Posted by PILGRIMAGE • Dryclan RP Thread

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-11-04 21:31:34



A Literate-Advanced Warriors Roleplay

Mod: InsertCleverNameHere

A kind old molly stands at the head of a group of apprentices and kits, a gleaming look of wonder and curiosity in each of their eyes. "Have I told you of our brethren? A rather silly question, I know, but have you heard of the cats who live in the sky, their paws rarely touching dry ground? The cats who do not fear the heavy rain but instead cherish its gifts? The cats who commute so easily across treetops that their empire spans across the entirety of the forest with very little competition? No? Perhaps it is time to learn. Besides, we may soon forget the toughness and grime of the earth ourselves."

Mysterious and elusive, Dewclan has, over years, proven to be a rather interesting troupe of cats. Several generations of dwelling almost exclusively in trees has transformed the previously humble clan into a race of agile, intelligent beings with long legs and a graceful appearance. Living off of the ground has turned them almost wild, their claws never fully retracting and their pelts especially colored to best help them blend into the mottled shadows and highlights made by an overhead canopy of foliage. They make their nests in deep holes carved over generations in the thickest trees, hunt in the branches, and chew leaves for hydration. They have become what many would consider an advanced race of feline, but, oddly enough, have kept a more liberal version of their humble roots as an integral part of their society and continue to use the traditional naming and belief system, aside from a few tweaks.

Apart in nearly every way, Dewclan and Dryclan have rarely communicated with each other, let alone met for any purpose. Thus, in clan conversation, the other clan is almost never mentioned. The clans' ritual solidarity has newly been broken with a tragedy in what was previously Dryclan. Overnight, the canyon territory had become flooded, killing much of Dryclan's proud population. Now, a haggard red molly named Redfern has sparked a pilgrimage to the fair-off neighbor, Dewclan, in search of a new home. Will you make it to Dewclan or perish?






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Edited on 19/11/17 @ 09:12:02 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2018-02-11 13:20:30


“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.”

Redfern |•| Female |•| Medicine Cat |•| 89 moons |•| Dune
Mentions: OPEN

The trees were larger than Redfern had ever imagined or expected. The shadows cast across the sand rivaled anything she had ever seen before, abstract and strange against the pale cream. Like a kit, the ginger cat bounced toward a fallen tree and clambered onto it, feeling the rough bark beneath her paws. Purring audibly, she dragged her claws across it, creating short divots, and rubbed her cheeks and face against the wood, marking it with her scent. Swiping a tongue over her nose, the Medicine Cat's sense of smell sharpened just enough to catch the faint smell of something yet to be experienced. However, it was reasonable to discern that the odd scent was indeed dewy grass. The pale white end of her Redfern's tail twitched with excitement and anticipation, as the only thing blocking her and her displaced clan from the bountiful forest and the salvation to be found with the elusive Dewclan was a small span of flat desert. Even if she would rather sprint towards the treeline now, the molly was well aware that not everyone may share her enthusiasm and instead opted to wait patiently, sitting excitedly atop the log and making room for anyone who wished to join her.

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💫mossxolotl (#111711)

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Posted on
2018-02-12 02:33:52

Tinypaw | Female | Medicine Cat Apprentice | 10 Moons | Dune | Mentions: OPEN

This was new. This was... kind of scary.
Tinypaw had seen, scented the forest as they approached, and now they could see it, it was daunting. Greenery taller than the cacti that sparsely littered the landscape of their home, so, so tall, and although they weren't quite there yet, Tinypaw was quite afraid of this unknown.

She was afraid, but she couldn't show it. Her position didn't allow her this luxury - she was young, but directly under their de facto leader's wing. This meant she had to keep an even braver face than before, whereby Dogstar would be the second source of advice.
Dogstar. How he would have loved to be here. She missed him terribly.

Tinypaw brushed a small amount of dusty sand beneath her paw, and sighed, placing her herb pack on the ground. She had taken to carrying their herb storage around in a dry, rolled leaf she had found, and seeing as their supply was dwindling, this did a good job of holding everything together. The she-cat looked up at those trees, smelled... moisture, lots of it, saw the vibrant green, the earthy bark.

She swallowed. This was going to be a challenge, but she had to put on a brave face.

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-02-12 14:29:03


- [ Finchclaw ] -
36 Moons |•| Female |•| Seychellois Mix |•| Warrior
Location: Dune |•| Mentions: Rivermist {D} / Redfern, Morningpaw, Daringpaw {ID}

Apprehension crawled down the slender she-cat’s spine as the forest loomed ahead of them, only a few short stretches of sparse vegetation scattered across the sand lying between them and the shadowed trees that beckoned their arrival. Redfern sprinted forward, the aging she-cat seemingly filled with renewed vigor as she leaped atop a fallen trunk and stared out into the depths of the awaiting woodlands. As hard as she tried, Finchclaw couldn’t share the medicine cat’s excitement. ’Reaching DewClan was our goal...why aren’t I happier?’

Casting her own gaze over her shoulder, her blue eyes lingered on the desert they were leaving behind, perhaps forever, and a deep ache began to throb in her chest. Finchclaw didn’t want to leave their home...the desert called to her, urging her paws to run back to it, but the thought of abandoning her Clan was just as painful. The past few sunrises had been difficult, more than a few cats lost to predators, exhaustion and thirst. The remnants of DryClan that stood here now were closer than ever, their struggle for survival creating a bond between them unlike any other. She couldn’t let them down. Not now. Not ever.

’As the moons pass and new lives are born cats will begin to forget where we came from. I will be the one to remind them,’ she decided, determined to keep DryClan’s humble origins in the thoughts of the Clan for generations to come. Forcing herself onward, she paused beside Rivermist, gauging his own reaction to the forest. “So, what do you think?” She asked, keeping her own misgivings to herself for the time-being. “Is it everything you thought it would be?” As she waited for an answer, she scanned the gathered cats in search of Morningpaw, suspecting the young ginger she-cat was still mingling with Daringpaw and the other apprentices.



- [ Scorpiontail ] -
48 Moons |•| Male |•| Domestic Shorthair |•| Warrior
Location: Dune |•| Mentions: Redfern, Lobo {D}

Scorpiantail slid up onto the log beside Redfern, silent for a time as for once in his life the dark-furred tom seemed utterly speechless. The forest ahead was a sight he had only heard about in tales from elders. It was easy to assume such a place perhaps had never existed. “So, we’re finally here,” he murmured aloud, his mismatched gaze now focusing on Redfern. “I must admit, I was skeptical about this journey when we left the canyon. Even more so as our quest seemed to lead us to nowhere beyond more sand. I’m glad to see my doubts were unwarranted in the end.”

Slipping back down to the dusty ground on the other side, curiosity gleamed in his eyes as he detected the faintest trace of movement among the trees, venturing out into the surrounding desertland. Crouching, he tiptoed forward, wanting a closer look at whatever was creeping among the roots. Any potential reprimanding words from his Clanmates went ignored. Scorpiontail was unfortunately rather renowned for doing as he liked regardless of being asked otherwise, and this behavior had only grown worse with Dogstar’s lack of presence.

It wasn’t all that large, whatever it was, the size of a young hare with grizzled black fur that held an almost silvery sheen. A sizeable rat possibly? His pawsteps hastened, the promise of fresh meat in his belly encouraging him to confront the creature. The wind was blowing toward his prey and Scorpiontail’s black pelt was another disadvantage, but the beast was too distracted sniffling across the sandy terrain to take notice of him. It lifted its head abruptly, eyes widening as Scorpiontail darted toward it. A screechy yowl exited the animal’s throat and Scorpiontail realized with some alarm the creature was a kit, skidding to a halt mere inches from the odd looking cat as the little tom hissed and spat at him, back arched and claws extended, a small paw raised threateningly.



- [ Hornetpaw ] -
11 Moons |•| Genderfluid |•| Norwegian Forest Cat Mix |•| Warrior Apprentice
Location: Dune |•| Mentions: Tinypaw {D} / Redfern {ID}

Hornetpaw’s ears partially folded back against his skull, equal parts thrilled and anxious as they drew closer to the forest. Something inside him wanted to keep going immediately. Plunge right into the dense undergrowth, sink his claws into cool bark and hurl himself upward until he stood atop the mighty branches. At the same time, venturing into the unknown and leaving their old home behind was undeniably daunting. Could they truly survive in a place so different from DryClan’s former territory? He couldn’t bear the thought of losing another Clanmate…

Glancing around, he searched the other cat’s expressions, relieved to find he wasn’t the only one among the group proving a bit anxious. Spotting Tinypaw, he hesitated before moving to walk beside her. The future medicine cat was careful to wear a guarded expression, unwilling to show any sign of fear or unease, but Hornetpaw had a feeling she might be in need of some reassuring, and at the very least talking made him feel a bit less nervous. “It’s a bit scary, isn’t it?” He asked softly, watching as Redfern climbed onto the fallen log. “I wish I was as confident as she is.”



- [ Eyesore ] -
43 Moons |•| Female |•| American Burmese Mix |•| Loner
Location: Somewhere |•| Mentions: Fallowpaw, Commaclaw, DryClan {ID}

Eyesore had lost the Clan somewhere among the dunes, but their scent still left a strong trail and the scarred she-cat followed it with slow pawsteps as she had been doing for days since encountering one of their apprentices sunrises ago. She had allowed the young tabby her kill, tracking him back to his Clan undetected and recognizing a cat among them that evoked a sense of familiarly. Many moons had past since she had last set eyes on her sister. She couldn’t be sure it was her, and Commaclaw’s scent was too intermingled with the other cats to pick out clearly.

Still...the thought that her kin lived among these cats kept her following them, lingering indecision urging her to either turn away and forget them or else risk approaching in the hopes of reunion. Eyesore was unsure how Commaclaw would react to her presence. She was quite certain the other calico thought her dead, and Eyesore was certainly nowhere near the sister she once knew. Perhaps it would be better to let Commaclaw remember her as she once was, soft and kind and full of warmth. A group of dots on the horizon signified she had found the journeying cats moments later and she paused, watching the Clan from afar.

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Edited on 13/02/18 @ 11:47:48 by Tater Tot [Main] (#33076)

Century Salvation
☪ INACTIVE (#77658)

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Posted on
2018-02-12 15:42:12


Rivermist | Male | Warrior | 36 moons | Dunes | Mentions: Finchclaw [directly] Redfern [indirectly]

Through amber eyes, Rivermist watched as Redfern, almost as giddy as a kit, occupied herself upon a log. Their little group had paused itself just before having to transfer from rural desert to a green biome. It was ethereal, seeing so much green in one place; with trees stretching as high as the eye could see with thick leaves and shrubbery that would more than likely make for good shade - something the Dryclan cats had little of out in the open land of their dust bowl habitat. Just faintly, he could detect tracing of moistness in the air; the kind that lightened the ache he felt within his chest slightly. Hopefully, his senses rang with truth and there was to be rainfall; it would be a pleasant change from the sweltering heat that made his paws sweat. Tugged from his thoughts upon the approach of Finchclaw, Rivermist greeted the other warrior with an inclination of his broad head before beholding the forest once more. "It is." He admitted. It was everything he'd ever hoped for and more. They had traveled for many days and nights, pushing themselves through the dry, hot climate of their territory and beyond to reach such a beautiful place; it had been worth it. "The prey will most definitely be abundant here, don't you think?" The grey-and-white tom went on, rasping a tongue along his pale maw at the possibilities. "After what we have endured, plentiful prey and shade is well earned." He would miss their desert home, with it's beautiful golden sand and it's dunes but already, Rivermist was sure this land would make a fine replacement.


Morningpaw | Female | Apprentice | 8 moons | Temporary Camp | Mentions: Canyonfur (NPC), Daringpaw, Tinypaw, Hornetpaw, Finchclaw, Redfern [indirectly]

Morningpaw paused beside her mother, Canyonfur, and beheld the forest with wide eyes filled with wonder. She'd never seen so much color in all 8 moons of her life! It was certainly an awe-inspiring experience, one she didn't think would ever quite leave her. Her pads ached from all their traveling, she didn't think it was anything to worry Tinypaw or Redfern over so she'd decided to keep her aches and pains to herself, shielding them even from her mentor, Finchclaw. Her pads weren't as thick as a seasoned warrior's, who was used to travelling far along the hot sands of the desert but despite being uncomfortable, she pressed on and provided for her clan as was necessary. Her fluffy stub was hiked high in the air, her expression one of glee. She pivoted this way and that, searching for another apprentice in which to share this moment with; she spotted Tinypaw and Hornetpaw together but her aim - Daringpaw - was lost among their small gang and Morningpaw couldn't immediately find her friend.

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2018-02-12 19:43:28
Heathersong || Female || Warrior || 43 moons || Temporary Camp || Mentions:

Green eyes closed, Heathersong let the breeze that rustled through the forest to wash over her. The scent of dew and green, growing things filled her nose. It had been awhile since she had set her paws onto grass like that grew in front of her. Opening her eyes, the russet she-cat turned her head to look at the small kit at her side and let out a soft purr of amusement. Dawnkit's eyes were wide with wonder.

It was odd to think about, but like Dawnkit, most of her clan had likely never even seen such greenery. "Go on, the grass won't hurt you. Let's catch up the rest of them," she said softly, nudging the calico kit on the shoulder with her nose. Dawnkit didn't need more encouragement, scampering forward. Heathersong followed behind shortly; she stopped next to Rivermist and Finchclaw. "I can't wait to catch a tasty squirrel..." She meowed, a smile on her muzzle. "It's a relief to finally be here."


Dawnkit || Female || Kit || 5 moons || Forest || Mentions: Heathersong

With Heathersong's encouragement, Dawnkit scampered into the grass, only to pause dramatically. "It feels funny!" She squeaked, bouncing up and down so that her paws never sat still on the grass. It wasn't a bad feeling though, just... weird. Putting her ears back, the calico kit ran towards Redfern. She paused a moment, daunted by the log, but reached up to paw the bark. Large blue eyes considered it for a moment, albeit blurrily, before she jumped and pulled herself up; pieces of bark scattered onto the ground.

"Is this where we'll live now?" Dawnkit asked the medicine cat, tilting her head questioningly.

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💫mossxolotl (#111711)

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Posted on
2018-02-13 02:32:08

Tinypaw | Female | Medicine Cat Apprentice | 10 Moons | Dune | Mentions: Hornetpaw (Directly); Redfern (Indirectly)

She studied Hornetpaw gently as he drew himself up beside her, and she raised her chin a little, managing a small smile that appeared only a little false. Hornetpaw was just a moon older than she, yet almost twice her size. He was a gentle giant at the best of times and honestly, if she had continued a different line of work, she might have been worried!

"It's definitely scary," she laughed, shaking her head a little to clear her head, to momentarily throw the scent of greenery from her nose. "And I think we all wish we were as brave as Redfern is. Besides, she has... a kind of duty, I suppose, to be brave. For all of us."

She lifted her gaze to the sky, and took a deep breath, her maw open just slightly to test the scent of the air again. New scents. So many new scents it almost overwhelmed her for a moment. Would Starclan follow them here? Would they have to find a new set of ancestors, or would Starclan move their skies to suit them? Did this forest have their own laws? They were strangers in this land, after all, and the unfamiliarity of it unsettled her. For one, she didn't know the prey, the herbs, the medicines, the religion, the local fauna.

For two, she was just plain scared.

Her eyes rested on her mentor for a moment. Redfern looked quite at home here. As if she had been waiting.
Tinypaw gave a quiet sigh and looked back to Hornetpaw a little helplessly. "It's what must be done," she mumbled.

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Bane (#103575)

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Posted on
2018-02-17 00:23:50


Boulderclaw |•| Male |•| Warrior |•| 29 moons |•| Dune
Mentions: [ID] Redfern

Boulderclaw slunk along through the desert landscape, taking up the rear of the group for much of the journey. It was more for his own sound of mind, able to keep an eye on what remained of the group and nudging anyone who started to fall behind. He was ready for the whole ordeal to be over and when the lush greenery came into view, he had one thought and one thought only. Get out of the sun! He'd seen the occasional sparse tree through the glass pane in his short time as a kitty pet, but this was just ridiculous. The land has been washed over in tall, reddish barked trees covered soft moss that stretched up into the canopy. Redfern's exploration onto the fallen tree was all the invitation he needed. Bounding forward on his hind legs, he bound up onto dead log and right back over to the otherside. He didn't go any further than that, but quickly flopped onto the soft ground, rolling onto his back, the cool grass attempting to appease his scorching back. Belly exposed, feet finally off the ground, he could feel them pounding and a sigh of relief escaped him.

"Thank Star Clan!" His exasperated voice carried over the log to the other clan members, but he didn't care, too engrossed in his new found fondness of grass and the cover from the bright ball of fire that seemed intent on turning him into a raisin. He looked up at Redfern who still remained perched on the top of the log above him and smirked. "You're gonna just have to roll him the rest of the way, I'm afraid." A deep rumble of a purr was almost inaudible within his chest. Almost.

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Transkitty (#101285)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-22 20:39:10

Shatterpaw || Female || Apprentice (no mentor) || 10 Moons || Mentions: Hornetpaw (D), Tinypaw (D)

The female couldn't help but stare in awe and fear at the thick forest that awaited them, her tail flicking anxiously behind her. She'd never seen plants that tall or that lush or green before and she blinked hard several times, expecting the image before her to vanish into endless sand dunes and unbearable heat as it usually did. After a few times, she finally figured that it wasn't a heat caused mirage this time and allowed herself to simply stare in wonder. After a few moments of this, the shock had worn off enough for the apprentice to move and she gingerly padded over to where Hornetpaw and Tinypaw were talking.

Catching the last few words of their conversation, she gave a quiet nod in agreement as she walked up alongside Hornetpaw. "I'm glad I'm not the only one a little afraid of this place. I always thought the elders were making it up when they spoke of trees and bright green grass." Another thought crossed her mind as she thought of the plants she was used to and her ears pulled back against her skull. "What if these plants are poisonous guys? How would we even know?"

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💫mossxolotl (#111711)

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Posted on
2018-02-27 03:22:11

Tinypaw | Female | Medicine Cat Apprentice | 10 Moons | Dune | Mentions: Hornetpaw, Shatterpaw (Directly), Redfern (Indirectly)

The smaller tabby's lip curled ever so slightly - Shatterpaw was right. One of her worries was that she and Redfern would have to learn every poison from every salvation regarding those aforementioned plants. It wasn't as if they would be granted ethereal knowledge regarding herbs, Tinypaw didn't think that was how their ancestors worked. Many more would die as she tried to save them and that was something that was very hard to come to terms with. She didn't know if Redfern had been here before except in dreaming. She hoped so. She didn't want to accidentally kill every strong warrior in their rabble trying to calm their pain with unfamiliar methods.

"We wouldn't," she eventually sighed, that strong demeanour faltering for a moment. "We would have to learn everything all over again. But," She straightened up again, a determined look flashing into her washed-out eyes, "I'm absolutely confident that we can do this. We're stronger than a few funny-coloured plants, after all!"

Oh man, she hoped this was convincing enough. It was to be her duty next to keep the Clan strong, and she had to be strong for that to happen. Or at least, she had to appear to have some semblance of calm about the situation.

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-03-05 21:39:38


- [ Finchclaw ] -
36 Moons |•| Female |•| Seychellois Mix |•| Warrior
Location: Dune |•| Mentions: Rivermist, Heathersong {D} / Redfern, Morningpaw, Daringpaw {ID}

Rivermist’s optimism didn’t come as a surprise to Finchclaw and she pushed her own doubts aside. There was no reason to trouble her friend with her own misgivings. “I agree, but we should remain alert. Marking a new home territory likely won’t be easy...especially if the tree cats Redfern claims to live here actually exist. They may not welcome us. We should be prepared to fight…” she muttered, claws unsheathing and churning the sand beneath her paws.

In truth she wouldn’t mind a fight at all, hypothetical yowls of battle already roaring in her ears. A flash of orange fur among the crowd distracted the young warrior from further thoughts of war, blue eyes following Morningpaw as she searched the surrounding cats for Daringpaw. An amused smile pulled at the edges of her mouth, and when Heathersong joined her and Rivermist atop the dune she greeted the other she-cat with a raised tail.

“You can say that again,” Finchclaw agreed, licking her lips in anticipation. “I can’t wait to see what kind of prey waits for us in there.”



- [ Hornetpaw ] -
11 Moons |•| Genderfluid |•| Norwegian Forest Cat Mix |•| Warrior Apprentice
Location: Dune |•| Mentions: Tinypaw, Shatterpaw {D} / Redfern {ID}

“I suppose that’s true,” Hornetpaw murmured, his green gaze lingering on Redfern a moment longer. “It must be difficult, carrying all that responsibility. Hopefully once we’ve finally settled StarClan will send her or you a sign in regards to who our new leader will be. Redfern shouldn’t have to make all these decisions alone.” He nearly jumped when Shatterpaw padded up beside him, so caught up in his musing. Shooting the younger tortoiseshell an embarrassed, but welcoming smile, her next comment had his eyes widening in horror. He hadn’t even considered that!

“She has a will we know which plants are safe to use?” He fretted, glancing toward the forest with renewed anxiety. “Maybe...maybe other cats live here and we can ask them?” He suggested hopefully. “Surely a place this lush can’t be completely unclaimed?” His own proposed solution combined with Tinypaw’s confidence soothed his racing heartbeat. He had to believe that somehow, someway they would figure this all out. DryClan hadn’t made it this far to be taken down by a few measly plants.

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💫mossxolotl (#111711)

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Posted on
2018-03-06 02:30:47

Tinypaw | Female | Medicine Cat Apprentice | 10 Moons | Dune | Mentions: Hornetpaw, Shatterpaw (Directly)

Maybe other cats live here, and we can ask them. Surely a place this lush can't be completely unclaimed.
She couldn't help but chuckle at that, and paused to touch her nose to Hornetpaw's shoulder in a sort of affectionate oh, you sort of way that felt entirely weird afterward seeing as he was, after all, elder than she. Tinypaw brushed it off, however, with a quiet cough, and she shook her head.

"Plausible," she meowed, "entirely plausible. But I do doubt there would be cats in here. We barely survived out in the wastelands, so whilst it's entirely possible you're right, Hornetpaw, I wouldn't get your hopes up too high. We've lived by ourselves for ages out there and not caught so much as a sniff of other cat life besides rogues and the such. Whatever happens, though," she added firmly, "we've survived this long. I think that's saying something. I doubt Starclan would be so cruel as to let us trek to this new land to let us fall to a few bad berries."
She shifted her gaze from Hornetpaw to Shatterpaw during the space of this sentence, pale green eyes seeming to flit momentarily between the two before she sighed quietly. "Although these are legitimate concerns. But as I say, I do doubt we'll have much problem."

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Century Salvation
☪ INACTIVE (#77658)

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Posted on
2018-03-10 12:00:28


Rivermist | Male | Warrior | 36 moons | Dunes | Mentions: Finchclaw [directly] Redfern [indirectly]

Rivermist grunted in agreement to Finchclaw’s words, while they rang with truth he was reluctant to admit such. Fighting was not the way the grey-and-white tom wanted to be welcomed into their new home but should the present cats that resided in this green, ethereal place were to become hostile to him and his clan-mates, Rivermist would fight tooth and claw to protect them, as was his duty as a Dryclan warrior. Upon the approach of Heathersong, Rivermist released a soft purr of greeting. ”I wonder if forest squirrel tastes different than dessert squirrel.” He wondered aloud, his whiskers twitching in thought. It was certainly something he actually thought about the prospect of such made his mouth fill with saliva.


Morningpaw | Female | Apprentice | 8 moons | Dunes | Mentions:

*Is still derping around*

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2018-03-25 20:08:10
Heathersong || Female || Warrior || 43 moons || Temporary Camp || Mentions: Finchclaw, Rivermist

Heathersong's whiskers twitched in anticipation. Not only about the prospect of food, as there was plenty to anticipate in the coming days, but she was getting hungry. "Its pretty different; it took me awhile to get used to the desert prey," she said musingly, suppressing a wince. Those first hunts had been... less than efficient, before she figured out how to hunt in the open, what to look for. And the prey itself was just different.

"Its good though. We should go hunting together after the clan gets somewhat settled!" The ruddy she-cat purred. Almost immediatly, she felt herself warm under her fur. She had meant the offer really for Rivermist, totally forgetting Finchclaw was there for that moment; Heathersong liked the other she-cat, so she hoped Finchlaw thought the invitation for both, to avoid rudeness. Even if it would add company to her intended pair.

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