Posted by Additional Clan roles/Assigning permissions

~ BabyBunny ~ (#120065)

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Posted on
2017-11-08 17:00:41
Firstly please let me know if this has already been suggested, I've done a quick keyword search but it's possible I've missed something :D

So currently we only have the options for admin or member within clans - with members having basically no power, and admins having about the same as the clan owner.
I'm suggesting to either be able to have additional tiers of 'admins' who can have different levels of permissions within the clan; or to be able to grant some members some admin powers, but not all.

For example: The clan owner may want to have admins who are allowed to take items from the clan hoard, but can't remove currency.

Or may want to grant certain members permission to remove items, but not any other admin roles - So it isn't an admin role exactly, just toggling certain features for certain members.

I'll likely add to this as I think of additional things - but I wanted to get it posted :D

Edit (personal note) - Maybe additional clan threads, admins can edit if thread is assigned as a clan thread, for clans with multiple threads at the same time; e.g. general chat, registering, studs, sales etc.

This suggestion has 43 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 23/01/18 @ 17:23:23 by ~ BabyBunny ~ (#120065)

Lady Argent
(StM/Side) (#145173)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-07-26 20:30:49
As someone in a clan with 2 main threads (our main chat and our stud list), this would be really handy. As would additional membership permissions. Being able to maybe checkbox additional permissions for members you want to give permissions to would be nice, or maybe make a sort of 'moderator' rank that can have permissions toggled on it, and assign members to that? Kind of like a Discord server's roles.

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