Posted by Streamline bug reporting

Voodoo [Eggnog pls,
Xy] (#48617)

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Posted on
2017-09-27 03:51:18
Many times, when a bug is affecting one person, it's affecting others. When a user creates a report for it, most likely people are going to comment that this is also happening to them.

To make things easier on the coder's part, I'm suggesting a feature be added to the comment sections of bug threads that allows users to basically file a report alongside the original report, and have it be posted in the comments. It would work much like creating a bug thread, where separate boxes are presented and the user may fill in the information required (lion links, screenshots, etc), which will then be posted in the same manner as the original bug report, therefore keeping the information of what's going on neat and tidy.

This suggestion has 26 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 25/06/18 @ 02:58:26 by Voodoo [TeamBast] (#48617)

✦ valentyne™

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2018-07-12 23:53:47
good idea! the other day i was thinking of a button being added (like the support/no support buttons) saying 'I'm having this problem too!' and maybe after the button is clicked it could automatically prompt the user to make a comment report like you're suggesting?

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