Posted by Centaur RP Planning & Character Submission

Malenga the Pervy
Ferret (#14882)

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Posted on
2017-08-27 10:03:52
Hi there and welcome to my posting for a centaur roleplay! As of right now I am typing this on my boyfriend's computer and therefor have no real way of planning this and researching for things while he is constantly looking over my shoulder and annoying me with "What is that?" "What are those?" "What about that?" xD

So for now, I encourage those of you who are interested in the roleplay to BOOKMARK THIS PAGE so that you can be updated when details are added and there is more for you to read to see if you are interested in submitting your characters to this. I might also want to put this up on the Discord app, but that's to be decided for later.

Until then, cool kids, I will post more tomorrow once I have time to sit down and really think of some great ideas. If you have any yourself, feel free to post them. (If I like the idea, I will give you credit of course.)

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Malenga the Pervy
Ferret (#14882)

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Posted on
2017-08-28 13:50:42
Both of you are coming up with great ideas! I like the individuality we're giving this roleplay thanks to the collaboration of all of our ideas coming together. I will be adding this into roleplaying notes that I will post on the final draft of this ad when I am able to really sit down and type it all out. In the mean time, think about your guys' characters and I'll post the form to fill out for them as soon as I can. c:

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Malenga the Pervy
Ferret (#14882)

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Posted on
2017-08-29 09:07:30
Just to touch on what I was thinking in regards to the dreams thing, I was wondering what you guys thought of this idea:

The god who turned these humans into centaurs with no memory of their past lives only did it to humans who had committed crimes with good intentions at heart but wound up making tragic mistakes by doing so. (For example, a man stealing food for years to feed his family and other poorer families in his village was sentenced to death but he was turned into a centaur so he could have a second chance.) And when they find out their past lives and do right by it, they are given the chance to either turn back into humans and live as humans with the punishment removed or they can live as centaurs and take whoever they want with them who wants to either be centaur with them or stay human and still go.

What do you think? (PS - Also working on more plot and character forms.)

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-29 09:11:35
I like it.. Human and centaurs hasn't been done before...

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Delinquent (#95362)

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Posted on
2017-08-29 09:12:12
Yeah, that works! However, maybe some people did bad crimes, and therefore when they find out what they did they are forever forced to be a centaur?

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Malenga the Pervy
Ferret (#14882)

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Posted on
2017-08-29 09:21:42
Hmmmm that's a really good idea, CosmicFeline! I like it. I'll add it to my notes. c:

ALSO, I will be playing the god that has 'cursed' everyone to becoming a centaur. So if you all could figure out a reason for the bad done in past lives by your characters, and message me with your characters' past motives, that would be great. I'll be getting you to message me when the final character forms are up.

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Blazi2 (#110355)

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Posted on
2017-08-29 09:57:18
I'm a little confused by it. It looses a bit of the impact if they were all crooks in the past, especially redeemable crooks. I was planning on making a more innocent character on that note, figuring that the tide would shift to more twisted. I was thinking being turned into a centaur would be a blessing for some (a sense of power, majestic, escape from a tragic life) and a curse for others (losing everything one has gained through wickedness, constantly chased by hunters giving them a sense of helplessness) depending on who the person is. So more along the lines of Cosmic's thinking.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-08-29 10:04:21
Ooooh, def subscribing to this!

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Malenga the Pervy
Ferret (#14882)

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Posted on
2017-08-29 10:05:39
I agree Ningoat, I think Cosmic's idea is better. I'm thinking we'll do that instead of my idea so we can have a little more spice and variety in the roleplay. I am still trying to figure out how it's going to impact the group as a whole; will some stay together and some split up? I don't quite know as of yet. I'm always open to some more suggestions if you have any more ideas you would like to add in.

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Blazi2 (#110355)

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Posted on
2017-08-29 10:07:51
I think they will probably be more forced together by circumstance than anything. If you split up, where will you go? Back to the city where you will be hunted or captured? Trust that the interaction between the characters will be enough of a reason to stay together, and if one wants to go back to a life as a human, they will be enriched by either being empowered if they are good or humbled if they are bad.

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Malenga the Pervy
Ferret (#14882)

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Posted on
2017-08-29 10:11:27
I hope everyone stays together as a group. Strength in numbers, as they say.

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Malenga the Pervy
Ferret (#14882)

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Posted on
2017-08-29 10:12:24
Also! @InsertCleverNameHere Sorry I didn't see your comment! Looking forward to seeing you want to take part in this roleplay when things are all hashed out!

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Delinquent (#95362)

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Posted on
2017-08-29 10:13:46
I shouldn't think anyone would stray from the group! And if they did, I'm sure the more upbeat characters would chase after them and convince them to stay or something!

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-08-29 10:14:38
Looks awesome so far! When we get to making the actual thread, I can help with coding and overall layout.

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Malenga the Pervy
Ferret (#14882)

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Posted on
2017-08-29 10:16:35
@CosmicFeline That would be my character that I have in the works.

@InsertCleverNameHere That would be AMAZING. Thank you for such a wonderful offer!

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-08-29 10:17:52
No prob! Here's an example if you'd like:

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