Posted by Zombie Apocalypse Role Play

RamenNoodle (#113670)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-12-06 23:31:24
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The most important factor in survival is neither intelligence nor strength but adaptability - Charles Darwin

I remember walking down the side walk during the summer. The smell of freshly cut grass was my favorite. I remember hearing children yell, and dogs bark. The sky was so blue, the leaves were so green, the people around me--so happy.... Life is good. Well, it was good. Now every moment is a fight for survival, every moment is filled with fear. The thing that separates us from the living is how we control that fear, and how we channel it into something greater. Now everyday is a trial--a test to see if you are fit to live. Your reward if you do live; more days of fear and running. But, hey. At least we're alive.

The year is current. A virus has spread to what is assumed everywhere. This virus made the first carriers extremely sick, and then upon death they would be reanimated into the walking dead. A bite from one of these creatures would then infect the person with the very same virus, eventually killing them and reanimating them-- just the same as the others. What very few people know, is that everyone carries a strand of this virus. Any way you die, if your brain is intact you will turn into one of the walking dead.

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Georgia with a population of 10.31 million is statistically one of the best places to be during an apocalypse. There are gun stores, and a large amount of convenience stores throughout the small towns--making it easier to survive. The forests are dense with trees that provide shelter, and food. The capital of Georgia, Atlanta, has a surplus of supplies, including the majority of any medical supplies. Unfortunately, Atlanta had a population of 472,522 people, after the virus spread Atlanta became overrun with the dead. Will our group be able to survive?

Form Rules:
•Max characters per person- 2. If you really want a third or fourth, PM me.
•Always credit the source of your images!
•Characters are age 18+
•Post character sheets in the proper forum.
•All LioDen rules must be followed, of course.
•Any questions? PM me or ask on the chatter forum.
•Don't be made at the person, be mad at the character.
•I understand writer's block, I really do. Try to post at least a paragraph. It keeps the RP moving smoothly.
•Every character starts with one ranged weapon, one-two melee weapons, a backpack, two water bottles, and a few food supplies. (MRE, canned products, etc.)
•Have a back-up rank in desired rank.
•In other, list if you want an animal. Then make a small sheet for said animal.

Leader- The leader is required to lead the group and keep them alive and safe. They must make the tough decisions, and must keep their people together.
Second- The most trusted of the leader. Helps the leader make decisions.
Doctor- Cares for the sick and injured, usually had some medical past before the apocalypse. Anything from a Veterinarian to a surgical doctor.
Doctor's Intern- A trainee of the Doctor to take over if the doctor dies.
Scavenger/Fighter- The main protectors and providers for the group. They hunt, they scavenge, and they kill the walkers.

Other Links:
Chatter Thread

I would LOVE to give a HUGE thanks to everyone who posted on my Interest Check forum. You guys gave me so many good suggestions and helped me make this RP possible! Hugs and Hearts to you all!

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Edited on 07/12/17 @ 00:28:46 by RamenNoodle (#113670)

JustLogan (#85963)

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Posted on
2017-12-11 10:37:13
James Parrish|Leader|Location: Camp Outskirts| Mentions: Open|

James let out a long suffering sigh, scaling the side of a tree with conveniently low set branches. The height gave him a decent vantage point, and offered the relative safety of being off the ground. He liked keeping watch, sticking to the outskirts of their rag-tag mess of a camp. How he became their 'leader' he couldn't fathom, but for the most part they seemed to trust him and his judgement. He did his best to do what he thought was best for the good of everyone, and yeah sometimes the choice wasn't quite the right one, but they'd made it this far relatively unharmed. A rustling in the branches above him snapped him from his thoughts, and he pressed his back against the trunk. He stilled for a tense few moments before he got a lap-full of fur and claws, letting out an undignified grunt. "Christ, Paws." he grumbled, glaring at the little ball of inky fur. She, of course, stared back with wide an innocent eyes, purring like a lawnmower. He sighed once more, grabbing her by the scruff and depositing her on his sholder before returning his attention to the expanse of trees before him.

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Citl-kitty (#95865)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-12-11 12:30:23
Reaves Pfenning : Doctors Intern : Location - Outskirts : Mentions - N/A

Reaves Sat Staring Intently At A Small Caterpillar Crawling Up A Strange Leaf. She Sat In A Small Overgrown Grove, Strange Plants Decorated The Area Around Her Feet, Discolored Mushrooms Clung To Fallen Trees, And A Small Scampering Sound Bounced Off Treetops. A Bright Red Knife Swung In Her Hand Almost Instinctively, Gently She Placed The Caterpillar In A Small Dirty Glass Jar. An Open Leather Bound Book Sat Next To Her, Many Petals And Leaves Scattered Its Pages.

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