Posted by Clean Blooded King Listings!

OCELOT ] (#98288)

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Posted on
2017-11-11 22:17:59

This Thread Is For The Advertisement of Clean Blooded Kings only. If you are not a Clean Blooded King please do not post here.

What is a Clean Blooded Lion?

If you're lookin' for Clean Kings, you've come to the right place! Below are a listing of Clean Blooded Monarchs ready and willing to to spread their new bloodlines! If you have a clean blooded king, are interested in acquiring one, or breeding clean lions please consider Joining our clan! Just a few things first!

1: Stick to the Format

I won't be too anal about this, but having an organized post is more attractive and reader-friendly to potential users looking to stud your boy! The more thorough you are the better! Barebones Example:

Amiable Korotiik
|400+ Stats
|Midnight Eyes
Slot 1: Prune Siamese (36%)
Slot 2: Infernal Crust (10%)
Slot 3: Chocolate Freckles 1 (44%)
Slot 4: Feline 6 Onyx (100%)
Slot 5: Bloodbourne Dapple (100%)
Slot 6: Feline 2 Ebony (47%)
Slot 7: Onyx Cheetah Royal (62%)
Slot 8: Bloodbourne Vitiligo (100%)

Slot 9: Onyx Points (76%)
Slot 10: White Foreshadow (83%)

You don't have to follow this example to a T, but at LEAST have your studs link, stud-fee, and a general description of them if you can't be arsed have to picture!

2: Only Make One Post

Do NOT make new posts for each new King you have! If you King a new boy, simply replace your current post's info with his! All Posts will be recorded in a master-link for expediency's sake. You MAY make seperate posts for two kings if you like!

If You King a Non-Clean Lion, please indicate so in your Post CLEARLY AND OBVIOUSLY

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Edited on 11/11/17 @ 23:58:46 by JaxTheRipper [SunsetPieCLEAN] (#98288)

That1Idiot (#171947)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-10-03 16:17:52

| 2 GB or 225 SB
| Third Gen
| Withered Piebald Mutation
| Glass (Light Black Sold Special)
| Barbary Astral (Royal Factor)
| 300+ Stats
| Opal Eyes


Slot 1: Feline 6 Ebony (100%)
Slot 2: White Facial 1 (100%)
Slot 3: Brimstone Inverted Brindle (100%)
Slot 5: Feline 8 Ebony (100%)
Slot 6: Ebony Rugged Back (100%)
Slot 7: Ebony Rugged Face (100%)
Slot 8: Ebony Rugged Rump (100%)
Slot 9: White Mottled Fissures (100%)
Slot 10: White Eyebrows (100%)


I offer a 50 sb discount if we share a clan OR half off on Mass Breeding per lioness! (3 or more girls CAN NOT BE less than 40% fert)

Traditional Friendly (Please Check Stud Rules for Pricing)
Will take any fert, but VLF must be revealed or I will reject, sorry!
If 10% or less, I ask you use the GB option/A Stallion/Fert Item!

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Edited on 07/12/19 @ 10:07:57 by That1Idiot (#171947)

Solas the Wolf 🐺 (#117290)

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Posted on
2019-10-17 06:25:48

Stats - 257 (low for now, will try to make it higher)
Heritage - Clean

Base - Demonic (Cinder Skin)
Eyes - Midnight
Mane - Hellraiser Bloodbourne
Mutation - Primal (Ferus)

Slot 1: Brimstone Agouti (100%)
Slot 2: Ivory Unders (100%)
Slot 3: Immolation Smoke (100%)
Slot 4: Brimstone Inverted Brindle (100%)
Slot 5: Immolation Coat (100%)
Slot 6: Lilac Lace (100%)
Slot 7: Rhino Crackle (100%)
Slot 8: Cloudburst Brindle (100%)
Slot 9: Fiery Inverted Brawl (100%)
Slot 10: Chatoyant Crackle (100%)
Slot 11: Sunset Crackle (100%)
Slot 12: Hyena Spots Scarce Ebony (100%)


Studding for only 300 / 1, for clan members you get 50 off, 
also the fans of the dragon age series can get another 50 off.
When using the option you get 3 extra breedings for free of charge!

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ParanorMel 2 |
{Project King} (#40614)

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Posted on
2019-11-05 16:59:00

Bone Collector Eshu


Base: Cairngorm (Black Skin)
Eyes: Dawn
Mane: Incubus (Cairngorm)
Stats: 1200+
Generation: 1 (Heritageless)
Stud Price: 500SB or 1GB for those 10% or less ladies~

Slot 1: Cocoa Lace (100%)
Slot 2: Noctis Dorsum (44%)
Slot 3: Ice Undershine (45%)
Slot 4: Ember Mottled Vents (100%)
Slot 5: Kimanjano Mottled Vents (100%)
Slot 6: Ginger Quagga (60%)
Slot 7: White Mottled Fissures (91%)
Slot 8: Mottled Stripes (100%)
Slot 9: Ember Inverted Cheetah (100%)
Slot 10: Under White 4 (53%)

The ONLY Cairngorm Lion in the game with Mottled Stripes! Try for luck for a super-rare cub with clean, heritageless Eshu!

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Edited on 18/11/19 @ 22:25:36 by ParanorMel 2 | Clean G1 Cairn (#40614)

⚔️ Lunarknight
[Studding Open] (#150967)

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Posted on
2019-11-16 18:29:54
image link here

Name: Riniel
Stats: 1,602
Heritage: 2nd gen ( Henry Longfellow's bloodline)
Mutation: Daedal Pie
Min fertility: 10%
Fee: 600
Mutie/stat replacer: Fritz

Base: Velvet (Dark Brown Skin)
Eyes: Dioptase
Mane: Diabolic Rhodonite
Slot 1: Cloudburst Brindle (100%)
Slot 2: Feline 5 Elysian (100%)
Slot 3: Feline 8 Elysian (100%)
Slot 4: Feline 6 Elysian (100%)
Slot 5: Feline 2 Elysian (100%)
Slot 6: Cloudburst Shroud (100%)
Slot 7: Feline 3 Elysian (100%)
Slot 8: Feline 7 Elysian (100%)
Slot 9: Feline 4 Elysian (100%)
Slot 10: Feline 1 Elysian (100%)
Slot 11: Cloudburst Mist (100%)
Slot 12: Cloudburst Web (100%)
Slot 13: White Mottled Fissures (100%)

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Edited on 17/11/19 @ 09:50:36 by DaemonFox(Side) 2nd gen Daedal (#150967)

Venex 🌸 [G2] (#167020)

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Posted on
2019-11-17 09:02:48

Protector Incisa

1st Gen
100+ Stats
VLF Friendly
Fee: 275 or 1
Cherry Blossom (Matte Skin)
Cream Light Countershaded Special
Augur Diabolic
Celestite Eyes
Slot 1: Feline 1 Elysian (100%)
Slot 2: White Mottled Fissures (100%)
Slot 3: Frostbitten Lace (100%)
Slot 4: White Facial 2 (100%)
Slot 5: Cherry Reverse Vitiligo Mash (100%)
Slot 6: White Ear Spots (100%)
Slot 7: Ebony Rugged Rump (100%)
Slot 8: White Tip Toe (100%)
Slot 9: White Collar (100%)
Slot 10: White Eyebrows (100%)

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Edited on 01/06/20 @ 15:45:22 by Venex 🌸 [Clean G1] (#167020)

Starry (#158873)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-12-04 12:56:05
Sean (Sawtooth) Wilson
Clean King, VLF Friendly (Min Fert 9%)

Stud Fee: 270sb.png or 1gb.png, clan members get a discount of 135SB. With the GB option your next five studdings are free.
Stats: 821 and growing
Base: Brimstone (Burnt Skin)
Genetics: Red Medium Countershaded Special
Eyes: Sunset
Mane Type: Diabolic
Mane Color: Bloodbourne
Mutation: Primal
Slot 1: Blazing Points (100%)
Slot 3: Brimstone Ghost Feralis (100%)
Slot 4: Auburn Heavy Rosette (38%)
Slot 5: Vitiligo 2 (47%)

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Edited on 11/02/20 @ 18:04:22 by Starry (#158873)

Kuura ❄️ [G3 TR
Ferus] (#186525)

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Posted on
2019-12-07 08:40:02



Base: Opal (White Skin)
Heritage: Clean, althought Gen 5
Eyes: Carnelian
Mane: Diabolic Nummite
Mutation: Primal
Stats: 783 ->
Slot 1: Onyx Reverse Vitiligo Mash (40%)
Slot 2: Ebony Rugged Rump (62%)
Slot 3: Hyena Spots Scarce White (59%)
Slot 4: Onyx Smoke (30%)
Slot 5: White Ear Spots (84%)
Slot 6: Golden Dust (35%)
Slot 7: Brimstone Ghost Feralis (100%)
Slot 8: Demonic Feralis (85%)
Slot 9: Onyx Paw Carving (71%)
Slot 10: Under White 4 (46%)

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ihxi🌿 ( 2G
festive shreds ) (#146280)

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Posted on
2019-12-07 10:39:28


Heritage: Gen 2, Clean
Base: Festive
Eyes: Dawn
Mane: Royal Ginger
Mutation: Piebald: Shreds
Stats: ~289 but he's a low level so it should increase at least a little.
Fee: 300SB


Slot 1: Kimanjano Mottled Vents (100%) [ Tier 5 ]
Slot 2: Bone Undershine (100%) [ Tier 3 ]
Slot 3: Red Limb Patch (70%) [ Tier 3 ]
Slot 4: Gold Back (30%) [ Tier 0 ]
Slot 5: Vitiligo 5 (56%) [ Tier 2 ]
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (100%) [ Tier 5 ]
Slot 7: Henna Shoulders (75%) [ Tier 3 ]
Slot 8: Mottled Stripes (100%) [ Tier 5 ]
Slot 9: Under White 4 (100%) [ Tier 0 ]
Slot 10: Doubloon Heavy Rosette (40%) [ Tier 4 ]

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Edited on 11/12/19 @ 18:10:49 by ihxi🌿 ( 2G festive shreds ) (#146280)

queerbeef (#41528)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-12-10 09:47:41
Clean King Madfall
Rare Teardrop base, sienna diabolic mane, peach eyes,
Slot 1: Cherry Glaze (68%)
Slot 2: Cherry Undershine (56%)
Slot 4: Cherry Venter (98%)
Slot 6: Angelic Feline Unders (56%)
Slot 8: Chocolate Face Carving (90%)
Slot 9: Under Cream 1 (91%)
Slot 10: Sunset Feralis (25%)
stud fee: 200 sb. vlf-friendly

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drakenvale [G2 ankh
tobiano] (#90998)

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Posted on
2019-12-16 19:34:02
Osanyin the sapphic

Heritage: Gen 2, Clean
Base: Ardor
Eyes: Paradise
Mane: Regal Ardor
Mutation: Piebald: Svelte
Stats: 425 give or take after posting
Fee: 350sb

Slot 1: Bloodbourne Siamese (50%)
Slot 2: Ardor Shepherd (100%)
Slot 3: Ardor Feline Unders (46%)
Slot 4: Ardor Feline (100%)
Slot 5: Ardor Inverted Brindle (52%)
Slot 6: Sunset Crackle (10%)
Slot 7: Nacre Carving (100%)
Slot 8: Sunset Feralis (100%)
Slot 9: Sunset Lace (10%)
Slot 10: Chatoyant Margay (10%)
Slot 11: Cherry Undershine (32%)
Slot 12: Nacre Crackle (10%)
Slot 14: Sunset Siamese (45%)
Slot 15: Ebony Okapi (100%

Edit: used the wrong image

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Edited on 16/12/19 @ 23:25:29 by drakenvale [clean g2 svelte] (#90998)

myukke (#105647)

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Posted on
2020-01-10 14:26:30

Prince Mehit

G2 Uneven Patches
Cherry Base
Dawn Eyes
Royal Mane
Stats: 520

Slot 2: Arctic Feline Unders (100%)
Slot 3: Cherry Undershine (100%)
Slot 4: Cherry Glaze (100%)
Slot 5: Fuchsia Feline (100%)
Slot 6: Cherry Reverse Vitiligo Mash (100%)
Slot 7: Fuchsia Marbled Unders (100%)
Slot 8: Ebony Soft Rosette (100%)
Slot 9: Ebony Heavy Rosette (100%)
Slot 10: Cherry Venter (100%)
Slot 11: White Feline Unders (100%)

250sb or 1gb
75sb discount for clfl members

vlf friendly, lioness under 15% get 30 tries
unless a fertility/energy item is used

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Edited on 01/03/20 @ 20:09:57 by feral [g2 uneven] (#105647)

Hidan {Clean Albino
King} (#99718)

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Posted on
2020-01-11 13:13:39

Gen 1 Clean (Customized - Rolled Lion)

Appearance & Markings:

Base ------ Albino (Dark Brown Skin)
Genetics ------ Black Light Solid Common
Mane Type ------ Heavy
Mane Color ------ White

Slot 1: Feline 7 White (100%)
Slot 2: Under White 6 (100%)
Slot 3: White Marozi (100%)
Slot 4: White Tips (100%)
Slot 5: White Dorsum (100%)
Slot 9: White Panther (100%)
Slot 10: Gold Cheetah Heavy (50%)

May add more event Apps as I get them <3

Only 175SB (or 1GB for VLF)

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Kuura ❄️ [G1 TR
Scattered] (#187886)

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Posted on
2020-02-02 05:57:17
Heritage: Clean G2
Base: Kunzite
Eyes: Sunglow
Mane: Hellraiser Ebony
Mutation: Patches:Vernal
Stats: 500+
Fee: 225sb/1gb
Slot 1: Noctis Rosette (45%)
Slot 2: Under Silky 6 (84%)
Slot 3: Onyx Vitiligo (10%)
Slot 4: Feline 6 Auburn (59%)
Slot 5: White Mottled Vents (77%)
Slot 6: Fuchsia Lace (75%)
Slot 7: Ebony Heavy Rosette (100%)
Slot 9: White Trim (59%)
Slot 10: Under White 4 (100%)

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Edited on 20/03/21 @ 11:16:05 by Kuura (side) [G2 DR Vernal] (#187886)

Crystal|G1 14BO
Broken Ice (#169799)

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Posted on
2020-02-05 11:47:51
First time for me really posting in any thread, but here's my king. Sorry I only have the link, I don't know how to do the pictures at the moment, but I'll figure it out later.
Fee: 175 SB or 1 GB
Stats: 484 currently, stats grow every day
Genetics: Black Medium Solid Special
Eyes: Yellow
Mane Type: Royal
Mane Color: Fawn
Mutation: Primal (Ferus)
Base: Frostbitten (Pink Skin)
Slot 1: Blue Roan (18%)
Slot 5: Feline 7 Elysian (25%)
Slot 6: Onyx Rugged Back (54%)
Slot 7: Hyena Spots Scarce Noctis (100%)
Slot 8: Onyx Margay (34%)
Slot 9: Hyena Blots Heavy Noctis (100%)
Slot 10: Aufeis Coat (25%)

- No limit on how many times I try
- GB option gets 10 breedings free
- Price for clan members will be 75 SB
- Lowest fertility I take is 1%
- I may add more markings as time goes on
- After I accept the request I will send you a message with the number of cubs your lioness will have

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Edited on 05/02/20 @ 12:12:27 by CrystalSpirits (Clean Ferus) (#169799)

[Clean/3xRos] (#193537)

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Posted on
2020-03-12 13:30:27
Image is clickable!!

Here's my boy Adonis!
Slot 1: Onyx Siamese (100%)
Slot 2: Leg Banding White (100%)
Slot 3: Sunset Crackle (29%)
Slot 4: Ardor Shepherd (15%)
Slot 5: Noctis Soft Rosette (100%)
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (82%)
Slot 7: White Collar (50%)
Slot 8: Celestial Speckles (33%)
Slot 9: Ebony Heavy Rosette (100%)
Slot 10: Onyx Smudge (95%)
+Royal Mane, Dawn Eyes.

His lineage is a bit long, but I'm working on mutie replacing with a clean-lined (2G) shreds Pie! When that's done his price will rise from 350sb to 500sb. Otherwise, please take the time to read the stud rules, thank you!

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