Posted by [Aug] Buffalo Scrotums for 500 Dry Bones

Tikka [mottled king
cheetah] (#90262)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 07:22:05
Yes, many people think that 700 is wayy too much, so it'd be better if it was 500 like a lot of players originally thought.

This suggestion has 530 supports and 39 NO supports.

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Edited on 18/11/17 @ 08:29:03 by Katze (#3)

Laila 💰
(Gryffindor!) (#96222)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 13:59:01
Katze said she'd give an explanation later

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Rainhowl (#117613)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 14:02:18
Bummer. :( Was hoping to buy some after getting another scrote.

I've been lucky in this event in that I'm out of work and don't have much to do. Fortunately my wife made the good portion of our money anyway. Anyway we're out of town and visiting my folks for my birthday and I can't spend much time here right now. Fam is important. We're having a lazy Sunday and are relaxing after doing all sorts of outdoorsy things yesterday.

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Equus (#83081)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 14:23:04
Totally agree. 700 DB is outrageous and unfair.

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the-grey-ace (#38669)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 15:10:12
What if they had. A huge surprise for us and like were gonna do something that would make it so much easier to obtain the currency here. And they didnt want to risk anything getting out and it ends up this entire time they were planning something big while we complained....

I know its unlikely but i would feel sooo bad...

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Attic of The Sky (#12149)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 15:17:22
Yeah. xD

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ChaosDeath🐱 (#2790)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-13 15:19:14
Honestly given the way we've been talked to some I couldn't fully. Guess I'm a jerk.

Then again it's the communication giving me the biggest issue.

Also why pull the economy card? Why not just keep silent entirely?

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WeepingLamb (#114736)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 15:21:29
What i'm really hating is that lots of people are using the "Their human, they make mistakes" card :T

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Laila 💰
(Gryffindor!) (#96222)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 15:22:57
@Elizabeth It is true though. There is no way you can argue against it. It doesn't entirely explain their actions though and why they aren't replying or doing anything. There will be a news post tonight though.

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ChaosAzeroth🐱 (#2690)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-13 15:26:16
Okay that's fair to an extent but it doesn't mean people can't be upset first of all. Second being the handling is continuously poor. A mistake was made but nothing has been done to fix it. Best we've gotten is we understand and will try to do better in the future. However first of all this is from mods not admins, and second of all given the general handling of the issue and how a few have said things that very much feel like they're talking down to us I'm not holding my breath for the future.

Mistakes are one thing. The continued issues of this are another. Other people have brought up other issues that have happened. Patterns do not a comfort make.

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Finnegan II (#85926)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 15:26:47
I wouldn't feel bad in the slightest. If that's how they run a ship around here, that's equally idiotic. Freaking people out and keeping them in the dark is just as wrong as this complete screw over. Calling it now:

The mini game will be released. It'll give us a little bit of currency and coconuts and maybe a couple other rewards when we play it. They'll say that's the real reason scrote prices were increased, which is still bull and addresses none of the problems regarding casual players, grindiness, and the general money grabbing these past few months.

I've worked in PR. That's how this works. If you release a feature people don't like, you have three choices: retract, call it a bug, call it unfinished or misunderstood. Most businesses can withstand customer loss when some people don't like individual changes. But when it happes over and over, that's when people get worried.

Unfortunately, unless it almost doubles bone gathering power, it won't matter. Anyone who's not on for ten hours a day running an energy timer is still screwed. So no, I'm not about to be fooled and cajoled back into buying GB by something that transparent. Being sorry because people are pissed and sorry because you did something wrong are two different things.

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Edited on 13/08/17 @ 15:36:43 by Finnegan II (#85926)

WeepingLamb (#114736)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 15:27:37
Exactly. I get yeah, okay humans make mistakes, we get it. But if that's all their saying, it doesn't justify anything.
I'm just waiting to see what this news post has to say

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Autumn Vulpes (#41926)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 15:27:46

I honestly have not seen much defense for the staff on this mess up. They did it LAST MINUTE. I will not feel regret/shame if it was just for some special surprise. (Well maybe a little..)

I can not wait for this news post.

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Maiq the Hoarder (#92244)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 15:36:33
Going to play Devil's Advocate for a moment because unlike the last minute price jack of the Buffalo Scrotum, there is a perfectly logical response to the coconut.

Coconuts and Broken Drones are essentially the exact same item. Both give +50 experience. So there really isn't a need for both in the shop. It is odd to remove them now rather than when they changed the prices on on the shop, but it doesn't actually change what you can accomplish. Just buy the drones.

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ChaosAzeroth🐱 (#2690)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-13 15:37:57
Some prefer coconuts for RP reasons though to be fair. If the site didn't heavily rely on RP aspects so much it wouldn't be quite so bad.

Okay news at least cleared that up. Also who noticed this?
Do not post petitions, demands, conspiracies or topics on circumventing the rules.

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Edited on 13/08/17 @ 15:45:23 by ChaosAzeroth🐱 (#2690)

Panda (#66351)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-08-13 15:44:47
It's not 500 but it hella sure ain't 700. Good job ladies and gents, we finally got what we wanted.

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