Posted by Blistered Skies (Mutant Wolf Rp, Accepting Mods)

Party Cat (#116710)

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Posted on
2017-08-19 14:56:00
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The day the bombs fell, the earth underwent an astronomical and irreversible change.
Even long after, when the slowly recovering foliage began to reclaim concrete structures, pulling them apart at the seams and flowering on unmarked graves, the water remained toxic. Acidic rain plagued the animals left behind, and even the most tenacious predators were forced to adapt more and more extreme methods of finding reliable resources amongst the radioactive remnants.

Of these predators, the wolf endured through teamwork.

Two packs rose up from the ashes, led by ambitious Alphas who lacked the ability-or the sense- to give up. Pushed by the deep and insatiable urge to survive, the Alphas brought the wolves under their care into a new era wrought with challenges overcome through unity. A tenuous peace existed between these groups, upheld primarily by the abandoned city that separated their two territories... but as the long winter sets in and prey becomes scarce, the packs are being driven closer together, seeking food hiding out in the treacherous skeleton of humanity's accomplishments.

Mutated by radiation, the wolves will compete with one another and earn every sunrise... but they must soon decide if there is more to be found in cooperation, or in the total destruction of their rivals.

This pack of wolves live in the near endless miles of swamp to the north of the desolate city.
They are intelligent wolves, who use their superior knowledge of the territory to trap their prey in deep mud and prevent them from running very far. This allows them to expend as little precious energy as possible in obtaining food, but also results in wolves with relatively low stamina, quick paws, and high balance.

The BogPack don't mind getting their paws dirty for a big reward, praise teamwork to avoid hidden dangers- like sinkholes- and tend to be more relaxed and playful with one another. They believe in high risk, high reward.

The Wraiths live in the dense forests to the south of the city.
These wolves are deft hunters, who can seemingly run for days but lack the physical brute strength of the BogPack. The WraithPack excel at moving silently, and earn their name from the almost ghost-like way they navigate through the foggy trees.

The WraithPack tend to be cautious and territorial, and believe in analyzing all angles of a problem before jumping to a solution or potential fix.

This is a desolate and damned place. The abandoned city holds food and water, but also many dangers left behind by the humans and weakening infrastructure. This is home to loners, predators, and prey.

(I am aware of actual wolf pack orientations and cultures. I know that the term Alpha is outdated, but for the ease of roleplaying, we will be using a modified pack structure! :) )
- Discord Based RP, but Applications will be posted here
- Semi lit/para. No one-liners and please keep novels to a minimum.
- No Godmodding
- Max of 4 wolves each for now (this might change)
- Please be respectful of each other
- All new plot ideas should be run by mod Party Cat for approval
- No age limits for roleplayers, but if you are a minor, please keep in mind that there are adults in the rp too. If you’re not comfortable with this, do not apply. The same thing goes for adults- there will be minors in this chat, so if you don’t want to rp with them then this isn’t the rp for you.
- All genders and sexualities for characters are welcome!
- Have fun! We’re non-elitist and we want new people, but if you can’t RP -every day- then no worries, real life responsibilities always come first and we won't judge you for inactivity here and there, especially since Party Cat works nights!

Pack Roles
BogPack -
Alpha -
* EntropyMoon
Beta -
Healer -
Keepers -
* FungusFur
Hunters -
Apprentices -
Pups -
* DawnPup
* StormJumper

WraithPack -
Alpha -
* CalamityMoon
Beta - Hennatail
Healer -
* SnowStorm
Keepers -
Hunters -
* SettingSun
Apprentices -
Pups -

* Maelstrom

Application form (Note; Only 2 of your 4 alloted wolves may have a high position in the packs)

Appearance (You may use written description, drawn art, wolf generators, photos with source, or any combination);
Mutation and Tier (Tiers 3+ need a Keeper. You may apply with a Tier 3+ wolf now and find a Keeper later before rp starts if you so choose);
Mutation Pros and Cons;
Pack (If Applicable);
Do you want to apply for a Mod role y/n;

Character Sheets

View and Post Character Sheets

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Edited on 20/08/17 @ 17:24:42 by Party Cat (#116710)

Party Cat (#116710)

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Posted on
2017-08-19 14:58:27
Pack Role Definitions
Naming conventions follow Warriors rules. Leaders suffix ends in -Moon, Adult wolves end in any suffix (-claw, -jumper, -runner, -fang, -tooth, -jaw, -fur, etc), pups end in -pup. Prefixes can be any, within reason.

Alpha  - Any gender, leads the packs and makes the decisions. 

Beta - Next in line for leadership if the Alpha falls. They ensure the decisions made are upheld, and support the Alpha as trusted confidants. 

Healer  - Medicine wolf who cares for the packs needs via herbs and other treatments. Healers cannot be Keepers, Betas or Alphas, but are allowed to take mates and have pups. Healers will have their own Apprentices.

Keeper - A wolf assigned to care for a packmate born with a Tier 3 or above mutation. They ensure that their charges are fed, watered, and keeping up with the pack every day. The Healer may also give them a small crash course in caring for their charge's mutation needs. Keepers may be any wolf except for the Healer, and may or may not enjoy this role. Nonetheless, they're expected to carry it out, and will be held responsible if their charge dies on their watch.

Hunters  - - All wolves who complete their training. These wolves go with the Alpha to hunt for prey, patrol the territory, and fight to protect the pack. They also train the Apprentices. 

Apprentices - Pups over 6 moons are assigned to a Hunter to mentor them in the ways of the pack and teach them how to hunt and fight. 

Pups - Wolves under 6 moons

Dam - Wolves with newborn pups.

Mutation Rules

While this is an rp centered around radiation, mutation, and evolutionary adaptations, we have to be mindful of what mutations we allow, and how that impacts the characters...therefore, there will be some limits!  No wings, breathing fire or garish colors for example, and no hybridizing with other animals. Glow in the dark?  Sure! But don't forget that such a mutation will come with big penalties against your hunting and sneaking prowess, as the aim here is for 'realistic' or plausible animal abnormalities. If you're not sure about a certain mutation, just ask!
All wolves are allowed a 3 mutation maximum per character. For example, a wolf can be albino, have six eyes and two tails, but you cannot add any more mutations to it.

Mutation Tier 0 (Uncommon) ;
* No mutation (wolves with no mutations are highly prized in packs not only for breeding quality but also because they are not held back or impacted in any way by deformities)

Mutation Tier 1 (Most common) ;
* Small cosmetic changes (no fur/overgrown fur/overgrown teeth/long than average tail/Piebaldism/vitiligo/Chimera/bilateral gynandromorph)

Mutation Tier 2 (common) ;
* Organ changes (extra eyes/less eyes/extra tongues/extra hearts/two mouths/two noses)
* Non-issue physical changes (multiple tails/multiple ears/peculiar eye colors and adaptations/horns and spurs/Polydactylism)

Mutation Tier 3 (Very uncommon)
* Quality of life impact changes (extra legs/fewer legs/albinism/Janus cat mutations)

Lethal Mutations, Tier 4 (Incredibly rare)
* Severe life impact changes (multiple heads/skin transparency/double muscling/extra legs/fewer legs)

Mutation Tiers and Definitions

(Some of these are similar to available Lioden mutations, others are not. If you've thought of a different mutation you want that isn't listed here, message me privately with the pros and cons of the mutation, and I'll let you know what Tier it falls under!)

Mutation Tier 0  - (Pros; no lifestyle impacts. Cons; no lifestyle additions, may be fought over)
Those wolves who have managed to avoid mutation remain as pure wolves. They are highly sought after by packs, and some will challenge other packs to take their pure wolves for their own. A loner who is a pure wolf will likely be swiftly snatched up by whatever owns the territory they happen into.

Mutation Tier 1 - Cosmetic changes with no lifestyle impacts. (Pros; some mutations may allow greater warmth and insulation during the winter, or cooling during summer. Long teeth add bite power, coloration changes can be very aesthetically appealing. Cons; overgrown teeth may become caught in larger prey like moose and break off, overheating during summer and freezing during winter is possible with fur length changes.) 

* No fur/Overgrown fur; Wolves born either with no fur at all, or with overlong and fluffy fur. Generally these mutations won't bother the wolf much, but those without fur might freeze to death without a pack to keep them warm during the harsh winters. 
* Overgrown teeth; Wolves with longer than average fangs, which may protrude like tusks from the lips
* Piebaldism; Fur patterned by a large patches of white at birth. May also affect eye color.
* Vitiligo; Fur patterned by white spots, which may grow and spread over the lifespan of the wolf.
* Chimera; Fur split into two different colors down the middle
* Bilateral gynandromorph; A wolf which is half female and half male (characterized by either right or left half being female with thinner fur, smoother legs, shorter ear. Other half, right or left, characterized by thicker neck and leg fur, larger ear. Actual physical sex can be male or female...this mutation is NOT to be confused with transgender wolves or intersex wolves, neither of which are considered mutants. This mutation is purely exhibiting sexual dimorphism on the same animal's right and left halves.)
* Heterochromia- eyes are two different colors
* Sterility

Mutation Tier 2 - (Pros; Better senses according to the mutation, better balance, possibly better stamina. Cons; spurs are made of calcium deposit which causes pain in the joints, vision can be impacted by multiple eyes, etc)

* Mostly self explanatory
* Horns and spurs are made of abnormal calcium deposits on the body
* Polydactylism just means extra toes 

Mutation Tier 3  (Pros; subjective. Cons; depending on mutation, wolves may experience extreme sensitivity to direct light [photosensitivity], have mobility issues, or be prone to migraines) 

* These mutations impact the quality of life quite a bit... therefore, they will need another wolf to volunteer as their Keeper. The Keeper protects the mutated wolf from predators, ensures they get to eat when prey is brought down, and ensures they aren't left behind if the pack needs to move quickly. The Keeper can be a wolf assigned by the Alpha, or a sibling, or a mate. Loners cannot have Tier 3 mutations unless they either also play a second wolf to be their own Keeper, or another player wishes their loner wolf to be their Keeper. In packs, a Keeper will be assigned shortly after the pup with a Tier 3 mutation is born...pups with Tier 3 Mutations will die.
* Albinism; while not dangerous on its own, albino wolves are often big targets for predators, because they lack the coloration needed to blend in with the environment. These wolves have a white or cream coloring with reddish pink eyes and no other markings. They are photosensitive and cannot see well in bright light. Some are prone to nearsightedness.
* Diprosopus ; Wolves born with parts of the face duplicated on the same head. One face acts as the primary face, eating, drinking, defending and speaking. The second face typically cannot perform all of these actions itself, and may appear slightly deformed. Diprosopus mutations come with migraines, and potential vision issues. The migraines can be deadly if a Keeper isn't close by to keep the wolf fed and hydrated until the pain passes. Duplication may be two entire faces on the same head, or limited to partial faces.

Tier 4    ( Pros; Subjective. Cons; Subjective) Tier 4 will also require Keepers. 

* Multiple heads (up to 2) are separate from Diprosopus mutations because they are separate heads on separate necks attached to the same body. These heads are more or less fully capable of performing all of a normal head's duties, but the wolf will be prone to back pain, slower movements, and may become easily disoriented in battle.
* Transparency; Incredibly rare, wolves subjected to so much radiation during development that they are born with transparent skin and organs, so their bones can be seen fairly clearly through their bodies. Transparent wolves aren't invisible of course, but their skin can be easily seen through in the right light. They are prone to sunburns and nerve pain, which may impact hunting and make them sensitive to bruises and scratches.
* Double muscling; A wolf born with overdeveloped muscles. Boosts a wolf's strength and stamina greatly, but these wolves are born sterile, are easily stressed, and the births result in the deaths of the mother. 
* Extra/fewer legs; Extra legs may not develop where legs should be, but can be anywhere. Both extra legs and fewer legs cannot hunt. They can patrol only with wolves that are willing to move slowly so they can keep up, and may even be driven out or killed by the Alpha for slowing down the pack during dire times.

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Edited on 19/08/17 @ 18:12:47 by Party Cat (#116710)

Clover(main) (#101675)

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Posted on
2017-08-19 18:15:55
Do we post our applications and get sent the link to the Discord server?

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Party Cat (#116710)

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Posted on
2017-08-19 18:31:25

Yes! All accepted apps will get the discord link in a PM :)

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Clover(main) (#101675)

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Posted on
2017-08-19 19:34:25
Appearance; I made this picture last minute, its horrible.
Name; Henna
Gender; Female
Age; 2 years
Mutation and Tier; Small horn things and a bobbed tail. Tier 2 I'm pretty sure.
Mutation Pros and Cons; They don't really have pros or cons. Just neutral, not bad or good.
Pack (If Applicable); Wraithpack
Role/Loner; Beta
History; Henna was born into the pack with her mild mutations, grew up like any normal wolf in their time.
Do you want to apply for a Mod role y/n; Sure

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Edited on 19/08/17 @ 19:36:41 by Sluu(Kacy) (#101675)

-active} (#111404)

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Posted on
2017-08-21 00:50:28
(She is a red wolf, so she has markings like this)
(I know there are a few flaws in it X3
Please do not use this art. I just made it specifically for this RP, and it belongs to me and me alone.
You maybe not use, redistribute, alter, or claim as your own.)


3 Years and 8 Months

Mutation and Tier;
Overgrown fangs (Tier 1)

Mutation Pros and Cons;
She can easily take down her prey, though, as said, FireBrooke has to be careful because of how easily her large fangs can break off.

Wraith Pack

??Beta?? (unless it's taken)
Or a keeper

FireBrook was born into the pack, but, due to how short her fur is, even if she is a Red Wolf, was unnatural amongst her pack members. Even though she was seen as an outcast, which she actually is, FireBrook has slowly grown closer to her pack-mates.

Do you want to apply for a Mod role y/n;
Sure, I surely wouldn't mind it.

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Oakley [11/30] (#51312)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-08 23:03:02
heyyy just curious if this is still active :0 ? I really wanna join and haven't been able to find any active threads that I've been interested in!

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Plague (#130304)

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Posted on
2017-12-17 14:23:55
Yeah, I haven’t a had a reply here so I’m wondering if it’s still open?

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𝐥 (#72282)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-06-10 14:48:33
Hey ya'll, is this still open?

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Oakley [11/30] (#51312)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-06-10 17:33:43
I don't think so, I sent my thing at 12/08 and never got a response :/

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𝐥 (#72282)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-06-10 17:57:04
Aw man, that's a shame; such an interesting premise. :/

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