Posted by The Council - RP Thread

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2017-08-19 15:30:40

Main Roleplay Thread


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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2017-08-19 15:31:14
Name: Stanford Pines

Age: Around 60

Species: Human

Universe: Gravity Falls

Appearance: Ford (Source: Gravity Falls)
A six-fingered man who wears a red turtleneck under a trenchcoat. He gives a handshake which is one finger friendlier than normal. His hair is greying fast, though he doesn't seem to act like he's getting any older.

Personality: Very intellectual, and is easily considered nerdy. He is very paranoid and cautious thanks to past experiences which he doesn't speak about. Nothing seems to stun him, as he's seen stranger things than most people can imagine. His passion for his research has hardly wavered, even if the thrill has died down. Even though he generally enjoys his research, he is quite serious about it. Despite this, he also has that nerdy side. He loves to play Dungeons and Dragons, though he seems to insist it's called "Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons".

History in Yorkville: Ford decided to go to this "New World" about a decade ago, and he has hardly regretted it. Normal humans age around them, but most of everyone coming from the pocket dimension doesn't age much at all. Having taken up residence in an apartment in the building, Ford continues his research there, trying to figure out the effects on the explosion so many years ago that created everything. He doesn't let many people into his apartment, as it is also against The Council's laws to tell people who you are, unless you are 100% certain they are also from the realm you came from. It is said that he has a connection with The Council, though no one has asked him if it is true.

Place of Dwelling: Apartment 116 1F

RP Sample:

Work, Ford had to admit, was tiring.

All day and all night, he stayed up in his small apartment, working on experiments with caged creatures in the room. Luckily, the person owning the place was aware of the characters' existence, and he hardly batted an eyelash at Ford's experiments, even when it caused some disruptions in other rooms. It was always just another excuse, and Ford was thankful.

Today, things were going to be a little different. Ford grabbed his bag, opening the door to Apartment 116 and locking the door behind him quickly. He didn't want anyone looking inside, even for a moment. After that was out of the way, he went to an elevator, hit GF, and went down to the ground floor. Today, he was going to go out into town. Today, he was going to actually sit down and drink something other than random tap water from his sink, which he had grown attached to.

Today, he was going to go to the coffee shop. Maybe the general store to pick up some groceries.

Other: "I'm sorry, Dipper, but the dark, weird road I travel, I'm afraid you cannot follow. Well, call me for dinner!"

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2017-08-19 15:31:39
Name: Hearthstone

Age: Never mentioned, assuming around 25

Gender: Male

Species: Elf

Universe: Magnus Chase

Appearance: A very lanky elf, Hearthstone, or simply Hearth, doesn't have a lot going for him strength-wise. He's described as almost looking like an anime character with the way he looks and dresses. He typically is seen wearing a black leather jacket and black pants, complete with the boots and all. His hair is platinum blond and his eyes a silver color. Even his skin is pale. The main point of color he has is a red and white striped scarf that he's almost never seen without. He even wears it while he's at 'work'.

Personality: He has close ties to his friends, and he's quite distant when it comes to family. He enjoys going to renaissance fairs in his own world, actually, and loves hearing stories about when elves had bows and fought like that. Well... Not exactly hearing, but...

History in Yorkville: Hearth decided to go to Yorkville to see what it was like. He wanted to be able to tell his friends about the place, and it was important that the group knew about as much as they could about everything. After all, Loki might cause trouble in this plane of existence as well. He has trouble not using his magic runestones here, but he keeps them on him just in case he needs them in a pinch. Despite his disability, he managed to get a small job at the local shop helping restock shelves. It didn't require much talking, and he enjoys the time to himself at times.

Place of Dwelling: The same apartment building Stanford lived in, ironically. His room number is 157.

RP Sample: Not needed for a second character

Other: Hearthstone is deaf, and speaks in ASL - Alf Sign Language. Luckily, it is the same as American Sign Language, and he can also read lips. He cannot survive without sunlight, and will get seriously ill if he goes without it for too long.
'Washing machine.'

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2017-08-22 00:31:17
Name: ::::::::::::::::::::: - AKA Sombra

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Species: Human/Living Computer

Universe: Overwatch/Future Earth

Appearance: [] <--- Original page/source

Along her spine are cybernetic grafts, allowing her to hack computers and, temporarily, people with special abilities at a touch and through the purple strands that can extend from her fingers at will. However, this does come at a price. Her hacking 'tendrils' (The purple swirl coming from her fingers in the photos) and hacking through touch drains her exponentially in this world, so she has to be 'plugged in' to a power source when she's not out of her apartment. This is done through a large, portlike device on her upper back (Similar to Tracer's Chronal Accelerator), namely on her trenchcoat, connecting to the crafts digitally. Some of these grafts are even seen on her scalp, specifically the side that's half shaved. In addition, she would normally have the ability to go invisible, but in Yorktown, she hasn't figured out how to make it work without passing out.

Personality: Cynical and cocky, Sombra strives for power in the form of information, making her seem more like an antagonistic entity than anything. While this is definitely the case, she's more of a loner, rarely leaving her small studio apartment for anything but going to the store and the occasional coffee shop run. Of course, it was only made worse when Tracer ended up there as well, probably out to get her for her countless breaches in security in her own realm. She means well, but definitely has an ulterior motive to everything that she does, including any friendships she attempts to make, if she finds a way to do that through her addiction to getting past locks and solving the world's mysteries. Also, probably an alcoholic. No one knows. Not even she does.

History in Yorkville: She arrived there to finally get some peace and quiet, away from her world where she was already a notorious hacker and the group known as 'Overwatch,' as well as the bozos she worked with. Sombra was wrong about what they could do to assist her in her quest--or, rather an addiction-- to find out who really ran the world. That is, until Tracer arrived. Then she had to keep doing the exact same thing.

Place of Dwelling: A small studio apartment in the town.

RP Sample:

It hadn't taken the latina long before she had located the way out. Finally, for some peace and quiet. She thought, putting her hand on the first entry lock, watching the iconic calavera pop up on the tiny screen and unlock the door. Sombra walked forward silently, careful of any old traps that may have been left behind, or that gorilla that had actually made her translocator [That she stole, naturally] and her way out. She'd dealt with Talon, Overwatch, and this conspiracy long enough, and she'd come too close to being caught too many times. While lost in her thoughts, she heard heavy, almost clumsy, footsteps. Damn it, the monkey's here. Sombra thought with a frown, seeming to vanish as she continued onward, mentally praising her thermoptic camo, avoiding the genetically engineered gorilla as she made her way to the portal frame.

Finally, it was in sight, unveiling herself from her invisibility. As she touched the frame, it whirred to life again, echoing through the facility. She was barely a foot away from the frame when Winston jumped into the doorway, testa cannon in hand. She merely waved. "Adios." She said with a cocky smirk as she walked through, the portal closing behind her.

(i feel like i should redo this but whatever)

Other: "Everything can be hacked... And everyone."


Name: Lena "Tracer" Oxton

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Universe: Overwatch/Future Earth

Appearance: [] <-- Original Page/Source
(Oh yes and this treasure) :

Unlike Sombra, her chronal accelerator does not need to be plugged in to be charged, as it recharges when it isn't being used to jump time a few seconds, and keeping her anchored is passive. In this universe, instead of her orange tights, she wears blue jeans, and her aviator jacket is always zipped, over the C.A., with a tank top separating her skin from the device. Of course, with the C.A. covered, it looks like she has a slightly hunched back, and she looks more busty than she actually is.

Personality: Almost the opposite of Sombra, Tracer is a happy, social woman who, despite her kindhearted attitude, has just as much sass waiting for anyone who questions how she acts.Being used to her ability to jump forward and back in time, she does have a rather weak sense of danger, knowing full well she can get out of it with a simple rewind.

History in Yorkville: Also opposite to Sombra, she accidentally ended up there after a malfunction with her C.A., which ended up overloading and sending her back a couple decades and across a dimension or two and into Yorkville. As protocol, she hid her C.A. and became a lot more careful with using any blinks or rewinds.

Place of Dwelling: Some apartment somewhere in town

RP Sample: On Sombra's form

Other: "Trying to crash another party, love?"

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Edited on 22/08/17 @ 02:22:54 by Your Best Nightmare (#80128)

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