Posted by Scottie's Art Raffles and swaps!

Scottie (Lights ON!) (#87211)

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Posted on
2017-08-19 18:32:26

Art Raffles

Hello! Scottie here, and I am telling you about something I will be doing! You see, I art, but not too many people take notice. So I thought, why not do some free art? And that's what I'm doing; hosting art raffles!

Every couple of weeks, I will open up a new raffle. Raffles will have tow main categories: human or animal. Under those categories are three sizes: headshot, halfbody, and fullbody. And under those sizes are three types: grayscale, shaded, and/or colored.

So a sample raffle title could look like this: Human headshot colored.

For one to two weeks after opening a raffle, I will take forms. Forms are what you fill out. They include your username and ID #, your OC ref image, and your contesting factor. Now, these vary. For simpler raffles, it will just be a number (if your form is the third posted for the raffle, your number is 3). For more complex ones, I might hold a mini-contest. Now, these will still be simple: character backstories, a written piece about a trial you underwent, etc.

At the end of the time or at the cap of entries, I will close the raffle. Then, I will either use the number generator or judge your little contest pieces. Then, I will announce the winner! After I announce who won, I will look at the ref from the winner and get to work! Once I finish, there will be a small break for me to recuperate, and then a new raffle will open!

Current raffle: Open Animal Headshot shaded grayscale

To kick us off, I am raffling an animal headshot, no color but with shading! For me, headshots terminate where the neck meets the shoulders.

Now, this is a simple raffle! Here is the form:

Username and ID number:
OC ref:
Your favorite thing about this OC:
Your least favorite thing about this OC:
Your number:

This raffle will end once ten entries are reached!

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Scottie (Lights ON!) (#87211)

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Posted on
2017-08-19 18:37:44

Art Swaps

We all love free art, right? And we all love good art. But often, the two don't overlap.

Well, I hope to remedy that with this little game! Welcome to Art Swaps, where you can get free art in exchange for free art!

How this works is simple. You fill out the form below. After a certain amount of time or entries, I will pair participants up with each other. They will draw each other's OC, and trade art!

Now, sometimes these have themes! The themes could be content-related, like Halloween costumes, or style-related, such as an over head view.

I will try to match up people with similar skill levels and design plans.

Current Swap

Matches made once 10 people enter. The theme is "Ready, set, walk"; you need to draw the other person's OC in mid-stride.

Username and ID number:
OC ref:
Skill level:
Planned medium for drawing:
Are you going to color and/or shade the other person's OC:

#87211 DH Medium is pen and paper with digital coloring, no shading

#96437 Anyone here Medium is digital, and coloring and shading will be done

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Edited on 19/08/17 @ 18:59:35 by Scottie (I want meat!) (#87211)

Scottie (Lights ON!) (#87211)

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Posted on
2017-08-19 18:40:21
Username and ID number: Scottie #87211
OC ref: DH her base is cremello, her mane and tail are redhead red. Her feathers fade from cremello to redhead red. Her hooves, claws, horns, and scales are a maroonish red. her eyes are emerald.
Skill level: inermediate
Planned medium for drawing: pen and paper
Are you going to color and/or shade the other person's OC: I will color using MS paint

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ghostboi-bambi (#96437)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-08-19 18:57:59
Username and ID number: Burning-Embers 96437
OC ref: Anyone from here :D
Skill level: uhm, medium? idk
Planned medium for drawing: Digital
Are you going to color and/or shade the other person's OC: Yep!

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Scottie (Lights ON!) (#87211)

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Posted on
2017-08-19 18:59:26

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