Posted by Riverclan

Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-21 04:53:02
Here is the Riverclan thread!

Special event: none
(( if you have not made a character yet go to this link ))

Cats allowed to RolePlay here (so far!)
-NightStar (leader)
-Redpelt (Deputy)
-CottenTuft (Warrior)
-RosePetal (Queen| Kits: LilyKit, AshKit, ThornKit)
-Tinypaw (apprentice)
-MeadowPaw (Apprentice)
-Lilypool (warrior)
-Slate (rouge/warrior)
-Dovepaw (med cat apprentice)
-WillowMoon (Elder)
-PatchKit (Kit)
-AdderKit (Kit)
-FlameStone (warrior)
-Olliver (Rouge/Apprentice)
-Alex (Rouge/Apprentice)
-Gooseneck (Warrior)
-ThistleClaw (Warrior)
-MetalClaw (Warrior)
-TansyPool (Warrior)
-SilverClaw (Warrior)
-RippleHeart (Warrior)
-SilverHeart (Warrior)
-RussetSun (Warrior)
-ReedNose (Elder)
-Lionpaw (apprentice/Loner)
-Thistlepaw (Apprentice)
-WillowPaw (Apprentice)
-SwiftClaw (Warrior)
-Fawnpaw (apprentice)
-PantherHeart (Medicine cat)

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Edited on 14/10/17 @ 11:28:07 by Eden [WCU] (#107390)

Cheetahstar {POH} (#123835)

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Posted on
2017-10-10 08:17:48
((LOL i guess i don't even exist :( ))
Rippleheart gasped as Rosepetal dragged the apprentice out from his paws. Panicing, he yowled at the she cat. "WHAT IN STARCLANS NAME ARE YOU DOING?" He yowled as he saw more of Angelpaws lifeblood slipping from her. He knew that Rosepetal was a medicine cat apprentice in the past, and he was not, but something stirred deep in his gut any time that a cat was hurt. It was like he knew what to do an right now, Angelpaw did not need to be drug across the area with a gushing wound.

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(Falcon1211) (#121693)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-10-10 10:20:38
Rosepetal ignored the tom, trying to keep Angelpaw awake.
She was doing her best to keep calm.
The medicine cat was useless!!
They didn’t heal cats at alll when needed!!

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Cheetahstar {POH} (#123835)

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Posted on
2017-10-10 10:33:22
((XD u r good lol))
Rippleheart placed his paws back over the wound. The stench of blood filled his nose and he squeezed his eyes shut. "Rosepetal, I need you to go and get some cobweb. Angelpaw is dying, we need to do what we can to try and save her." He looked at the little apprentice at his paws. Her eyes were twitching, as though she was in a nightmare. "Please, I need you to do this Rosepetal." He looked into the she cats eyes, a defeated look in his gaze. "She may not survive much longer."

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(Falcon1211) (#121693)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-10-10 12:57:41
((she wrapped the wound in goldenrod and cobwebs, using a big leaf to protect it o_o))

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Manuka{WCU} (#120889)

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Posted on
2017-10-10 13:06:38
Meadow Started to cough weak coughs she opened her eyes seeing a missing angel paw she guessed that some cat had saved her well who would care about her but her dad anyways?she knew that whoever that cat was her dad would hunt down until they felt the pain that Meadow was going threw right now........she sniffed the air blood covering her nose she could smell the weak scent of RosePetal well.......she was almost to her last dieing breath so by the time the day passed and everyone cared she would be dead by then so she just closed her eyes and let nature take its course if nature wanted her to die then she would die now......there was no point in trying to get up she was bleeding to death the last of her streanght was helping her breath even a little so if she did she would just fall right back down and be even closer to death.......(guess she's prob gonna end up dead......but then maybe other cats will die for letting her die?after all karma is cruel.....but maybe I'll like say her mom gave her the chance to live because she was to young maybe they should get a prophecy about MeodowPaw after all everyone is just letting two apprentices die!)

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Edited on 10/10/17 @ 13:09:17 by Manuka{WCU} (#120889)

Cheetahstar {POH} (#123835)

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Posted on
2017-10-10 13:13:31
((oh oops sry Rosepetal, got caught up in the moment XD))
Rippleheart heard the moan of another can behind him. He turned around to see Meadowpaw lying in the dirt. He sprinted over to the she cat once he was sure that Angelpaw was being taken care of. He did not feel very sure that the white apprentice would survive this troubling time. Upon reaching Meadowpaw, Rippleheart sniffed her over. He found the wound from which her pain was surfacing. It was another bloody wound and thankfully, he had some cobweb and herbs over by Angelpaw. He raced back over there and quickly came back over to Meadowpaw. He got a huge hunk of the cobweb and slapped into the wound, Hoping that the bleeding would slow.

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(Falcon1211) (#121693)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-10-10 13:37:22
((yay they were somewhat saved))
"You have to clean the wound Rippleheart!" Rosepetal raced over, taking some cobweb off to clean it with water-soaked moss.
When she finished, she applied the poultice gently and re-applied the cobwebs.
She soaked the giant leaf in poultice and water to keep it clean, setting it on Meadowpaw's wounds.

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Cheetahstar {POH} (#123835)

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Posted on
2017-10-10 14:15:31
Rippleheart let out a small hiss as the she cat surprised him. "Oh. Okay. Sorry?" Rippleheart felt a little disgusted at himself for that mistake, but he quickly replaced the feeling with worry. How were they going to get these cats home? "Rosepetal. What are we going to do now? We do not have enough warriors to help these cats home." Rippleheart thought for a second and turned in the direction of the camp. Not waiting for a reply from Rosepetal he pushed off running in search of help. "I'm going to get more warriors!" He yowled. The ground blurred underneath his paws as he blew past the trees and bushes that were Riverclan territory.

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(Falcon1211) (#121693)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-10-10 14:16:56
Rosepetal nodded and kept watch, keeping the apprentices safe.
She would let NOTHING hurt them.
As much as she didn't know about a certain cat, she didn't care.
She wanted her clan safe.
Even if she did run away for a day...

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Cheetahstar {POH} (#123835)

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Posted on
2017-10-10 14:23:36
Reaching the camp, he looked around desperately for somecat, ANYcat! Everyone seemed to be doing something else and he knew that he had to get their attention. He had no idea where Nightstar or Redpelt was and he knew he had to get the attention of the surrounding cats. In panic mode, Rippleheart bounded on top of a rock and yowled to his clanmates. "Badger attack! Over by the beech grove! Our apprentices have been injured and we need help bringing them back so they can be treated my our Medicine Cat!" Rippleheart quickly dropped from the rock and waited for his clanmates before bounding back into the forest.

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(Falcon1211) (#121693)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-10-10 14:26:08
Rosepetal had her claws unsheathed.
They looked sharp!
She did scratch them on trees though.
She was standing over the apprentices, ready to fight if needed.
All she could think about was getting the Badger away.

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🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2017-10-10 15:04:38
SwiftClaw decided to make her presence known then,she walked lazily over towards where Rosepetal was guarding the two apprentices, she had been training FawnPaw when she heard hissing. She had waited and watched to gauge just how strong these cats were, and she was not impressed. "Rosepetal, Take MeadowPaw while FawnPaw takes the other" She said uninterested, "I'll distract this worthless badger" Without warning while the badger was still distracted by Rosepetal SwiftClaw launched herself onto the badgers flank and began to bite and scratch with all her might.
FawnPaw looked towards Rosepetal awaiting what she would do.

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Edited on 10/10/17 @ 15:06:27 by CottonCaat (#127324)

Manuka{WCU} (#120889)

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Posted on
2017-10-10 15:33:46
The badger isn't left already but it might come back).Flame Woke up he sniffed the scent of LionPaw on his daughter he got up and followed his daughters scent he saw the apprentice and picked it up by the scruff weakly her walked back limping and slowly.

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(Falcon1211) (#121693)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-10-10 15:39:12
Rosepetal sighed and picked up Angelpaw.
She carefully padded back with her.
When she got back, her kits mewled racing to their mother.
"Where have you been?!" Thornkit wailed, burying his face in his mother's fur.
Rosepetal sighed, helping Angelpaw to the apprentice den.
She padded to the nursery, alone again.
She curled around her kits, letting them sleep.
"Please don't leave again" Thornkit pleaded before going to sleep.

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🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2017-10-10 15:55:45
(oops sorry about that)
SwiftClaw padded lazily out of the warriors den heading for the fresh-kill pile, she stared disappointed at how small it was. picking up a mouse she went towards the middle to lay in the sun. After she finished eating she rounded up FawnPaw and went near the river to train her apprentice.
"You're battle stance is pathetic FawnPaw" SwiftClaw hissed pouncing on the much smaller cat, FawnPaw struggled against her mentor breathing heavy she was covered in scratch marks. A few moments passed and the now agitated warrior moved off of FawnPaw but not before nipping the brown cat on her shoulder. "Get up you and try again" FawnPaw weakly got up and crouched down, her paws ached and she wanted nothing more than to curl up and sleep for 5 moons. SwiftClaw nodded than lunged at her apprentice. They headed back to camp when the sun began to set, FawnPaw was carrying two mice, while SwiftClaw had two birds. They then dropped their caught prey off FawnPaw padded towards the apprentices den while SwiftClaw took a bird and went to eat near the elders den.

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