Posted by Building nests for hunting lionesses
am98 (#91513)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-09-30 16:52:46
I find it strange how you can't prepare a nest for a pregnant lioness out hunting, however you could still feed, breed and interact with her. It would be more realistic and convenient if the game acknowledged that the lion couldn't be in two places at once and made it so that you couldn't interact in any way with a lioness who is out hunting or a lion who is patrolling.

Also to avoid confusion, I think that if a lion is occupied then a message should appear on their profile that should state something like:

"This lioness is out hunting!"


"This lion is on Patrol!"

Tell me what you think in the comments below. :)

This suggestion has 12 supports and 6 NO supports.

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Edited on 30/09/17 @ 16:55:51 by weallscreamforicecream98 (#91513)

Maiq the Hoarder (#92244)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-10-04 14:08:30
No support.

The 'realism' argument doesn't fly anywhere. The ability to nest hunting lionesses was removed for user convenience. The inability to interact with any hunting lioness would be extremely inconvenient. Besides, a real life day represents a month for the lions. Assume that the interactions between king and lionesses happen between hunts without the hassle of having to stop hunting and swap pages to care for your lionesses.

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