Posted by S E I Z U R E | Character Sheets

ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

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Posted on
2017-08-17 16:07:24

Main Roleplay Thread


Out of CharacterRoleplay Thread

♠ This is an advanced-literate role-play. Grammar is a must (although I understand that sometimes errors occur and typos are a pain!) and please be as detailed as you possibly can. I also want at least three sentences per post.

♠ This role-play has no place for mary-sues, gary-sues, or otherwise "flawless" characters. Your character is not the strongest, most beautiful, most otherwordly creature to ever have existed. You must have flaws, and they must be clear.

♠ Read the information on the OOC page and apply it to your form. Do not make 3 female characters who have somehow wedged their way into predominantly male roles. I understand you want to be unique, but I can't have everyone wanting to go against social norms.

♠ To prove you've read these rules, I'd like you to include an "Other" section at the bottom of your character forms. In this other section, tell me the name of your own favourite OC.

♠ You are permitted 4 characters to start. You'll be allowed to create more once I see you're an active player and capable of handling a large roster of oc's.

♠ Swearing and violence is permitted, as it goes hand-in-hand with the themes of this role-play, but do not go against any of Lioden's written rules.

♠ Limit 1x1 by waiting until at least two other players post before you continue. This will prevent spam as well, and do not post ooc text in the role-play thread.

♠ If you commit to a high rank such as king, lord commander, priest, etc prepare to be active. If you can't post at least once every two days (minimum), don't sign up for an important role.


What your character is called.

How old are they? Keep rank in mind.

All gender identities welcome.

All sexualities welcome.

Remember; no pure-blooded wolves!

Rank & Affiliation
Highvalley Court or Blackback Guard? What are their role within society?

Get creative, but be practical. See what enviroment your character is in can provide.

Be as descriptive and detailed as you possibly can be.

Be as descriptive and detailed as you can possibly be.

What is your characters history? Where were they born? Significant life events?

This can include not only blood-related family members, but also feel free to mention friends, foes, or crushes/lovers.


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Edited on 29/08/17 @ 08:17:43 by northern (#74490)

ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-08-17 18:42:51

"When I was a child, I had a fear of spiders. I was told they felt no emotion. That their hearts never beat. But I know the truth. At the moment of the kill, they are never more alive."


5 Years Old.


Heterosexual, and believes everybody should be.

Grey Wolf [50%] x Swedish Elkhound [25%] x Irish Wolfhound [25%]

Rank & Affiliation
Jarl of the Blackback Guard.

A thick, leather hide that circles tightly around his neck and is decorated with hawk feathers and small, polished marble stone.

Ragnar is a very imposing beast who's wolfish traits are quite clear and therefore betray much of his heritage. The majority of his size is in his height, for his limbs are long and lean and end in large, heavy black-clawed feet. His shoulders are narrow but tend to hunch up over him and appear broad and squared, with a straight back and a thick, bushy tail. His ears are small and mounted upon his head like the horns of a devil, pointed and always alert, while his eyes are small and narrow and lined with rich black skin. His coat is a disheveled mess and ruggedly lengthens along his shoulders, neck, tail and stomach. He is primarily black and brown, with light touches of wolf-grey and beige. One eye is a rich ochre-amber colour, while the other is blown out entirely and is now replaced with an ugly, milky film which has rendered him sightless out of that eye. His gait is less of a strut and more of a prowl; head lowered, body streamlined and rhythmic like that of a serpent's.

Ragnar has been guided and moulded into the footsteps of the tyrannical leader before him, his late father Ragnar The First. Though his father held a more organized crew, the sense of dictatorship the pack has always contained has not dwindled. He has been raised to believe in very strict gender roles; males are for war and protection, females are for breeding and providing. His beliefs are carved so irreversibly in his brain it's impossible to convince him otherwise, and he will not tolerate an attempt to be told otherwise. Being trained as a full-fledged berserker well before his reign, he almost always resorts to violence to solve even the most simple of complications, the end result of each quarrel far from pretty. He's ruthless and determined to leave his victim a scar or two to remember him by, often mauling a corpse well after death has taken place as a tactic of intimidation, or even just as a show for those watching to stroke his ego a bit more. It's difficult to say if the Jarl is even capable of love, in a romantic sense or something much more family-orientated, considering any relationship he's established has been purely out of a lust-based desire to bare children.

In his youth, Ragnar was eager and restless. He had little interest in education outside of learning how to injure and subdue enemies; but he had a much gentler soul and could've easily been moulded into someone more humble and friendly. When he was just under a year old, a Highvalley patrol raided their land with intent of killing the nomads. A bloodhound was the dog to wrap his jaws around his father's throat and rob him of his life. The event shaped his restless behaviour into something much more menacing and rogue, and he does not intend on treating Highvalley Court dogs with mercy. The majority of pure-blooded dogs around him, even if they are from within his own pack, are prone to having to face his bias of purebreds. He regards wolf blood very highly, though when it comes to his own relatives, it's safe to say he doesn't care much for what he's produced for offspring.

Ragnar the First (father, deceased)
I wish to uphold your legacy to the fullest. I will not let you down.

Thyra (mother, deceased)
Your wolf blood is the only thing I am grateful for. I am pleased you lie beneath the dirt.

Rahla (daughter, played by nyanunix)
A disappointing birth indeed. You were my last hope for a rightful heir, and I do not see it within you.

Rielle (daughter, played by west)
When I look at you I see your mother, and that causes me anger. Another disappointment. You'll fair as nothing more than a huntress.

Revejo (oldest son, played by potatolord)
You are formidable and strong but your guts are weak. I have yet to make a true warrior out of you, my son.

Fever Ray - If I Had A Heart


"I'll take my bow, I won't make a sound."

3 Years, 6 Months Old.


Bisexual | Biromantic.

Eurasian Wolf [25%] x American Alsatian [50%] x Leonberger [25%]

Rank & Affiliation
Berserker of the Blackback Guard

A necklace of dog claws and teeth hang from his neck, a thin part of the chain going down his neck and between his shoulders and circling behind his front legs like a harness. The skull of a vulture hangs from his chest, as well as grey feathers.

A mammoth of a dog, Guntharr is an imposing brute who has literally been bred throughout the years to be a powerhouse of a berserker. He stands at about 30 inches tall and weighs 130 pounds, with a broad, muscular body and huge bear-like feet. His coat is thick and wolfish in it's texture and colouration, mostly an ashy beige-grey and darkening along his back, neck, face and ears to almost completely black. His ears are peculiar, cropped sharply on an angle so they sit close to his skull, but the tallest piece of them end in a very sharp point. His eyes are a clear colour of yellow-sage, contrasting sharply against the neutral shades of his coat. His most damaging asset is his strong set of jaws and the long curved fangs that sit within them. A combination of his overbearing weight and the weapons he comes equipped with proves him to be a fatal opponent, and so most should avoid being pinned by him. However, the male obviously is no deer when it comes to agility and speed, and quickly falters when it comes to precision tactics.

War-like and brooding, Guntharr doesn't appear like someone you'd want to have an encounter with from behind enemy lines. He has a standoffish demeanour and quite an unfriendly resting-face, but looks are surely not what they seem with this dog. He is incredibly family orientated and cares for those he shares a pack with, notably selfless and protective if it means benefiting the dogs he shares a home with. A true family structure isn't something he's familiar with, which could explain his desire to provide for his makeshift one. He's often seen trying to join the Scavengers in their hunting expeditions, although they're both keenly aware he won't be of much help in the pursuit of prey, he's always eager to convince them he'll make short work of the killing blow. He harbours concern for Ragnar's leadership, as he does not share his views on a multitude of subjects, but he also knows better than to confront the aggressive wolfdog and provoke conflict between them. A look at Guntharr from the other side of enemy lines is something primal and, to most, quite terrifying. Huge, gaping jaws snarling threats of death and huge hooked claws ripping up the earth beneath where he stands is often a display most opponents get a glimpse of, and he certainly doesn't have the voice of a lady. He is vicious and capable of great damage once he can get someone subdued, but even Blackback's should pay great attention to the brute when he's in his fury. Adrenaline and the the thrill of the fight can blind him at times, making him susceptible to unknowingly snapping his jaws in a friend's way.

Guntharr was born in a pack that lived high in the mountains and away from any other sort of civilization. To avoid painful frostbite, all dogs had their ears and occasionally tails docked off. Living so high in the mountains, food source was far from plentiful and most dogs had to go several days without even a thought of food. It was at this time that the Blackback's leader at the time, Ragnar the First, saw opportunity to expand his clan with the promise of prey- the only price was that the alpha of the mountain pack had to give up his leadership. He agreed, but upon reaching Blackback lands the alpha was disrespectful and commanding while his dogs' fed on the Blackback's collection of deer and quail, causing Jarl Ragnar to react in a way not uncommon amongst viking clans. He killed the alpha and allowed his berserkers to make short work of the rest of the males, only allowing the females and pups to live. Guntharr was one of the pups taken hostage and has grown up a Blackback since that day, unsure of how to feel about his history.

Boy Epic - Scars


"I'm learning all your tricks, I can hurt you from inside."

3 Years Old.


Demisexual | Demiromantic.

European Wolf [15%] x Weimaraner [85%]

Rank & Affiliation
Prisoner/Gatherer of Highvalley

Dull bluejay feathers hang from a tight, faded black leather choker that sits high upon her neck.

Extremely sleek and svelte in her appearance, Harlow holds a type of regal impression to her that is rarely achieved as a rugged Blackback dog. Her dog features heavily outweigh any signs of wolf aside from the sharpness of her eyes and overall wild prowess. Her coat is short and brisk, lengthening only slightly along her drooped ears and around her underbelly. She has a broad, strong chest and a firm back, overall boasting a rather sturdy structure, with a sharply tucked waist and large dark grey nose. Her coat is a solid silver-grey colouration, while her eyes are an interesting concoction of blue-grey and lighten to an almost amber-grey right around her pupil. A few years of mistreatment amongst her birth clan has left her a bit battered, sporting a few scars along the curve of her rump and down the back of her legs.

Independent and stubborn, Harlow can be a difficult dog to try to persuade into doing anything she doesn't want to do. She's very self-reliant and doesn't want to ask for help or guidance; in her mind, doing so will only leave her in someone else's debt. Her upbringing amongst vikings makes her quick to bare her teeth and speak rather darkly, but she does not have the natural cruelty most of her family back home possess. Her experiences have left her a bit of a dreamer, although in the flesh she seems very practical and pessimistic, she longs for a more pristine life and has a very clear idea of how a perfect world should function. Most of her fears and insecurities shape the majority of her decisions and desires, and most importantly, the way she perceives the world around her today. She does not trust those who step her way; everything and everyone seemingly is out to get her. In opportune moments, Harlow can be seen as rather desperate, especially when she begins to feel as though she's losing control.

Harlow was born in the Blackback Guard to parents she didn't spend much time with. Her father was a berserker who was slaughtered shortly after her birth, while her mother lost interest in her litter after her mate's death and turned her back on them entirely once they were old enough to be weaned off of milk. She was trained as a scavenger but was soon ordered by Ragnar to become the berserker's breeding dog- something she was far from cooperative about. When first travelling around Highvalley land, Harlow was dragged off into the woods by a large male, putting up enough of a fight to avoid being subdued but also distracting unwanted attention. A party of Highvalley knights was soon upon them and took them in as prisoners, shocked but sickened at the potential sight they saw in front of them; wolfdogs. Unfortunately, or fortunately for her, Harlow's male companion was killed after attempting an attack on some of the guards, but she was allowed to live. This was partially due to her being female, her quiet demeanour, and likely the general fact she didn't appear as wolfish and therefore as threatening as the male she was captured with. She remained behind bars and heavily guarded for several months before the King decided to allow her to serve under him as a huntress. Since then, she's stayed close to Highvalley and does not stray far from those she patrols with; she knows the Highvalley dogs are watching her closely, but she has no desire to turn on them.

Averic (father, deceased)
Hanna (mother, estranged)
Agmund (friend, unknown)

Digital Daggers - The Devil Within
"Something's hiding in the dark lurking in between the rocks, whispers in my ear,
I turn around,
but no one's there"


4 Years Old.


Pansexual | Homoromantic.

Borzoi [50%] x Belgian Groenendael [50%]

Rank & Affiliation
Knight of Highvalley

Dried out strands of oleander branches weaved in a braided fashion around his neck to form a collar. Dead, whitened flowers still peak out from the woven strands, and a thick mixture of white clay is smeared beneath either of his eyes in a war paint fashion.

With long, slender legs that are fitted with dainty paws and support a rather lithe frame, it's surprising when Oleander reveals his role in society. He appears much better suited as a hunter, for he's extremely swift and agile and could likely outrun a fox in the stamina department. His skull is dome-shaped but lengthens out significantly, sporting a very long muzzle that is quite thin and narrow. He has a large, rounded black nose and almond shaped eyes. His irises are a light honey gold and his mid-length, feathered coat is entirely burnished black. He's rather sharp-looking, but doesn't appear too concerned with pursuing a partner.

Oleander is friendly and eager to participate in Highvalley events. He sees value in establishing bonds and trust within pack members and will go out of his way to introduce himself to those he's unfamiliar with. He's quite intuitive and relies heavily on his own instincts, and while most of the time it doesn't cause him any issues, he can be a bit too trusting at times and therefore vulnerable to being taken advantage of. With that being said, trust is a virtue and once it's been stepped on it's unlikely you'll get it back with Oleander. He holds grudges like no other and is incredibly bitter and spiteful to those who double cross him. While having a good heart and great trust in his religion, there's a reason he's ended up as a Knight rather than a Gatherer. With his hound nose and love of tracking, it's unlikely he'll lose a trail once he's onto one, and he's rather merciless once he's found you at the other end. Oleander has a sharp pair of teeth, and an even sharper sense of justice; if he assumes you're treading wrongfully, he isn't opposed to causing some damage.

Oleander was born in a rather large litter. He had about 8 other brothers and sisters, an impressive family size, but not everyone was bound to survive. Oleander's father, unbeknownst to Kingdom officials, was the former High Priest and therefore barred from taking a mate and baring children. Once this became public knowledge, his father was executed at the hands of the King alongside the rest of his sisters; females born illegally were considered terribly impure and unsuitable mates. At the time Highvalley had a wolf named Aethelstan in their possession as a prisoner, one who managed to overhear Oleander's mother speaking to a trusted companion right outside his cell and saw an opportunity to reveal important information to the King himself in exchange for freedom. Once free from Highvalley land, the rest of Oleander's brothers and his mother were found murdered by an unknown canine, though Oleander still believes it was by Aethelstan and his lackey's as a sort of taunt. He still believes the wolf lingers out there, watching and waiting for Oleander so he can take his life too.

Eivør - Into The Mist

"The Nightcrawler"

1 Year, 10 Months Old.


Asexual | Aromantic.

Grey Wolf [35%] x Great Dane [65%]

Rank & Affiliation
Youngblood of Blackback Guard.

An extremely tight choker made of sharp bramble thickets and dried thorns. It's stained crimson and reeks of blood. Worn entirely for intimidation and isn't practical; it's constantly tearing at his skin. Huge black crow feathers are tied to him all over his body, hiding some of the worst of his scarring.

An intriguing concoction of gangly and sturdy, Ivar possesses an impressive amount of height due to long limbs and an overall large skeleton. He has a tucked waist and thin forearms, but a heavily muscled broad chest, wide ribcage and strong hind legs. His facial structure is rather boxy and quite reminiscent of his dane heritage, but his ears are erect and thicker and quite similar to that of a wolf. He is short-coated and very sleek, something that has not done him any favours. He isn't shielded from cold winds nor rain, and wounds inflicted upon him are hard to miss. In fact, the young dog is absolutely covered in a mess of ugly, gnarled wounds that have either horribly healed or are still in the process of doing so. His face suffers the worst; a huge, flesh-coloured scar breaks up a huge portion of his snout and sits directly between his eyes. His fur, or at least what is visible, is mostly a sable beige colour flicked with black and wolf-grey, with a predominantly black muzzle. His eyes are a very light clear brown colour.

Unfriendly and extremely defensive, Ivar doesn't seem to be very thick-skinned and has a tendency to take everything to heart. Any constructive criticism or advice is shrewdly ignored or otherwise met with pure, aggressive outrage and it isn't rare for him to start a fight over something very miniscule or insignificant. Any sort of emotion that doesn't demonstrate power or inspire fear in others isn't worth demonstrating in his opinion, so otherwise he's rather deadpan and statue-esque. When he isn't snapping his teeth in someone's face, Ivar is terribly detached and oddly socially awkward. He doesn't appear to even know how to conduct conversation and large groups make him skittish and agitated. He is far from fearless and it's clear the wolfdog suffers from a bit of emotional damage.

Ivar could be considered an experiment, a sick little test in Ragnar's eyes. Born to Berserker parents, he was plucked promptly after weaning and began intense and isolated training away from the rest of the youth of the pack. The majority of his training was done under the darkness of night, where he has been taught to be a silent, observant but malicious slayer. Since Ragnar's father's death, the Jarl himself began to feel a shift within the pack and a lack of control over his dogs; many appeared to be softening up and he was losing his precious tyrants. Grooming Ivar into a cold, heartless and entirely unfeeling slaughterhouse is simply a project to ensure he has at least a handful of Berserkers conditioned to do nothing but serve and kill.

Missio - Twisted

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Edited on 02/09/17 @ 10:31:00 by northern (#74490)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-08-21 12:20:38

I'm assuming since you know me and are aware of what I'm capable of you won't mind me adding six characters from the start. If that isn't the case I'll be glad to remove the extras or leave them inactive until I've proven myself.


"Fear is a device.
So quiet and precise.
It’s not what I allow
Not in my world now."


5 years old.



Due to the nature of Highvalley's strict religious values/rules this is a guarded secret. Regardless, most of the kingdom are likely suspicious he is uninterested in females. He has never taken a wife and even the most beautiful ladies vying for his attention are ignored and rejected.


Rank & Affiliation
Highvalley | Lord King.

A leather collar and leg braces studded with rare gemstones. Eagle, owl and falcon feathers are woven into the long fur around his neck. During times of war he will wear braces with sharp blades attached on the front legs.

As with most of his breed Alistar strikes an intimidating, yet elegant figure, reaching a total of 32 inches at the shoulder and weighing an even 100 pounds. He has the signature Borzoi face; a narrow, slightly domed head with a barely noticeable stop and a lengthy muzzle. His dark copper colored eyes have a slight slant to them and his ears are small, always laid back against his skull. Alistar's tail is low-set and curves at the end, covered in long, wispy fur. His medium-length wavy coat is a rich golden tinted brown brindled by black stripes save for his white paws. His chest is deep and his front legs are long and straight. The spine is arched, creating an overall flexible frame and Alistair's svelte, streamlined build makes him a speedy runner, though he still packs on more lean muscle than a racing hound such as a Whippet or Greyhound.

Haughty and authoritative, Alistar is far from being easy to deal with. Viewed as ice cold and humorless by his court, one might wonder if it is respect or fear that keeps them in line. He is a strict hound who expects all of his orders to be obeyed, demanding absolute loyalty from his followers. Alistar is not entirely unkind to his own, but crimes will be punished accordingly and he is a stickler for rules.

Despite his cold exterior, he does have compassion for most creatures. At his core he is a dog now ruled by his own fears and trauma, ignoring his true emotions and replacing them with something hard and unforgiving. He was always a tad arrogant and superior minded in his youth, but there was no question his intentions were pure. He wished for little more than safety for all dogs of the land, striving for peace and prosperity.

In the present Alistar cares only for those who call Highvalley Court home, or so many assume. He appears to have an intense hatred of vikings, mocking them and looking upon any he should meet with scorn. Yet all the same, one might notice he is not overly fond of unnecessary gore and will discipline anyone in his court found to have abducted or harmed any outsider, regardless of affiliation, without just cause.

He is more than a little egotistical, spending hours a day tending to his appearance simply for his own satisfaction. His vanity should not be mistaken for prissiness, he is not afraid to get dirty and if moved to violence he can prove quite monstrous. His patience only stretches so far, and it's better to simply do as he says and stay in his good graces unless you want a good telling off. His tongue is just as sharp as his teeth and he's not afraid to use either if pushed.

His puphood was rushed and he wasn't allowed much time to actually enjoy his youth, much pressure and expectation placed upon his shoulders by his father. Erik was never warm or fatherly, but it was clear he was fond of his son despite the secret of his birth and the way he treated him. Alistair was trained for war at an early age, often accompanying his father on hunts or into battle far too young. Erik's training was heartless, even to Alistair's stepmother who resented his existence, the pup pushed to commit violence most would consider unspeakable. Somehow he still grew into a thoughtful, compassionate adolescent. He frequently argued with his father about how he chose to rule their kingdom, but his concerns were often dismissed. In the end the prince could do nothing to change his father's ways.

Vikings had been sighted in the area upon the evening of Alistair's third birthday. Erik, eager for the taste of wolf blood on his tongue, sought them out. The outsiders proved stronger and more numerous than expected and they were overwhelmed by their forces, the knights who accompanied them all slaughtered. It was in that moment Alistair had an awful idea, perhaps proving himself his father's son. They managed to escape, wounded yet alive, but only Alistair returned to the fortress, claiming the wolfdogs had ended his father. No dog thought to look deeper or question him, more likely relieved than sorrowful of the cruel king's passing. Alistair has ruled the kingdom for two years, and though not needlessly cruel he still proves quite strict, hardened by years of his father's presence and tutelage.

Trigger warning; implied forced breeding mention. Not detailed.*

Erik • Father • Deceased.
[Alistair is a teddy bear compared to his father. Erik was a strict canine with harsh laws and a taste for violence. His never ending feud with wolves and other wild canines saw his life ended by the fangs of a viking (or so Alistair claims) and his son made king. Many still expect Alistair to carry on the cruel traditions of their former king and hold a strong disliking for him.]

Annika • Stepmother • OPEN.
[Every dog of the kingdom believed Annika to be Alistair's true mother, but this was a carefully concealed ruse. Annika is barren and Erik turned to other females to birth his offspring and heir. Occasionally even those unwilling to carry his pups. Their relationship is rather strained as a result. Alistair believed her to be his birth mother growing up and never understood her distaste for him. After his father's death she revealed the truth and he is still coping with the fact viking blood runs through his veins and his birth mother's life was ended brutally after months of torture and terror.]

Elsa • Birth Mother • Deceased.
[A viking scavenger captured during an attempted raid. He never had the chance to know her, snatched from her upon his birth and given to a wet nurse. She was executed before he ever had the chance to open his eyes.]

Theme Song
Firewall - Les Friction.

As I'm sure you well know, I'll always love Ryker and North.

I totally misunderstood this rule rip. Still leaving it. I have too many favs from my own characters to pick one anyway.

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"You know that life ain't over yet,
I'm here for you so don't forget, you can count on me 'cause I will carry you 'till you carry on."


3 years, 10 months old.


Bisexual | Biromantic.

Heavy preference for other females.

Rank & Affiliation
High Valley Court | Knight.

Afghan Shepherd Dog.

Thick leather color studded with dog teeth, because I'm that creative.

A giant of a dog with a heavily scarred, cream colored coat. Reaching 33 inches at the shoulder and weighing over 170 pounds, Alexandra is a force to be reckoned with. Her pelt is short, but includes a thick, wooly undercoat that protects her from the elements. Her body is thick-set and heavy boned, the shape of her skull almost considered bear-like with a wide head and broad muzzle. Her ears are cropped down to their bases and her tail is docked mid-length, giving it a rather stubby appearance. Rather than being the result of human influence in her life her tail was badly mauled in a fight and was damaged enough that a partial amputation was required. Both ears were torn from her skull by her own father, not out of direct cruelty, but rather a tradition of their family passed down for many generations. Her round eyes are a deep golden brown while her nose is a dark liver color.

Alexandra is a friendly dog with an easygoing, amiable demeanor. Quite gentle despite her somewhat menacing appearance. She takes her duties extremely seriously and her amicable deamnor can quickly switch to something far more dangerous if a situation calls for it. She will defend other canines and herself with deadly force if there are no other options available and has taken a life more than once in defense of the kingdom.

The desire to protect and guard others has been hardwired into her brain since puphood and she would feel rather empty without this work to occupy her days. Respectful and courteous to all, Alexandra is generally a rather fair-minded dog unless given a reason not to be, at which point her snarky side comes out to play. Her tone leans on the dry side and her insults tend to sting. Most comments are kept to herself, but anyone who truly gets on her nerves should expect a sardonic remark tossed their way.

Raised among a family who's males and females alike have served as Highvalley knights for generations. Their ancestors hailed from a different country, but they have kept the traditions of their distant kin alive. The dogs from which they are descended were nomads, protectors of caravans and livestock. As their occupation often saw them battling wolves, large cats and even other dogs it became a tradition to remove their own ears and tails so an enemy would have less to grab onto. The removal of ears has been kept by Alexandra's family even now, performed on pups too young to remember the pain, though whether or not to discard one's tail is left to each individual dog as it tends to be a far more agonizing and risky surgery. Alexandra followed in the pawsteps of her parents and siblings, becoming a knight of the kingdom.

Bruno • Father • OPEN.
[Their relationship is quite decent. He is proud of his daughter's achievements and strength, encouraging her to continue serving Highvalley to the best of her ability.]

Open for siblings.

Theme Song
Count On Me - Default.

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"Only rainbows after rain, the sun will always come again."


4 years old.


Pansexual | Panromantic.

Rank & Affiliation
Highvalley Court | Gatherer.

King Shepherd Dog.

A simple brown and black beaded necklacehanging from around the neck.

A rather large canine, reaching 32.6 inches at the shoulder and weighing close to 170 pounds. His build is robust and muscular, a dog that could have easily trained as a Knight, but chose a less violent path in life instead. His coat is hard and dense, meant to keep frigid winter winds from touching his skin. He has a wedge shaped head with a slightly tapering muzzle, triangular ears and powerful scissor-like jaws. His tail is long and bushy and curls upward subtly near the end. Dag's eyes are a warm chocolate brown color. He has a predominantly black pelt with silver colored markings around the eyes and along the legs and well as lining the tail.

The most accurate word that could be used to describe Dag is enthusiastic. The dog is a literal ray of sunshine, rarely seen without a smile or a jubilant skip to his step. He chooses to see the positives in life rather than let the negatives get him down. Even in this troubled world he's found himself tangled in, there is always hope for a brighter future. Meticulous and observant, he has an eye for detail when it comes to most things in life, but is somewhat clueless to the workings of proper social etiquette.

He’s a fairly curious sort and finds the viking dogs more intriguing than dangerous, as foolish as that will likely prove. His inquisitiveness sometimes gets him in trouble as he has a habit of nosing around places or canines he shouldn't. Generally, Dag is a non-violent dog and is viewed as harmless if not a bit strange among the other canines of Highvalley Court, but if pushed far enough he’d likely surprise people with the level of viciousness he’s capable of. While his kindly, warm demeanor is authentic, every dog has their demons.

Trigger warning; mention of murder.

Born a peasant with no noble, courageous heritage to speak of. His parents were farmers and he wasn't meant to be any different. As viking raids became more frequent in the countryside his parents made the heartbreaking decision to abandon their land, gathering up what little they had before leaving their home behind, herding their livestock along with them. Unfortunately the animals attracted unwanted attention and it wasn't long before they were confronted by the canines they had hoped to avoid.

His father was murdered in the struggle, his mother grabbing him by the scruff and fleeing in the chaos. They made it to the court with nothing to their name and were ushered inside by guards who thought the king ought to hear their story. While he had little to offer in the way of sympathy Erik was outraged vikings had dared step paw anywhere within his borders and it only further fueled his hatred. Dag's mother managed to find work as a provider and once he grew old enough he joined her. The knight captains made an attempt at recruiting him one or twice, but he always declined the offer.

Odessa • Mother • Deceased.
[He was still fairly young when she passed, only two years, but it was a peaceful death. She was quite old and it was simply her time to part with the world. That fact does not make him miss her any less.]

Daniel • Father • Deceased.
[Killed by vikings when he was only a pup, he has fond memories of his father, but has found his face has faded from his memory.]

He has no siblings, his parents only pup after many years of trying. They were both growing past the age of breeding when he was born and it had been agreed this would be there last try for a litter.

Theme Song
Keep Your Head Up - Andy Grammer.

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"Are you deranged like me? Are you strange like me?
Lighting matches just to swallow up the flame like me?
Do you call yourself a fucking hurricane like me?
Pointing fingers 'cause you'll never take the blame like me?"


3 years, 8 months old.


Demisexual | Biromantic.

Rank & Affiliation
Blackback Guard | Scavenger.

[50%] Arctic Wolf x [25%] Norwegian Elkhound x [30%] Siberian Husky.

She isn't one for possessions so to speak, but often stains her pale coat red around the face and neck with the use of berries. She also wears a loose leather string necklace loaded with canine teeth. Where she acquires the teeth is...quite the question, but the implications aren't pretty.

Drift is a long-legged canine with a thick, dense ivory colored coat and oval shaped pale golden eyes. She's a moderately sized female with a willowy build and darkly clawed paws, her nails filed to sharpened points. Her long fur tends to make her appear a bit thicker than she actually is, and while not lacking in muscle, Drift is mostly extraordinarily soft fluff. Black hair tips her fur around the neck, across the shoulders and down the back, contrasting from her otherwise white pelt. Shallow scars are scattered over her muzzle and both of her ears are torn, giving this wolfdog a look akin to a seasoned warrior despite the fact she has never been berserker, no matter how much she wishes it were true. Dark lines surround her eyes giving off the appearance of wearing mascara (to humans at least, since dogs obviously don't know what make-up is). Her nose and lips are also distinctively dark. She is 29 inches at the shoulder and weighs close to 80 pounds.

Drift is rather rough in demeanor. A bite first, ask questions later sort of girl. Well known for flinging herself into a battle without regard for consequences or self-preservation. Drift is a very focused and driven individual. Her anger tends to run cold and sometimes one may not know she is displeased with them until her teeth are snapping in their general direction. She is fairly straight forward and has little patience for nonsense. Though she is not a slayer she still keeps her combat skills sharp should she ever need them, often sparring with the other females in their spare time.

She will heed the warnings and advice of those she respects, but it's quite a bit of work to gain such a standing with her and as such she isn't especially well liked considering her defiant attitude. Drift has a hard time processing negative emotions and desperately needs an outlet. Unfortunately that outlet often takes the form of aggression and violence. When facing enemies she is merciless and known to leave mutilated corpses in her wake. More than anything she desperately desires to become a slayer, but also recognizes that under Ragnar's rule that's easier said than done.

Born within the Guard. Her life hasn't been all that out of the ordinary. As with all females she was trained to be a scavenger and excels at both hunting and weapon making. Still, she is very uncontent. From practically the moment she could walk she had dreams of becoming a berserker. She made the mistake of challenging the Jarl when it was time for her to become apprenticed and was punished for her audacity. It did little to deter her dreams, but she was sure to be more careful with her words from that day forward. She kept her combat skills sharp, watching the males while they trained and practicing with other females who either held the same desires or simply wanted a basic understanding of fighting. Someday she would prove to the Jarl her destiny was not to remain a simple scavenger. She was meant for so much more.

None. Both parents are deceased and she never had siblings, born into a rare one pup litter.

Theme Song
Gasoline - Halsey.

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{* Darker silver brindle doggo on the left.}

"It's harder starting over than never to have changed."


3 years, 6 months old.


Bisexual | Biromantic.

Grey Wolf x Swedish Elkhound x Irish Wolfhound x Dutch Shepherd Dog.

I'm not good at math so I ain't even going to try and figure out percentages here.

Rank & Affiliation
Blackback Guard | Berserker.

Nothing. He's not the materialistic sort and prefers to give anything interesting he comes across away to packmates.

A tall brute reaching 30 inches thanks to his Wolfhound heritage, weighing in a little under 125 pounds. Long, straight hair covers his muscular frame, harsh to the touch and free of curls or waves. His head, ears, hind legs and paws have shorter fur, but are still densely coated. Overall his silvery black brindle pelt offers optimal protection from the elements, growing a bit more wiry along the chest and underbelly. His almond shaped eyes are a deep shade of amber that always carry a sense of calm and patience.

Aloof and reserved, but not unkind. He isn't much of a talker and is generally considered dull by most who know him despite being the jarl's son. He'll often disappear on his own and wander about aimlessly despite the dangers of being captured by a highvalley patrol. Resentful of being dragged into anything over dramatic or having too much attention put on him, he'll give any dog who pushes past his limits a baleful glare and a low growl in warning.

While mostly non-violent when give the option despite his occupation, many would do well to note he's still a force to be reckoned with. He is fiercely protective of those he comes to care for, ridiculously sappy and happy to shower his loved ones in affection and random trinkets he finds on his solo expeditions. He is mostly a disappointment to his father as he takes no pleasure in war and doesn't appear to have any interest in following in his pawsteps.

Trigger warning; implied abuse.

Born one of many pups of the Jarl. His mother saw him as little more than a bitter memory, as she had failed to keep Ragnar's attention any longer the moment her pregnancy became noticeable, and nursed him for only as long as nessacary before returning to her rank as a scavenger. Despite his upbringing Revejo always proved gentler and more thoughtful than the other males his age, more interested in watching the clouds over battle training.Regardless he grew into a powerful, formidable dog and went on to become one of the Guards Berserkers.

His passive nature and lack of interest in obtaining a higher position kept him from advancing ranks or gaining much of his father's attention. Revejo is aware he is a disappointment to his sire, but doesn't appear to have any interest in gaining his favor or trying to impress him, perhaps even finding Ragnar's behavior too abhorrent to admire him. He was treated especially harshly throughout his youngblood days in the hopes of toughening up and hasn't forgotten any of it.

Ragnar • Father • Played by northern.
[He finds his father's primitive attitudes unappealing, torn between obligatory love for his kin and uncertainty.]

Morgana • Mother • Deceased.
[His mother was not particularly loving or supportive, caring for him enough to nurse him and discarding him as soon as Revejo was old enough to begin eating solid food. She remained a well respected scavenger until meeting her end in an unfortunate hunting accident. They were never close, but he still mourned her.]

Rahla • Younger Half-Sister • OPEN.
[Quite fond of her. He attempts to give her the attention and care their father will not.]

Theme Song
Blackbirds - Linkin Park.

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"Alone with this vision. Alone with this sound. Alone in my dreams I carry around. I need you to see, nothing can change unless you believe."


1 year, 7 months old.

Genderflux. Physically male.

Still uses he/him pronouns, but gender is unimportant/not a personal identity in his mind

Demisexual | Demiromantic.

Rank & Affiliation
Blackback Guard | Youngblood.

Training under the Black Witch. Formerly. he was meant to be a Scavenger which explains why he's older than average for his position. The switch in occupation was fairly recent.

[85%] Ibizan Hound x [15%] Iberian Wolf.

Decorates his pelt with a myriad of feathers and dried flowers. As his fur is quite short and they can't be woven into his hair he binds them to his body using leather strings.

Delicate in appearance, but built fairly hardy all the same with strong bones. His wide, pointed ears are a trade-mark of the Ibizan Hound and that is the breed he clearly acquired the most traits from with barely any hint of wolf left in him despite it being within his bloodline. His coat is smooth and silky, majority burnt orange with white underfur and a streak of white down the muzzle and tipping his thin, curved tail. His eyes are a clear, pale amber flecked with copper and his nose is a rosy orange-pink color. He is still fairly short at only 18 inches, but will likely reach closer to 28 inches as a fully grown adult. As far as size goes, he is a lightweight at only 45 pounds. A noodle of a dog. As with most sighthound breeds his build is lithe and lean with an athletic outline and a springy gait.

He's a bit of an odd duck to say the least. In the long run Ignatius has a difficult time connecting with others on a personal level. He is naturally self-centered as a result, most focused on his own wants and what he thinks his friends and family need, which may not align with what they actually want or need. He isn't the strongest dog physically and prefers not to soil his paws with blood, as he finds violence in and of itself barbaric despite his upbringing. He's very hands off unless personally involved somehow, in which case he can prove quite malicious upon seeking revenge.

This makes him more or less harmless if left to his own devices, save for perhaps potentially emotionally scarring someone who isn't prepared to handle his personality. Ignatius is so caught up in his own ideals he rarely considers each person he interacts with as an individual unless they've managed to somehow be included in his 'inner circle'. He doesn't appear to be aware of his own cruelty, left puzzled when others avoid his company.

Despite his less than approachable attitude he enjoys being around other dogs, craving attention and affection. He doesn’t always understand or consider boundaries. This usually shows itself in the form of him 'borrowing' things that don’t belong to him, he never ceases to be surprised when this upsets someone, but he also appears to not know the meaning of personal space, often touching or leaning close to his packmates. While it can certainly be unsettling it is not done with ill intention. This young dog has a sharp mind and knack for healing despite his strange demeanor.

Trigger warning; mention of abduction.

Ignatius was born among the Guard, but his family were strangers to the pack until fairly recently. His mother was snatched at a young age after the vikings raided a rural village, kept as a prisoner before eventually being accepted as a scavenger once she proved she had a skill for hunting and a passive demeanor that would keep her from betraying her captors. She came from a strict line of purebred Ibizan Hounds, not a drop of any unapproved breed flowing through her veins.

Privately she kept these traditions alive to the best of her ability, gently rejecting the advancements of most of the Guards male until she managed to catch the eye of the dog who resembled her own breed most. He wasn't perfect, keen to boast of his wild blood, but she took some comfort in knowing their offspring would be more hound than wolf. She favored her other pups over Ignatius, finding him a tad odd, but did not treat him unkindly.

He was raised to be a scavenger like his parents, but hunting clearly wasn't his calling. He had a habit of bringing plants home over prey and a tendency to wander away from any sort of training the adults attempted to give him. He would hang around the Black Witch more often than the scavengers, and eventually announced quite plainly he desired to be her apprentice. His requests were rejected over and over until very recently when one of his supposed visions proved true.

Insert generic family members here. Open if anyone wants to be related to him, but otherwise I'm not going to bother being detailed here.

Theme Song
Who Will Save You Now - Les Friction.

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All images are linked to their sources.

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Edited on 28/08/17 @ 23:12:22 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Tufty (#29680)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-08-25 20:26:18

9 years old



25% grey wolf, 75% greyhound

Rank & Affiliation
Blackback Guard, Black Witch (if not possible, then Scavenger)

Eagle feathers weaved into her fur as decoration

Raoula is slender and skinny, with long legs and a long, thin tail. However, she has unusually thick fur due to her grey wolf heritage, which is an advantage as it keeps her warm in the winter and decorations can be weaved into it. She has piercing yellow eyes and always looks angry or grumpy, making most other dogs want to avoid her. She has a white streak on her shoulder, where she was scarred and the fur grew back white. Due to her old age, her fur is going lighter grey and becoming slightly thinner.

Raoula is quick-tempered and threatening, preferring to keep to herself. Others are content to leave her alone, knowing how quickly she can be worked up into one of her snappish moods. There are rumours of her brutality, and some say she has killed wolves before, though no one knows the truth of these rumours except for Raoula herself. She is harsh with her discipline and hates pups and young dogs, believing they are useless and annoying. She has contempt for dogs who are crippled or unable to fight, thinking they are worthless to the pack. However, she is fiercely loyal to her pack and would give her life in defence of it.

She was born with the Blackback Guards, and raised by her parents to be ruthless and show no mercy. She was the toughest of the litter and relentlessly bullied her younger siblings. Eventually, her younger brother died, and when they grew up her sister was killed by a stranger who wandered onto the territory. No one knows how Raoula got her scar, because no one dared to ask, but she actually got it from the stranger when she tried and failed to defend her sister, and then was forced to flee or be killed herself.

Father: Aatu
Mother: Caelana
Sister: Luna (deceased)
Brother: Erryl (deceased)

(I think my favourite right now would be Aatu actually, I made him a few years ago)

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Edited on 25/08/17 @ 21:02:16 by Tufty (#29680)

🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-08-25 20:29:05

"We all are living in a dream.
But I want to dream, leave me to dream."

:: Age ::
3 Years

:: Gender ::

:: Orientation ::
Demiromantic | Bisexual

:: Breed ::
Grey Wolf {50%} | Asian Shepherd {30%} | Collie {10%}

:: Rank & Affiliation ::
Highvalley Court | Prisoner

:: Accessories ::
Two thick chains clamped securely to his paws.
Rusted metal, but still unable to be slipped out of or broken.

:: Appearance ::
Tall and broad, from his face down to his toes, he is quiet the sight to behold and even those blind could see the wolf in his blood. His body shows true power, though his lack of expression shows what he's willing to do with it all. Nothing. His unkept coat, the thick curls and knots show he uninterested in anything and leaves others thinking little of him despite the promise he holds.

His paws are stained red from the tight shackles that bound him to the floor, caring little to even clean the blood from them. His hooded gaze holds deep brown eyes, gentle some would be shocked to see under all that nothingness. The golden streaks that form a sharp arrow down his large forehead, forming a cape against his thick fur are either results of his uncleanliness, or lineage.

:: Personality ::
A stoic and blank faced male, he towers over most and seems to be affected by nothing. No threats, or bargains, perhaps not interested. Or truly good at hiding his emotions. He values secrecy, and though his not the most loyal, is true to those who show him kindness and patience.
Never really taking to the loud and rambunctious.

He knows full well of the war the canines find themselves in, and is also aware of the state they'd soon find their home if they don't quickly take one another out, or somehow work together. He doesn't exactly want a part in the war, in fact a bit lazy when it comes to doing anything, and sides more with the dogs than the wolves when it comes to the ways of living. Taking notice of even Highvalley's clean cells.

He wishes to gain their trust, and knows the Lord King and knights understand this, but don't trust him to not turn on them as soon as he's gained his strength back and is taken out of his chains. He only wishes to help in the dissapearence of the wolves, knowing there is very little chance of a truce. Even if, very little chance it would hold up.

For now though, he revels in the illusion that everything is fine, this having something to do with his motivation to do anything.

:: Backstory ::
Born to Blackback Guard, he was raised as a fighter and grew to be so. Though he despised it, and looked for any aportunity to leave. Finally he had an opening. Without hesitance he fled, the Blackbackguard still hot on his trail to bring back the traitor who have many of their secrets, and know plenty about their Lord Jarl. He showed up at the doorstep of Highvalley only to be thrown in jail, most of its dogs suspecting he be a spy who only wants to gain there trust.

He hasn't told them anything yet, afraid of being tortured for more information he might not have, and also being killed if they think he's lying. Instead he hopes that his corporation will earn him a place in their ranks, only then will he expose his old "allies" secrets.

:: Relationships ::
Will Be Updated

:: Theme Song ::
Imagine Dragons | Dream

:: Other ::

Daymara Lawwood
"And others just untie themselves, uncurling lifelines.
If you could just forgive yourself."

:: Age ::
5 Years

:: Gender ::

:: Orientation ::
Heteroromantic | Heterosexual

:: Breed ::
Australian Shepherd {70%} | Golden Retreiver {30%}

:: Rank & Affiliation ::
Highvalley Court | Gatherer

:: Accessories ::
A necklace of flowers and beads adorn her large neck, many a colors weaved into the fresh vines. A matching bijou lay slack atop her left paw, as well as three curled into her long tail tufts.

:: Appearance ::
A bueaty to say the least, Daymara has been courted plenty to understand this. She has never accepted offers of marriage and plans not to for quiet some time. Not many can seem to figure out why, but don't badger her too much on the situation as it makes her fall into an uncomfortable and blue silence. This worries others as she is usually seen with a gentle glitter in her green eyes, as well as a lazy smile on her slim round muzzle.

Her soft features have made lovers from all around Highvalley stubborn and persitant in gaining her affections. Soft ears and well kept fur that clings snuggly to her broad shoulders and slim waist and hips. Her head flat and round, like that of a cats. Her eyes matching nicely to the shape with their slanted and narrow gaze, almost coming off of seductive. Her berry colored pelt is aflame in the light of the sun, looking as if it's burn anyone who dare approach. Though under the moons carfeful caress is another story, as her strong orange patches blend beautifly with the now turned blue of her white chest and long legs.

:: Personality ::
A quiet though not shy female, Daymara is as kind as she is gorgeous. Tending to others needs and wants without questions, sometimes even forgetting her own, she values friendship and loyalty more than anything. Showing fierce loyalty of her own in the process. Though she shows this in more ways than the baring of sharp fangs, in fact finding the need to fight a bit pointless when there are an ubundancs of other ways to come to an agreement without shedding blood.

She's become an excellent gatherer, knowing the best places to find berries and healing herbs for Highvalley. Having become an expert at perception, her senses at the peak of perfection. This does make her sensitive to others things as well, such as bad smells which seem to knack her back a few steps if faced with them. Blood infact is a smell she despises, and so leaves the hunting to other gatherers and the like.

No one knows why she seems to be so hung up on providing endless amounts of supplies to the kingdom, but no one questions it as she'd a great help. Daymara, of course likes to keep this secret. Do to having fallen in love with an enemy, she feels the weight of treason heavy on her shoulders, but does well to cover it up. The only way she'd ever truly forgive herself though, is I felt she does something about the war between canines.

:: Backstory ::
Born and raised at Highvalley, her father was a knight who'd died during a training accident, the dog responsible was let off free, though Daymara suspects it had been on purpose, as her father had been known to have bumped heads a few times with his murderer. Of course only by his family, as he kept issues with other knights secret, afraid to cause any problems. Afterwords, her mother Failev had fallen ill, and most had assumed it to be her broken heart who had taken her health so quickly. This left Daymara to care for her, as the kingdom had been busy with missions set out by the Lord King. She's been but a pup during this disastrous time, but had learned a lot.

How to fend for herself, and living on her own she had to learn this quite fast otherwise end up on the streets of Highvalley. She learned the strengths of loyalty, a kind dog who helped her eat and sleep on a warm clean bed every night. Without her Daymara doesn't doubt she'd been in her own grave beside her parents. The old dog had passed to her age some time ago, and even though Daymara still mourns for her companions absence, she makes time in helping the kingdom as she'd been taught to do.

:: Relationships ::
Vilks | Ex-lover
A coyote hybrid she'd fallen head over paws for once ago when she was but a young pup confused and naive in the world of affections. He was convincing and gentle when faced with her despite his harsh nature she'd been read out again and again before. One night when they'd planned on meeting at their hidden spot beneath a concealing willow, he never showed, and he was never heard from again.

Failev Lawwood | Mother
A kind old dog who'd been taken by a sudden sickness. Daymara had been left to treat her when all the knights in the kingdom had gone to take care of the wolves extinction. She'd learned a lot that day, and doesn't regret seeing her mother in her dying and weakened state.

Rass | Old Companion
An old dog who'd saved her as a pup from starvation. She recently died of age and Daymara had her burial site requested to be beside her parents. She goes there everyday with three flowers for their graves.

:: Theme Song ::
Florence + Machine | Various Storms and Saints

:: Other ::

"All my wolves begin to howl, wake me up the time is now.
Can you hear the drumming? There's a revolution coming."

:: Age ::
7 Years

:: Gender ::

:: Orientation ::
Aromantic | Pansexual

:: Breed ::
German Shepherd {60%} | Arctic Wolf {40%}

:: Rank & Affiliation ::
Blackback Gaurd | Lord Commander

:: Accessories ::
A wolf's spine strapped with strong leather straps to his back. The animal skin is stained black, two strips secured tightly to his ribcage and waist. A grey rag also wraps loosely around his head, hanging down to circle one ear and enclose over his left eye.

:: Appearance ::
A large black brute, though not as big as some, still intimidating all the same. With a thick black coat, boxy snout and face giving him a terrifying appearance, along with the crooked fangs that poke out past his nearly always red stained lips. Large eyes that seem to glow in low light, the flash of yellow is greatly contrasted against the large wisps of dark fur that shape his face.

His tail is longer than it is full of fur, adding to his rugged and disheveled look. With a bent ear that sags down towards his cheek. The rags that wrap around this ear cover his missing left eye, the bloodied hole dried and cracked, and only exposing it to others when he plans to frighten them.

:: Personality ::
Cold yet also fire like, Radu is as unpredictable as they come. He loves to battle, wether it be to train or to litter the grounds with his enemies, it doesn't matter. He can be joking and cocky one minute, then the next a series of crooked and sharp fangs can be inches from your face and just about ready to snap down. He's not exactly friendly, but can be fun to get along with when he's not acting like the later, and even has a sense of humor no matter how dark.

Once he's got his mind on something, he does his damned best to get it done. Nothing can really get in his way long enough to deter him, even if it does succeed he'd still not be able to get it out of his mind. He would listen to higher ups of course, though not without a couple of questions and annoyed flicks of his tail. He doesn't really like being told what to do, but knows he needs to listen unless he'd want to have his current position taken from him, which would be without hesitation.

Unlike most other males, females aren't all that interesting to him, in fact. No one really is. Of course he has needs and wants, but these are usually satisfied by bloodshed alone, and all in all it's a bit hard to have him distracted. This just adding to his, get the job done, personality. He does find things pretty and endearing, but not enough to pull away from his primal need for carnage.

:: Backstory ::
Found by the Blackback Gaurd abandoned at the bank of a river, most likely left there to die. He was trained harshly from a young age and is now a well respected and unforgiving member of the wolves of Romsdal.

:: Relationships ::
Will Be Updated

:: Theme Song ::
The Score | Revolution

:: Other ::
Not exactly Aromantic, just hard to fall in love <3
And my favorite OC at the moment has to be one of my Dragon babies

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Edited on 08/09/17 @ 19:55:56 by NaiPherah (#88158)

Doe (#62827)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-08-25 20:55:02

"Thought you said that you would always be in love
But you're not in love no more"

Three years and Three months


All sexualities welcome.

German Shepherded [80% x Belgian Malinois [40%] x Iberian Wolf [20%]

::Rank & Affiliation::
Scavenger of Blackback Guard

Vine that has a small rock bead that wraps around her upper left thigh

Wren's paw pads are a solid black that is covered in rough texture due to her love for exploring, leading up to her paws they are a light tan that leads up her leg connecting with her body. But the front of her legs are covered in a dark brown almost black color. Wren's forechest is the same brown as her legs before mixing with the darker brown that makes a line down to her stomach, a large portion of her neck is brown until it meets the back that fades into the dark brown that runs around to her face causing it to be mainly dark causing her brown eyes to stand out. Wren's back and upper thighs are dark brown matching the rest of her before her legs fade right back into the light brown, the top of her tail is dark brown before it fades to the bottom being the lighter brown. Wren stands just under 55 inches, her height coming from the Belgian Malinois in her, she weighs just over fifty pounds with thin muscle that allows her to move around quickly.

Wren often doesn't talk unless she's spoken to first, she never tries to start flights and almost always submits to anyone larger than her. While she is quiet towards most, those she's comfortable with she's a bit hyper, while still being quiet, but she comes up with the oddest things to say and will often zone out. Her zoning out rarely effects with her hunting but has once or twice.

Wren was one of three pups, she was the oldest born none the less, she was called Wren by her mother seeing as she looked like a Wren bird when she was first born, her colors not darkening till she grew. She and her two siblings were born in a small cave her mother had dug just before she was ready to give birth, and when the pups were old enough their mother brought them back to the pack. Growing up Wren was always talking and always asking others questions.

As Wren grew older she fell in love with a Berserker, who ended up falling in love with another dog, therefore, he tried leaving the pack to go be rouge with her, but was instead killed for his actions. Him falling in love and trying to leave but ultimately getting killed broke Wren's heart causing her personality to shift to what it is now, quite and often zoning out to think of different things.

Mother • Passed on
Wren's mother was a scavenger like Wren herself, was killed when Wren was just under a year old.

Father • Unknown
Wren is unsure of who her father is but she does know he is in the pack, her mother just never told her, or anyone else who it was.

Siblings • Two-Alive
Wren loves her siblings[Open] she often doesn't talk to them but she does care for them and help when ever she can

Ex lover• Passed on
Tenta was Wren's Ex-lover who was murdered since he tried to leave the pack for a rouge dog.

She's open to siblings! [Two]
My Oc is actually my Oc ' Hansel' but not the one below!

"Young blood, heaven need a sinner
You can't raise hell with a saint"

One year, 10 months



Anatolian Shepherd [88%] x Wolf [12%]

::Rank & Affiliation::
YoungBlood of BlackBack pack

He has a band wrapped around his upper left leg. The band is made up of leather he found

Toklo is a bulky dog even at his young age, He stands just over two feet and four inches, and around 120lbs. Taklo's head is an odd mix of black and tan, his ears are solid black before they turn into the tan of his head, a black stripe going down his forehead mixing with the black that spots his snout, His eyes stand out rather prettily from his face giving them almost orange look even if they are brown. His neck is thick, it's the same tan and black, just better mixed than his head. His chest has a barely noticeable white mark on it and the rest of his body is Tan.

Toklo is a trouble maker, he often goes off and does things he shouldn't and messes with other creatures. He often gets scolded by his father and mother but will forget about the scolding less than an hour later and go off and do it again. He's not very bright but he does use his brute body when it's needed, often getting into fights with stray's for the fun of it or because they look at him wrong. But all over Toklo is a sweet heart towards those he cares about and often buts himself in the face of danger

Toklo being the first born was always expected to be the best, but he father quickly realized he wasn't fit to be a leader or second in command so he moved on to the younger brothers. Taklo never really cared about that though often preferring to do what ever he wants, but he did listen to his father every so often. Growing up he tried to stand up for the youngest, Sangrita, but often it got ignored. Toklo is rather known for his brute strength but is often seen as a sweet heart by those who know him.

Sangrita | Sister | Favors | Played by ☣⚜Skazzle☬Skittz☣{WCU}
Lincoln | Brother | Likes| ADOPTABLE [Message ☣⚜Skazzle☬Skittz☣{WCU}]
Sereno | Brother | Likes | ADOPTABLE [Message ☣⚜Skazzle☬Skittz☣{WCU}]
Shadow | Brother | Likes | ADOPTABLE [Message ☣⚜Skazzle☬Skittz☣{WCU}]

"They'll tear us apart
If you give them the chance."

Four Years and Three months



Doberman [60%] x Rottwiler [40%]

::Rank & Affiliation::
Knight of Highvalley Court

Vines that wrap around his neck just under his jaw.

Hansel stands just at 26 inches and weighs around 95lbs. Hansel's fur is short and sleek never sticking up from his body. He has almost no Rottweiler look on him other than his markings. Hansel is a black all over his body other than his muzzle, above his eyes, spots on his forechest and the lower parts of his legs. He does have a clipped tail that is scared horribly due to his childhood

Hansel never forgives, it's hard for him too and if he has some sort of anger towards you he tends to ignore you until the problem goes away. Hansel has some form of underlying blood lust that makes him go crazy in battle and kill those who don't smell familiar. Hansel does try to have compassion towards others but it's hard for him to try and force emotion towards others.

Hansel was born outside the pack, but when he was a little under three weeks his mother moved him and his older brother into the pack to hope for a good life for them. Hansel grew up in the pack and didn't even know he wasn't born in the pack until he was about two and his mother told him when she got sick, after that he started ignoring his mother and isn't even sure if she's still alive. He rarely speaks to his brother and often avoids him at all cost.

Hansel's mother is alive but is still rather sick, while he doesn't know she's still alive he wouldn't go and see her even if he knew

Hansel doesn't speak to his brother, rarely tries to talk to him and often acts like he doesn't see his brother when he actually does.

Open to older brother!
"And we'll never be royals
It don't run in our blood
That kind of lux just ain't for us"

Six Years



German Shepherded [%50] x Labrador [50%]

::Rank & Affiliation::
High Priestess of Highvalley Court

Freya has feathers stuck in the scruff of her neck and small leather bands wrapped around her 'wrist'

Freya is almost solid black but has a white strip on her chest, and the lower part of her front paws are brown. Freya's ears stand tall off her head almost ridiculously so, her snout is long and her nose is black. Due to her legs being so long and her fur, the way it is makes it easy for her to swim. While she is rather thin and holds very little muscle on her body, she doesn't make for a good fighter and often gets taken down by smaller dogs.

Freya is a playful dog, she loves her job and often talks to others about it. This female is often seen talking to the younger dogs, she loves to tell them about what her job is and what they can do to achieve her, and Vigdis, level of spiritual energy. Much like Vigdis she's rather good at convincing others to do things and can convince others to join the same path as the clan. Freya's pretty sure the reason most dogs do trust her is due to her almost ridiculous but pretty figure.

Freya was the only pup born in the first litter of pup's her mother and father had, and due to her being female her father rarely talked to her and her mother set her off on her own as soon as it was safe. Less than a year after her younger siblings were born Freya meet with one of the old Priest who talked about the will of God and what she could do to better her life, so she started listening to all the priest services and often was seen talking to them when ever she could. Due to her love for God as well as people she took a role as a High Priestess as soon as it was open. Freya no longer has bitter feelings towards her parents or siblings, she often tries to see them as often as she can even if they are not proud of her and often tell her she's making a mistake since she won't be able to take a mate.

Freya uses to hold hate in her heart towards her mother for never standing up for her. But over time Freya realized there was no need to hate her mother.

Freya's father, on the other hand, Freya has yet to forgive her father, she tries hard to forgive him but it's always a bit hard for her to do.

SIblings-A year younger litter-Open
Freya doesn't know her younger siblings that well, she would like to but she often can't find the time and always feels a bit awkward around them.

Open to younger siblings!

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Edited on 10/09/17 @ 22:13:59 by 🐭Minnie 🐭 (#62827)

tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-08-25 21:01:45
Spamming you with Cumins pics loollllll by Skazzle
Big Booty Cumin by Skazzle
@All Right Reserved
May I just ask to PLEASE not use this picture? It is my dog, Cumin, and the photo belongs to me. I reserve all rights provided by copyright law, such as the right to make copies, distribute my work, perform my work, license, or exploit my work; no rights are waived under this license. Please do not use, redistribute, or claim as your own. If I do see the same picture of her on somewhere else, I won't be happy. DON'T Use It.


4 Yrs



Mostly pitbull, low content wolf **12% Wolf**

Rank & Affiliation
Beserker of Blackback Guard

A necklace of the fangs of fallen enemies, small, black, sleek feathers somewhere in between the fangs.

A large, she-dog with muscles rippling under her smooth pelt, and short cropped ears. She has almond shaped, unfriendly amber eyes, with darker fur stinged around them. Se has a slightly large head and thick neck, the skin around her neck a little loose. Her pelt is smooth, often mistaken to be grey when they are blue. She has a white side of her muzzle, and if you look very closely, you can see a faint white, thin blaze reaching to her forehead where it ends. On her forehead over her eye, she has two scars from a fight she was in moons back.
She has a white, wide chest and white neck, the white markings pointing sharply to the back of her ead until they stop. She has one distinct, small blue dot on her neck, above her shoulder. Her paws are white, but the toes on her left paw are white. She has a pinkish white belly, and a long tail. (Her tail is long xD)

Candice is a cold and solitary female. She won't speak until spoke to, but will speak when needed. She enjoys battling, and is pretty impressive in combat. She has teeth and claws and she knows how to use them well. She is critisized often but believe me, she doesn't take anyones shit. Candice can be quite intimidating when angered, and can't wait to sink her fangs into the flesh of those she despises. She is not friendly nor kind. Unless you manage to slip through her cold and aggressive exterior, you can see her soft side, but thats rare. Once you do become...allies with her be warned that she'll be more protective over you than others. She just cares for you and wants to make sure you are safe.
Lets get back to her bad side... she can be ruthless and cruel. Rarely arrogant, but she is proudful. She'll prove erself no matter what, and if shes got her mind set on something, you're are damn right she's getting it, using every tooth and claw. She'll kill if she has to, usually shredding the already dead body until shes satisfied. Candice won't stop when shes tired, she'll stop when shes done, period.

Candice ws born in a litter or 6, almost all of her sisters leaving wit her mother, Penny. Her mother was a white, big pit with one brown blotch over her eye. Her father, Diesel, a blue nose, was pretty muc disapointed in his mate and pups. He wanted atleast male in the litter, and rarely even interacted with Candice, or any of his offspring. Candice grew up not knowing who her father is often staring at males to see which male is her possible father. When she was a few months, her motyher eventually told him her father was DIesel. Being the bravest pup of the litter, young candice started to talk to her father. Surprisingly, he actually got along with Diesel, but he doubted he would get a beserker pup in his family. Hearing him say this burned a large hole in her heart, but also gave her a new determination to prove to her father. She asked Diesel to train her, though he was surprised, he didn't reject her. He is what carved such evil traits in her personality. He taught her to be ruthless and cruel, but at first, she didn't like it, but after a while, she enjoyed it.
When she became a Beserker, Diesel was overjoyed. Candice felt proud of herself, but didn't show her emotions at all. Less than half of her sisters left, but Candice didn't know why, she was very much closer than she ever can with her mother. She is still very close to her father.(Both of her parents are my dogs real parents xD, and she had no brothers)

Diesel | Father | Loves | ADOPTABLE
If you want to adopt him, I'll pm you a pic of him.
Penny | Mother | Likes | Not Adoptable
Chenoa | SIster | Loves | Adoptable *Will describe her*
Lusa | Sister | Likes | Adoptable
Kallik | Sister | Loves | Adoptable
Rahla | Friend, basically Student | Played by Nyunix

If its out own oc from another rp, I'd say Candice(Another char I have)




1 year, 10 months



88% Anatolian Shepherd, 12% Wolf

Rank & Affiliation
BlackBack YoungBlood

A thick necklae around her neck, with blue green, colorful marbles.

Sangrita is already quite big, weighing well over 100 lbs and quite tall. Her short coat is cream colored and dense, the fur darkening to fawn on her back. Her tail islong and curled a bit somewhere near the tip of her tail, tipped with white. She has a melanstic mask, and black ears. Her bellyand neck are white, and her two forelegs are white.

Sangrita may look intimidating, but shes pretty nice, though she acts a little tough and hard when shes with other adults, especially Beserkers. Sangrita actually enjoys being around with others, even though she won't say much. She is extremely loyal to her pack though, but it may seem like it. She can prove herself very easily though, because when shes angered, stay clear, because she won't be so kind. Sangrita isn't afraid to snap 'er jaws on anothers throat, or have someone suffer. This side of her is pretty sadistic. This rarely happens though, as it takes a lot to tick her off. Sangrita is very loyal toan ally, but if you betray her, don't expect her ot be kind to you. She gets very cold, but its because she feels pretty heart broken.

Not much)
Sangrita was born to a high content wolf-dog to a low content wolf dog anatolian shepherd. She was the only female in the litter of 4, and she was the 5th pup. Her father mostly spent time with his sons, much to Sangrita's disapointment. She spent lots of time with her mother, until she was fed up with how much her brothers would tease her, and how her father acted like she wasn't even a thing. She tried to prove herself greatly, but failed to gain her fathers attention. Once she did, but he just acted like nothing happened. He said she was more of a Breeder. SHe didn't really understand it, but she does now. She doesn't care, but she isn't quite happy in making pups just for the pack. You aren't really doing anything helpful.. She is a little bit bigger than her brothers, much to her fathers surprise.

Toklo | Brother | Somewhat Likes | ADOPTABLE
Lincoln | Brother | Somewhat Dislikes(Teases her, bothers her, etc) | ADOPTABLE
Sereno | Brother | Likes | ADOPTABLE
Shadow | Brother | Somewhat Likes | ADOPTABLE



Pastor vasco m 14months loby 3018.jpg


3 years, 6 months



Basque Shepherd Dog

Rank & Affiliation
Highvalley Court Gatherer

A hemp necklace - A dead, thick tendril braided with small, dead blue flowers between the spaces, and tied around a dark blue diamond. It hangs tightly round her neck, held carefully so her shaggy fur does't hide it.

A medium sized, 'golden' furred she-dog with friendly brown eyes. She has lighter unders and long, silky fur. Her ears are large and folded, usually flopping around whenever she runs. Her long tail has very long fur, often used to rest on her nose while she's sleeping, curled up of course.

Olivia is an intelligent, outgoing female. She is extremely religous, and will turn to her God to help her with any issues. She is very loyal, and finds that loyalty is what makes even the weakest of dogs strong, but like herself, he only shows loyalty towards dogs who she truly believes deserves it. If you dare to betray her, however its hard to get the respect she once had for you, though you are her packmate through and through, so she'll treat you nicely, but not with as much respect.
Curiosity was once a very very huge weakness for Olivia when she was a young pup, almost killing herself one time whil trying to 'see if the waters surface was able to be stood on.' She is very welcoming to others, even if they have a somewhat bad reputation.

Olivia was born with only one brother, who sadly died soon after birth. Her mother was hit hard, her expression dull as she stared off somewhere. Olivia tried her best to cheer her up, but was often rejected. Once she got over er sons death, Olivia actually got along with er mother. Once she was an adolescent, though, her mother got an illness, and she fell into the paws of death after a few days. Olivia still loves er mother, and believes her mother is always standing with her.

Olive | Brother | Loves | Deceased
Dafadil | Mother | Loves | Deceased
Mac | Friend | Played By Scottie (Orca-Child)



File:Border Collie Griff.jpg


3 years, 2 months

Female(I have so many female chars IM SORRY)


Border Collie

Rank & Affiliation
Highvalley Court Gatherer

Dried out strands of oleander branches weaved in a braid, hanging tightly around her neck.

A medium sized border collie with long legs. She has black, long silky solft fur that gets fluffier once it reaches her tail. Se has a small bit of muscle from running and chasing prey,her paw pads rough and sometime cracked. She has a white tail tip, stray strands of black hair on the tip. Melanie has dark brown eyes, appearing to be black. She has laid back rose ears, only perking up high when shes alerted. Her ears are quite big when perked.

Brooke is intelligent, he's not one to get angry easily, but she wont step down from a fight. She rarely wants to start up conflicts or fights, but she sure will finish them. She is very stubborn hearted and always wanting to do what feels right- but she won't say something unless it really ticks her off. She is loyal, very very loyal, and religious, quick to defend herself and her friends with mostly sarcastic remarks.
After being seperated from birth, she is more of a quiet female. But, if shes in a bad mood, she is not one to be toyed around with. It is best if you stay out her way, or she will get up in someones face. However, Most things don't bother her, and she is content with her place as a gatherer. She knows how sexist the Blackpack dogs are and is pretty glad she never came across them as a pup.

Brooke was born in a rogue familywhere her parents were very expectant of her and her younger sister. Her parents were both border collies, Meeka and Dallas. Where she lived was very snowy, and she had a wide range of freedom. She and her brother were allowed to roam around, very far most of the time. She was often pampered, getting what she wants most of the time. Brooke will admit, she was a spoiled brat as a pup and would throw a tantrum if she didn't get what she wants. Those tantrums stopped quickly when her father would snap at her.
She somehow got lost, but this young pup had a great deal of determination, nothing could make her give up. She finally cracked, lying on her side, waiting for her small body to slip into the paws of death. Luckily, she was found by a couple gatherers who took her in. She was given to an adoptive mother, though she wanted to go back to her family. At a young age she has proven to have little potential, but with a lot of teaching, it seemed that she did have potential. She isn't that kind as all the other dogs, but she doesn't mind. She once caught sight of her brother, pretty small for his age, and she tried to make him join. Once she found out he wasn't interested at all, she was pretty hurt but dusted it off.

Dallas | Father | Unknown
Meeka | Mother | Unknown
Chuco | Brother | Unknown
Rana | Friend, well, she thinks she is quite annoying but she is protective over her because she knows her pain. | Played by West

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Edited on 30/08/17 @ 11:48:08 by ☣⚜Skazzle☬Skittz☣{WCU} (#83026)

『Moon』 (#100696)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-08-27 00:26:54

"Don't wanna reach for me, do you?
I mean nothing to you
The little things give you away
And now there will be no mistaking
The levees are breaking.

3 years.



German Shepherd[100%]

|••|Rank & Affiliation|••|
Highvalley Court|••|Knight, hopes to be called Captain one day.

Two gray bird feathers stuck behind her ears, a leather coral decorated with withered red roses and 4 other gray feathers woven into the fur of her tail.

Mone is an averagely tall female, standing at 32 inches at the shoulders. She weighs about 150 pounds and has a lean bodybuild, despite her long fur. Her tail is somehow longer than her mother, father or brother's, giving her the ability to grab light objects such as leaves and twigs and carry them for a very short while. She has sharp claws and fangs, although she prefers to not use them. Her best sense is smelling, and even if dogs excell in the art of smells, she is slightly better than the average. Her eyesight is very poor, and thus she helps herself orientate in space with her nose and ears.

Her pelt is of a pure ebony, small and narrow orange spots appearing on her cheek, back and tail. The orange slowly fades around her back and becomes more visible around her tail. Her tail tip is also orange, her paws having small white speckles. Mone's nose is part orange, part black, almost symmetrically. Her right eye is covered with orange, giving off the impression of always having it scarred. This she-dog's eyes are of an emerald green, sometimes appearing as brown and gray while in the darkness. Delicate yellow stripes also cross her iris, making them look like a camouflage uniform. Her long body helps her at running and chasing prey instead of fighting. She always thought agility was more important than brute strength.

Mone is a pretty cold hearted she-dog, preferring to be alone most of the time. However, no interaction with dogs for a whole day will make her depressed and help her insecurity grow. Luckily, her brother is always there to cheer her up or keep her company. She is as well clingy after she befriends someone, and incredibly jealous. If she ever sees one of her friends talk to someone else and ignore her, an enormous feeling of betrayal will gather inside of her. Truth is, if the individual talks with her again, any negative feeling about them will be gone. This she-dog likes keeping her sadness inside her and let herself get overwhelmed by it. She knows how to hide her feelings. I mean, all feelings except love. Whenever she loves someone, she won't be scared to show it and will often become overprotective.

Of course, Mone has a few qualities as well. Her ability of reading wolves often gives her an edge in arguments or interactions with others. She's been really determined lately, and somehow has a boost of confidence. A tiny one, that is. Mone has no doubt about her looks, as her mother used to compliment her appearance. She is as well really confident when it comes to speed. Mone has an almost unbreakable shield that defends her emotions, opening to very few and select dogs. She loves swimming and the rain. Her favorite time of the day is the evening. Even if she is somewhat afraid of the dark, she loves "bathing" in the Moonlight.

Mone has been born to two German Shepherds. Life was great and all, until her father somehow decided to meet other female dogs. Probably because he was getting bored of his mate. Of course, her mother found out and confronted him. He has never apologized or showed any sign of regret at that time, and continued seeing other dogs. Unfortunately, this happened when the two siblings were younger than an year, and it affected them deeply. Thanks to this, Mone has become insecure, and Sen fake. After a while, when their father became ill, he came back home and apologized, asking for help later. He was paid occasional visits, however they all decided to leave him alone the way he left them.


My own favorite OC is the girl I'm using now, Mone.



"And the truth is, you turn into someone else
You keep running like the sky is falling
I can whisper, I can yell
But I know, yeah I know, yeah I know
I'm just talking to myself."


3 years.



German Shepherd[100%]

•||•Rank & Affiliation•||•
Highvalley Court•||•Knight.

A simple leather coral with a few small embedded stones in it.

Sen stands at 34 inches and weighs around 160 pounds, having a sturdy bodybuild. He has a very short tail and fur, his muscles visible at his every move. He has large fangs and claws, being able to even pierce wood. His love for fighting makes him sharpen his claws on hard rocks weekly and chew small tree branches, sometimes even out of boredom. His best sense is hearing, as he can hear a bush rustle silently even if another dog is howling. He also has poor eyesight, though he can still see clearly within 5 feet, unlike his sister.

The upper half of his body -head, neck and front paws- is of a yellowish orange, his eyebrows being black. His back legs and tail are also black, somehow "cutting" him in half. He has white paw pads and nose, his ears extremely long and fragile. Even a small claw touching them could cause him pain. He has thin skin, and thanks to his also short fur, he can easily get scars or wounds. He's always had a problem with healing, and any cuts he gets will most likely get infected and eventually make him ill. His eyes are of an light blue, darker stripes also crossing his iris. Small gray spots are splattered around. They occasionally appear white and give the impression of being blind while the sun's rays are coming directly onto them. Sen's strong build makes him better at fighting rather than hunting. He's valued brute strength over agility for his whole life.

Sen's always cheerful and likes being friendly. At least, that's what it seems on the outside. He is extremely fake and knows how to act. Manipulative is the perfect word to describe him, as his sweet words can easily charm someone. Flattery is his best way of manipulation. His true self is much more sadistic and evil in almost every way possible. He nonetheless cares deeply about the dogs close to him. Sen learned how to act positively so well it isn't always an act now. Unlike his sister, he holds grudges for a long time and will come for revenge whenever he wants. He does not appreciate other people's work or opinions thanks to his immense confidence. This male loves showing his emotion and is never afraid to do so. Except hatred. That would of course damage his reputation.

One of his best aptitudes is his acting. Besides defending his reputation, his ways also protects others' feelings. He is in fact very easily angered or triggered, but he immediately hides it. Even if he acts friendly towards them in public, he's probably already planning a way to make them want to stay away from him. He isn't and won't be afraid to spill a dog's blood, even if the individual was dear to him in the past. One thing Sen and Mone have in common is their jealousy. Thanks to this, both of them will protect their friends until the end of their lives. He is rather confident in his fighting, however running is pretty easy for him as well. In fact, he is confident in everything he does. Nobody knows what made him act like this, not even Mone. She however is the only one who knows most of what he shows is fake. Sen is extremely possessive and likes convincing other wolves his way is the only one. He's loved very few wolves truly during his whole life. Say, around 5? His favorite time of the day is the morning. He loves staying out in the sun and even if it sometimes bothers him, he still prefers staying in the Sunlight over the darkness.

Sen has been born to two German Shepherds. Life was great and all, until his father somehow decided to meet other female dogs. Probably because he was getting bored of his mate. Of course, her mother found out and confronted him. He has never apologized or showed any sign of regret at that time, and continued seeing other dogs. Unfortunately, this happened when the two siblings were younger than an year, and it affected them deeply. Thanks to this, Mone has become insecure, and Sen fake. After a while, when their father became ill, he came back home and apologized, asking for help later. He was paid occasional visits, however they all decided to leave him alone the way he left them.



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Edited on 04/09/17 @ 00:03:14 by 『Moon』 (#100696)

GoFlukeYourself c: (#121554)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-08-27 11:14:52
Copyright to Jacquotte @ Devianart. Ignore the green eye.
"Power is only given to those who are prepared to lower themselves and pick it up."

Bjorn Havardrsson

4 years

Male, Masculine

Heterosexual, Hypersexual

Grey wolf (80%) x Saarloss Wolfdog (20%)

Rank & Affiliation
Lord Commander of Blackback Guard
Berseker if Lord Commander is unavailable.

A thick band of metal and leather hide strewn together by human hands rest comfortably around his thick neck. Pushed into the metal are few precious stones of emerald and quartz, a treasure he had stolen from a successful raid. A pair of metal bracers, studded by dull spikes cover the tops of his paws and up a few inches past his ankles to protect the delicate bones that would make a predator such as himself vulnerable if they were broken.

Thick mounds of onyx and earthen shades coat a muscular skeleton of the brute known as Bjorn. His ears are large, sharp and sit high atop his regal dome coated in lighter shades of earth but having the shadows of onyx on the backs of his ears. His snout is neither long nor short, a medium average size in length and width. They perfectly house his lethal bridgework that have become stained near the top of his gums from many battles or skirmishes for fun. A beautiful pair of sapphire gems set deep within his skull, a steady cold glare that stop his foes before they try to start anything but lighten up into a witty gleam when he is around his battle brothers and close kin. His shoulders are broad, his chest his deep and match his shoulders in length while his limbs are long and lean with thicker hindquarters to ease the weight he carries as he moves regally through the territory.

Bjorn is a bit of a mix. There are moments where he can be a gentle and well mannered brute that holds his power well above the lower vessels in the territory but stays fair to all. Though for a moment don't think he won't take advantage of the moment of peace to cause some chaos and use his brute strength and aggression to get things done. There are times where his temper and attitude matches that of Thor and Odin when they learned of Loki's treachery. Silver tongued, he can talk his way out of the trouble he often finds himself in, usually with the females of the clan. Cunning alike Loki as a child, he outwits his opponents in battle and uses their weaknesses against them and exploits his own clan mates as well when he's in a foul or petty mood.

Born to a berserker commander and scavenger mother, Bjorn was born the largest of the litter. His father calling him a bear cub at birth and that was one way he had gotten his name. His brother and sister being of lesser quality and size, promptly disowned by his overly strict and violent father. The female known as his mother ignored his fathers wishes and continued raising the three of them and named the other two in secret before their father returned from a failed raid and disposed of the other two leaving Bjorn as the only living child of the pair. As he grew larger and as wild as his father, he was trained early as a fighter within their clan and found a name for himself as a wild animal. A crazed bear in training and battles. Living up to his given birth name. Before his second birthday,a rarity in most clans and tribes, he became a full fledged berserker within his clan and found a name for himself. The treasures he brings home either being worn on his neck or given as gifts to woo certain high profile females into his den for a night of fun.

Havardr, Father, Grey wolf.
Brunhilda, Mother, Saarloos wolfdog x Grey wolf.
Freja, daughter, Grey wolf (50%) Saarlos Wolfdog (25%) Husky (25%), Adoptable!
Floki, son, Grey wolf (50%) Saarlos Wolfdog (25%) Husky (25%), Adoptable!
(Pm me for his adoptable children if interested.)

Theme song

Voiced by
Avi Kaplan from Pentattonix

My favorite OC would be Xerxes, a wolf I first created when i got into role-playing.


Click Source.

Cameron Jordansson

Four years



Great Dane

Rank & Affiliation
Highvalley Court , Knight

He wears a heavy leather and metal harness that spreads across his broad chest and rests firmly upon his shoulders. The kingdoms insignia tailored into his chest plate. Tri metal dull spiked bracelets rest upon his ankles, used to keeping his enemies from biting his large paws.

Standing at a staggering 42 inches, quite large for his breed and by most the tallest dog in the kingdom given how big his breed typically is, this brute weighs in with a lean muscular mass of one hundred and sixty pounds. He is covered in a thin but fine silken pelt of the darkest shades of onyx. His eyes a striking auric, burning as bright as the sun and pinning his foes where they stand with a single cold glare. His claws turned black from the dried blood of his enemies while his bridgework stay a lovely pearl shade. Scars cover his body in various regions, the most noticeable being the bear claw marks that cut deep into his flesh and reveal his pink flesh that is covered by his chest plate. Claw marks raking down his backside and bite marks on his muzzle.

Tactical, wise, calm and collected. He is a fierce fighter and passionate male when it comes to protecting those he cares about. He is wise for when it comes to battle but when it comes to talking and interacting with others, he is a bit reserved and dim witted.

He was born within the lower regions of the kingdom, raised by a lowly wet nurse until he came to the age of six months and ventured out on his own to make a name for himself. At the age of one he became a squire. Battling and working hard in his training as a soldier and hunter to earn respect and recognition. On his second birthday, through much jealousy of the others, he was one of the few to become full fledged knights and now serve under the king. Two years later, scarred heavily and still kicking, he works closer to his new goal. Becoming a knight commander of his own battalion or hopefully an advisor where he won't have to waste anymore blood of the innocent.

His parents are unknown canines. Either dead or had abandoned him. He was raised by a peasant wet nurse in the lower regions of the kingdom.

I can't think of another one o-o

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Edited on 30/08/17 @ 19:28:44 by GoFlukeYourself c: (#121554)

-active} (#111404)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-08-27 16:30:46


“We hope all danger may
Be overcome, but to conclude that no
Danger may ever arise
Would itself be
Extremely dangerous.” - Abraham Lincoln


6 Years & 4 Months.

Female || Bitch.

Bisexual || Biromantic.

Cirneco dell’Etna Dog.

Rank & Affiliation
Highvalley Court || High Priest(ess).

A single feather, bordered by two brown beads hangs vigilantly from a loose string around her neck, a brown and red beaded choker just a few inches above it.
Animal claws pierce her large, sensitive ears. Though she does have problems with the punctured holes, she feels that the animal claws are a way to show that even though she is pretty, she can be intimidating.
A dark gray hood rests on her shoulders. Usually, she is seen wearing this thick fabric over her head, keeping to herself and acting as if she hasn't a care in the world. And to keep this fabric from blowing away, a chain was attached and sewn into the hood and hangs against her chest.

Vigdis is a replica of her mother, father, littermates, and ancestors. Maybe even any pups to come in the future. Her fur is short and sleek, and since there is barely any length to it, there is hardly a time when this canine isn’t looking attractive, Vigdis might be skinny and smaller than most hounds in comparison, she is quite muscular and ready to fight. Vigdis has a narrow face, like most hounds such as herself, though, the most defining part of her is her ravishing light amber eyes.

Vigdis is extremely good at talking, she can make the most brutal plan sound like it will be a walk in the park with rainbows and cake at the end without ever telling a lie. Vigdis is known for her extreme use of half truths and truth stretching. Her words are often very telling and it is rare to get a full truth from the female. Vigdis is known for being hard to talk to because of this, however. Easily making dogs who are unwilling or non-receptive to others sing a different tune after a short conversation. Some others see her as a snake but most admire this trait about her due to her way with words. She speaks with such ease that everyone listens - who doesn't want that? This manipulation is deadly and has cost some less on their toes dogs to run to their death, others find this trait idolizing and have begun to see Vigdis as less of a dog and more of a Goddess. Wherever you fit in this line it's certainly a deadly line to walk on.

Vigdis is never the warmest and cuddly of dogs, however, with herself common attitude being such a dismissive one most dogs simply don't try to have a simple nice conversation with the bitch. Vigdis never really speaks about herself or anything personal and in company she usually is rather quiet and only speaks to those whose opinions and words matter. Vigdis doesn't favor other dogs and their opinions, be it her narcissism or her sociopathic tendencies she would rather be left alone and to her own devices. She sees dogs like puppets or pawns in a game of chess. Though this is a very negative way for her to look on about others it is how she measures their worth and right to be in her presence.

Vigdis’ words usually make others feel lesser, her clever comebacks and quick thinking help others feel like they need her. She knows how to keep her worth to the Court and also how to make everyone remember that she is a high rank without ever coming off as mean or forceful. With a likeness to a snake, she has been viewed as someone who can slink in and out of situations almost seamlessly. Trained to not flinch at any opportunity to raise in power Vigdis knows how to work a crowd. Vigdis knows how to play her cards, however, sometimes she does it in a way that can be seen as her being a snake. This fear of never knowing when you are talking to the real Vigdis usually makes her a loner who has few close friends, if any. Though this trait allows her to get things that she usually could not as well as win arguments and fights while fighting a little dirty, it also leaves her with a bit of a downfall with the close relations and approval that she often desires. This trait also works well with her talking. She can sell everything and anything to everyone. This common deception is a trait Vigdis tends to greatly enjoy, pushing limits and playing with boundaries to see just how far she can wrap someone into her wicked games.

Vigdis is still a responsible pack-mate and although she is cold on the outside, she genuinely cares about each part of the pack and, likewise, cares to learn every dog's name and their strengths and weaknesses - though this is less because she cares for the individual and more due to her caring about herself. When she speaks to you the first time chances are she has already looked into you, spoken to others and even searched for things to tell her more about you. Everything Vigdis does is for the betting of the pack and she is known to go to drastic measures to protect them from everyone, including the wrath of the Blackback Guard. In the end, Vigdis wants to have the hook in everyone's head that draws them to her so when she attempts to take control no one would have any qualms. Vigdis is extremely dedicated to the Highvalley Court. Even more, than she is to herself. Because of her dedicated nature, it means that she is less likely to abandon ship or do something to break this commitment. She will do anything to make sure she gets her needed results, no matter who she needs to cut down or terminate in the process. Dedicated to a fault Vigdis has issues backing down from any challenge and she will often find a way to reach her results without ever getting her paws dirty.

Vigdis doesn't like dogs trying to get to know her on a personal level. Professionally she enjoys talking to others - even looking into the other dogs past she never faults, however, whenever someone turns their sights to look into Vigdis she instantly closes off and pushes others away. Quickly becoming cold and throwing walls up to prevent others from becoming close to her. She doesn't like others to see her scars and weaknesses so quickly ends up hiding them from others who try to get to know her. She always assumes that overthrowing her would be the only reason for dogs to grow close.

Vigdis has had a normal and uninteresting life like most canines, even though that doesn’t explain why the bitch is so sour. Maybe it’s because of the death of her parents, or the fact that her mother had moved on from her father too quickly, or knowing that her mother was giving more attention to her step-sister rather than her first born. Who knows. Not many canines, nor her mother, know much about the grumpy bitch.
As a pup, Vigdis had a joyful life, that was until her father was killed by one of the Blackguard Dogs. Her mother says that is when her mood swings began. The pup was no longer a sweet little jelly bean, as her mother would call her, but now a grumpy, ill-mannered, disrespectful brat. Some wonder why and how she has earned the rank of a High Priest, Vigdis gives them a simple answer though. She is good at hiding her emotions and can put on a fake smile for just about any situation.
As a teen, Vigdis had taken notice of her mother's absence in the den, and so she became suspicious of the older female, questioning her mother whenever she returned tired or following the female but losing her amongst the trees of their territory. It wasn’t showing but Vigdis worried about her mother, more than she worried about herself. One day while she was following her mother, she must have been really quiet while stalking the knight, but she made it just in time to find her mother cuddling up against another canine. Vigdis would have none of it the moment she arrived and broke them apart, yelling at her mother as her eyes welled with tears before running away. Basically, her hormones got more intense after that. Now that Vigdis knew about her little a fair, her mother began to bring the male to their den, laughing and flirting with him, which made Vigdis utterly sick. She couldn’t stand to see her mother with any other canine but her father.
After a few years, Vigdis got used to seeing her step-father’s face amongst the family, still bitter towards him as usual and annoyed to know that he took no offense to her feelings. But, little did she know that her hormones would be sent on a roller coaster ride of mixed emotions when her mother announced that she was yet again, PREGNANT.
Recently her mother had given birth, and at this moment, she had moved up to the rank of High Priest, spending more time alone than with her growing family. Vigdis did miss her mother's presence, but the thought of seeing her loving up to that new pup and her new mate made the Cirneco dell’Etna sick. Basically, her backstory had made up her personality, and though some could blame it on her new family members, it is all because of how the bitch views them, and that is as intruders who slid their way into her family tree.

Yngvild - Sire - Purebred Cirneco dell’Etna - Deceased
(Was killed by a wolf during a hunt)
Sayd - Step-Sire - Purebred Ibizan Hound - Alive
(Open to be played)
Hilde - Dam - Purebred Cirneco dell’Etna - Alive
(Open to be played)
Votusia - Step litter-mate - Cirneco dell’Etna x Ibizan Hound (Looks more like an Ibizan) - Alive
(Open to be played)

I actually do have an OC (I hid the folder away from my dog cause she tore through it and almost destroyed every piece of evidence I had of my OC), but don’t have a picture of her online. She’s an adorable redhead homosexual 21-year-old. My second favorite would have to my friends OC, which is also a homosexual, but she is actually married and already has a whole plot with our other friend, who plays her wife.

”It is dangerous for mortal beauty, or
Terrestrial virtue, to be examined by too
Strong a light.
The torch of truth shows much
That we cannot, and all that would not
See.” - Samuel Johnson

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Edited on 02/09/17 @ 10:00:49 by Tenshi(WCU) (#111404)

Narvala hibikis
bird <3 (#117743)

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Posted on
2017-08-28 07:47:02
Image removed by staff
name zala
3 years old


straight | Demisexual

good spirited Kindhearted but fierce when needed like always she tries her best . funny silly sad loving caring kind mean rude rarely.... bossy never mostly good things but she stands up for whats right! And loves pups and puppies.

Rank & Affiliation
scavenger | Blackback Guard
Image removed by staff

back story
she never knew her mother or father she was taken in when she was a pup a Scavenger took her in and trained her to be a Scavenger.a good one at that and now she is almost the best there is and she tries her best to do the best she can every day that she breaths and every day she wonders what where my parents like although she never met them.

mother never met
father never met
sister never met
brother never met.

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Edited on 02/09/17 @ 14:07:54 by Iskierka {DQ} 🐎 (#601)

Scottie (Lights ON!) (#87211)

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Posted on
2017-08-28 11:35:15
All rights reserved by me, the photographer

Malcolm, or Mac for short

Mac is bordering on 5 years of age

Mac is a male

Mac is straight

Mac is a pure Scottish Terrier

Rank & Affiliation
Mac is a Highvalley knight

Mac wears a rough-hewn wooden cross about his neck on a piece of twine. He also has a tuft of his brother's fur tied to the twine. He wears leather bracers on his paws.

Mac is a large Scot, weighing about 30 pounds. All that weight is either his muscle or his luxuriant fur, which he keeps long and bushy to cushion and deflect blows and bites. His coat is black, which gray and wheaten brindle sparsely scattered. However, he has several silver flecks about his eyes. His eyes are brown, but his eyebrows hide them. He is stocky, only rising to about a foot tall at the withers.

Mac is a pious fellow, first and foremost. He prays in the morning, before meals, at bedtime, and before entering a battle. He trusts his Lord, but he sometimes questions Him, as when he did when his brother was slain by Blackback guards. Mac is also gruff, never mincing his words and not tolerating any folly. He is quick to tell someone off and quick to raise his hackles. However, if he allows you to, you can see his soft side. He is empathetic and it sometimes pains him to kill or fight, as he can clearly tell when someone feels hurt or sad. This all makes for a bit of a zealot, and a dog who lives on a hairline trigger.

Mac was born in Blackback, as a matter of fact. His mother, Freyja, bore two sons, Malcolm and Angus. However, his family was poorly treated there and she vowed to smuggle her pups to Highvalley. One fateful, stormy night, when the pups were four months old, she did. But guards caught her and slew her in front of the brothers' eyes. Mac, being the stronger one, was able to flee to safety, but Gus tripped and was slain. After the guards left, Mac snuck back to Blackback and took a tuft of his brother's fur, making an oath over his dead body to avenge him.

Mac is honestly friends with any Highvalley dog who does not bug him. He hates all Blackback dogs, save those whose feelings he feel. Then, he only resents them. His mother Freyja and brother Angus are both dead

Olivia the Basque shepherd dog (played by skazzle skitzz) is his buddy
My favorite OC is Anhrefn

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Edited on 29/08/17 @ 20:18:09 by Scottie (Orca-child) (#87211)

Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2017-08-28 15:22:01

Two years.



Grey Wolf - not quite half but more than a quarter
Swedish Elkhound - an eighth
Irish Wolfhound - an eighth
Husky - a quarter
Lab (yellow) - little less than a quarter

Rank & Affiliation
Blackback Guard, scavenger.

She has several feathers in her fur and has a small, leather collar - a smaller version of her father's - with the same marbled stones.

She took after her father. Her mother was a relatively higher content wolfdog, and she turned out as well, about the same size as her brother despite being younger. Rahla is wolfy and more grey than her father, but her fur is his texture. You don't have to look closely to see their resemblance, even though she is smaller and more fine-boned. Her eyes are yellow. Despite her fur being the same texture as her father's, she keeps herself carefully groomed, not out of vanity, but because it is quite painful if it gets tangled and caught in the event of a fight. It's clear she could have been a berserker, but the strict gender roles and dislike from her father prevented that.

Her lab blood resulted in one of her ears being folded, giving her a constantly-cute sort of look that she hates. She has some yellow undertones in her fur, along with some brown bits and black bits and of course grey and white parts.

She's only just coming out of her shy and softspoken phase and realizing her self-worth. Rahla is quick to anger and won't hesitate to snap at someone, with her words or her teeth, if it will prove she's no breeder. The wolfdog is furious with her lack of an option to be a beserker, or even be considered as a heir to her father, who she thinks the world of, despite his terrible ways. She sees him as being incredibly powerful and aspires to both impress and somehow become him, but isn't sure how at all. It is hard for her to trust males that aren't her brother, and she looks in scorn upon most of the other females for sitting back and just taking their fate, so she doesn't exactly come off as friendly to anyone, and that's just how she wants it. If her father and brother can be standoffish and angry all the time, so can she.

(I know this isn't a lot; it's an entirely new character for me and I've never been the best at coming up with stuff off the top of my head. She'll be more rounded out in RP.)

Born to the Jarl and a random female, Rahla never recieved the love or affection she needed as a pup, but that didn't stop her from loving her father - she couldn't have cared less about her mother. She attempted to emulate him in every way, but eventually the ways of the group beat her down into a shy, soft-spoken female, suitable for nothing but breeding. The second she realized that - at around a year and a half - it began to infuriate her. She was the daughter of the best male in the world; she was strong and big and knew how to fight, and she would not be forced to sit still and look pretty for some male. Her rebellions were small; male suitors learned not to get too close, for fear of her teeth; she occasionally neglected her duties to train for fighting with her brother. Now, as an adult, she continues the facade of her former self, but anything could set her on the path to full-out rebellion from this way of life.

Ragnar - Father - played by northern (#74490)
She really just wants her dad to be impressed with her . . . at all. In anything she does. But she isn't sure how to go about that.

Revjo - Brother - played by potatolord (#33076)
She really appreciates his attempts to provide her with a decent father figure and loves him dearly, but can't help but take after their father.

My favorite OC of mine is named Kade. She's pretty old and has undergone a lot of changing since I made her.

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🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

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Posted on
2017-08-28 23:03:37




"What does it take to make you angry?"

3 years 4 months



Cane Corso

Rank & Affiliation
Gatherer of Highvalley

Ras is decorized with a thick, worn down collar that is studded with sharp spikes that take up his whole neck area. A chain like harness is worn tightly against his frame, stopping at the end of his rib cage. The occasional dog tooth or a feather is found within the rusty links.

Raskon all in all is very large, his build easily more heavy over lean. He has the iconic bulldog looking face, a shorter muzzle that is slightly more pushed into a rock hard skull while also having the occasional body rolls on his neck. He reaches a standard 26in while weighing a heavy 100lbs, his skinny legs burdened with carrying his mass around all day. His fur color varies from a very light cream color to a darker, muskier color, clearly portraying the brindle pattern covering his whole frame. Evidently, around his eyes and his muzzle are the only areas that are just one color, along with the insides of his ears. His orbs are a deep, dark brown color that seem to freeze you in space if given the iconic "dirty" look. Under his short yet soft fur, muscles ripple with ease, perhaps giving him a more 'spooky' look, though he's not all bite. His fur textures varies with soft and velvety to wiry and more pokey throughout his whole body, even to his stubble for a tail.

Though Ras is purebred with no wolf blood running through his veins, he's always found it slightly rash to attempt killing off all offspring to ancestor wolves, but loyalty easily clouts his reason for equality, his heart bound to the pack he devotes his own life to. Most people who have interacted with Ras know he can be very self-kept, and even harsh to others when he is spoken to at the wrong time. But if you've ever gotten close enough to know that he can sometimes be a big softie, being friends with him can actually be quite pleasant. Having known life on his own, surviving off of the scraps even the vultures didn't devour for the most of his child and boyhood, he prefers to stay quiet and serve the pack in hopes to keep any of the others from having to experience life as such, or if others have like himself, to remind them that life's not always so difficult. He's very concentrated on his work/duty or goals he may have, putting lots of effort into anything that he does and tries in everyday life. Especially protecting himself and his peers. If challenged, Ras is not one to go easy- he fights dirty, and with no remorse. He can be very aggressive at times, even when not in a fight, especially if it comes to food and items .His odd personality makes it harder for him to find a love interest, though he has always had a hole in his heart for being lonely. He searches for potential soul mates, yet doesn't really settle for less, making it even harder for others and himself. All in all, he has a more hatred seeming demeanor, but inside has a soft spot and potential friendship material that others are not determined enough to seek and find.

Raskon was born during a blizzard, his mother, Arya, hiding in a fox hole to keep her pups from freezing to death the moment they first take a first breath. He was the last one to pop out, next to 3 other hungry, confused, and freezing bodies. His father wasn't his mothers mate, so he never had the luxury of being introduced to him, and being raised by his single mom was not easy for her. Two of the four pups born had eventually died off, leaving Ras and one other, the two biggest and stronger ones. As they grew older, so did Arya, her having a litter rather late in her lifetime. The first time she got too sick to even move, Ras and his brother Gale had to begin teaching themselves how to fend for themselves, though life proved itself more difficult than that.

They decided to stick together, and over time grew a very close, brotherly bond, depending on eachother to survive once their mother was passed. They would travel to different places, each time hoping to discover some place of Nirvana that they could safely live in, but to no avail, they kept searching. At only 2 years old, they were resting in a temporary cave they called home, and late at night a storm had begun. It grew to the point that the bottom of the cave was ankle high with water, and before either of them could really notice, still groggy from sleep, a flash flood came in and began trapping them inside of their own den. The water was bringing in loads of branches, rocks, and more stuff you could find just while looking around, tearing their skin as they both tried to escape. But when Ras finally did, he was swept away from Gale, losing track of how far he had strayed from his brother.W

hen he was finally able to resurface, the last place he'd seen Gale was far from eyesight now. He had to continue on his own, the lose of his brother leaving him empty and confused inside. Life's hardships were much, much worse now, and by the time he had found the Highvalley pack, he'd already been starved near to death. Now he is thriving and has met his full strength, yet is still lost without his bestfriend.

[Mother] - [Loved] - [Deceased]

[Brother] - [Loved] - [Lost - Adoptable]

My favorite oc of mine is named Tantz


Image removed by moderator

"I look in your eyes like a deer looks in the headlights"

5 years 11 months



Doberman Pinscher

Rank & Affiliation
Gatherer of Highvalley

Daito is dressed with feathers found in her ears and tied to her ankles. A tight, black rope like material is tied on her neck, looking as if a choker were placed there. On it are sparkly gemstones and beads.

Dai is very average for her breed, reaching a natural height of around 25in. She has long, skinny legs, going well with her thin and lean figure. With little fat and only having a thick layer of built of muscle, she weighs around a smaller 60 pounds, making her best sport running rather than combat.

Be as descriptive and detailed as you can possibly be.

What is your characters history? Where were they born? Significant life events?

This can include not only blood-related family members, but also feel free to mention friends, foes, or crushes/lovers.




"We feel a new pain everyday. Every night we become someone worse."

3 years 6 months



[60%] Arctic wolf [25%] Alaskan Malamute [15%] Samoyed

Rank & Affiliation
Scavenger of Blackback

Nicho wears a soft fox hide on her back, tied with a string-like material around her stomach and ribs. A plain black leather collar is worn around her throat, a string hanging from it that has beads and feathers at the end.

Be as descriptive and detailed as you possibly can be.

Be as descriptive and detailed as you can possibly be.

What is your characters history? Where were they born? Significant life events?

This can include not only blood-related family members, but also feel free to mention friends, foes, or crushes/lovers.




"This earth is not the pride of some kind God."

4 years 1 month



[85%] German Shepherd [15%] Indian wolf

Rank & Affiliation
Beserker of Blackback Guard

Jay has a very, very thick black leather collar wrapped around his neck with the occasional Jay feather woven through the material as irony. Often wears feathers found throughout his thick fur around his ears. A light, loose chain necklace is also worn around his neck next to the collar.

Be as descriptive and detailed as you possibly can be.

Be as descriptive and detailed as you can possibly be.

What is your characters history? Where were they born? Significant life events?

This can include not only blood-related family members, but also feel free to mention friends, foes, or crushes/lovers.


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Edited on 09/09/17 @ 11:38:20 by Msasi (#21461)

West (#43497)

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Posted on
2017-08-29 15:32:03


I sat alone, in bed till the morning
I'm crying, "They're coming for me"
And I tried to hold these secrets inside me
My mind's like a deadly disease

( Rain - ah )

2 years, 11 months



Border Collie x unknown

Rank & Affiliation
Gatherer of Highvalley Court

She tries to wear as little as possible because she believes it hinders her hunting, but you can sometimes find her with the occasional bird feather tied into her coat.

I paced around for hours on empty
I jumped at the slightest of sounds
And I couldn't stand the person inside me
I turned all the mirrors around

Physical Description
Rana has an average and lengthy build, standing just over two feet at the shoulder and weighing in at an even fifty eight pounds. Her face and legs are long and slender, but her fur builds over the rest of her body, in hues of creams, whites and blonde-golds, giving her some weight. She has a white undercoat over her legs, belly, and a predominantly white face. The tip of her tail is also white but her gold darkens near her ears, lining her eyes, and over her back. Her fur is silk-like in softness but most never find out because she's too scared to get close to them. Rana has dark brown eyes that tend to stray from others and a pale, liver-pink nose.

Rana, although a very capable individual on her own, is easily described by most others in her pack as a nuisance. She has a large ability for love and compassion, but also an easily distracted and confused mind that can be used to others advantage. While she's very willing to obey and follow commands, it only happens when she is alright with what she has to do. To put it simple, Rana often doesn't know too much about what's going on, and even when she does, it's not surprising when she has an entirely different mindset at night than she did that morning. Complicated and too complex for most to describe, or deal with for that matter, Rana is mostly avoided and often snapped at due to her erratic behavior. Even as a Gatherer, she’s often left to her own devices to do as she wishes due to the avoidance by others.

Theme Song [Halsey : Control]

Notable Relationships
Moretta - mother - deceased
Aros - father - unknown
Bran - little brother - deceased
Tori - little sister - deceased

Alistair - Lord King - admires his leadership, though is hardly acquainted other than his allowing her to join the kingdom

Dag - Gatherer - acquainted, believes he’s a strong provider but remains too shy to team up with him

Rana was the first pup her parents had, and the only in the litter that year. Raised happy and healthy by her parents and her mother's sister in a southern mountain range, their pack grew once more when her younger siblings were born. Only a year old, the new sister was so savagely happy to have two siblings to play with and care for. She became the pupsitter and her aunt was able to go off by herself to start her own family. Rana was content to loyally trail behind Bran and Tori to be sure they never ventured too far from the den. Her happiness didn't last a full year however. Two rogue dogs came upon the family, and though they appeared to be of wolfish descent, Rana’s family had always been sure wolves had been declared extinct.

Though Rana was no longer a pup, she was hardly a force to be reckoned with. Her two younger siblings were killed in the skirmish and when her parents returned to the sound of her snarls and hopeless baying, they fell upon the hounds and fought until Rana’s mother was killed. She managed to take her opponent down with her though, and as Rana watched helplessly with trembling legs, her father chased the other from their territory.

She waited for days for him to return, scared into silence and unable to leave the site where her family lay. Eventually hunger drove her to search for resources and though her father’s trail was clear where he’d first disappeared, she quickly lost it. After a few months on her own, she came upon the Highvalley Court Kingdom and their Lord King, Alistair. It took her a lot to work up to speaking again, but when she did, she was welcomed as a Gatherer.

Voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin

I'm bigger than my body
I'm colder than this home
I'm meaner than my demons
I'm bigger than these bones




Now I'm stuck with this, and that'll never change
Always a part of me, until the very last day
Where to go from here? What road to travel on?
I spent my whole life choosing, and I always chose wrong

( Vae - lin )

4 years, 1 months



Sarloos Wolfdog x unknown domestic

Rank & Affiliation
Berserker of Blackback

Wears nothing but can be occasionally seen sporting red mud/clay under his eyes or on his legs/chest as war paint

Where'd you go?
Where's your home?
How'd you end up all alone?
Can you hear me now?
There's no light, there's no sound
Hard to breathe, when you're underground
Can you hear me now?

Physical Description
Valen is a rather wolfish appearing canine, despite the apparent “extinction” of them years ago. His mother being of unknown domestic heritage, he has a lithe and slightly shorter than average build for a male wolf, but still very much holds his own weight with muscular legs and a flexible torso. He has a thick layer of fur that starts as cream and beige near his legs and works it’s way through shades of brown and grey to eventually fall as black streaks over his back and tail. His face is mainly brown and grey though his eyes are a brilliant amber-gold and his nose nearly black. His posture can easily be described as that of a graceful and confident creature, and his gait that of a swift-footed warrior.

Valen grew up the traditional young male in Blackback, snarky and ready to rain hell down on those that challenged he or his friends. He trained relentlessly in hopes of rising in the ranks like the cocky young brute he was, sparring with his adopted brother and any other pup willing. He grew up determined and persevering, despite not knowing his birth mother or where he truly came from. While he doesn’t have much to say, he’s often very strong-minded and opinionated when one does get him to speak. Which is often why his higher-ups find him completing tasks in silence in more recent times.

Although he once believed in violence and the power of his temper, he’s started to desire a less lonely and angry existence. He has a blooming curiosity and compassion about the world he’s only recently discovered, and though he’s still brutally honest and willing to commit heinous acts, he feels there’s more to life he hasn’t- and won’t- find with his current pack.

Theme Song [ Hollywood Undead : Hear Me Now]

Notable Relationships
Thelma - adopted mother - alive, adoptable
adores her and will always care for her, willing to do anything for this dog that adopted him

Halden - adopted (younger) brother - deceased

Rielle - adopted (younger) sister - alive (West)
believes her to be a surprisingly sweet individual for the life she’s endured and loves her a lot

Ragnar - Lord Jarl - follows his leadership, but likely only because of his adopted mother; unwilling to speak out against him but disagrees with his choices

Although Valen wasn’t born within Blackback, he was found early on by one of Ragnar’s females, alone and helpless. Normally they might have left him there to die, but it was birthing-season, and one of their females had already given birth. Raised by that canine with her two pups, he was later told that his own mother had been found mauled by a bear not too far from his den site. They believed her to be protecting her sole pup, and though Valen never knew her, he has mourned her valiant death every day. He grew up and trained to be a Berserker, knowing little of what life he could have had.

While he grew up with a demented admiration for Ragnar, in recent months Valen has started to question the life he’s known. He enjoys the power he feels, running under Ragnar and wreaking havoc on other packs, but now he’s grown older and realizes that as long as he’s been there, he’s never really formed any meaningful relationships. He desires a mate and pups of his own, but refuses to subject any of those he might love to the wrath and life of Ragnar and the Blackback Guard. This leaves him in a torn position, wanting a change in his life, but unwilling to disobey or leave his pack’s side.

See first form.

Voiced by Jason Bateman

How long can I keep pretending to be?
That all the stars in the sky could mean something to me
Heaven will open up if I live on my knees
A man of many words, but a man of few deeds
Walking these streets, so absent of hope
A pillow of concrete, a man with no home




So I bear my skin
And I count my sins
And I close my eyes
And I take it in
And I'm bleeding out
I'm bleeding out for you

( Ree - elle )

2 years, 1 month



Grey Wolf (25%) x Irish Wolfhound (15%) x Swedish Elkhound (10%) x English Shepherd (50%)

Rank & Affiliation
Scavenger of Blackback

Rielle hasn’t quite found anything she likes to wear yet, since she isn’t as talented at crafting as the others.

When the day has come
But I've lost my way around
And the seasons stop and hide beneath the ground
When the sky turns gray
And everything is screaming
I will reach inside
Just to find my heart is beating

Physical Description
Rielle is an average sized canine, standing just under two feet tall but boasting a thinner and more agile build. She has a muscled torso and neck, and her legs are strong and made for running and leaping. Her pelt is a glorious golden brown over most of her body, though her two front legs are a beige-cream speckled with gold on the bottom half. Her ruff darkens into a darker brown at the base of her neck but shifts more into a black agouti over her back and tail, mimicking her father’s wolfish ancestry. Her ears hold that same black near the tips, though they don’t stand entirely erect at most times. Rielle’s fur also thickens over her head, ears, back and tail, giving her a bit more size to her stature. Her eyes have a dark lining of black around them and her muzzle is tipped in the same color, right to her nose. Her eyes are a gentle amber-gold.

Rielle has never been one for voicing opinions aloud, more for biting her tongue or ignoring situations entirely when she can. She has a surprisingly gentle soul for one born fathered by Ragnar and raised in their society, likely thanks to Thelma’s influence. She can be incredibly sweet and supportive of her packmates, though she finds she despises most violence and anger in general, so while she’ll never encourage or goad fights, raids, or battles, she will loyally follow her packmates into whatever they want. She has a quiet if not confused mindset, more focused on catching her father’s affections than anything else, but knowing it’ll likely never happen. That often leaves her to her own devices, and Rielle can tend to get lonely at times, meaning she can be a bit of an annoyance to her packmates when she isn’t hunting or working otherwise.

Theme Song [ Imagine Dragons : Bleeding Out ]

Notable Relationships
Ragnar - father - alive, Lord Jarl (northern)
seeks a real father-type relationship with him, though she know it will never happen, and disagrees with his decisions but loves him nonetheless

Thelma - mother - alive, adoptable
will always provide for her and love her, knows she was a much stronger female before Ragnar got to her

Halden - brother - deceased

Valen - adopted (older) brother - alive (West)
looks up to him and admires his prowess in battle, since she’s never allowed to do the same, and loves him for caring for all of them

Revejo - half brother - alive (PotatoLord)
although they never knew each other, their shared blood intrigues her and she’s noticed he tends to be about as strong and even-tempered as Valen tries to be

Rahla - half sister - alive (Nyanunix)
she’ll never admit it but she feels a slight jealousy and rivalry between them, and she’s a bit adverse to the female’s snappy words and growly temperament

Rielle was the second pup born to Thelma, an act her mother later always swore had been an accidental night of unkept desire on her part, with their leader Ragnar. Thelma refused naming her firstborn, Halden, after Ragnar as he desired and when Halden was found mauled by a bear, Thelma began to believe Ragnar had somehow caused it. Riella and Halden had only been a year old. As often horrified Rielle is of her father’s actions and temperament, she grew up an obedient little pup that loved him nonetheless. She always desired her father’s attention and found the best way to get it was to follow orders and follow them well, with energy and effectiveness.

Trained in the art of hunting and tracking, she finally became a Scavenger at the age of one year and ten months. While she doesn’t approve of her pack’s antics and lifestyle, she’s never been one to speak out and finds that she is loyal to her parents and her parents alone, no matter if they avoid one another. While Rielle’s mother has been in a downward spiral since Halden’s death, she does her best to care for her and keep her own rank within their pack, all the while still vying for her father’s attention against her other half-siblings.

See first form.

Voiced by Keira Knightley

When the hour is nigh
And hopelessness is sinking in
And the wolves all cry
To feel they're not worth hollering
When your eyes are red
And emptiness is all you know
With the darkness fed
I will be your scarecrow



Hello, darkness, my old friend.
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping,
Left its seeds while I was sleeping.
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence.

( Ee - lie - us )

3 years, 10 months



Central Asian Shepherd (60%) x Caucasian Ovcharka (20%) x Alaskan Malamute (20%)

Rank & Affiliation
Knight of Highvalley Court

Elias has a thick and unruly leather collar around his throat, carved from a goat’s hide with his own teeth and made to be thick for neck protection; not considered pretty unless you like that rugged sort of look.

And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more.
People talking without speaking.
People hearing without listening.
People writing songs that voices never share.
And no one dare
Disturb the sound of silence.

Physical Description
Elias is a massive brute, with a thick pelt of white and brindle blacks and grey-browns. He stands at a tall 32” at the shoulder and weighs in at a heavy 138 lbs of long legs, muscular torso, and long fur that covers him from head to tail. He has a large head and face with black-grey patches fading up either side of his mouth and darkening over his folded and floppy ears. His legs are muscular and made to carry around his weight efficiently, and he carries himself confidently if not a bit aggressively at times. His tail is long and covered in thick white fur while the majority of his brindled coloring resides on a sidewards saddle over his back and rump. His left eye is a deep amber-chocolate while the other is a startling icy blue.

Elias is often a very quiet brute, content to stand in silence near the side of the group rather than voicing his opinions. Don't let this misguide you about him, however, he can have a very loud voice when he does deign to speak and his opinions have always been incredibly bold, whether he speaks them or not. He has a noble manner and morale and though he appears to be a violent and aggressive male, Elias is nearly always willing to aid his pack-mates. He has a heart of gold beneath his thick pelt and uneasy demeanor and can occasionally even be seen with a sweet smile curving across his muzzle if someone earns the reaction.

Theme Song [ The Sound of Silence (cover) : Emiliana Torrini ]

Notable Relationships
Morita - Mother - alive, adoptable
she always pushed him to be the very best he could be and was always there to keep him busy too; he couldn’t ask for a better mother or respect anyone more

Argen - father - alive, adoptable
his father was always so proud of his only son and helped him with anything he ever asked for, and though he sometimes didn’t listen, Elias always aspired to be like his father

open to siblings

Alistair - Lord King - respects his reign and hopes he’ll make the right decisions in facing the oncoming dangers, but isn’t afraid to make his own decisions if he thinks it necessary; he’ll protect their Kingdom at any cost

Elias was born and raised under the reign and territory of the Highvalley Kingdom, his mother a Gatherer and his father a Knight. From a young age he was fascinated in protecting his Kingdom and the dogs that lived within it, often sparring with other pups even when they proved unwilling participants. Elias’s father couldn’t have been happier about his choice in lifestyles and from around seven months old, they began the real training for Knighthood. While his parent’s ensured he was skilled in knightly duties as well as hunting to keep him both busy and well-exercised, he always excelled in the former, and as he grew older and found the mock-battles the young dogs would hold out of sight of the elders, he proved a very fierce competitor. When he was finally accepted as a knight, he couldn’t have been prouder. He’s since learned that the duties are either as boring or as educating as he can make them and he enjoys his role in the Kingdom very much.

Voiced by Bradley Cooper

"Fools," said I, "You do not know:
Silence, like a cancer, grows.
Hear my words that I might teach you.
Take my arms that I might reach you,"
But my words like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells of silence.



All images are linked to their sources.


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Edited on 10/09/17 @ 12:34:40 by West (#43497)

Scottie (Lights ON!) (#87211)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-08-29 19:47:28
credit to Acaht1234 on Wikimedia

Matamaila (Mata for short)

Mata is 6 years old

Mata is a female

Mata is straight

Mata claims she is a pure Indian Pariah Dog, but rumors exist that she is half-jackal

Rank & Affiliation
Mata is a Highvalley gatherer

Mata often has a black paste smeared under her eyes to aid vision and give a fierce appearance. She also has a bracelet on her right foreleg, made of twined hemp and with a jay feather woven into it. She also has a piece of worn glass hanging from a loose twine tied about her neck

Mata is a large IPD, standing at about 30" at the withers. She is a dusty red with blended cream unders. But if you squint hard, you can see some of the Golden Jackal's black guard hairs on her back. Like she'd admit to those... her tail tip is cream and her ear tips are black

Mata is a rough and tumble gal. She is usually very game and open to any and all, but if she's asked about her past, she clams up right quick. Like she's afraid she might lose her place in Highvalley. She is fast-paced and an experienced gatherer with little tolerance for incompetence, making her a poor teacher and sometimes even a poor companion.

Mata was born in a forest. Her mother left her, the single living pup, at the border of Highvalley. She still resents her mother for that. She was taken in by some gatherers and raised a gatherer. When she began to mature, her jackal-like traits began to show and her perfect world began to fray at the corners as dogs grew suspicious.

Mother and siblings are dead. Mata needs an adoptive family, so PM me if you're willing to be a mom or dad!

I also really like my Kirin OC, DH

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Edited on 29/08/17 @ 20:19:08 by Scottie (Orca-child) (#87211)

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