Posted by The sword and the pen (Batim roleplay)

Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-11-26 21:20:00
if you dislike my plot changes, (as in Sammy being a bit frendlier and forggetting about the whole sacraficing you thing) pls dont hate on us and just move to a diffrent rp...
Image source-
You wake up locked in a strange room as a shodowy figure emeged and spoke in a natraly soothing voice,
"Oh look! A geust. Well as any guest of mine you will be treated as so, welcome to this place i call my home."
He walked over and untied your bindings. Then helped you up and walked away, out of the shady room. Leaving you with nothing more than an axe.

Welcome to The Sword And The Pen
In this rp you are trapped within Joey Drew studios! Copies of ink creatures have been made, so their can be multiple looking exactly the same, though afew stand unique. Those would be

Boris, alice angel and our very own star of the show, Bendy!

So of coarse we are going to need people to play these three, well two. I will activly play bendy, and to make sure things dont get boring i will also play the enviroment and searchers, i can caus random events to happen to shake things up every now and again.

You have woken up here, the figure is gone, and your lost and alone... or are you? Dont worry and dont be afraid to be creative! So our playabke characters are,

Alice angel *taken
Bendy *taken
Sammy * taken
And finaly our star role of Henry! * taken

Though remember pm me and tou can always create tour own character to go along with the whole captured story. Choosing anyone else will resume the story at a later point.

Dare to dream my friends...

Players are
Henry, played by alphabetti spaghetti
Quill, ink creature, hyena, played by The Rogue
Bendy, played by The Rogue
Sammy, Played by The Rogue
Kiwi, ink creature, cat, played by Autumn
Enki, played by Nami the smol bean
Alice angel, played by Altar
Alica Cardwright, played by Alta

ink pressure- low
Electricity- operational
ink machine- currently activated
bendy- irritated

Theirs a strong scent of blood coming from Sammy's room, a gloom had set over the area.


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Edited on 16/12/17 @ 22:35:54 by The Cajun Rogue of Xmas. (#130413)

Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-11-28 20:45:42
He almost laughed, though it was fake and easy to see it was fake. The pipes were still shaking.
"Well... i believe his exact words were, 'deal'. Hes making a deal with the devil, and now... paying the price. The searchers will easily pull boris down instead, find some way for henry to get prideful and go alone. The idiots need one target." Something moved. He went to bring searchers to the abyss.

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Autumn (#116658)

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Posted on
2017-11-28 20:50:58
Kiwi grinned. She knew what to do. The ink cat rose to her paws, still grinning. Now to find Henry.

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Potato Queen (#127304)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2017-11-28 21:32:42
Henry sighed again.
“Believe me, I wish I could. Something must have happened to me, something that made me leave and forget, but I don’t know what.” He picked up the cutout, holding it against his chest with his injured arm. That way, it would serve as protection and he could keep it safe.
“We should give this to Sammy, he’ll know what to do with it. Do you know where he is?” he asked Boris.

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Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-11-28 21:38:21
Boris seemed suddenly hushed, "the singings over but i remember.
After a moment of walking and peace, they came across sammys room. He suddenly leapt up and scowled, "you. You-" he stopped seeing the cutout. "Hm. What a bad day..." he took it, but seemed as if he would collapse at any moment. Once again as if his hand had came to close to an open flame, his hand contracted into a claw position, twitched afew times then stilled. He placed the cutout by the other one, then sat back down. Pretending not to see Enki.

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Potato Queen (#127304)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2017-11-28 21:44:42
“Look, Sammy, I’m sorry about that cutout I threw at you. I was scared and I wasn’t thinking well,” Henry lied. He had known exactly what he was doing.
“The projectionist broke this one. I promised Bendy I could fix it, but I don’t know where it goes, so I decided to bring it to you.” He held the cutout towards Sammy, careful not to squeeze it between his fingers and damage it.

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Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-11-28 21:49:46
Sammy stared, "i... its been a bad day." He took it and set it against the paentagram, like rhe other. (See previous page for what just happened.)
He seemed nervous. His hand repeated the morion, he stumbled and held it wincing , no use through the ink, that was at least a centimeter thick.

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Edited on 28/11/17 @ 21:50:58 by The Rogue (#130413)

Autumn (#116658)

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Posted on
2017-11-28 21:57:48
Kiwi could hear the creator talking. It was a perfect time to put her plan into action.
"Creator!" she yowled, bursting into the room. "Quick, I found something you might want to see!"
She had all her fur on end, as though she were scared.
"Please, follow me!"

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sinister (#112820)

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Posted on
2017-11-28 22:00:29
Ah, there were too many people... or things. So she awkwardly backed away, but only a few steps so she wouldn't manage to bump into anything. Voices. Voices too. Unknown ones. It frightened her slightly.

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Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-11-28 22:01:31
Boris turned swiftly and tilted his head at the cat. "Henry? Think Sammy could use a while alone..." he looked back at him, whispering angerly and cursing his hand, trying despratley to write through the searing pain.

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Potato Queen (#127304)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2017-11-28 22:01:33
Henry blinked as the ink creature raced in. He had left his axe in the infirmary.
“Let me run and grab my axe,” he told the cat. He motioned to Boris with his good arm.
“Come on, Boris!” he exclaimed

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Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-11-28 22:02:11
Boris followed enthusiasticly, finaly something other than walking.

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Autumn (#116658)

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Posted on
2017-11-28 22:05:21
Kiwi followed them to the infirmary, staying on their heels.
"We need to hurry! It's coming from the Abyss!" she wailed. She hoped Bendy could hear her.
"There was a monster blocking the way! I was too scrawny to handle it, so I ran away!" She flattened her ears in fake distress.

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Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-11-28 22:07:47
Omg this is so perfect i love these people
The pipe above didnt shake, but something lurked their and for once its smile was literal. The searchers were in place!

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Autumn (#116658)

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Posted on
2017-11-28 22:14:08
Kiwi raced ahead, smirking. She had seen the smile. Soon, the creator would suffer.

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Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-11-28 22:16:23
Just for this, the demon turned the valve to the machine a little farther, making the Abyss refil itself. Hintimg a tune in his mind, "this is gonna be great..."

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