Posted by Theadia's School For Magicals ~ Galaxy

Shamelessly Insane (#115908)

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Posted on
2017-07-31 16:24:42
Announcement: I will not be online as much as before, so I will not be able to look at this thread. Therefore, I decided on three co-owners: Jelly, Kota, and Nami. They will be watching the thread for me when I'm not online. I will still be on, but not as much.

You are from a magical land, Theadia. You're working, and then you get a letter in the mail.

Dear Y/N,

Greetings, Y/N. I am sending this letter to you because I have seen your powers, and noticed you cannot control them well. I am inviting you to my school, Theadia's School For Magicals. Please, consider coming. You will have everything you need there, and have a dorm mate.

Sincerely, Head Mistress Kiradoe.

Of course, you accept. The school is beautiful. Colored orbs float in the air, lighting up the school in a beautiful rainbow. There are three floors. Your dorm is huge, more floating balls bumping against the ceiling.

-Please be active.
-PM me if you would like to be a teacher
-Drama is like the biggest yes ever, so, yeah. WE NEED DRAMA.
-You may only have ONE power. (If it is a life-or-death thing, I will make an exception.)
-NO talking on this thread, please. We have OOC's for a reason.
-Put "DRAMA" in "Other" (needed to be accepted)
-All the other rules that I forget to put in.


Dorm One: Piper, Hydra, Ivy, & Shadow.
Dorm Two: Duncan, Alissa, Jura, & Owlistic.
Dorm Three: Kathryn, Felix, Ari, & Jay.
Dorm Four: Scarlet, Duke, Acid, & Ayana.
Dorm Five: Angel, Alex, Belle, & Sapphire.
Dorm Six: Xios, Aaron, Kaitlin, & Alice.
Dorm Seven: Lily, Keros, Sasha, & Nightshade.
Dorm Eight: Jack, Arabelle, Zillah, & Biagio
Dorm Nine: Alexander, Aurora, Fortune, & Atticus
Dorm Ten: Neon, Chloe, Bliss, & Dakota
Dorm Eleven: Raine, James, Monte & Candlestick.
Dorm Twelve: Mal, Xun, Evelyn, & Daniel.
Dorm Thirteen: Eleanor, Insanity, Jaz, & Emma.
Dorm Fourteen: Jackson (Eli), Chance, Equinox, & Geno.
Dorm Fifteen: Zion, Mason, Liam, & Toby
Dorm Sixteen: Gaara, Sussory, Eclipse, & Citl
Dorm Seventeen: Nadia, Avarice, Dove, & Aonani
Dorm Eighteen: Aria, Mim, Lavender, & Adrian
Dorm Nineteen: Raven, Nevihta, Hayden, & Sparrow
Dorm Twenty: Rosaline, Rigby, Sebastian, & Kuro
Dorm Twenty-One: Malachi, Xena, Ailanóra, & Kuru
Dorm Twenty-Two: Lilac, Chase, Roman, & Liten
Dorm Twenty-Three: Jin, Anguis, Elvis, & Jaden
Dorm Twenty-Four: Enki, Willow, Oaken, & Sangu
Dorm Twenty-Five: Sebastian, Veronica, Kwang, & Violet
Dorm Twenty-Six: Reese, Tae’Queaza, Leonidas, & Rin
Dorm Twenty-Seven: Eris, Agape/Thelxiope, Eros/Aplaope, & Agneyastra
Dorm Twenty-Eight: Quinn, Seth, Evelyn, & Toffee
Dorm Twenty-Nine: Weylyn, Arvik, Blair, & Colton
Dorm Thirty: Della, Clara, Euphoria, &

Form: ( *'s = optional )

Age: (15-18)
Power: (shapeshifting, teleportation, ect.)

Teacher Form:
Staff name: (Mr, Mrs, Sir etcetera)
Age: (18+)
Subject: (only if they are a teacher)
Power: (If none leave blank)

I will make my forms shortly, and making an OOC. Have fun!

Unfortunately, I cannot post links. Please just search OOC thread for Theadia's School For Magicals.

EDIT: :D here's a list of all the canon ships, and the ones that are in progress! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Canon Ships:

Shivy (Shadow & Ivy)
Hyper (Hydra & Piper)
Deathferno (Death & Inferno) (These are companions, not humans)
Jaylix (Jay & Felix)

In Progress Ships:

Sconte (Scarlet & Monte)
Ronte (Raine & Monte)
Beia (Belle & Biagio)
Buke (Biagio & Duke)
Xyn (Xios & Ryn)

:D will add more later!

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Edited on 26/03/18 @ 15:43:07 by Insanity {#Scorpio} (#WCU) (#115908)

gaara of the desert
(drinking) (#106478)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-09-24 10:43:46
(double post

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Edited on 24/09/17 @ 10:44:48 by emphebio (collie) (#106478)

Dakota [emergency
hiatus] (#61301)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-24 10:53:08
Dakota pressed her warm hands against Eclipse and put the bird on the floor gently.

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Gingermaple 🍁
Chaos Rat (#114955)

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Posted on
2017-09-24 11:00:14
Neon looked over at Kota. "Is there anything I could do to help?" She asked. Even though she was very confused and had little clue what was going on, she knew that this person needed help.

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Dakota [emergency
hiatus] (#61301)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-24 11:01:55
Dakota smiled at Neon. "I need you here so I can keep my self control, we can't have me Pass out again."

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Edited on 24/09/17 @ 11:02:51 by The kota bear (#61301)

Gingermaple 🍁
Chaos Rat (#114955)

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Posted on
2017-09-24 11:23:57
"Good point." She remarked, before asking. "What do you want me to do if you do pass out?"

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gaara of the desert
(drinking) (#106478)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-09-24 11:27:16
(she is a human rn)

she sighed and rolled onto her side blood poured from her mouth but she was able to hide it by catching the blood on her red jacket and wiping her mouth off with it

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o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2017-09-24 22:28:55
Quirking a brow speculatively, he was suddenly upon the other. Pressing him gently, yet firmly, against the wall, he smirked and leaned close. Brushing his lips lightly against Felix's, he slyly grabbed the pen. With a laugh, he shapeshifted into a wolf, clamping the pen in his jaws. Triumphantly, he raced around the room, tail flying in his wake like a victory flag.

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Dakota [emergency
hiatus] (#61301)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-24 23:36:06
Dakota started to panic as she didn't know what to do "I....." she tried to speak but she couldn't get any words out so she just buried her face in Neons clothes.

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gaara of the desert
(drinking) (#106478)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-09-24 23:48:04
eclipse smiled at both as her vision was really blurry but she found subtle strength in her strength she used most of it to pull herself into a sitting pose "im relentless arent i??" she asked a wide smirk on her face.

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Peanut Jeans (BLM) (#107370)

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Posted on
2017-09-25 04:27:13
Felix rolled his eyes, watching the canine as it raced about the dorm. "Oh come on, give me the pen." He leaned against the wall.

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Edited on 25/09/17 @ 04:36:53 by Jelly[THE GREEN DOT LIES] (#107370)

o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2017-09-25 04:32:52
Skidding to a halt, he wagged his tail and offered a wolfish grin. Tilting his head mischievously, the wolf pranced on the spot, darting from side to side while shaking his head furiously. He was honestly tempted to 'kill' the pen.

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Peanut Jeans (BLM) (#107370)

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Posted on
2017-09-25 04:37:33
"I hope it explodes in your mouth. I really do." He chuckled, shaking his head slightly in amusement.

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o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2017-09-25 04:41:49
Growling quietly, he tossed the pen in the air and leaped to catch it. Then, after shaking his head again to make sure it was very much dead, the canine padded forth. Dropping the mauled pen at Felix's feet, he sat down and gazed innocently up at the boy, ears perked and tail thumping against the floor.

{Psst respond to Scrift doggo RP}

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Peanut Jeans (BLM) (#107370)

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Posted on
2017-09-25 04:45:59
Felix looked at the pen at his feet, than to the canine. "Are you proud of that?" He asked, chuckling softly.


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o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2017-09-25 04:48:39
Nodding vigorously, he let his tongue loll out out the side of his jowls. Eyes twinkling with amusement, he paused to yawn before sinking down onto his belly. Heaving out a loud huff, he pawed the pen boredly, upset that it was now already too destroyed to be of any fun anymore.

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