Posted by Theadia's School For Magicals ~ Galaxy (SIGN UP)

Shamelessly Insane (#115908)

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Posted on
2017-07-31 16:24:42

Main Roleplay Thread


Age: (15-18)

Unfortunately, I cannot post links. Please just search OOC thread for Theadia's School For Magicals.


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Edited on 07/08/17 @ 17:09:39 by Artemis {WCU} (#115908)

Shamelessly Insane (#115908)

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Posted on
2017-10-07 20:37:12
Name: Zion Wolfe
Nickname: ZZ, but call her that and you die.
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Zion is 5'11" tall, and is taller in her heels, which make her 5'13". Zion wears a black leather shirt and pants, and she wears black high-heels with black spikes. She has pale skin and black horns sprout from her head. They're thin and are six inches long. She also has a black tail with a pointed too and spikes along it. She has black eyeshadow all around her eyes and her eyes are crimson.
Personality: Zion is a merciless demon, and will do anything to get her way. She's a big flirt and will flirt with anyone in her path. She likes pulling pranks and breaking others hearts. She's very short-tempered, and it's easy to end up with a bloody nose around her. She fights for her pleasure.
Power: Making others fall in love with her instantly.
Crush: Geno (Time to wake the demon's heart from its slumber...)
Companion: N/A
Other: I would like to order the Drama and Ships dish, please.

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Edited on 07/10/17 @ 21:00:48 by Insanity {#StarvingPride} (#115908)

o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2017-10-08 17:05:12
Name: Mason
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: A rather tall boy with a gangly and thin build holding very little muscle. His skin is fair, even appear in pasty in intense light, and he has slightly slanted eyes with long lashes framing Celtic green eyes. Ginger locks bounce on his cranium, curly and somewhat long, reaching just slightly past his ears. A golden ring piercing goes through the rim of his ear near the top.
Personality: Shy and subdued, yet once you get to know him he can become outgoing. He is always ready to lighten the mood with a corny joke, however he is flighty and easily startled. This isn't helped by the fact that he has anxiety and occasionally is subject to anxiety attacks.
Power: Necromancy
Crush*: GAARA
Companion*: A female red Irish setter named Little Red | A male albino fennec fox kit named Glacier
Other: DRAMA | He has a faint Irish accenttt

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Edited on 16/10/17 @ 14:04:29 by Skye {TOASTTT} (#114927)

gaara of the desert
(drinking) (#106478)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-10-08 19:14:03
Nickname*: animal
Age: (15-18):16
Sexuality: homosexual
Appearance:he has short red hair with two different colored eyes on green and the other one half brown and half blue
Personality: he is hard hearted unless its to someone he loves he finds it hard to trust but has found people before but most betrayed him. he loves the sight of blood but wont kill for fun
Power:the power to manipulate animals to do what he wants he can also talk to them
Companion*: a small blue merle corgi named tyson
Other:DRAMA (his corgi is still a puppy only 12 weeks

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Edited on 08/10/17 @ 19:59:40 by emphebio (collie) [lights on] (#106478)

Silver Orchid (#123004)

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Posted on
2017-10-09 10:41:56
Name: Aria

Nickname*: Ari

Gender: female

Age: (15-18) 17

Sexuality: Bi

Appearance: light skin and waist length white hair with strands of silver. her eyes take the color of the persons power she is mimicing and her default color is silver with a maroon like color around the pupil and edges. she wears white jeans, a too-big silver sweater and white white adidas.

Personality: quiet and very intelegent. she likes to get to know people and her kind nature helps her make a lot of friends.

Power: can 'borrow' other peoples powers

Crush*: none

Companion*: N/A


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Edited on 09/10/17 @ 12:49:53 by Silver Orchid (#123004)

Silver Orchid (#123004)

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Posted on
2017-10-09 11:59:23
Name: Aonani

Nickname*: Nani, Ani

Gender: female

Age: (15-18): 16

Sexuality: lesbian

Appearance: tan skin with short thick red hair yellow eyes. usually wears a long-sleaved white crop top and high waist black ripped jeans. walks around barefoot.
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click photo for source

Personality: Protective as heck. she loves her friends to death and would die for them. funny and weird kinda crazy

Power: controls light

Crush*: open.......

Companion*: nope

Other: DRAma

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Edited on 27/10/17 @ 21:30:59 by Silver Orchid (#123004)

Kat (#110162)

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Posted on
2017-10-09 13:02:10
Name: Lavender
Nickname*: Lav, Ven
Gender: female
Age: (15-18) 17
Sexuality: bi
Appearance: short and simply pretty. she has tan skin and brown hair with light purple ends. she has startling mint green eyes. wears all white
Personality: sweet and friendly. easy to persway and take advantage of.
Power: controls emotions
Crush*: none yet
Companion*: none
Other: drama

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Edited on 27/10/17 @ 22:16:06 by Kat (#110162)

Peanut Jeans (BLM) (#107370)

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Posted on
2017-10-09 19:30:27
Name: Liam
Nickname*: Feel free to create one
Gender: Male
Age: (15-18) 17
Sexuality: Bi
Appearance: Liam has short, dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He's fairly tall and pale skinned. He has a gold earring in one ear. He has a slight British accent.
Personality: Liam is very quiet and kind. He's pretty sensitive as well, and usually keeps to himself most of the time. He can be extremely agressive though, and he won't hesitate to start a fight when he is.
Power: Healer
Crush*: Toby
Companion*: A grey kitten named Dion
Other: Drama llama. >:3 also FINALLY I've made a British bab.

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Edited on 09/10/17 @ 20:06:36 by Jelly[Glacial Felis King!] (#107370)

Citl-kitty (#95865)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-10-09 19:44:30
Name: Citl Rosewater (sit-Ill Rose-water)
Nickname: Rosewater Rebel
Gender: F
Sexuality: Grey-romantic/Demi-romantic
Age: 18
Appearance: 5'7" Thick Curly, Red-ish, Shoulder length Hair, PALE Skin W/ TONS OF FRECKLES! Both Arms Covered In Tribal Tattoos, Wide Black Eyes That Haunt Those Who Stare Long With Emerald Green Iris' Sitting Dead Center
Personality: Kinda Goofy And Aloof. Shes Chaotic Neutral, Which Means She'll Do Whatever She Wants, Even If That Means Killing.
Power: Ink Generation - Any Ink On Her Arms Can Drip Off And Create Fantastic Beasts Which She Controls
Crush: OPEN ;) Pm Me
Companion: Polluck - Barn Owl - White Feathers With Red And Grey Splatters On Her Wings
Other: She Doesn't Really Swim ;) Also!?!?! Can The Animal Have Powers?? Cuz Like... Polluck Does.... Buts Its Only Allowing Citl To See Through Her Eyes.... Other Than That.... DRAMA

*Sorry This Isn't More In-depth! Shes A New OC

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Edited on 20/11/17 @ 15:56:07 by Citl-kitty (Bloodbourne Felis) (#95865)

¹ (#108248)

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Posted on
2017-10-16 11:59:41
Name: Adrian
Nickname*: Ri (prounced Ree)
Gender: male
Age: 16
Sexuality: bi
Appearance:longish thick dark brown hair and semi tan skin, one bright light blue eye and the other is black, tall and muscular (not freakishly, just noticable) wears slightly ripped black jeans and a grey hoodie with a single black rain drop. wears black tenis shoes
Personality: extremly protective and loving but not overbearing, loves his friends and significant others
Power: illusions; can make people see things that arent there and whatever
Crush*: none... yettt totally open for the cutie
Companion*: N/A
Other: drama mama

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Turd Blossom (inside
joke) (#110166)

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Posted on
2017-10-17 07:33:20
Name: Raven
Nickname*: Ray
Gender: female
Age: 17
Sexuality: bisexual
Appearance: She has shoulder length black hair with other color strands, making her hair have a rainbow effect in sunlight, like oil. she has lemon yellow eyes with orange around her irises and green around the outer edge. she wears a light grey hoodie with a black dripping heart on it and ripped at the knee jeans, walks around barefoot.
Personality: kind of a loner but when she makes and keeps friends she loves them very dearly.
Power: half demon- can control how people feel
Crush*: none yet, open
Companion*: N/A
Other: drama,

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gaara of the desert
(drinking) (#106478)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-10-17 13:09:15
Age: (15-18):2 years (dog years)
Appearance: kauPo
Personality:a strange animal unwilling to trust its all black and its eyes bleed when it is sad
Power:the ability to manipulate sound (basically she can make someone collapse with pure sound or air vibration.
Companion*:adrian (they havent met yet but i asked adrian if they could be companions..)

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o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2017-10-17 22:03:45
Name: Mim
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Sexuality: Pansexual
Appearance: A somewhat short, curvy girl with rather dark skin spotted with darker freckles and shoulder-length, curly dark blue hair. Her eyes are a burning molten topaz, mesmerising and intense. Often, her fingernails are painted dark green, relating to her fondness for plants. She is donned in a lime green croptop covered by a simple turquoise jacket, ripped navy skinny jeans and prefers bare foot as she says it brings her closer to nature. A vine is wrapped securely around her right forearm.
Personality: A calm and serene girl, encompassing the qualities of the forest. Often times she is the peace-keeper, but beware- she also can represent the lurking predators who wait to strike. Pick on her loved ones and she will be upon you like a wild animal. She is stubborn, and will hunt you down. However, she prefers verbal attack, though is not afraid to throw a punch. She has a habit of singing and whistling, and does so depending on her mood.
Power: Flora manipulation
Crush*: Aria
Companion*: An adorable female baby red panda named Bailey
Other: DRAMA | Has a huge fear of needles

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¹ (#108248)

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Posted on
2017-10-19 12:05:17
Name: Nevihta (mans storm in Slovean)
Nickname*: Lluvia (means rain), Nevi
Gender: female
Age: 16
Sexuality: lesbian
Appearance: a skinny but curvy girl with tan skin with knee length hair that fades from black roots to a dark blue then a whitish blue/ice color. one silver eye one midnight blue/purple eye. wears a midnight blue short dress with black lace that never gets dirty. walks around barefoot
Personality: protective and calculating. kind of controlling of significant other but very romantic and loving. cares about friends like siblings.
Power: controls all weather, when she uses her powers her eyes turn white and glow.
Crush*: open for now, pm me
Companion*: N/A (if you for some reason want to be her companion make her have a weather themed magic beast.)
Other: drama pleeaase

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Edited on 27/10/17 @ 07:52:17 by Rosesocitey (#108248)

💫mossxolotl (#111711)

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Posted on
2017-10-26 11:19:49
Name: Rosaline Desrosier
Nickname*: Rosa
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Sexuality: Bisexual, with strong male preference
Appearance: Rosa is a rather rounded girl and stands at a grand 5'2". Her skin is pale, very pale, and clashes horribly with her wild, fire-coloured hair. This hair never seems to lie flat, and is always sticking out in some place or another! She has dull green eyes, kind of swampy, which she hates, and thick eyelashes. As for clothing, she doesn't really stray from jeans of some variety, usually light blue and ripped at the bottoms from years of tripping on them, and her shirts tend to vary from vest pieces to her favourite stone-grey turtleneck. She wears Vans-style shoes a lot, but won't admit they're branded.
Personality: Rosa would be very outgoing, would it not be for her awkwardness! She's clumsy, and tends to be very loud, but knows when to quieten down when needed. She is a very caring girl, and very passionate; she tends to have a rather short fuse and isn't exactly patient, but she gives everything she does 100% and is certainly no quitter.
Power: Animagus; she transforms into a fox, but this is kept a secret.
Crush*: wouldn't you love to know
Companion*: N/A
Other: Dramaa! Also, she's borderline scared of equines.

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Susurrus (#118978)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-10-26 11:21:43
Name: Hayden Alces (Hay-dun Al-k-ez)
Nickname: (open to suggestions)
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Sexuality: heterosexual
Appearance: a slender young man with a pale complexion, eyes of a faded blue (almost like ice)and thick dark brown hair that falls perfectly over his face (and sometimes into his eyes). Has a strong British accent.
Cold Days: wears a floor-length navy & grey checkered scarf that he often trips over, and a mottled grey duffle-coat (under the coat is a white t-shirt with a black embroidered moon and star, with black jeans). Wears hi-top black leather kickers.
Warm Days: wears a baggy blue denim jacket thats covered in embroidered band logos with a white t-shirt and black jeans, (again) in black kickers.
Personality: Tends to be lonely but is very protective over the few friends he has. Extremely quiet and rather well-contained. Forever following a strict schedule, but it always happy to talk to those who mean something to him. Kind of clumsy too (forever stumbling and tripping over his scarf)
Power: animagus; Irish elk
Crush*: Citl
Companion*: a blue and yellow parrot {cross phoenix} called "peek-a-boo"; named by his younger sister (who cannot be in this due to age restrictions)
Other: drama llama

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Edited on 12/11/17 @ 11:48:24 by Szechuan Sauce (#118978)

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