Posted by Theadia's School For Magicals ~ Galaxy

Shamelessly Insane (#115908)

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Posted on
2017-07-31 16:24:42
Announcement: I will not be online as much as before, so I will not be able to look at this thread. Therefore, I decided on three co-owners: Jelly, Kota, and Nami. They will be watching the thread for me when I'm not online. I will still be on, but not as much.

You are from a magical land, Theadia. You're working, and then you get a letter in the mail.

Dear Y/N,

Greetings, Y/N. I am sending this letter to you because I have seen your powers, and noticed you cannot control them well. I am inviting you to my school, Theadia's School For Magicals. Please, consider coming. You will have everything you need there, and have a dorm mate.

Sincerely, Head Mistress Kiradoe.

Of course, you accept. The school is beautiful. Colored orbs float in the air, lighting up the school in a beautiful rainbow. There are three floors. Your dorm is huge, more floating balls bumping against the ceiling.

-Please be active.
-PM me if you would like to be a teacher
-Drama is like the biggest yes ever, so, yeah. WE NEED DRAMA.
-You may only have ONE power. (If it is a life-or-death thing, I will make an exception.)
-NO talking on this thread, please. We have OOC's for a reason.
-Put "DRAMA" in "Other" (needed to be accepted)
-All the other rules that I forget to put in.


Dorm One: Piper, Hydra, Ivy, & Shadow.
Dorm Two: Duncan, Alissa, Jura, & Owlistic.
Dorm Three: Kathryn, Felix, Ari, & Jay.
Dorm Four: Scarlet, Duke, Acid, & Ayana.
Dorm Five: Angel, Alex, Belle, & Sapphire.
Dorm Six: Xios, Aaron, Kaitlin, & Alice.
Dorm Seven: Lily, Keros, Sasha, & Nightshade.
Dorm Eight: Jack, Arabelle, Zillah, & Biagio
Dorm Nine: Alexander, Aurora, Fortune, & Atticus
Dorm Ten: Neon, Chloe, Bliss, & Dakota
Dorm Eleven: Raine, James, Monte & Candlestick.
Dorm Twelve: Mal, Xun, Evelyn, & Daniel.
Dorm Thirteen: Eleanor, Insanity, Jaz, & Emma.
Dorm Fourteen: Jackson (Eli), Chance, Equinox, & Geno.
Dorm Fifteen: Zion, Mason, Liam, & Toby
Dorm Sixteen: Gaara, Sussory, Eclipse, & Citl
Dorm Seventeen: Nadia, Avarice, Dove, & Aonani
Dorm Eighteen: Aria, Mim, Lavender, & Adrian
Dorm Nineteen: Raven, Nevihta, Hayden, & Sparrow
Dorm Twenty: Rosaline, Rigby, Sebastian, & Kuro
Dorm Twenty-One: Malachi, Xena, Ailanóra, & Kuru
Dorm Twenty-Two: Lilac, Chase, Roman, & Liten
Dorm Twenty-Three: Jin, Anguis, Elvis, & Jaden
Dorm Twenty-Four: Enki, Willow, Oaken, & Sangu
Dorm Twenty-Five: Sebastian, Veronica, Kwang, & Violet
Dorm Twenty-Six: Reese, Tae’Queaza, Leonidas, & Rin
Dorm Twenty-Seven: Eris, Agape/Thelxiope, Eros/Aplaope, & Agneyastra
Dorm Twenty-Eight: Quinn, Seth, Evelyn, & Toffee
Dorm Twenty-Nine: Weylyn, Arvik, Blair, & Colton
Dorm Thirty: Della, Clara, Euphoria, &

Form: ( *'s = optional )

Age: (15-18)
Power: (shapeshifting, teleportation, ect.)

Teacher Form:
Staff name: (Mr, Mrs, Sir etcetera)
Age: (18+)
Subject: (only if they are a teacher)
Power: (If none leave blank)

I will make my forms shortly, and making an OOC. Have fun!

Unfortunately, I cannot post links. Please just search OOC thread for Theadia's School For Magicals.

EDIT: :D here's a list of all the canon ships, and the ones that are in progress! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Canon Ships:

Shivy (Shadow & Ivy)
Hyper (Hydra & Piper)
Deathferno (Death & Inferno) (These are companions, not humans)
Jaylix (Jay & Felix)

In Progress Ships:

Sconte (Scarlet & Monte)
Ronte (Raine & Monte)
Beia (Belle & Biagio)
Buke (Biagio & Duke)
Xyn (Xios & Ryn)

:D will add more later!

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Edited on 26/03/18 @ 15:43:07 by Insanity {#Scorpio} (#WCU) (#115908)

o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2017-10-04 19:23:20
Loosening his hold on Felix as the other moved away slightly, he tilted his head and gazed at him. "You are like a puzzle with one missing piece, with nothing that seems to fit into the empty space. Confusing and frustrating." he laughed softly, tone joking, yet with an undertone of seriousness.

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Peanut Jeans (BLM) (#107370)

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Posted on
2017-10-04 19:27:10
Felix shot a quick glare at him. "Is there a problem with that?" He growled softly. Realizing his rather rude response, he sighed and raked a hair through his hand. "Sorry, Jay." He mumbled. "I just way too many things on my mind right now." The boy said. He set his gaze on Jay, dropping his usually cheery act. His brown eyes were dull, the dark rings under his eyes proving many sleepless nights. He looked stressed.

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Edited on 04/10/17 @ 20:15:30 by Jelly[THE GREEN DOT LIES] (#107370)

o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2017-10-04 19:32:41
Immediately defensive, his gaze darted over Felix's frame, scrutinising. Recoiling instinctively, he bit the inside of his cheek, grabbing his discarded shirt and tugging it on self-consciously. Having the scars openly visible, the whip strikes a constant reminder, he couldn't bear it right now. "Go to sleep." he muttered, turning his face away and closing his eyes. "I'll be here." Sitting there on the edge of Felix's bed, the other in his lap, he waited for him to move, to snuggle under the covers and get some much needed rest. And he wasn't taking no for an answer.

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Peanut Jeans (BLM) (#107370)

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Posted on
2017-10-04 19:35:28
Felix shook his head. Upon a blink, all of the tiredness and stress seemed to disappear from his face. The familiar sparkle returned to his eyes. "I'm not tireddd." Felix complained, his face agreeing with his statement but his voice not.

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o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2017-10-04 19:38:35
Turning back to face Felix, he glared at him playfully. "Don't make this harder than it has to be." he warned, smirking. "Last chance~" the boy sang, eyes gleaming.

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Peanut Jeans (BLM) (#107370)

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Posted on
2017-10-04 19:40:43
Felix chuckled, voice returning to his usual but fake.. voice. "I swear you're going to have to knock me out to get me to sleep." He growled playfully, sticking his tongue out at the boy and crossing his arms over his chest in a childish manner.

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o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2017-10-04 19:43:08
Rolling his eyes, he locked his arms around the other. Picking him up effortlessly, he scooted back onto the bed, laying back with Felix on his chest. "Think you can sleep now?" he murmured, voice velvety smooth and soft.

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Peanut Jeans (BLM) (#107370)

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Posted on
2017-10-04 19:46:21
Blushing slightly, he glanced up at the boy. "But why?" He asked. The tired face fell back to his face, replacing his bright and cheery one. He struggled to keep his eyes open, though he remained awake to hear Jay's answer.

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o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2017-10-04 19:50:25
Shrugging, he smiled. "You're tired." came his quiet, simple answer. Noticing Felix's drowsy expression, he grinned and carefully relaxed his body. Gazing up at the bunk above Felix's, he draped his arms loosely around the other, half-closing his eyes.

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Peanut Jeans (BLM) (#107370)

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Posted on
2017-10-04 19:53:11
"No, I'm not.." He allowed his voice to trail off. Eyes slowly closing, the boy allowed all of the sleepless nights to crash away as sleep finally claimed him.

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o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2017-10-04 19:55:39
"Mmph, sure." he all but mouthed, not daring to speak in case he disturbed Felix. Observing the peacefully slumbering boy, he bit his lip and returned his stare upwards. Blinking slowly, he hesitantly closed his eyes, though didn't sleep, remaining utterly alert and ready.

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Peanut Jeans (BLM) (#107370)

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Posted on
2017-10-04 20:00:01
Felix blinked his eyes open several times, falling in and out of sleep. Finally giving up on trying to get actual sleep, he huffed. "I keep waking uppp. Besides, sleeping won't make my worries go away." He sat up, furrowing his brow and pulling his phone from his pocket. He stared at the screen for a moment. "Oh.." He quickly turned his phone off, stuffing it back into his pocket. A troubled look overcame his face.

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Gingermaple 🍁
Chaos Rat (#114955)

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Posted on
2017-10-04 20:18:09
Night shrugged. "Not much. But to be honest, I don't think the forest is a good place to go if you are in need of medical attention." She stepped closer to him. "You want me to patch that up? It won't be as good as what a nurse would do, but it would do until you could get a nurse to check it out." She asked.

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gaara of the desert
(drinking) (#106478)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-10-04 20:22:55
"im fine it will heal on its own" he said quietly creating a rabbit with sand in front of her it was basically alive he made it hop around "i guess sand is useful for some things" he said quietly

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Dakota [emergency
hiatus] (#61301)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-04 20:26:33
Dakota nodded and sighed. "Okay but she is a really nice girl." She opened the door when they got back to the school and placed Eclipse on the floor before speaking. "Go get dressed darl." she held the door for the other girl and she smiled sweetly.

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