Posted by A Lion Scorned |OOC

Kailani (#18301)

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Posted on
2017-12-10 17:42:40

Main Role-play Board || Character Sheets

Roleplay Rules:

✯ All Lioden rules apply
✯This is a LITERATE role-play. Meaning I'm looking for at least ONE full paragraph per post.
✯No god moding, power playing, or rude/nasty comments (we're all friends here)
✯ You are allowed no more than THREE characters to start with (If you simply must have another PM me and we will work something out)
✯ Mary Sues, and Gary Stus, while comical, are not appropriate for this particular role play, your character must have flaws


Pride Rules:

♦ Chike's word is absolute
♦ Lionesses are not to leave the pride lands unless accompanied by a sub male
♦ Chike is the first to eat, then cubs, elders, and the rest of the pride
♦ Fraternizing with outsiders is strictly prohibited
♦ Hunting parties are not to return without a catch
♦ Pregnant and nursing lionesses are to remain in the nesting area at all times
♦ Any sightings of Ra are to be reported immediately to Chike or Jabari

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Edited on 10/12/17 @ 17:45:32 by Kaila-la-la-lani🎄 (#18301)

Kailani (#18301)

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Posted on
2017-12-10 17:46:15

King 0/1

Sub Males 0/3

Queen Regent 1/1
- Tauni

Queen 0/1

Huntresses 1/8
- Ju'li

Warrior 0/6

Den Mothers 0/4

Pride Members 0/Unlimited

Cubs & Adols 0/6

Outsiders 0/Unlimited

Click for the character sheet board!

*Chike and Ra's names can be changed if desired.
* If someone would like to play Ra they can, the fallen king has been spotted lurking around the pride lands, plotting his revenge
*All cubs (younger than 8 months old) made before the role-play begins must be fathered by Chike
* Tauni is still the acting Queen as Chike hasn't named a new queen just yet once he does she will become the Queen Regent until her passing
* If you want to play a huntress your lioness does not have to be in on/a part of Ju'li's 'girl power' movement

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Edited on 11/12/17 @ 10:22:40 by Kaila-la-la-lani🎄 (#18301)

sabrina | G2 NRLC
ICE (#131799)

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Posted on
2017-12-10 19:21:41
Is this open yet? I’d love to join!

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Kailani (#18301)

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Posted on
2017-12-10 19:40:01
It is, yes!

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