Posted by OPEN ⋆Tea's YCH Lio Chibis⋆

TeaLeo (#85636)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-08-24 19:12:27

⋆- Still Open! -⋆

Hey everyone! It's been a while q3LO1S6.gif
I'm opening some new commissions for GB & EXP/Stat items!
I'm not 100% sure on how long this will be open for, so grab a spot while you can!robu_2_by_emoji_kun-d5hrw95.gif

Shameless Promotion

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Days I'm Mostly Active On LD: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday.

⋆- Rules! -⋆

⋆- YCH Chibi Lion! -⋆

Now open!

I can base these little cuties off of anythign you throw at me, it doesn't have to be just Lioden lions! I can make one of your current LD lion, a dreamy lion, an existing OC, pets, and so on!!
There's no limitaions! See prices below robu_2_by_emoji_kun-d5hrw95.gif


All Chibis Made So Far;



How Much Tho???

These little darlings start off at just 10GB.
Or Buy 3 for 25GB!

Add any number of items to your chibi for just 5GB more. There's no limit to how many decors you can add for the 5GB!!
+an extra 3GB if your decor is difficult to draw. ie. wings, flames, etc.

I'm also accepting other items in the place of pure GB:


Please do not offer decor or food items.

Please fill out the following and post it in a comment below. I'll get back to you shortly <3

# of Chibis:
Link or a Description of what you want:
Any Decors?:
Paying with:

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Edited on 29/04/20 @ 07:34:13 by TeaLeo (#85636)

XxVölurxX (#63935)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-06-29 00:05:34

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