Posted by Marking Slot Unlock Breeding Item

🐝 Detective (#19805)

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Posted on
2017-12-13 10:05:26
Hidden/Extra Marking Slots are a great idea for making your king handsome. You can add mane markings and other marks that you aren't concerned about passing down. But if there are marks you wish for cubs to have, you then have to pay to unlock each and every mark on each cub.

Having to pay for each cub is one feature of the Hidden Slots that many seem to dislike, as it kind of ruins the point of having extra marks on your king.

I'd like to suggest a special event item that when used on a lion, the cubs of that litter will already have those extra slots unlocked.

It'd be on the rare end of the spectrum, similar to Crunchy Worms and Ochre Gnawrocks. Something in one event that people can stockpile and use throughout the year. I don't see it being as popular as those items, but I think it'd be something fun for those who want to enjoy their extra markings without having to pay every single time :)

It could be a % chance of working, or only one cub out of the litter, or affect all cubs in the litter like a Gnawrock. That is something Admins would decide on I suppose~

Item Name Ideas:
? Feel free to suggest!

This suggestion has 39 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 13/12/17 @ 10:06:56 by 🐝 Detective alBEEno™ (#19805)

a-damn (4.1k Ice) (#109872)

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Posted on
2017-12-15 14:20:34
I just hope it isn't too expensive!!

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