Posted by Feed Player's lion

Dirt Cat (Side) (#118908)

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Posted on
2017-10-27 13:08:48
Well, This was a quick thought, but what if you where allowed to feed someone else's lion?
Reasons this could be helpful
•Have a side account, that doesn’t have food, and have a minimum amount of time to be on.
•A player having a hard time feeding their lions, and you wish to help out
•Your side account, has low mood/hunger lions, that could just leave once you log in
It could possibly be right next to the mood booster, you gain if you are in the same clan as some other player, but instead you don't need to be in a same clan, but possibly you would have to be friends, in order to do it.
What do you think?

This suggestion has 9 supports and 14 NO supports.

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🌳 Dad 🌳 (#22988)

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Posted on
2017-10-27 13:27:01
No support.

We have a transfer feature to send food to people.

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Susurrus (#118978)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-10-27 13:29:42
I agree with Dad, the transfer system is very useful for this matter

it is a wonderfully kind idea though

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Dirt Cat (Side) (#118908)

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Posted on
2017-10-27 13:51:34
@Dad @Szechuan Thats why i brought the idea up, and said "Have a side account, that doesn’t have food, and have a minimum amount of time to be on." So to clearify, example doing a project, or chatting with a friend and don't want to go offline on your main, you could easily just feed the lions on your side, but it could also help if infact, someone isn't going to be on,and didn't realize they had a low hungered pride, you could easily just feed them, Just ways to describe it, But i accept your reason :)

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Edited on 27/10/17 @ 13:53:03 by Zav🌸 Lights Off! (#118908)

Sinful (#108190)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-27 23:56:49
No support, the game doesn't really need to be made into a simple hand holding type of game. You get percentages saying how hungry they are and their moods, limited time is 1 thing, but you can post when they are say 60% that you need food. Many people do help out, you can also buy food cheaply too. You can get feed all/play all that helps if you have time issues to feed and play with them.

I just think this issue is entirely avoidable if you take a few moments to ask the community for any help. there are several clans that give members food too and amusement items. You get an entire day before the mood/hunger bars move so you could easily send out lionesses to hunt too and feed a pride of upwards of 80 just from that.

If you are having low food intake but high food output, then you may need to lower your den size or ask for some help from clans/friends/community, I know I have sent several people food/toys throughout this month and even helped 15 separate people get to the angels/demons when they couldn't.

I find having the option to feed someone else's pride would also maybe be seen as you failing if you take this game too seriously too.

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2017-10-28 15:45:44
@Sinful sometimes people don't have enough money for feed all/play all and can't be on all the time; if you don't have the time to feed all your lions, asking others to transfer you food isn't going to help. You may have a surplus of food but just not have the time to feed anyone. I've dropped the ball on that a couple of times, myself.

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{side} (#57113)

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Posted on
2017-11-08 11:11:28
i have heirs i intentionally starve or only feed specific items, if someone caught their food dropping and fed them id be peeved, i starve them intentionally often right when certain foods are about to become available

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2017-11-08 16:15:43
It could be a toggleable option or something.

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(Cl-Cherry) (#26218)

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Posted on
2017-11-11 14:52:58
i agree that if done it should be a toggle option in the den to allow or not.

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