking. ![]() |
Constantine (#22706)
Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2020-11-26 06:03:30 |
Support, I like the idea. ![]() Edited on 26/11/20 @ 06:04:55 by Constantine (#22706) |
di (#126735)
![]() Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2020-12-01 04:45:29 |
No support. "Purposes: •Abandon 0-5 month old cubs to the tree that other lions can welcome into their pride •Chase a mother lion but keep the cub •Allow you to raffle/trade 0-5 month cubs or their mothers" •Abandon 0-5 month old cubs to the tree that other lions can welcome into their pride You can just wait until a cub is 5 months to abandon it for others to adopt. That's 5 Lioden days. You don't even need to feed it or interact with it in most cases and cubs don't even count towards your total territory limit until they're adults. •Chase a mother lion but keep the cub Again, it's only five days before you can chase the mom and keep the cub. It's not that long. Send the mom/cub to a your side account if you're strapped for territory space and send the cub back to your main after it hits 5 months. •Allow you to raffle/trade 0-5 month cubs or their mothers Once again, it's only 5 days. It's not that long a time to wait. This topic seems like it was suggested out of impatience? I'm sorry but I can't see supporting this when it's literally only 5 days that you have to wait to do the things you've listed. I'd rather see the staff use their time for fun new things, not something we don't necessarily need, because people are impatient. :/ ![]() |
Aardvark (#221605)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2020-12-26 00:22:49 |
🔥 King Jupiter 🐉 |RL Project (#282095) ![]() Special Snowflake View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-08-20 21:56:26 |
Ezgati~Crazy Panther Lady~🐆 (#28391) Protector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-08-27 11:04:04 |
I kind off support it? Well, I didnt put my voice in yes or no, but... I can see your point, but I have also points I dont agree with. First of all, the main condition of adopting not yet five months cub should be that the player, who wants that cub, has lioness nursing cubs of the same age. Like... the whole point of those 5 months is that cubs need to nurse from their mother. Where will the cub got the milk it needs? So no "another kind of broodmothers", just regular lioness already with cubs. And it must be lioness with less then 4 cubs, if she has 4, she is already at her limit. No additional cubs. And the reason I like this idea is, that sometimes I see cub, I wish to buy, but the user is so irregulary online, that I cant be sure if I will be able to get the cub in reasonable time. Also I care about cub training and stats, using an aging stone is something what I try to avoid as much as possible. It will ruin that cub for me. ![]() |