Posted by Theadia's School For Magicals ~ Galaxy

Shamelessly Insane (#115908)

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Posted on
2017-07-31 16:24:42
Announcement: I will not be online as much as before, so I will not be able to look at this thread. Therefore, I decided on three co-owners: Jelly, Kota, and Nami. They will be watching the thread for me when I'm not online. I will still be on, but not as much.

You are from a magical land, Theadia. You're working, and then you get a letter in the mail.

Dear Y/N,

Greetings, Y/N. I am sending this letter to you because I have seen your powers, and noticed you cannot control them well. I am inviting you to my school, Theadia's School For Magicals. Please, consider coming. You will have everything you need there, and have a dorm mate.

Sincerely, Head Mistress Kiradoe.

Of course, you accept. The school is beautiful. Colored orbs float in the air, lighting up the school in a beautiful rainbow. There are three floors. Your dorm is huge, more floating balls bumping against the ceiling.

-Please be active.
-PM me if you would like to be a teacher
-Drama is like the biggest yes ever, so, yeah. WE NEED DRAMA.
-You may only have ONE power. (If it is a life-or-death thing, I will make an exception.)
-NO talking on this thread, please. We have OOC's for a reason.
-Put "DRAMA" in "Other" (needed to be accepted)
-All the other rules that I forget to put in.


Dorm One: Piper, Hydra, Ivy, & Shadow.
Dorm Two: Duncan, Alissa, Jura, & Owlistic.
Dorm Three: Kathryn, Felix, Ari, & Jay.
Dorm Four: Scarlet, Duke, Acid, & Ayana.
Dorm Five: Angel, Alex, Belle, & Sapphire.
Dorm Six: Xios, Aaron, Kaitlin, & Alice.
Dorm Seven: Lily, Keros, Sasha, & Nightshade.
Dorm Eight: Jack, Arabelle, Zillah, & Biagio
Dorm Nine: Alexander, Aurora, Fortune, & Atticus
Dorm Ten: Neon, Chloe, Bliss, & Dakota
Dorm Eleven: Raine, James, Monte & Candlestick.
Dorm Twelve: Mal, Xun, Evelyn, & Daniel.
Dorm Thirteen: Eleanor, Insanity, Jaz, & Emma.
Dorm Fourteen: Jackson (Eli), Chance, Equinox, & Geno.
Dorm Fifteen: Zion, Mason, Liam, & Toby
Dorm Sixteen: Gaara, Sussory, Eclipse, & Citl
Dorm Seventeen: Nadia, Avarice, Dove, & Aonani
Dorm Eighteen: Aria, Mim, Lavender, & Adrian
Dorm Nineteen: Raven, Nevihta, Hayden, & Sparrow
Dorm Twenty: Rosaline, Rigby, Sebastian, & Kuro
Dorm Twenty-One: Malachi, Xena, Ailanóra, & Kuru
Dorm Twenty-Two: Lilac, Chase, Roman, & Liten
Dorm Twenty-Three: Jin, Anguis, Elvis, & Jaden
Dorm Twenty-Four: Enki, Willow, Oaken, & Sangu
Dorm Twenty-Five: Sebastian, Veronica, Kwang, & Violet
Dorm Twenty-Six: Reese, Tae’Queaza, Leonidas, & Rin
Dorm Twenty-Seven: Eris, Agape/Thelxiope, Eros/Aplaope, & Agneyastra
Dorm Twenty-Eight: Quinn, Seth, Evelyn, & Toffee
Dorm Twenty-Nine: Weylyn, Arvik, Blair, & Colton
Dorm Thirty: Della, Clara, Euphoria, &

Form: ( *'s = optional )

Age: (15-18)
Power: (shapeshifting, teleportation, ect.)

Teacher Form:
Staff name: (Mr, Mrs, Sir etcetera)
Age: (18+)
Subject: (only if they are a teacher)
Power: (If none leave blank)

I will make my forms shortly, and making an OOC. Have fun!

Unfortunately, I cannot post links. Please just search OOC thread for Theadia's School For Magicals.

EDIT: :D here's a list of all the canon ships, and the ones that are in progress! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Canon Ships:

Shivy (Shadow & Ivy)
Hyper (Hydra & Piper)
Deathferno (Death & Inferno) (These are companions, not humans)
Jaylix (Jay & Felix)

In Progress Ships:

Sconte (Scarlet & Monte)
Ronte (Raine & Monte)
Beia (Belle & Biagio)
Buke (Biagio & Duke)
Xyn (Xios & Ryn)

:D will add more later!

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Edited on 26/03/18 @ 15:43:07 by Insanity {#Scorpio} (#WCU) (#115908)

Dakota [emergency
hiatus] (#61301)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-18 02:42:32
Acid punches another tree before falling to the floor, her eyes turning back to blue she looked around confusedly. "W..what happened? "

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Piperwolf (hiatus) (#116925)

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Posted on
2017-08-18 02:43:07
Scarlet just floats in the air, laughing.

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o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2017-08-18 02:43:25
Skipping off, she blatantly ignored Scarlet and Acid, dismissing it as their usual ludicrous antics. Ro hummed a sweet tune quietly, subconsciously making rays of light pass between her fingertips.

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Shamelessly Insane (#115908)

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Posted on
2017-08-18 02:43:51
(I'm not saying there is, it's just that she keeps bullying everybody and I hate it. I don't want to control your character, I'm just against bullying and I hate when my characters get hurt ;-;)

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Shamelessly Insane (#115908)

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Posted on
2017-08-18 02:45:01
Fortune snorted at Aurora and followed her, her eyes fitting to and fro.

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Piperwolf (hiatus) (#116925)

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Posted on
2017-08-18 02:45:08
(Galaxy. This is a school. If this role play is to feel real people are going to be upset. It's a role play no ones actually being hurt.)

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Dakota [emergency
hiatus] (#61301)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-18 02:45:34
Acid looked at the two fallen trees confusedly.

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Sinner (0/5GB) (#45108)

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Posted on
2017-08-18 02:47:26
....can we stop arguing okay? There will be bullys but just mention if you don't what your character(s) bullied)

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Shamelessly Insane (#115908)

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Posted on
2017-08-18 02:47:40
(You said it yourself. "I'm very attached to my characters." I am too. And that isn't wrong or anything. I just love them (especially my dark ones...) and dislike when someone hurts them. Can we please drop this?)

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Piperwolf (hiatus) (#116925)

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Posted on
2017-08-18 02:48:33
(I am confused as to your seeming hate for my character. I have done nothing wrong.)

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Edited on 18/08/17 @ 02:49:08 by Piperwolf(panromantic) SS (#116925)

Sinner (0/5GB) (#45108)

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Posted on
2017-08-18 02:50:14
Everyone Hate the character not the player calm down drop the subject please! I don't want to drop okay?

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Dakota [emergency
hiatus] (#61301)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-18 02:50:22
(Okay guys, calm it. I suggest we drop this topic now)

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o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2017-08-18 02:51:43
{Gal, just say that you dont want your characters to be bullied, and no one will bully them. It's not Piper's fault. In fact, I'm rather proud she rose to the role of 'major school bully'! Often no one wants to do it, and I think it adds more depth and reality to the RP :)}

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Sinner (0/5GB) (#45108)

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Posted on
2017-08-18 02:51:48
Continue Rp please xD)

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Edited on 18/08/17 @ 02:52:23 by Sinner (#45108)

Piperwolf (hiatus) (#116925)

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Posted on
2017-08-18 02:53:02
(Awww,that's nice of you to say Skye! ^^)
' You have a daemon,' giggled Scarlet to Acid

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