Posted by Clean cub sales!

Kenzii[G3 Clean
Ferus] (#49358)

Prince of Terror
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-12-01 07:55:03
Welcome to my den sales!
*Backgrounds, decor, or poses will not come with the lion unless explicitly stated otherwise. They are purely aesthetic.
*Please inquire in my inbox on offers/items you want to trade.
*Lions above 5 months will be up on the TC. Cubs that are still nursing must be reserved which is half the purchase price. IE, if a cub is listed as 500sb, you reserve for 250sb (non refundable), then pay the remaining when posted in the TC.
*You have 24 hours to claim your purchase, so only buy when you have the currency. I will not reserve any lion unless it is nursing.

*Left lion images are clickable and will take you to their page.

*All lions are priced using my updated pricing guide:
Miakoda's Lion Pricing Guide.
My Queen

Parhelion, Peach eyes
Slot 1: Hyena Stripes Scarce Onyx (42%), Slot 2: Maroon Shell (24%), Slot 3: Lilac Lace (75%), Slot 4: Bloodbourne Vitiligo (75%), Slot 5: Onyx Dapple (100%), Slot 6: Under White 4 (100%), Slot 7: Steele Shroud (48%), Slot 8: Sunset Siamese (49%), Slot 9: Cream Cheetah Royal (62%), Slot 10: Sunset Crackle (100%)
Stud Price: 1icon-beetle-gold.png or 275icon-beetle-silver.png

0Mle6Ne.png e7Jo2D0.png

Slot 4: Bloodbourne Vitiligo (47%), Slot 5: Onyx Dapple (52%), Slot 6: Under White 4 (60%), Slot 8: Sunset Siamese (17%), Slot 9: Cream Cheetah Royal (37%), Slot 10: Sunset Crackle (59%)
Asking Price: 300icon-beetle-silver.png

t9xZeWl.png PchT7cj.png

Steele, Peach
Slot 1: Hyena Stripes Scarce Onyx (23%), Slot 3: Lilac Lace (65%), Slot 4: Bloodbourne Vitiligo (39%), Slot 6: Cream Paw Carving (76%), Slot 7: Onyx Cowl (72%), Slot 8: Sunset Siamese (39%)
This lion has 1 marking hidden on the following slot:

Asking Price: 350icon-beetle-silver.png

QKkMZGd.png JLqq30x.png

Flint, Caramel Sideburn
Slot 2: Onyx Siamese (43%), Slot 5: Onyx Dapple (60%), Slot 6: Under White 4 (45%), Slot 8: Sunset Siamese (42%), Slot 9: Cream Cheetah Royal (66%)
Asking Price: 315icon-beetle-silver.png

gkQ83pR.png 7Dj8XPk.png

Slot 4: Bloodbourne Vitiligo (32%), Slot 5: Onyx Dapple (60%), Slot 6: Under White 4 (59%), Slot 8: Sunset Siamese (29%)
Asking Price: 245icon-beetle-silver.png

M2idURc.png o9m7Uy7.png

Mauve, Peach, VLF
Slot 3: Lilac Lace (80%), Slot 5: Onyx Dapple (44%), Slot 6: Under White 4 (42%) Slot 7: Steele Shroud (21%), Slot 10: Sunset Crackle (55%)
Asking Price: 250icon-beetle-silver.png

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Edited on 24/11/18 @ 09:51:00 by Miakoda[Clean ParhelionPrimal] (#49358)

Kenzii[G3 Clean
Ferus] (#49358)

Prince of Terror
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-11-04 11:12:16
More cubs have been added!

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an.°� (#355000)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-09 05:05:35
Hey can i you add Vasso for me plz. Does she come as a cub?

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