Posted by |Trying to Survive| Character •OPEN•

Luxaeus (#78363)

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Posted on
2017-09-08 22:02:47

Main Roleplay Thread


RP Thread | Character Sheets | OOC

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<*b>Appearance: (You mau use photos but at least 1 paragraph description in there too?)<*/b>
<*b>Group or Solo?<*/b>
<*b>Personality :(at least 1 paragraph)<*/b>
<*b>Backstory: (at least 1 paragraph)<*/b>

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Edited on 10/09/17 @ 17:26:19 by BritishAce (#78363)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-09-10 01:35:08

Viktor Kurylenko.

23 years old.


Bisexual - Demiromantic.

That's a question best left to the imagination. Needless to say, nothing legal.

Group or Solo
Solo to start with. He'll probably join a group after observing everyone for a time.

Height: 5'11 | Weight: 185 lbs

His hair is medium length and black, often kept slicked back save for a few stray strands that always prove particularly persistent. Seeing as he's going to be running out of styling gel sooner rather than later he'll likely cut most of his hair considerably shorter. Born the only child of a Ukrainian father and Armenian mother, the later heritage shows in his complexion, tanned and olive-skinned. He has a somewhat angular chin with a more square cut jawline and shallow scars crisscrossing his face.

His eyes are deep set and a bright shade of emerald, lighter flecks of green found throughout the iris, and set beneath thick, dark eyebrows. His nose is long and curved, perhaps slightly crooked from a previous break that never healed correctly. Usual attire consists of a sleeveless shirt, ripped jeans and boots or sneakers. He's not exactly a fashionista as you can probably tell. The left eyebrow is pierced with silver studs as is the ear and the bottom lip is pierced through by black double hoops near the edge of his mouth.

The right arm has a full sleeve tattoo of various insects and this theme continues onto the rest of his body with a stag beetle on the back of the right shoulder, an owl butterfly on the left, an atlas moth on the inside of the left wrist and a string of fire ants ringing the upper arm. Goliath beetles crawl up the spine. Clearly a fan of the creepy crawlies. His build is sturdy and solid.

Facetious and carefree with a questionable sense of humor. Viktor hardly takes anything in life all that seriously. He could be on his deathbed or in the middle of the fiercest fight of his life and still be making inappropriate jokes. He crosses most people as arrogant and obnoxious for good reason and there are plenty of rumors floating around suggesting he is a cannibal and though they of course aren’t true he encourages them, finding the whole boogeyman persona people have built up for him highly amusing. He is perverse in nature with a personality hard to handle in large doses and it certainly doesn’t help that he tends to hit on everyone he meets to some degree. Be prepared for a plethora of horrible pickup lines.

Everything is fun and games with Viktor until you get on his bad side. In that case it may be best to get the hell out of Dodge, as he’s prone to holding grudges and can prove surprisingly ruthless if you truly manage to piss him off. Thankfully, it's pretty difficult to reach that point with him. Beneath his haughty exterior is someone far more intelligent than he's often given credit for, preferring to be viewed as a hedonistic idiot so they don’t know to expect better. Despite his tendencies to flirt he rarely follows through with anything he implies considering the people his comments are aimed at usually aren’t feeling the love. All bark, no bite for the most part.

Warning; mentions of drug use and past criminal activity, but nothing too graphic.

Viktor was always fascinated by bugs. His parents indulged his interests, buying him numerous books and even allowing him to keep beetles and tarantulas as pets growing up, though they considered cockroaches crossing the line. He lived in Odessa, Ukraine until he was 17 years old and his parents moved to the states. He graduated high school an A+ student, but almost got in trouble with the law for hacking computers in his spare time. It was more a hobby to test his limits than anything malicious and in the end his love for insects ended up being his more defining trait as he headed to college with plans to major in entomology.

He ran into more serious problems during his second year after taking pills from a classmate meant to help him focus on his finals. The pills eventually became an addiction and led to harder drugs. This escalated to the point where his dependency on them overpowered anything else and he dropped out of college, instead making a living out of selling narcotics, though in actuality he was a horrible dealer considering he used most of his 'product' himself.

He was an infamous name on the streets regardless and ended up in jail after being caught with drugs on his person and subsequently attacking the officer who attempted to arrest him. Prison was probably the wake-up call he needed and programs in the facility helped him get clean. He hasn't touched the stuff since and doesn't plan to start again anytime soon, not that the island leaves that opportunity, though it's still a sensitive subject. He's no longer the same person he used to be before the addiction consumed his life and is estranged from his family, unsure the broken relationship he now shares with his parents can ever be repaired.

Finding work after getting out was difficult and though he kept away from drugs and alcohol the best he could to keep from returning to old habits he ended up relying on less than ideal occupations to make money. He was serving as a bodyguard for a gentleman who believed he may have captured some 'unwanted' attention from a gang when the ship crashed, killing his employer and presumably whoever might have been following him.

Theme Song

None yet. To be determined. Totes open though.

Viktor knows both Ukrainian and Russian, but more commonly speaks a mix of both languages known as Surzhyk. He has a very strong accent. He WILL be insulted if you mistake him for being Russian though,

He really likes bugs y'all. Gonna collect some buggos.

A grasshopper walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Hey, we have a drink named after you!"
The grasshopper looks surprised and asks, "You have a drink named Steve?"

◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈

Tobias Ahlström.

28 years old.


Pansexual - Panromantic.

Dog Trainer.

Group or Solo
Definitely a group.

Height: 6'0" | Weight: 179 lbs

Tall and willowy. At first glance he might appear a bit thin, but Tobias does posses a decent amount of lean muscle. His hair is short, dark brown and often kept straight and neat, lacking any particular style, his eyes being a similar shade. He has a narrow, chiseled face and his skin is fair, often burning easily. Tobias has more than a few scars, mostly located on his hands and arms from being bitten by the dogs he attempts to tame.

Clothing tends to be plain and in dull colors, whatever is comfortable and appropriate for current temperatures. He isn’t a particularly flashy person and fashion matters very little to him in the long run, but he always strives to look presentable and is very organized. His chin is usually covered in a thin layer of stubble as he rarely shaves, but it never appears to grow out very much even when left untrimmed for months. He has poor eyesight and is required to wear glasses, the frame subtle shades of brown and green. Overall not a particularly outstanding individual, but he has a handsome face and a warm disposition.

The most accurate word that could be used to describe Tobias is enthusiastic. The man is a literal ray of sunshine, rarely seen without a smile or a jubilant skip to his step. He chooses to see the positives in life rather than let the negatives get him down. Even in this new, troubled world he's found himself tangled in, there is always hope for a brighter future. Meticulous and observant, he has an eye for detail when it comes to most things in life, but is somewhat clueless to the workings of proper social etiquette.

He’s a fairly curious sort and finds the island more intriguing than dangerous, His inquisitiveness sometimes gets him in trouble as he has a habit of nosing around places or people he shouldn't. Overall he is fairly naive and overly trusting. Generally, Tobias is a non-violent person and is viewed as harmless if not a bit strange among other shipwreck survivors. He's eager to find out if the island might have any sort of canine population.

Born and raised in a small, rural, superstitious town. Tobias grew up with a single parent, his father Daniel, for most of his early life. Daniel owned the only library in town, the building his pride and joy, even the oldest of books in astoundingly excellent condition. Daniel died after a long battle with Lymphoma when Tobias was only ten and he’s more or less looked after himself from then onward.

People in the community made sure he had food, clothes and enough water to get by, but otherwise left the boy to his own devices. By law he was put under the care of his closest relative, his paternal grandmother, but more often than not he cared for her rather than the other way around. He found he had a passion for dogs that eventually led to a career as a personal dog trainer.

Normally he wouldn't have been able to afford the luxurious cruise, but a wealthy customer insisted he accompany her and needless to say the woman rarely took no for an answer and he agreed after her relentless offers failed to end. Unfortunately she was killed when the ship went down, though her Belgian Malinois Maximus survived and made it to shore with Tobias.

Theme Song
Iridescent - Linkin Park.

None yet, but open.

Here the doggo.


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Edited on 21/09/17 @ 12:42:06 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

littleclod | 3x ros
G3 ferus (#92938)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-10 09:49:36

Darius Beaumont

25 years old

Height- 6' 0" | Weight- 158 lbs.

Darius is tall and has a lithe frame, appearing to be athletic with the build of a runner. He has high cheekbones and a defined jawline, the only two things passed down from his father. His eyes are hooded and accompanied by thick eyebrows, giving him a hawk-like look. They are an unusual grey colour, flecked with dark blues and the occasional green. His hair is shaggy and unevenly cut, sweeping across his forehead and hanging over the very edge of his eyebrows. He has fading streaks of purple and iridescent blue across his hair, dispersed rather unevenly. He has large black gauges in both of his ears, and two rings in his lip. His skin is tanned and flecked with small scars, often trophies of the idiotic things he thought would be fun.

He wears clothes in all ranges of colour, but his favourite is typically black or grey. Often, he wears skinny jeans and black combat boots with some sort of graphic t-shirt and a jacket or hoodie. His favourite outfit- and the one he is wearing on the cruise when the ship went down- is a pair of black, ripped skinny jeans, black combat boots, a ripped grey t-shirt, and a black jean jacket. However, he also enjoys wearing pastel colours, usually blue or pink, and has a particular fondness for lavender button-downs.

Pansexual - panromantic

He currently holds a job as a barista in a local coffee shop.

Group or Solo?
Likely solo, at least at first, though he may be driven to join the group

Darius is incredibly upbeat, but he loathes spending his time in the company of other people. He's positive towards only himself, and often is surrounded by negative energy when around strangers or people he dislikes. He's rather stubborn, and his ability to work as a team is lacking. He often questions others, and has a dominant personality that usually puts him at odds with those he is talking to. He's aggressive and tempermental at times, especially when his morale is low. However, he is compassionate towards those who are weaker than him or simply just lost, and often finds it in himself to express a particular brand of kindness towards them. He is resourceful and generous as well, having learned when he was young how to take care of himself and others. He also tends to overstep his bounds, and never knows when to stop; he never learned any particular brand of restraint. Basically, if he begins hitting on you, you'd have to tell him to stop- he has no idea how to recognise when someone is uncomfortable. He's never really been uncomfortable nor frightened by anything- the island is perhaps the only thing that has made him feel genuinely fearful.

Darius was born to a neglectful mother and an overworked father. As soon as he turned a year old, his mother took off, leaving him with his loving but often absent father. He grew up learning to take care of himself, as his dad was often on business trips and left Darius to his own devices. To make up for frequently leaving Darius on his lonesome, his father spoiled him, buying him whatever he wanted. Despite this, Darius did not become a spoiled brat, preferring instead to share his new things with some of the few friends he had managed to make. As he became older, however, Darius distanced himself from his childhood friends and began associating himself with things that others found distasteful. It was during this time when he finally came to terms with his sexuality, and began his job working as a barista. To get away from home, he asked his father for money to send him on a cruise; never one to be turned down, Darius insisted until his father gave in.

none yet, but totally open

•He is overly inquisitive and will absolutely eat a plant just to see what it tastes like
•he loves, loves snakes, and must be restrained from trying to touch one if he sees it
•faceclaim would definitely be dylan jordan, just more ~grunge~

what do you call a cow with no legs?
ground beef

haha im so funny

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Edited on 16/09/17 @ 09:31:08 by littleclod|RR|mosaic (#92938)

Luxaeus (#78363)

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Posted on
2017-09-10 13:12:43

Ace De Luca
"Character is built by striving to be kind, not famous." - Brendon Burchard

26 years old

Panromantic - Pansexual

Currently in College but he works at a bookstore close by.

Group or Solo?:


Height: 6’ 1” | Weight: 196lbs

Ace has dirty blond hair that appears blond most of the items. He insists that his hair is more brown than blond but others say no. Ace doesn't sweep his hair at all. He wakes up and he leaves it because he doesn't feel the need to style it. He has blueish gray eyes. Some say they are more gray but they are blue, especially in the sunlight. Ace has a a little more than stubble but not quite a beard running down his strong jawline. He also has little hair that is barely noticeable on his upper lip.

Ace has a lean build but he does have some muscle in his body from working out in the past years. He eats somewhat healthy as well but every once in awhile he pigs out. He mostly wears V-necks and jeans but you can catch him in a button up every now and then. He has his right ear pierced and he wears a silver necklace with a star pendant on it. Ace is most definitely not quiet at certain times. He can't help it.

Ace is a pessimistic person. He sees the bad in every little thing and always thinks the worst first. He worries about every little thing and awful thoughts run through his head at the slightest sound. Although, he is negative about everything, Ace knows he is selfless. He rather give than get just to see others happy. The man enjoys watching others become enthusiastic. Instead of taking a bullet for only his family and friends, Ace would take the bullet for anyone.

Ace loves to work alone than in teams. He cannot handle anyone holding him back in projects. The situation he is in right now calls for Ace to not go solo. He thinks that with multiple people, they'll be able to find resources better and they will have combined knowledge on certain aspects on surviving. Of course, Ace knows this will not stop groups from arguing but it is better than nothing. He would put in his 2 cents but mainly stay out of anything.

Overall, Ace is a pretty nice guy to approach. He does not get into many fights unless it was to protect someone. He is a rather talk it out than use violence. He makes friends easily and able to get the light out of any situation. Although he may be thinking negatively, Ace isn't the one to show it and he uses jokes to lighten up people's moods. He doesn't flirt that much unless it was a dare between his mates. He rather not have a relationship when he is trying to study and work. Ace is most definitely not looking for one while they are on the island. Not yet anyways..

Ace grew up in a rough childhood home. His father was abusive to his mother and Ace himself. Once Ace got stronger, he began to protect his mother. Pretty soon, Ace got away from the home when he turned of age. Of course the male took his mother along with him. After that, he went to college to become a Veterinarian. He wanted to take a trip to relax and to have his mother have carefree days as well. Unfortunately, when the ship crashed, Ace's mother did not make it and he blames himself entirely. He believes he did not protect her well.

He is of Italian Heritage but speaks very little.

What did the cannibal do after he dumped his girlfriend?
~~He wiped his arse


Melissa Monroe

24 years old

Biromantic - Bisexual

She isn't that tall, only standing at 5' 8" and weighing around 150lbs. She has brown hair that goes a little past her shoulders and have light blue eyes. She has several scars along her body from her trouble making high school days. She doesn't regret a single one.

Pfft she works at Miccy D's

Group or Solo?

Melissa, or Mel as she prefers, is a spunky gal with a spontaneous personality. She doesn't usually think before she talks and acts on impulse. She is one of those people who retrieves a dare and doesn't back down. Mel is a stubborn girl and doesn't listen to anybody unless it is she absolutely needs it.

Melissa didn't have a tragic childhood. She was the normal girl who got decent grades and usually got in trouble. She didn't go to college because high school was enough education for her. Her mother and father helped her out to get money for the cruise since Mel works at McDonalds.

I didn't go all out for this character because I'm making a special charrie that y'all will love


Ketty Black

92 years old

I dont think y'all would date this sexy lady but in case you have to know, she is heterosexual. Plus her husband died.


Ketty is one hunk of a lady. She is 5' 4" but is always ready to pack a lunch punch. Or she'll slap you right upside the head. Her hair looks white to some but it is a a creamy white. There is a difference, people. She also has blue eyes and often wears dark pink lipstick that she won't be afraid to cover your cheeks and forehead in. Ketty wears a smile most of the time unless she gets upset from naughty children.

She should be retired at this dreadful age but she is an Actress.

Group or Solo?
She'll say she is solo but she is 'quietly' following a group.

Ketty is a stubborn woman and never takes no for an answer. She protects the little kids from their mothers and fathers. That's why her great grandchildren love her. She is the kind of grandmother that pinches young kids' cheeks and exasperate over how cute they are. Ketty isn't afraid to give a young lad a whooping either if they need it.

Whew, let's see. She is 92 years old so she has one heck of a Backstory. She's been acting since the 40s and Ketty has been told numerous times that she has closely resembled this Betty White person. It is strange. Ketty went on this cruise to avoid paparazzi and to have a nice enjoyable time by herself. Then disaster struck and now she is on the island.

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Edited on 12/09/17 @ 23:50:26 by BritishAce (#78363)

Ser Isles (#57298)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2017-09-10 16:26:03

Frankie Barzini


Gay af

Laundry... and... ah... racquetball....

Group or Solo?

Boyish looks with a bit of sleazy charm. He's got a slight olive tan to his skin, dark tightly curled hair, and brown eyes. Bit of a roman nose, high cheekbones, and thick eyebrows. He's about average stature, although maybe on the thinner and shorter side. He can certainly carry his own. He tends to walk with a bit of false bravado. He likes to dress nicely in business casual suits, vests, slacks, and slim dress shoes.

The embodiment of macho masculinity. He's buff and tough, but also longs for attention and praise, particularly from those above him. He also tends to develop crushes on higher-ups.
Masculine to almost a fault. He sets out to prove himself constantly, often getting into fights and attempting to woo the ladies. None of this hides the fact he cares strongly about others and frequently stands up for the little guys. He's not particularly bright and follows authority closely. Although he will question morally "wrong" decisions, he may still go through with the action, often believing his commander knows more than him.

Part of a mo- a nice group of law-abiding citizens who do laundry and play racquetball. Went on the cruise to politely talk to another passenger about a business deal they were missing out on. Very unhappy at the whole "boat crashing" and "water ruining all my damn good clothes" thing.

The joke is how dang gay he is


Xavier Mortimer



Is child

Group or Solo?

Pale white, and lanky as anything. Xavier is covered in freckles with the heaviest smatterings across his face and arms. His hair is like flowing fire, wavy and bright red. His bright green eyes are naturally wide, giving him an innocent look. If you were to cover the lower half of his face, he'd look surprised. If you were to cover the upper, you'd assume he were angry. His lips are usually drawn and serious.

Walking anxiety. Xavier is almost never certain of anything. Strangers are met with suspicion. Friends are met with more suspicion. He's anxious most of the time. Change is never a good thing for him and always met with worry. It takes a very long time to gain his trust. Even then, nobody is safe from his paranoia. The flip side is that his fears drive him to be reckless. He's known to switch from panicked to furious in a second, as if anger were the logical extension of fear. Despite this, Xavier is incredibly friendly, going out of his way to befriend the most unlikely of creatures. This has led to a few cases of nearly-getting-eaten, but his friendship train refuses to be derailed. His friendships are often built from his curiosity.

The unfortunate victim of a kidnapping. He escaped and found the cruise about to leave. He figured that'd be the best way to escape his captors. He managed to gain access by pretending to be the child of a passenger. He didn't really expect it to sink.

He got that thicc scottish accent yo
The joke is his backstory is always tragic and he never gets a break my poor xavey boy

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Edited on 11/09/17 @ 20:28:48 by Ser Isles (#57298)

JustLogan (#85963)

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Posted on
2017-09-10 17:14:11

James Parrish
Trans-Male, Ace/Homo-romantic (Labels himself a Queer)
James is modestly tall, standing at 6’4 seeming taller due to his heavy army style boots. He’s lean but well-muscled, the kind of build expected from someone who spent a lot of his spare time running whether it be from the last person he pissed off (more than likely cops) or just for the hell of it. He was gifted with and angular face, jawline and cheekbones sharp enough to cut like knives, that before had almost never been seen without the decoration of cuts and bruises. His green eyes are the softest thing about him, framed by long eyelashes, always holding a glint in them that was unnerving. He keeps his hair shaved close, only further accenting the sharpness of his features.
Does being an asshole count? Probably not.
Group or Solo?
Solo to start, begrudgingly in a group later.
Personality :(at least 1 paragraph)
James is confident and confrontational. He makes no effort to filter his words and values honesty above protecting other people’s feelings, his unfiltered candor doesn’t lend itself to building relationships. He is also fiercely loyal to the few he considers friends, but hardly any friendlier for it. He shows affection by being annoying, and poking and prodding. He can come off as cold and overly sarcastic, with a short temper and a mean streak a mile wide. He tends to be motivated by spite, and will do things simply because someone said he couldn't. Seemingly always angry. There are times, though, when he is genuinely kind and affectionate and those times are few and far between, unless he is alone with Sawyer. His twin sister is his favorite person, for so many reasons. He will never fail to take her side.
Backstory: (at least 1 paragraph)
He knows 5 languages and will not hesitate to curse you out in all of them, slight southern accent.
If I had to faceclaim, it’d be Adam Kaszewski
I bought some shoes from a drug dealer. I don't know what he laced them with, but I've been tripping all day. (you cannot convince me that James hasn’t said this while drunk or stoned)

Name: Sawyer Parrish
Age: 18
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: It is obvious that Sawyer is James’ twin. They share the same pale skin, and sharp angles and dark hair. She stands at 6 feet even, not as thin as her brother, possessing a more pear shaped body. She is not ashamed about her body, happy that she isn’t pencil thin nor unhealthily over weight. She keeps her dark hair in a neat crown braid around her head, giving her an almost ethereal look. Her green eyes are kind and earnest, showing her emotion more than anything else could. She is not traditionally beautiful, some would say her features were too sharp, or her refusal to wear makeup to cover her imperfect complexion and freckles hurts her rather than helps her, but she has an inexplicable allure about her.
Occupation: Musician
Group or Solo? Group
Personality : Sawyer is the polar opposite of her twin in this respect. She is kind and polite to everyone, and constantly putting others feelings before hers. She gets along well with a lot of people so she makes friends quite easily, though she keeps her circle of close friends small. She treats her friends like family and always helps them if they are in need. She is very loyal to her friends, and aspect she shares with James. She would do anything to protect those she cares about and she would sacrifice herself to save them. James will always come first with her, the two of them sharing an almost unbreakable bond. She has a sarcastic streak a mile wide, and can often be found bantering with her brother. She has a strong heart and is quite proud. She is also very much stubborn which can get her into trouble quite often; she doesn't like to be told what to do.
Backstory: working on iiiiit
Knows as many languages as James but prefers to compliment people in them/Use words from them as endearments.
I used to have a job at a calendar factory but I got the sack because I took a couple of days off.

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Edited on 13/09/17 @ 06:51:12 by TheWinterSoldier (#85963)

Lynx 1.0 (#91211)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-09-11 18:46:23
Name: Jake Angler
Age: 26 Years Old
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Jake stands 6'4 with smooth tan skin that is very well toned due to physical labor. He has short cut and rich golden blonde hair with brilliant sapphire blue eyes that are always wide and full of wonder. He could be a male model if he weren't so awkward, I mean, he IS ripped as hell. Just... there a slight catch, Jake has a noticeable scar going from the top of his throat down to his collarbone, right through the middle. He is a mute; Well, mostly. He can make awkward gruff noises but its painful for him to make words. Always in jeans and a pain white t-shirt.
Occupation: Handy man for a billionaire. He did everything from cook to clean to butcher meat to being a body guard to construction work.
Group or Solo? GROUP. Jake hates being alone...
Personality: Jake is... awkward to say the least. He is jumpy, shy and insecure. Can be extremely clingy and touchy feely. He likes to be near people and when he's near someone he's usually touching them. Not in a weird way, just holding their shirt or his knee touching theirs. To be in contact with someone comforts him, he can be on his own but he gets extremely nervous. He is very kind and generous, always willing to help, and with his physical size and body, he can help a lot with manual jobs. Jake is a kind person, when hes himself. He can have a bad mood swing. Jake is normally soft and sweet and gentle. This mood swing brings a new side to Jake, an aggressive, assertive and dominant side. Yet it only happens when someone he cares about is in danger for feeling bad. Even then, it may not appear.
Backstory: Jake was an orphan, more or less a failed abortion, and at 5 years old, he was adopted into a lovely family. He would be their only child. They were well off, he was happy at school and participated in every sport he could, also a huge catch with the ladies for his star stopping looks and his humble personality.
It all came to an end when his mom died. He was 12, and it brought out a different side to his father.
His father began to come home drinking, at first he was a sob story, Jakes father just could never stop crying, Jake did what he could to help, but it was never enough. Things slowly got worse, his father would have violent outbursts, at first he would just break things. Then he started to yell at Jake, then hit him. It went on till Jake was 16.
Then one day, Jakes dad was especially drunk, and especially pissed, first he threw things, then he grabbed Jake and threw him across the room and closed in on him with a knife. Jake tried to duck out of the way as his father swung at him, but it caught Jake right down the middle of this throat. Lucky a neighbor heard the fight and called the police.
Jake was in the hospital for 3 months, He lost his ability to speak and was sent to a group home while his Father was tried for attempted murder.
Other: How can you tell there's a blind man in a nudist colony?
Its not hard.


Name: Chloe Jean
Age: 24 Years
Sexuality: Strait
Appearance: Chloe is a 6 foot girl, she has very long limbs and the perfect body to be a runway model. She had a cute face that makes her look sweet and innocent when she is rather the opposite. She has dirty blonde hair that runs down just past her shoulders with dark, army green eyes that could pass for amber in some lightings. She has a scar down the inside of her left arm. She is always in black skinny jeans and a grey tank top and a leather jacket.
Occupation: Security For a large Corporation.
Group or Solo? Group
Personality: Shes rather mysterious and shallow, usually bitter and angry but only shows it when its of use for her. She can be sympathetic but is usually cold to everyone. When in a fight she likes to play with her opponent and toy with them, with their mind and body. Shes cruel and unregretful, almost everything she does works out the way she wants it to. Shes hot headed with violent outbursts and can be very reckless. Shes a loner who connects better with guys than girls, the reason why is her tough nature, and she had a sense of competition with girls. especially tough and tall ones. She can be overly competitive.
Backstory: Chloe grew up in an abusive home. Yet she rarely got a beating, she was mostly yelled at... and of course she yelled back. Her mother and little brother got most of the hurt. One day, Chloe walked home to find blood, a lot of blood, on the floor. She ran into the next room to find her mother dead on the floor, and her baby brother screamed. She rushed up the starts to catch a glance of her dad pinning her 4 year old brother down. Chloe lost it. She attacked her dad in a whirl of anger. She snatched the knife from her dad, and at 14 years old, she slit her fathers throat and killed him.
She felt nothing, well that wasn't true. Chloe was relieved, that pest was dead. She and her brother was safe. She has no regrets, she did what she had to; and she saved her little brother.


Name: Chase Ross
Age: 27
Sexuality: Strait
Appearance: Chase is a good looking guy, but he's not particularly noticeable, he's 6'3 with big brown eyes and light brown hair, it's slightly long, just brushing against his neck, but soft and fun to play with. He has long arms and legs, but is not very tan, kinda on the pale side. He is always in dress pants and a blue button up with a nice brown jacket. He also wares rectangular glasses, as he's blind without them.
Occupation: Weapons Scientist
Group or Solo? Group

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Edited on 13/09/17 @ 12:45:25 by Lynx The Mad Hatter (#91211)

flawsome (#125168)

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Posted on
2017-09-13 08:21:42


N a m e
Valentina Chapman

N i c k n a m e (s)
Commonly called Val

A g e
Nineteen years old

S e x u a l i t y

A p p e a r e a n c e
Second Image

With dark brown hair reaching her waist and a pair of deep, soft blue eyes, the strong genes and roots of her mother are dominant, looking almost exactly as the older woman. Val is shorter, though, standing at 5'7" with long, slim legs and a lean body type that provides her with agility and speed. Her light tanned skin is covered in freckles and some moles, especially on her face, upon her small nose and cheeks. Heart shaped face has a subtle jawline and dimples that appear whenever a smile lurks on her lips, which are defined and somewhat fleshy. When it comes to clothing, her choices are quite simple, fresh and tidy, opting for lighter colors and comfortable pieces that still won't let her fairly present curves disappear from sight.

O c u p p a t i o n
She never had a permanent job given the constant moving, but photography was probably her most successful attempt at stability.

G r o u p . o r . s o l o ?

P e r s o n a l i t y
Val is quite a complicated puzzle to solve. Her personality overall is very outgoing and calm, with a heart that irradiates kindness and a mindset filled with maturity. Well, only for cases that strictly need such maturity. Her humor is definitely sarcastic and is present every minute, and can be used as a sharp weapon of self-defense, or even a shield to keep behind any type of emotions she decides to keep to herself. That being said, Valentina is the type of person that will never hesitate to give her all to someone who needs it, but when she's the one that needs help in any way, she will be stubborn enough (or what she calls independent) to refuse as many times as necessary. It may be either pride, or a despise for pity aimed at her. But her patience is limited and can be easily irritated, a mood which is hard to cool down when the snappings are quick and often clever, or witty. It's not common to hear her raise her voice during any discussion nor argument, something that she has learned with time can make the other person frustrated or confused, while she, after all, remains controlled for her brain to breathe and think of the correct words to spit out. She will keep it calm and smart with a clenched jaw. She is used to being active, and the monotony of doing nothing at all gives her a terrible anxiety, the kind of behavior inculcated by her father, who hated to see her wasting time on some lazy activity that could never be productive. This nowadays is quite a strenght, especially on the island, as she is always looking for new ways to be useful to everyone but mostly to those she decides to pay her genuine attention to.

B a c k s t o r y
The only daughter to a north-american father and russian mother, most of her physical traits and personality came from said European bloodline. Her younger years were fairly normal and happy, although the family used to move between the two continents every few months, with reasons that always remained as a secret for Valentina. If she had to take a guess, though, they were probably not good or even legal reasons, seeing as the two had heated discussions very often and it always ended up with them all in a plane. She was sure they were related to money, for it was a word she remembered was present in almost all of the occasions, but it still resulted strange- Their economic situation was not the worst at all. The languages of course were learned and eventually dominated, even as they primarily spoke in Russian, the accent sticking very lightly to her English. After many years, things had suddenly but finally seemed to change, and her parents looked more relaxed, happier. Her father had gotten his family a trip to the Bahamas, where he assured everything would be better if only for a little while. That they deserved it after so much, even though Val didn't know why, as bad as it sounds. But at such point in her life, the curiosity had decreased and allowed her heart to trust her parents like any other devoted daughter would. Little did she know that said trip would become hell, the definite and quite tragic separation of the three. 

O t h e r
My dad jokes are to be ashamed of
So let's just say that my life is the joke

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Edited on 24/09/17 @ 16:56:48 by flawsome (#125168)

『Moon』 (#100696)

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Posted on
2017-09-14 11:47:13

Mitsuki Takara.




Mitsuki is a quite tall female, standing at 6"4. She is really light, only weighing around 90 pounds or less. This girl hates eating the same way she hates ignorant people. That's 110% from 100%. She has long white hair that reaches her waist level. It's rather messy and wavy all the time since it can get boring to brush your hair for more than 15 minutes. And even tiring. She doesn't have the time right now. Her face is long and lean with a fragile chin and jawbones. She has a tiny nose that makes her look delicate and feminine. Her eyes are of an dark emerald green with brown and gray stripes crossing her iris. Mitsuki always hoped she could become a model, and she could. If it wouldn't be for her awkwardness and shyness. She loves wearing black and white with a touch of green sometimes. This girl unfortunately has to wear glasses thanks to her big shortsightedness. They are white with green and make her look even prettier. Without them, anything further than 1 foot and less doesn't exist for her.

She is a slacker so uh. But she always wanted to become a clothes' designer or psychologist.

Group or Solo?

Mitsuki appears cold and shy at first, but once you get to know her, she's a sweet fragile girl. She is extremely quiet around strangers and likes coming off across as rude and somehow impolite. This girl just likes acting like a badass, even though she's far from it. She formed a huge she'll around her heart during these 18 years of hers, but nobody knows why. That's just her nature. Mits loves making friends and is quite talkative after she puts down her act. She is extremely emotional and will cry even when she remembers or sees something happy. Mitsuki has constant mood swings and they can easily be triggered. One second she's giggling(maniacally or normally, two different things), the other she is melancholic and quiet. Her coldness isn't entirely an act though. Being friendly with people isn't exactly her speciality. She's not all that different with her friends, though a little bit more considerate. She hates lying and will (almost) always say what's on her mind even if it'll hurt others. This girl is extremely intuitive so don't try hiding secrets or feelings from her, she'll find out one way or another. Mitsuki is extremely insecure and will doubt most of her actions, though she doesn't lack ambition. She is a hopeless romantic and quite flirty. If she's taken a liking to anyone, look out. Whether they be friend or crush, she'll soon grow overprotective of them. Give them death glares, sometimes even pinch or punch them if they come too close to her loved ones. That became normal for her. Of course she manages to not jump at them ALL the time, but she will always feel jealous or envious. Thinking they will abandon her for someone else. Poor Mitsuki. She is also somewhat sadistic and a sociopath, begins laughing or giggling whenever she feels like it. And by that I mean most of the time. No, I doubt she could be considered normal anymore. Despite all this, Mitsuki is really caring and nurturing. You can always count on her to cheer you up or listen to you. She is also a walking lie detector, so, don't bother all that much. She can effortlessly read other peoples' emotions and likes showing off about that. Her remarks about others' personalities are usually right and that makes her think highly of herself. Rarely though.

Mitsuki had a somewhat normal life. Normal for today's standards. Her parents divorced when she had 13 years old. She was born quite fragile and had several health problems, including her eyes. Her bones could and can break with a few powerful blows or a medium tree branch falling on her. Her grandparents and mom were always arguing, making her even more quiet than before. These events made her understand people and emphasize with them. She decided to take a break and maybe meet some romantic interest on this boat, but no, it just HAD to crash. That's just her luck.

Why did the vampire get fired from the blood bank?
He was caught drinking on the job!
(hah it's the best I got)

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Edited on 16/09/17 @ 14:02:35 by 『Moon』 (#100696)

tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-09-14 19:25:23
Mayaa Presley (May-Ya)

24 Years


Mayaa is a tall woman, standing at 6'0. She has chestnut skin tone, smooth and soft skin with dark freckles appearing here and there. She has a small bit of freckles on her face. She has almond shaped hazel eyes, dark stripes crossing her iris. She has a button nose, and a heart shaped face. A pretty lass, she is. She has long, light brown curly hair that reaches to below her shoulders. Its basically corkscrew curls. The roots of her hair is black, which fades to a ighter brown. She has a side part in her hair which makes most of her hair to one side, but there still is a small amout of hair on one side. Yeah, it takes her a long time to do her hair.
She wears a small amount of makeup, well, when she rarely applies makeup on. She usually wears alight blue tight shirt because.. why not? She also wears distressed jeans. What? You thought I was going to have her have only a shirt on? -,-

She loves to help animals and was a vetenarian before she left on cruise. Weither its aggressive or not she'll hep an animal in need. She is also calmed by sketcing on anything nearest to her.

Group or Solo?

Personality :
Mayaa might seem very happy and all, but she is very depressed and aloof all the time. She can be quite shy and quiet when shes around a crowd of people, but soon she'll start joking around. She has a reputation for being goofy, but she plays around to distract herself from the dark times in her life. Those moments lauging around and oking can make her day brighter. She purposely acts goofy around others bring them some distraction too. So they wouldn't ever feel alone. So they could laugh, roll their eyes, get annoyed at her. She lets everyone make him into a joke just so they could feel something. Anything but the emptiness of life. And she's willing to lower himself for others, because she's felt that pain of being hurt and alone in the world. Mayaa's got a story, just like everyone else. She just doesn't tell it, because she feels that the world has enough burdens. It doesn't need hers. People have the weight of their own pasts to carry, and she refuses to add to that weight for anyone.
When alone, she can be quite sad and lonely, so she prefers to stay around people, even if she is very shy. When she is around too many people though, her anxiety and nerves kicks up and she starts to shake er legs, most of the time she doesn't know it. She bites the skin around her nails until se stops herself before she draws blood. She'll also sake her foot back and forth if her feet is hanging with a faraway look in her eyes. Drawing and reading soothes her, and yes she brags about her artwork, I mean, its impossible not to, well, to her.
Mayaa is constantly thinking, weither it be about what she wants to sketch or about anything. This causes people to thing she is impolite because it seems she isn't listening to them at all when they're talking to her. What they don't know is that she is fully aware of what they are saying, but would rather not say anything. She'll also mess with things if you are talking to her. As a child in school she would get things taken away from her because she was paying attention to the object and not the teacher. Well, she knows what you are saying, but shes looking somewhere else while listening. It surprises others when someone asks her what they said, and she'll say what they said a few seconds before.

Backstory: (at least 1 paragraph)
Born with two other brothers, tings weren't that easy the second she was born. Her older brother was taken away from her mother, and lived with her grandmother. Her mother was homophobic... well, mentally and physically abused her and her secopnd oldest brother. Things got worse and worse until she was about 10 or 12, and her mother and brother got into a physical fight. Her brother ran off, and her mother told her things, things not to say on what she did to her brother and her. Of course, she listened. She loved her at times, but hated her also. She kept horrid things thagt happened between her brother and mother a secret. She went to school with a bright smkile on her face and played a happy act that everyone thought was true. Even when she insulted her brother for being who he is. But then, Mayaa noticed how wrong this wole thing was. It wasn't right at all. Her mother mentally and physically abused her autistic brother, and told her not to say anything, wile her rother was stuck in a group home. Don't call him, don't tell him this and that, nd she juged him on everything. Mayaa finally snapped and told her brother everything. Yes, her brother did horrible things, but she loves him. Her mother did horrible, sick things. SHe can't say she loves her. When her moter was kind, however, she told her how sorry she was and told her to never be like her, to get a job she enjoys.
After that, she'd rather not reveal, but she will talk about things several years later. She became a vetenarian and treated the most worst animals to the most minor injured animals. For vacation, she decided to go on a cruise. Seems fun...

I totally didn't make a character based on me AAAAHHAHAHAHA
What do you call a fly without wings?

File:Victoria Justice 2013.jpg

Angelica Ramirez



Angelica is a medium eight girl, only 5'11, with dark brown straight hair. She has a small, button like and smooth creamy white, but well toned skin. Her eyes are a light brown with long eyelashes. She has a contagious bright smile, which adds to her already cute, rounded heart shaped face. Its common for her to wear a white no shoulder mexican blouse with blue flowers over her breast, with cut off shorts or "Hot Shorts".

Acting, Singing

Group or Solo?
Group, unsure with who though

Personality :(at least 1 paragraph)
Angelica is a kind and polite woman. She never treats anybody lower than what they are unless she really dislikes them. She has a mexican accent so she'll say words differently adsay a few words in spanish, in case she doesn't want anyone to know what shes saying, or she feels comfortable saying a word in spanish. Angelica is also not th type of girl to gossip, and if anyone gossips about another person she won't be afraid to lecture them, yep, mama style!
She hates seeing anyone sad, and will try to cheer them up with her good humor. If she knows they are in too much bad condition to cheer up, she'll give them time. She is a great and loyal companion.
If she is angered however, she isnt afraid to put her hands on somebody, and boi does she turn into a demon.This rarely happens, however, because shes pretty content with her life and appearance, and if anyone would insult her, she'd srug it off or make their insult sound like they are insulting themselve with a little angel-like smile. If anyone insults her friends, which is a big no-no, she'll reply with the most sarkuy and sarcastic remarks, but she won't be angry for long.

Backstory: (at least 1 paragraph)
ANgelica was born in a mexican family, and having her mother be a actress, she had quite a lot of money Her mother bought her anyhing she wanted, but do you think she was a spoiled brat? Ha ha- No. She was satisfied with everything she already had, so it was uncommon for her to ask er moter and father for things unless she really wants someting. She went into acting at the ripe age of 9 and had a fun time doing it. Se played roles in many famous movies and looks back at them a lot.
To get away from paparazzi, though, she went on a cruise to get away, because, y'know, paparazzi never allows you to take a shower before checking your doors and windows. (I'M JOKING XD)


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Edited on 23/09/17 @ 10:27:34 by ☣⚜Skazzle☬Skittz☣{WCU} (#83026)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-09-18 17:02:56

"You know my name, not my story. You know what I've done, not what I've been through. Learn before you judge, for if you were in my shoes, you'd fall with the first step."


Alexander Jevaun Williams


20 years, 1 month


Heterosexual / Demisexual


Gang member (in line for Chief) as well as a bartender as a cover

•Group or Solo?•

Solo -> Will join group three at some point.


A handsome young man with short, slightly curly black hair and intimidating, yet lovely, green eyes. Born of Jamaican and Brazilian heritage, he has lovely, tan, caramel colored skin tone. He has a sharp, chiseled jawline. His face is usually seen with no emotion and his eyes rarely reveal whatever he is feeling. Standing at 6 feet, 2 inches and weighing at a nice 190 pounds (the majority of it muscle), Alexander is a tall, muscularly built man. He is very strong, with firm muscles like stone to the touch, earned from his training, from his father as well as by himself. Having a reputation, the boy is known and feared by many, mostly those from the Americas.

As is expected, this broad-shouldered male has many scars on his body. A short and faint one on his chin, a slightly longer one on his left arm, a short one on his right thigh, a short one on his left ankle, a bullet wound near his right shoulder blade, and many other insignificant ones from his various fights and adventures in life. On his left shoulder is a tattoo of his family/gang symbol. Alexander's clothes consist of either sleeveless shirts and jeans or shorts.


Living a life tainted by loss, Alexander is very hostile, an intimidating and impressive fighter, with a personality alike to that of an army general. Tough and merciless, he's not one to show any sign of submissiveness. If he has a legitimate reason (in his mind), this fearless man will take on any opponent and will rush into a fight, though his strength and size is very helpful. Almost lacking fear overall, there is but one thing he does fear; losing someone he loves. Whether it be romantic, friend-wise, or family-wise, this male fears he'll lose whoever he cares for. Therefore, he attempts to avoid becoming close with people in general. But, if he does learn to love someone, he's incredibly protective and would do anything for them. Given his slightly short temper, Alexander is a very quick-to-fight guy and, due to his height and great strength, he can almost always cause damage on another if he attacks. The entire incident with his father ended up scaring the young man for life, making him a tough and slightly merciless man when it comes to it. He's very aggressive and is very likely to attack if he has a reason, quick to jump with teeth bared if he or someone he cares for is injured, insulted, threatened, or hurt at all, often causing damage on his opponent. Hence the name Alexander, meaning "defender of men". Despite all this, he's an extremely loyal individual and, once he's committed to someone or something (a loved one, or a group), nothing can keep him from remaining loyal and devoted to them.

Alexander is very un-trusting and reserved, and it takes a long time and a lot of effort for someone to enter this male's heart. Although this is true, if someone does manage to break through the stone surrounding his cold heart, Alexander is one of the most passionate and devoted males out there, able to hold those dear to him very close. And even though his rather reserved and cold personality can push away the females, he can be quite charming if he so wishes and it is not impossible for him to love someone.


* WARNING: This story is tragic and may be triggering to some readers. *

In the middle of a crime-ridden Chicago, a gang chief watched as his wife gave birth to a baby boy. His name was Alexander Jevaun Williams. Only a year later, a baby girl named Nicole was born. As expected for a family gang members, the mother had to watch her son grow up harsh. A life full of training and hate. His father, Bruno, was abusive and intent on making his son the most ruthless gang leader he could. His mother, Lilian, although she would cry when he and her were beat, was helpless against the bastard she called her husband. Alex was always brave and protective since he was young and often defended he and his mother against his father. Although the abuse was wrong and cruel, it made Alex stronger in the end.

About a month after Alexander turned fifteen years old, his mother gave birth to twins. The first born of the two was Joseph, a handsome boy, and the other was Ariana, a beautiful little girl. With Alexander being a little more than seventeen years old, Lily planned on running with the children, knowing the older brother would be able to help take care of the little children and herself. And it almost worked. They waited till Bruno was gone out on a job before they began to prepare themselves for leaving. But he came back early. Furious that his wife and children even thought of leaving him, the scary man pulled out a gun and shot Joseph and Nicole before shooting his beloved wife, who tried her best to defend her last two children. But she wasn't strong enough and was killed. Looking down at his siblings' and mother's body in sadness and anger, Alexander looked up at his father with hatred shining in his intimidating brown eyes. He attacked his father, who's gun had run out of ammo, and the two fought for a long, long time but a powerful Alexander, fueled by rage, soon defeated his father. From that day on he wasn't the same outgoing, fun male. He had a certain darkness in him, something that pushed most away, something that his younger sister noticed.

Then Alexander had continued his training for Gang Chief, more protective of his sister than ever, the previous second-in-command subbing in until the heir could take over. One day, he was assigned a job in the Bahamas and decided to take a cruise there, as one of his targets was traveling on the boat. This job was supposed to be his last test of training and if he returned successful, he would be named Chief. But, unfortunately, as the boat sunk, he doubts this will happen.


His mother (Lilian), brother (Joseph), sister/best friend (Nicole), and little brother (Jacob) were killed by his father (Bruno) while his little sister Ariana is somewhere in the world, though he doesn't know where.

•Notable relationships•

"Don't get too close, its dark inside."

Open for any relationships, though he is taken for romantic interest.


Alexander has yet to meet his soulmate. He needs someone who is willing to break through his icy exterior and will take just a bit to warm up to them. But once he does, he is incredibly protective, passionate, loyal, and affectionate.

Currently he won't have a crush or girlfriend at the start of the roleplay but I do have plans for him with someone <3

•Theme Song•

Demons - Imagine Dragons

"I wanna hide the truth. I wanna shelter you. But with the beast inside, there’s nowhere we can hide."


Alexander's voice is very distinct. Overall, it is strong, deep, masculine, and commanding, with a Jamaican accent. To hurting friends, his usually terrifying voice can become soft and comforting, though still deep and masculine. Naturally, no matter what, his voice has its own attractive feel, adding to the already naturally attractive deepness and masculine-sound it owns.

~~ What do you call a fake noodle? ~~ An impasta
hehe xD

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Edited on 26/09/17 @ 18:27:45 by Christicat15 (#54511)

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