Posted by Riverclan

Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-21 04:53:02
Here is the Riverclan thread!

Special event: none
(( if you have not made a character yet go to this link ))

Cats allowed to RolePlay here (so far!)
-NightStar (leader)
-Redpelt (Deputy)
-CottenTuft (Warrior)
-RosePetal (Queen| Kits: LilyKit, AshKit, ThornKit)
-Tinypaw (apprentice)
-MeadowPaw (Apprentice)
-Lilypool (warrior)
-Slate (rouge/warrior)
-Dovepaw (med cat apprentice)
-WillowMoon (Elder)
-PatchKit (Kit)
-AdderKit (Kit)
-FlameStone (warrior)
-Olliver (Rouge/Apprentice)
-Alex (Rouge/Apprentice)
-Gooseneck (Warrior)
-ThistleClaw (Warrior)
-MetalClaw (Warrior)
-TansyPool (Warrior)
-SilverClaw (Warrior)
-RippleHeart (Warrior)
-SilverHeart (Warrior)
-RussetSun (Warrior)
-ReedNose (Elder)
-Lionpaw (apprentice/Loner)
-Thistlepaw (Apprentice)
-WillowPaw (Apprentice)
-SwiftClaw (Warrior)
-Fawnpaw (apprentice)
-PantherHeart (Medicine cat)

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Edited on 14/10/17 @ 11:28:07 by Eden [WCU] (#107390)

(Falcon1211) (#121693)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-09-01 20:05:11
Rosepetal padded over.
"Lionpaw Nightstar CAN make you a kit again. It's happened before"
She growled looking angry at Lionpaw with a rather scary look.
Rosepetal limped back out the camp after hearing a howl.

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-01 20:07:47
"Rosepetal limped back out of the camp after hearing a howl". What's that mean?)

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(Falcon1211) (#121693)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-09-01 20:08:59
((fox's around the territory))

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-01 20:09:39
Oh alright.)

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Manuka{WCU} (#120889)

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Posted on
2017-09-01 20:13:03
He picked up the apprentice again."don't make such a fuss like a kit!".he hissed at the apprentice."if your going to be a warrior you need to be strong anyways!".he then smirked after his hiss."I don't have to make you a kit again but I can hold back your fight and hunting training by making you clean out all the Moss in every den in this clan until you are 7 moons all I have to do is get your mentors permission"

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-09-01 20:13:40
Adderkit - - SEASON: Almost leaf bare - LOCATION: Camp - MENTIONS: Redpelt - TOPIC: -

Adderkit backed away from the bicker warrior and apprentice, looking a bit bemused. They were mentioning things he didn't know about, and this bugged the young kit. Turning his attention to the warrior next to him, he gave a quiet mew.
"Redpelt, what is the Dark forest?" He would have asked an elder, but the question burned in his mind at that moment, not able to be satisfied with waiting for the elders to settle in, get prey, and spin a long winded story before explaining what he needed to know. Not now. His green eyes bored into the warrior, hoping for a satisfactory response. None of the, you'll know when you're older nonsense.

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Edited on 01/09/17 @ 20:17:41 by Peachie (#121220)

(Falcon1211) (#121693)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-09-01 20:16:15
There was a yowl, far along in the fields.
A yowl that sounded like a cat in pain.
there was a barking coming from a fox in the same general area.

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-01 20:18:28

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."
Tom | 6 Moons Old | Fluffy Golden Tabby Tom With Frosty Blue Eyes | Warrior Apprentice | Location: RiverClan Camp; Near Wetrock | Mentions: All

Lionpaw felt himself being dragged again and sighed before raising an eyebrow. "I'm not making a fuss. I'm explaining things for you warriors." He simply meowed before raising an eyebrow. "As a kit I lived 3 moons out in the wild with a careless father and no protection. I think I'm strong. And you basically want me to get strong by torturing me? Injuring me? Good luck with that." He meowed before sighing heavily again. "Didn't you even hear my explanation? Or are you just ignoring me 'cause I just explained everything to you." He meowed with no interest before ripping himself out of his grasp, some fur ripping out. He hissed in pain and narrowed his eyes. "Some warrior you are." He meowed, shaking his fur, trying to cover the bloody spot up but failed to do so before smirking. "Y'know. Cats are gonna ask me what happens, y'know what I'm gonna say?" He chuckled. "Oh! It was one of my cat's senior warriors! I told him it hurt me but he continued doing it until it bled!" He said in a fake distressed voice before growling. "That wouldn't be good for you now, would it?" He asked before sighing and getting up to walk away from the warriors, his eyes narrowed all the way before he heard a howl and immediately widened his icy blue eyes and sniffed through his nose, his fur bristling before he growled and unsheathed his claws. "Yowl... Yowls and barks... Has to be a stupid mouse-dunged fox and a.. A cat? Maybe some "prey" of the fox?" He asked himself before growling. In the 3 moons of his kithood without the clan he had run into these cowards and a bunch of badgers, all he did was ran but one time he had to fight his way through... It wasn't good. He shook his head, releasing the thoughts away before he raced out of camp.

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Edited on 01/09/17 @ 20:23:42 by FearedLion [F6Silky Breeder] (#67784)

(Falcon1211) (#121693)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-09-01 20:21:42
((I guess no one cares about the noises xD))

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-01 20:23:24
(Just edited my post. ^^)

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Manuka{WCU} (#120889)

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Posted on
2017-09-01 20:23:44
He hissed at the apprentice."no one trust a liter to guard there clan and if your so certain that your so strong why don't we go take your warrior test right now?'

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lynx [it/its] (#95875)

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Posted on
2017-09-01 20:23:47
Redpelt-24 Moons-Warrior-Camp-Mentions: Adderkit

Redpelt looked at Adderkit "Well the DarkForest is were very bad cats go, all of the cats that have hurt other's go there, and it's an awfull place" he looked not wanting to go into detail, after all Adderkit was still a small kit and he didn't want to ruin that.

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(Falcon1211) (#121693)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-09-01 20:25:10
((Ok xD glad my character won't die ((maybe? o.o)))
Rosepetal was left bleeding along the shore, unconscious.
Her ear was ripped, looking like the rest of her ginger fur.
Both of her back legs were bitten.
Along her side was a deep cut, most likely from the fox's claws.
She staggered up to try to help Redpelt fight it off.

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Edited on 01/09/17 @ 20:29:36 by Falcon1211 (#121693)

lynx [it/its] (#95875)

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Posted on
2017-09-01 20:27:40
Redpelt-24 Moons-Warrior-Camp-Mentions: Rosepetal

Redpelt heard a yowl and some barks run throught the RiverClan territory, his legs quickly leaft the spot he was in and started to run towards the sourse of the sound, there he found Rosepetal lying in the ground and a fox close to her, he was terrified, he couldn't fight it alone, but he had to try and save his clanmate.

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Edited on 01/09/17 @ 20:28:21 by CrowCrow (mutie breeder) (#95875)

FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-01 20:29:12

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."
Tom | 6 Moons Old | Fluffy Golden Tabby Tom With Frosty Blue Eyes | Warrior Apprentice | Location: RiverClan Camp; Near Wetrock | Mentions: All

The fluffy golden tabby continued to race out of camp, leaping over branches and puddles of water. He panted heavily as he continued to run, straining his muscles and lungs as he raced and jumped over many obstacles before he tripped over his paws. "Fox-dung!" He hissed and struggled to get back on his large and clumsy paws before running yet again, not caring if he was putting all his weight on his injured paw. He felt the scent of salty blood in his nose and he growled, unsheathing his claws. He didn't know what to do... Or what clan cats did. But what rogues did.. They fought... Fought and wouldn't be beaten. He stalked forwards and narrowed his eyes in concentration. That's when he leapt out at it and raked his claws along every part of the fox, trying to remember the moves his father "taught" him.

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Edited on 01/09/17 @ 20:30:57 by FearedLion [F6Silky Breeder] (#67784)

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