Posted by LF: Queens (Lion Exchange + GB and Items)

Razz [Clean Sidereal
Svelte] (#18166)

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Posted on
2017-08-23 13:31:52
Looking to buy several queens for my new kings Anan'ya and Kipekee! Please offer on this thread or PM me. I'm looking for any of the bases listed below and others!
I would really like to save currency, so if you accept items or are open to lion swaps or lions in exchange for breedings to two amazing special based kings that will soon be mutie replaced, please let me know so that we can work that out!

Must be special based, mainly looking for those listed below -
Nacre, Cherry Blossom, Skyward, Sidereal, Sunset, Onyx, Cinnabar, Ebony, Fiery, Lilac, Pearl, Ivory, Unholy, Hallowed, or Ice
Bonus -
Black Medium Countershaded Special I need these for breeding Sidereals
5+ Special markings
RMA Markings (Nimravus especially)
I may consider buying a lion with a TON of potential so long as you offer a base changer with it so that I don't have to hunt one down myself.

Things I like:
Pastel Designs
Strong contrast (dark bases with light markings, light bases with dark markings)

Things I dislike (these can be disregarded if the lion is one of the bold bases):
Golden Markings

Please note that I will only pay top dollar for the bolded bases, as they are extremely rare and ones I love. I will happily pay a good amount for the italicized bases, but anything not italicized or bolded I am not likely to pay more than 20 GBs worth for.
I will be fair however. If a base is going for 50 GB in the trading center, I will pay what the base is worth.

Things to Offer:
25 GB (may be willing to offer more, convince me)
Unlimited Free Breedings to my Sidereal Boy with Every Cheetah Royal mark once I mutie replace and before.
Eyeless Mutie - 50 GB
Dwarf, young, 9 marks - 20-25 GB
A ton of decor and backgrounds
1500 CB on my main and over 1k on my side
Every lion in my den I will consider trading for an offered lion. There are a ton of extremely rare bases, high stats, and rare markings. They're great lions that are worth a lot so I encourage this option if you are in the market for lions yourself.

Offers I'm Considering:
Buying - Breeder (x GB)
Ebony base, special eyes (6 GB) contemplating buying as breeder
Mottled Rose, F7A, cute (x GB) contemplating buying as a breeder
Buying - Breeder (x GB)
Ice, cute (10 GB) - Contemplating buying as breeder

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Edited on 24/08/17 @ 11:39:59 by Razz (#18166)

Razz [Clean Sidereal
Svelte] (#18166)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-09-02 13:18:11
No problem!

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