Posted by -ADDED TO THE GAME-Let the Giving Tree Keep Cub Mutations!

[△] Nadir (#108458)

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Posted on
2017-09-15 04:09:47
[ Support My Other Suggestions? ]

Making Sub Males More Useful
Alter Stat Change to Giving Tree Cubs
Change 'Dust' Eye Applicator Term to 'Fragments'
New Event Title Ideas!
More Leg + Tail Banding Colours

✪ Summary:

This suggestion is intended to (hopefully) be implemented along side [ this one ] if it is approved.

Imagine taking your daily cub pull from The Giving Tree, only to find out that someone was generous enough to donate a Primal, a Dwarf, an Overgrown Fur, or some other mutation. Maybe you've had bad luck getting Muties. Maybe you've spent so much that you've given up hope of getting one. Maybe you're a newbie who doesn't even know much about Muties yet.

Whatever your reason, you'd probably be stoked, wouldn't you? Even if it wound up being a Mutie you didn't like, there's always a chance you could sell it.

You might say "Who would donate a Mutie?", but the fact of the matter is that there's some among us who would love to be so generous, and make someone's day better with a little surprise!

✪ What I Am Proposing:

[+] Removing the function from The Giving Tree that wipes an abandoned cub's mutations, and allowing them to keep it.

[NOTE 1] It would likely be good to suggest that Lethal Mutations shouldn't be able to be put in the tree. Due to Lethal Mutations only living a few days at the most, and how many cubs are sometimes in the tree, this would essentially be dumping a Lethal Mutie in the trash can as it could very well die at rollover. There is also the issue of someone not having a Jellyfish on hand to make it immortal, nor having the GB to buy one, so getting one only to have it die would only lead to unnecessary heartbreak. For this reason, I feel it's best to leave Lethal Muties out of this.

[NOTE 2] I would suggest not having the Giving Tree give any indication of there being a Mutie in the tree, as this would ruin the surprise. That's what this suggestion is about. A pleasant surprise!

[NOTE 3] Along side another couple of suggestions, I was hoping it could be considered to modify how The Giving Tree handles stats of abandoned cubs. You can find the suggestion [ here ].

Really that's it! I think this would be amazing to implement, and add some brand new excitement to The Giving Tree. ♥

If you don't support, I'd like to know why. I appreciate constructive criticism over a simple "no".


Please consider going to [ THIS PAGE ] and reading the comments posted by the five or so individuals prior to my post here. They are mutie breeders themselves who raise a lot of points and address concerns.

I would appreciate if NEW counter-points were posited that offer actual evidence and/or data to back up that this would make muties less valuable. So far, nobody has been able to provide concrete evidence of this or an in depth explanation that doesn't just revolve around the exact same thing being said.

The facts thus far:

> Putting muties in The Giving Tree is still optional.
> Those who want to sell muties will still sell them.
> Those who wish to give away muties for free will still do so.
> This would do would eliminate the middle-man, and not require users to post on the forums or in sales chat if they want to give away a mutie. It would actually be beneficial for users who are busy and don't have the time or patience to check threads or set up trades.
> It will make the process of obtaining said mutie entirely random, and actually increase the chance that muties wind up in the hands of someone who has none, which can be beneficial to the site in encouraging a user to stay if they get something special.
> As proven with the ability to put rare and valuable items in the tree, it has been widely demonstrated for a very long time that nobody is willing to donate enough - if any - of a valuable item (Buffalo Balls, Lion Balls, GMO Cow, Lion Meat, Mutie on Demands, etc.) for it to negatively impact the market. The same would be true for valuable mutations.
> Even 'potato' mutations such as leopons and dwarves are still extremely valuable for breeding, given the ease with which one can pass the Stud's markings compared to female markings with the current system.
> In order to negatively impact the market, a significant amount of the same type of mutie would need to be thrown into the Tree. Throwing a mutie into the Tree would likely be a special event in which the user donating it announces such, similar to how users currently donate Mottled Rosette cubs, which likewise does not damage the Mottled Rosette market.

I am all for discussing things in and out in a civilized manner, but every time I try to follow up on people stating this to get more input, I'm met with silence, and it's a little silly at this point.

This suggestion has 1162 supports and 65 NO supports.

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Edited on 14/05/18 @ 15:05:36 by -:[ ᴠɪɴᴄᴇɴᴛ ]:- (#108458)

Raina Chiaki (#54236)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-17 09:35:51
That is a fair point I hope my comment didn't sound disrepectful ^_^ And I will at least reconsider my opinion, if nothing else

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[△] Nadir (#108458)

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Posted on
2017-09-17 09:55:02
@Integra Hellsing (#54236)

Not at all! I'm happy to hear what everyone has to say in regards to something. With all of my other suggestions, I've actually altered them to help better reflect what might make a suggestion better and more thought out. I've got some edits I need to do to this one once I'm rested from work.

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gaz (#122919)

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Posted on
2017-10-01 14:48:01
With suggestions like these, I'd usually see the reason that it would "crash the mutie market" or "make muties less valuable" but I think this idea wouldn't have much of an effect on the rarity of muties. Seeing those reasons all the time is a little annoying too Let us have our muties!! Support

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[△] Nadir (#108458)

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Posted on
2017-10-01 19:13:52
@Nova (#122919) :: I agree completely. The number of people willing to put a mutie in the tree versus selling it really wouldn't have much of an impact on the market. I feel as if most against it simply fear having the prices cut even more, but those interested in selling are still gunna sell. It's not like someone's going to force them to put a mutie in the tree. It's really no different than putting a cub with brand new, just-released markings in the tree. If one makes an argument about things being devalued in this manner, then the tree should just be removed altogether, since by this argument, it would drive down the prices of rare marked non-muties.

@everyone :: I've reflected the main post to show that lethals shouldn't be allowed to be donated to the tree due to short lifespans, and that the tree should not inform players of when there are muties in it.

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Jacimagicwhitedeer (#87017)

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Posted on
2017-10-01 19:15:34
I support.

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Sycohearted [Primal
Fiery] (#30974)

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Posted on
2017-10-01 19:15:36
Uhhhh, why would you NOT support this??? +Support!

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Maahes (#120955)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-02 00:40:29
I would also maybe consider the suggestion that it also keep any cub training that it might have. It already knocks the cubs stats down really low. I don't see where it would hurt to keep cub training that it's had.

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null (#56571)

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Posted on
2017-10-02 00:47:15
Re-read the post and I change my decision-

1+ Support

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Edited on 02/10/17 @ 00:51:03 by Kenz [Lights Off] (#56571)

Basenji [Primal] (#96729)

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Posted on
2017-10-02 00:47:36
I see it like if someone's gonna toss a mutie in the tree, then they were comfortable giving it away for free anyway and would probably do it without this suggestion being implemented. They'd just do a giveaway or gift it to someone regardless, so I don't see this crashing the mutie market any more than someone gifting them already.

+1 support from me (:

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Edited on 02/10/17 @ 00:49:17 by Basenji [Primal] (#96729)

gone (#111337)

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Posted on
2017-10-05 18:47:24
i love this idea bc i dont have money to check all my cubs for AMPs, so it'd be a nice surprise for whoever gets an accidental one!

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Ivy (Main) (#2473)

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Posted on
2017-10-05 18:50:48
Support this but just wanted to also say, I doubt it would be a dumping ground for lethal mutations, they are far to valuable lol. But I do agree none should be allowed at the tree just regular muts.

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hydroGen (#122095)

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Posted on
2017-10-06 06:33:33
I think that it wouldn’t really crash it, either. Maybe it’d make AMPs a little less valuable, but I don’t see pons/primals/dwarves losing value. Nobody’d want to donate those, and there’s only a few people generous enough, so maybe a few muties once per week at most. Or maybe there could be a cap; only x amount of mutie cubs at the tree at a time. Try to donate one, and the tree would say that the tree keepers can’t look after so many mutated cubs.


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Kristy (Clean
Lilac/Pie) (#39386)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-11-06 12:43:43
I totally support!

I remember when the tree was still relatively new, I abandoned an Achromia cub to lighten someones day, despite it being a common mutation, only to find out the mutation had been wiped from the cub. I was pretty upset after finding out.

That being said, +1 support from me!

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ʔ (#83655)

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Posted on
2017-11-08 22:59:12
What a great idea! If I could support x1000 I would. x3

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Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-12-16 00:19:32
Ahem. Support.

Caus not to be rude or anything, BUT HOW THE HECK would this make mutie less rare? People do know that treeing one doesn't make more than one right? Theirs still the exact same amount of Muties in the LD world, do no, they are not less rare, and arguing about so makes no sense at all.

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