Posted by Interest Check! <Closed>

RamenNoodle (#113670)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-12-04 14:12:54
RP Started!

Hello everyone!

Before I decided to make a Role Play I wanted to make sure some people would actually join and enjoy it.

I wanted to make a Zombie apocalypse Role Play, it would have a lot of similarities with The Walking Dead. The characters would not be in it though, unless someone absolutely wanted to role as one.
Ways it would be similar:
•They're called walkers, not zombies. (I just find that it sounds better.)
•A bite from a "walker" would make the person extremely sick, then he/she would die. Some time later, about an hour or two, the corpse would reanimate and turn into a walker.
•Covering yourself with the blood and guts of a walker makes you smell like one to them, therefore they ignore you. Do not make direct contact with skin. You must also be quiet to not be noticed.
•A sharp object or a gunshot to the head and into the brain is a kill, every time.
•There might be other communities out there. (I think I might just center it around our group though. Communities require more people and become difficult at times.)
•No matter how you die, if your brain stays intact when you do--you will come back as a walker.

What is also allowed:
•Animals. Dogs, horses, etc. Nothing as wild as a hawk that swoops down and kills the walkers though. I might allow something like Shiva the Tiger from the show, but I'm not sure yet. Having an animal will have difficulties with it too.
Suggestion by Murmuration (#88005) :
Dogs- Loud, attracts Walkers, and can only kill one walker at a time.
Cats- Silent, but ineffective at hurting Walkers. Could possibly, trip them?
Horses- Quick transportation, but easily scared by Walkers.
•Max of four characters. Even that gets to be a bit much for people though. Please only make what you can handle.
•A rank type system. This is really just what your character can help with. Was your character a doctor, or a mechanic before, or maybe a farmer and so on. Everyone who can fight, scavenges.
•Maybe more! Offer some suggestions.

Even though I am making the role play, my character WILL NOT be the leader of the group. We can either role that out, or someone can be picked before the RP starts by a type of voting system.

Suggestions made by people!
•Murmuration (#88005) - "Plot-wise perhaps they group has only just settled down in a base-camp area and need to clear all the Walkers out of stores and set up a perimeter to keep themselves safe?"
•Murmuration (#88005)-***
Ranking system:
2x Leaders
2x Seconds (Aka: Leader's 'second' in command.)
1x Doctor
1x Nurse (Not as skilled as Doctor, but learning.)
Unlimited Scavengers (Normal group members.)
Unlimited Kids
•Gladiator (#44969) - A set amount of people already in a group when the RP starts, and then everyone else stumbles upon them.
(Bloodbourne Felis) (#95865) - Find a previously domesticated animal and it protects the people. (I like this, but there would be a limit.)

***= I really like the suggestion.

So, what I want to know is:

Would you like to join this RP?-
Any suggestions?-
Would you like to be messaged, if I do make this RP?-

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Edited on 07/12/17 @ 00:31:21 by RamenNoodle (#113670)

WARREN [g1 ticked] (#88005)

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Posted on
2017-12-04 16:37:03
Would you like to join?
Probably, yeah. This sounds pretty awesome!

Any suggestions?
>>> OOC-wise, maybe don't make too many roles within the RP.
I'd suggest a ranking system of:
2x Leaders
2x Seconds (Aka: Leader's 'second' in command.)
1x Doctor
1x Nurse (Not as skilled as Doctor, but learning.)
Unlimited Scavengers (Normal group members.)
Unlimited Kids
>>> Also, if you allow pets make sure there are difficulties about owning them. (Lol, or else it might as well be an animal RP with the amount of pets you'll see.)
For example:
Dogs- Loud, attracts Walkers, and can only kill one walker at a time.
Cats- Silent, but ineffective at hurting Walkers. Could possibly, trip them?
Horses- Quick transportation, but easily scared by Walkers.
>>> Plot-wise perhaps they group has only just settled down in a base-camp area and need to clear all the Walkers out of stores and set up a perimeter to keep themselves safe?

Would you like to be messaged, if I do make this RP?
Yes please! I'd probably make two characters.

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RamenNoodle (#113670)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-12-04 16:50:34
Awesome! I love the suggestions!

I actually meant to put that the animals would be difficult to have during that time.

I will certainly keep you updated/inform you if I make the RP forum!

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Gladiator (#44969)

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Posted on
2017-12-04 23:22:01
I would love to join a zombie rp. Perhaps there could be a set number of people who are already part of the group (like 5 or something) then the rest would have to 'stumble upon' the camp and eventually join them?

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RamenNoodle (#113670)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-12-05 14:04:21
Okay! I'll keep you informed.

I like the suggestion.

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Citl-kitty (#95865)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-12-05 14:10:27
I Would Love To Join If You Make This! Have You Ever Read The Book "Hollowland" By Amanda Hocking? The Main Chara Remy Stumbles Upon A Big Cat! Because She Was Domesticated She Just Likes To Attack Walkers! Would You Possibly Allow That? Maybe As Like Individual Pets, Or A Main Guardian For The Area, Also Would Pets Be Immune? Like, They Can Still be Eaten To Death But If Bitten Once Would They Turn?

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Edited on 05/12/17 @ 14:13:00 by Citl-kitty (Bloodbourne Felis) (#95865)

RamenNoodle (#113670)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-12-05 14:52:35
Happy to have you on board! Unfortunately I have not read that book, but it sounds interesting.

I could allow something similar to that, sure. In the show The Walking Dead, there is a Tiger owned by a man named Ezekiel. Before the apocalypse Ezekiel was a zookeeper and he helped Shiva the tiger, saving her when she was injured. In return Shiva protected him and his people. I just don't want everyone owning a tiger or something similar, so I would have to put some restrictions.

To answer your question, yes. The animals do seem to be immune to the virus. When they die they do not return as a reanimated corpse. But, like you said they can be eaten to death.

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Citl-kitty (#95865)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-12-05 15:01:17
Sweet, So We Don't Have To I Am Legend The Pets... Nioce

In The Book Remy Is Traveling To Find Her Brother And The Come Across A Circus Shipping Container, You Guessed It The Lions In It. After Setting It free The Lion Doesn't Know What To Do, Since She Was Domesticated, She Ends Up Just Following Remy Around.

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RamenNoodle (#113670)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-12-05 15:03:02
That sounds really cool!

I hated that part in I Am Legend

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Citl-kitty (#95865)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-12-05 15:04:28
I Cry Every Time...

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Darker Morning (#126688)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-12-05 15:04:29
Would you like to join this RP?-Yes! It sounds awesome
Any suggestions?-None at this moment
Would you like to be messaged, if I do make this RP?- Yes!

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RamenNoodle (#113670)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-12-05 15:08:52
Awesome! Thanks for replying!

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JustLogan (#85963)

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Posted on
2017-12-05 15:47:29
Would you like to join this RP?- Absolutely!
Any suggestions?- Perhaps keep the number of people allowed to join low-ish? I feel like a small group would be a lot easier to keep track of.
Would you like to be messaged, if I do make this RP?- Yes, please!

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RamenNoodle (#113670)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-12-05 15:50:21
Okay! Thanks for posting!

I agree with your suggestion as well. Now time to figure out a good number xD

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WARREN [g1 ticked] (#88005)

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Posted on
2017-12-05 15:55:27
Maybe 10ish or so?
That way there's enough to fill up all the positions, but not so many that it's a crazy crowd. Plus, it'll get people to be more active with posting and keep the RP rolling b/c there's select people to interact with. But, if its a low number, maybe only allow a maximum of 2 characters per player?

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JustLogan (#85963)

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Posted on
2017-12-05 15:57:01
Do you think 10 people is a reasonable number? That way it fulls the limited spots and leaves some for the scavengers and kids.

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