Posted by The Ability to Choose a Specific Marking Slot
Indigo (#109382)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-07-31 14:24:48
Hey, so I think this new extra marking slot thing is rad. It adds an exciting new layer to breeding, and a bit of mystery to NCLs. However, I have 2 issues with it.

1. You don't have any way to see what kind of marking it is before you buy it, so you could end up spending 1gb+ on something like a lousy under white that might ruin your lion. (I'm aware there is already a post on this, so I won't focus on this.)

2. You don't get to choose which marking slot you unlock. This is fine if you claim an NCL/have a cub with a marking in slot 11. However, what if you have a marking in slot 12, 14, or even 20? You could end up paying tons of gb just to get a single marking that you have no clues about what it could be.

I'm a relatively new member, I've only been playing for a few months, and over the course of all of my time here, I have only collected a total of 37gb, and that's only from VERY generous friend donations. There is a lot of stuff I would like to spend gb on, including marking slots with markings in them, but that could easily knock out a third or more of my budget, and I consider myself to be kind of wealthy for how long I've been here (I could be false, not sure what the average is). I barely ever get more gb anymore, so this is really, really expensive in my eyes for a marking you might not even like.

I propose that when unlocking a marking slot, you should get to choose which specific marking slot you would like to use your unlock on, similar to how you get to choose which slot you use a marking applicator on. This would keep the luxury of the marking slots, since you still have to use gb, but it would make it a bit easier for less wealthy players to have the opportunity to unlock markings on their lions.

This is my first time suggesting anything! Please tell me if I should elaborate on anything, and if you don't support, please tell me why. Thanks!

This suggestion has 25 supports and 2 NO supports.

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UsedPoem (#108211)

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Posted on
2017-07-31 18:24:24
Yeah this would be really helpful, hope it actually happens

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Maiq the Hoarder (#92244)

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Posted on
2017-08-01 08:27:25
People seem to be misinterpreting the word "hidden." It's only that you cannot see the marking. Cubs will have the same marking in that slot that there parent(s) did. Nowhere that I've seen has a staff member said the marking would be randomized.

NCL's would be random, but their only going to have common, NCL markings so there's little point in unlocking their hidden markings.

Now, I'm not really against the idea in general, but a lot of hype is being made about 'not knowing' what you would be unlocking and it truly isn't deserved.

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Bezthiel πŸ‰ (#81210)

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Posted on
2017-08-01 08:32:02
Apparently the event studs will have hidden markings though. And you truly don't know what that marking will be since it could be anything - an NCL marking, an event marking, an Oasis marking, or a raffle marking. NCLs themselves also have exclusive, breed-only markings sometimes; if someone ever wants to breed those in slots 11-14 it'd be nice to know if it's just another common mane marking or if it's actually a copal/clay/marigold before spending 4GB to get -woohoo!- Classic Cream Front... At least if you get to choose to unlock a certain slot, it's just like paying for an RMA instead.

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Edited on 01/08/17 @ 08:35:40 by Bezthiel (#81210)

Maiq the Hoarder (#92244)

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Posted on
2017-08-01 08:36:52
The news post says they have one marking in an extra slot. It doesn't say hidden. Markings that are still hidden can't be passed, according to the original marking expansion post.

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Bezthiel πŸ‰ (#81210)

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Posted on
2017-08-01 08:46:41
Sorry, right. I should have been more long winded about what I meant on that.

After the event is over, there's no way to view the father of event stud cubs. So if they have a marking passed in that slot, it will be hidden and there will be absolutely no way for a buyer to know what that marking might be. You can't just go into the father's page to check, because he doesn't have a page. That'll mean either the person who produced the cub will have to reveal it or the buyer will have to. But if the buyer purchases after the stud has changed, and the seller doesn't care/keep track of what that marking was, it's a guess that might waste GB for a marking the buyer didn't want.

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Edited on 01/08/17 @ 08:48:29 by Bezthiel (#81210)

Maiq the Hoarder (#92244)

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Posted on
2017-08-01 08:57:16
I hadn't considered that. Honestly, I never looked at the event studs last year and I don't intend to use them this year either. But I will acknowledge that for part of this month it will be possible to produce cubs with markings you can't retrace them on.

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Indigo (#109382)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-01 09:22:21
Sometimes you can receive cubs with a mother whose page doesn't exist anymore because she has died/otherwise been deleted. Also, I believe I read somewhere that NCLs have a small chance of having a rarer marking in a hidden slot. Not sure if the rosette one means they can occur naturally, since I'm not sure what it means by "on their own."

Q: What markings NCL's have in hidden slots?
A: Usual ones, although during NCL events they might also have event markings!

Q: Are rosettes prone to appear in hidden markings on their own?
A: Yes!

In addition, the focus of this suggestion is not the inability to know what you're purchasing. The focus of this suggestion is the ability to choose what you purchase, so you don't spend 2gb+ when you only wanted one slot.

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Maiq the Hoarder (#92244)

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Posted on
2017-08-01 09:26:19
I said in my first post that I wasn't against the idea in general, just the way the OP was trying to use spending a bunch of GB for a marking you don't know as a reason.

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Indigo (#109382)

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Posted on
2017-08-01 09:30:12
I would be fine with spending 1gb on a marking I'm not sure about, honestly. But what I was trying to point out in the original post is, if we aren't going to have a way to know for sure what we're buying, (which I'm not especially bothered by, it keeps the mystery) we should at least get to choose what we buy so that we only spend 1gb on a crap marking rather than 4 or 7.

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Bezthiel πŸ‰ (#81210)

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Posted on
2017-08-01 10:41:58
That is something that'll probably end up more common as this feature exists longer: chased lionesses might have a marking in slot 20. If I were to find one, breed her, then chase her off again, there's no page for the mother.

It might have just been a mane marking, or her cubs might have inherited something other people actually want... but I don't, so I didn't make note of it or reveal the marking in her cubs. Now mom's gone and no one can check where that marking came from or what it is.

Or, since people can delete the kings in their dynasty, there's even more option for where the markings came from to vanish. I've deleted a few kings from my dynasty and even though their names still exist in their cubs, you can't visit the page to see what markings they had anymore. So if someone deleted a king with just 10 mane markings, you'd never know what the cub might have picked up.

In cases like that, I'd be willing to spend 1GB to find out what I got, but not 10GB. There's no way I'd spend 10GB up front for a gamble. ...Even though I regularly blow waaaaay more than that on buying RMAs for the gamble.

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fortmax (#91111)

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Posted on
2017-08-01 16:11:08
I came here to post this. I don't have the money to drop $10 (because that's the minimum GB purchase available) every time a cub is born with a hidden marking, only to waste that GB unlocking slots I'll never fill- or, more aptly, slots that would cost more GB to fill.

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