Posted by Cliffscape Owned Dragons (DO NOT COMMENT)

bugbolt [clean
witch!] (#30302)

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Posted on
2017-09-10 19:01:01

Owned Dragons:
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Dragon Info:

Basic Drakes are your average dragon. No, they don't steal princesses or breathe fire, but they are large, long, lean, and and fly. They are swift and agile and sometimes have touchy temperaments, but they make overall great pets! (especially in pixel form!)

Skippers are small, agile critters. They favor water and air to land, but alas, they were cursed with legs. They flitter above most bodies of water, doing tricks and catching fish. They're very playful and make fantastic pets!

Burrowbulls are mostly nocturnal, subterranean diggers. They are slow and peaceful. They like to play, but nothing too fast like fetch or anything. They're average-sized, about the size of a domestic cow. In "olden" days they were used for mining, as they are really good at sniffing out important minerals. They make good pets for more docile people, such as old ladies or those with little to no mobility.

Gongle's are sleek, though lazy. They resemble a very long cat, and are true to this resemblance. This dragon would rather take a nap in the sun than do anything else. Aside from napping, a Gongle enjoys fishing or butterfly catching. Otherwise, not a very eventful dragon.




Silice (#00000)

Chickenbutt (#00000)

Joy (#00000)

Masquerade-Rampage (#118075)

True (#47822)

Willow (#00000)

Turnip Chair (#117787)

Dreamer Koi (#00000)

Luna (#53)


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Edited on 04/02/23 @ 18:54:14 by bugbolt (#30302)

True (#47822)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-10-10 10:21:50
I would like to name my black male skipper Knight.

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the-grey-ace (#38669)

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Posted on
2017-10-24 13:41:50
Are all owned dragons here? Bc i dont see mine..

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bugbolt [clean
witch!] (#30302)

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Posted on
2017-10-24 13:45:40
No, it's not fully updated. Also, please no more comments on this thread.. either pm me or comment on the main thread.

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