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Posted by | Looking for Partners |
![]() Khoshekh [Main] (#68944) Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-09-17 08:00:07 |
Hello. I've been wanting to start up roleplaying here in Lioden, so I'm making this post to try and find some partners. I've been roleplaying for roughly six or five years, but I am rather advanced in my writing skill. I can write three paragraphs, or much more with the right partner. I'd also prefer you to do the same, and follow my pace. Since I know some people don't feel comfortable roleplaying unless they know the age of who they are roleplaying with, I am a sixteen year old female. Me? I could care less as long as you're able to write coherently. Oh, and my timezone is Atlantic, UTC-4. Worth mentioning, I also enjoy dark/mature roleplays. Not meaning sexual, but with the elements of violence, foul language, and things alike. It's a part of life, and I just get bored doing a rainbowy 'all is perfect' roleplay with our characters sitting on a bench and licking ice cream like nothing's wrong. Personally, I prefer to stay away from Slice of Life roleplays. Fantasy is more of my thing, usually mixed with medieval themes and supernatural elements. I don't do anthro/furry roleplays, and would prefer that if an animal roleplay takes place, we roleplay as actual animals rather than anthros. However, I'm heavily leaning toward humanoid roleplays at the moment. On the topic of Romance, I'm fine with it as long as it is not the main focus of our story. That only makes things progressively boring, so let us develop our characters more than their relationship. (Note: That I'm fine with romance does not mean it /will/ happen. Our characters may not match personality wise, or the roleplay may take them down a path in which they may turn against each other. So I don't plan relationships out.) Oh, I also prefer only doing BxB and BxG. Personal preference. *A small group roleplay would be okay. But I'd rather it be outside Lioden. If you want to do a small group rp, (probably no more than three people), say so in the comments. If you want to roleplay in Skype and Discord, simply PM me directly in there. The only fandom I would like to roleplay is The Elder Scrolls. Be it Oblivion based or Skyrim, though I know Skyrim a little better than Oblivion. If you don't want to roleplay in Lioden, (and honestly I'd prefer to move to any of these instead), I have the following: [Removed by Moderator] Roleplay samples: *1: [C]Johann's breath was loud, enough to nearly echo inside the dark and damp alley he stood inside of. Smoke was violently expelled from his mouth and nose as he did, while his hand casually rose towards his mouth to shake the ashes off his cigar. He was waiting for someone who wanted a contract to be fulfilled. The vampire was not entirely sure about their details yet, except for the more obvious thing: A disgusting beast was sure as hell dying tonight. He perked up, hearing someone finally approach him in the darkness. They were wearing heavy clothes, a hood, sunglasses in the dark of the night. It was obvious they wanted to remain unseen, and did he care? No. If he had to make a deal with something as monstrous as himself he would not want his identity to be known either. Johann remained idle, until the man finally handed him a small envelope. "Eh?" He raised a brow, before grabbing the note with his index finger and thumb, looking at the folded piece of paper with a dull and slightly confused expression. He seemed to not care much about it, that is until the person finally opened his trap and spoke. "The details of the contract are there. Everything. Just kill her, I don't care what you do." With that, the man had turned around and left before Johann could reply. [C]Or so he had wanted. [C]The vampire furrowed his brows, taking a step forward before his speed ability activated. For a moment, he was a blur in movement, and was soon standing in front of the man, who let out a startled yelp. "Okay, cool." Johann started speaking, with a relaxed tone, before suddenly getting a more aggressive sound. "Where's my damn money if you're that eager to leave then? Not gonna keep a connection, I want early pay and you can be on your way as long as the other's dead. And they always end up. Fucking. Dead." He snapped, taking a menacing step forward while holding a fist towards the man. Johann wanted to intimidate him, and so it worked. The man nodded frantically, pulling out a second, wrinkled envelope from his pocket and shakily handing it to Johann. After this, they ran and disappeared into the night, leaving the hunter behind. Johann huffed, spitting out the nearly done cigar on to the pavement and crushing it with a boot. 'Maybe if he had been less of a scared kid...' He thought, rolling his eyes before tearing the first envelope open. A 'picture' and some notes lay inside. The picture showing his target in their work uniform. He usually asked for proof that his victims were vampires, and the picture was proof enough. Their body... It was nowhere to be seen in the picture. They looked like disembodied clothes walking around the restaurant. The rest of his information was small things. It seemed his target was a female named Alana, a waitress in a restaurant not too far away. The address of the place was written down as well as the exact location. It seemed he was set. [C]Johann folded the torn envelop and shoved it inside his pocket, along with the other one that contained his money. He cared little how much it was, really. As long as he could buy himself a "meal" and pay his rent. Oh, and buy his cigars of course. That he would not like to miss out on, ever. Outside the alley stood his motorcycle--mind you, his baby, which he soon climbed on to and turned on. The engine making a loud and likely startling sound. And then riding away towards his destination. He knew where it was, not because he visited it, of course. Only because he had passed by once or twice. In the end, he would fulfill the contract and get on with his life. Or will he?... **2. [C]"You did make sure we had everything, right?" Olath asked in a quiet tone, crimson eyes staring at one of his companions inside that old, wooden carriage they traveled inside of. His voice was muffled lightly by the half mask that covered the underside of his face, but the other managed to understand him, replying. "Yes, I did. I gave you the map, sharpened your dagger, poisoned your arrows... what would you do without me, Olath?" The other elf spoke, with a small grin formed on their face as they waited for thenother to react to his own friendly, mocking words.The shadowcloak chuckled lightly under his mask, shaking his head. "Absolutely nothing, Vancano." [C]The high elf kept his small smile, pulling an apple out from an old, woven bag beside his feet, and tossing it at him. "Of course you wouldn't. Eat up now, you don't know what could happen in there, and better get in with a full stomach." He spoke, as the other perked up and caught the apple singlehandedly, purely by reflex, though he seemed quite startled by it regardless. Sighing softly, Olath pulled the armour piece over his mouth down, and looked up at his brother in crime. "What do you mean? They're all too busy grieving for their dead king. I'll be in and out in a moment, as per usual. Also, you're not my father, but thank you." The dark elf shrugged, before taking a large bite out of the fruit. [C]Vancano frowned and huffed, crossing his arms. "Arrogant as always, Olath. Being the best doesn't make you untouchable. If you're not here by evening, we'll have to leave and send someone to fetch you at the prison. Or worst, to reclaim your corpse." The high elf retorted, watching the other as the lowered the apple and swallowed what he already had in his mouth. "For the love of Nocturnal, stop worrying so much. I'll be fine, and we will be rich by the end of this. That's all that matters." His words were calm, and nonchalant. Enough for the other elf to frown and become more concerned. This had been one of the biggest heists they had in years, and it all had started with a dream. [C]Olath claimed that Lady Luck, Nocturnal, had appeared before him in a dream. That he was shown how the king of the kingdom withered away like a plant without water. "This is a opportunity of gold, vassal. Inside the vault of the castle stands an artifact of great value, in riches and magic. Take it as a gift to you, and a test from me." The daedra had spoken, and thus the guild of thieves and its masters began the preparation. Some were skeptic, others believed him. But everything became clear as water when the king finally passed away. And there they were now, on their way to their strongest hit. Olath had no clue what this... artifact, was. But he could only find out by doing his job. [C]It didn't take long before they arrived to their destination, behind the castle. They managed to get their hands on a map for both the castle itself, and its sewer system. Why the sewers? Simple. These were meant to be used as an escape route for the royals in extreme conditions. But they had their way of getting information, and now this was the perfect smuggling route. Olath got up as the carriage ceased moving, tossing the now eaten apple's remains on to the earth as he hopped out of the vehicle. The sewer entrance was nearby, blocked off by some wooden planks. [C]Vancano followed him, snapping his index finger and thumb together and causing a small flame to form on that hand. He flicked his wrist toward it, sending a ball of reds and oranges toward the planks. The wood burnt away, slowly but steady, leaving the stone sewer entrance exposed. The flame on his palm extinguished immediately, before he looked at Olath and motioned to the sewer. "Walk in shadows, friend." [C]Olath nodded, walking into the sewer entrance quickly, and disappearing into the dark of the tunnel. Vancano gave a quiet sigh, turning around and back to the carriage to wait. **3. [C]Heavy panting. That's all she could hear. Her mind was fogged by panic, the constant intake and release of breath from her mouth only fueled her adrenaline surge. However she had managed to get so far, she had no clue. Perhaps the thought of being thrown back into captivity gave her the motivation, and the incentive to continue running. The strain of her unexercised legs was starting to bite at her, but not as much as the leftover feeling of an ice spike spell that managed to hit her shoulder. A hand held on to the wounded area, her face clearly expressing the pain. And yet she kept running. [C]But she could not go on forever, no. It did not take long before Eclipso's pace became sluggish. The constant bleeding was taking a toll on her, just like her body was screaming for rest. Vael, her Dremora, realized this. He could see her slow down from the corner of his dark eyes, and a growl slowly began to rise from his throat. They didn't get so far only to be caught. [C]The breton woman tripped over her own feet at some point, falling on to the snow. Her breath still erratic, and the blood continuing to trickle down her body like a stream. It was clear she had reached her limit. The daedra stopped, turning around and approaching her quickly. He could hear the pursuers, but seeing them through the blizzard was a challenge in itself. He grabbed the woman, picking her up and carrying her further. They needed a place to hide, and they needed it quick. Sure, he would be fine. But if she died, so did he. And he was not eager to return to Oblivion soon either. [C]The entrance to an ancient nord tomb caught his attention, and that is exactly where the creature carried his mistress. He only hoped to not be seen, as he jumped into the hole, and shoved the doors open with little to no care. Setting her down quickly, and turning around to shut them back up, and slowly back off. [C]Eclipso had calmed down, a bit. Mostly because of her tiredness, and her bloodloss. She was not entirely gone, however. Slowly sitting up, she winced and looked up at Vael. "Help... me." She demanded, as he approached her nonchalantly. The dremora grabbed the spike lodged in her shoulder, and begun to process of pulling it out. Or rather, yanking it out. The action only managed to get a scream out of her, which certainly echoed throughout the tomb's interior. As pained as she was, though, she wasted no time in holding one of her hands over the wound, bringing out the basic restoration spell she knew in the case of accidents. Slowly healing the wound, while Vael stood guard beside the door. Well, that's all. Thanks! ![]() Edited on 01/08/18 @ 13:57:26 by Aliana (#3686) |
π Vayzin π (#86539)
![]() Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-09-17 20:48:45 |
We have similar perspectives with role-play, except I've been role-playing for 8-9 years. I would be very interested in role-playing with you if you would allow me to do so. If you need an example of how I role-play you can just ask or you can see how I role-play when we find ourselves a plot. ![]() |
Khoshekh [Main] (#68944)
Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-09-18 03:25:51 |
LittleLion (#122040)
Amiable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-09-18 16:00:37 |
You seem like an interesting person to roleplay with. I don't really know how long I've been roleplaying for since I stopped counting. The types of roleplay I do are usually BxB as for plot and types of roleplay I do ranges wide since me and my partners build the world together if neither of us have a plot in mind. Anyway, here's a small sample of what I can think of at the moment. A tall red head stepped out of the shadows deciding now would be a good time to be shone by the dim light of the flickering bulb of the streetlight above his head. Dark green eye shined with child-like glee as he watched the few passersby scurry off into the night. Mothers dragging children along with them quickly as they glanced around frantically. Drunken men singing, laughing, and stumbling as they leaned against one another their voices fading in the distance. The red haired man would sing along with them earning cheers from the drunks and would throw a grin a mothers way causing her to basically run off in fright picking up their child or children. It was all amusing, but it wasn't enough since he was slowly getting bored with just watching. He wanted to play a game. And, a gruesome one he would play he decided as he began to walk down the street into the dark of the night. ![]() |
Khoshekh [Main] (#68944)
Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-09-18 17:12:39 |
Owl™ (#93801)
![]() Astral View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-17 15:28:56 |
I remember when you used to rp somewhere else Imnotacreepipromise But you are very skilled in your writing ![]() ![]() |
Khoshekh [Main] (#68944)
Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-04 12:28:05 |
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