Posted by Cool idea!!

ŸŒš (#123620)

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Posted on
2017-12-21 20:14:28
So I had a idea that we could have a race like game , on the game area in explore the game could be a racing game and in order to win you must get past OTHER game players and the winner could win in game currency to special bases/ decor !!

Here's how it works

The game will be set around players who are online and are wanting to waist time looking for things to do , just like the ball game each day you have 3 tries to win 1,2 and 3rd place, you have a button you click and you can see your little lion running along a line and the faster you reach to the finish like the more likely you are to win different items !

The fastest of course wins**

The slowest gets small amount of currency and in order to pay you pay 5 currency each time you want to pay (5sb)

That way you are not always trying to play 3 times for free and you either pay 1gb to play more (3more times)

The items you can win can range from how many times you win

Possibly giving out cool decor like from enclave for even special event bases !!

If you agree with this game please give a support or if you disagree explain why

AND if you want to add more onto it to help this idea develop leave a comment saying your part !! Thank you all and merry Christmas

Starry suggestion- #304440691622
Hmm, I support this, but I feel as though the price to play is a little to low. Player should have to work to be able to play, maybe not 1 gb to play, but maybe 200-300 sb to play? That way all the prizes won't be won instantly, and maybe there could be tiers? Like tier one you win up to 10-50 sb if you win first, and tier two you might win a vulture egg or a small tortoise. The tiers could go up to tier five, where you might get applicators or a drone or something. Maybe you could earn titles as well? Like, umm: " Swift Lion " Or something like that.

Maybe you could have a decision to turn in your "trophies" to get a random prize, for example: " You turned in 56 trophies and got _____! " or: "You turned in 246 trophies and got a applicator!" The prizes go up depending on how many trophies you turn in, and you would earn trophies by winning first in races. The races should be about 15 lions though, to make it even harder.

Just my idea, but your's is really good, just thought i could add

This suggestion has 20 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 21/12/17 @ 20:28:23 by SHOWMETHECARFAUX (#123620)

lunaar (#105563)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-12-21 20:22:44
Hmm, I support this, but I feel as though the price to play is a little to low. Player should have to work to be able to play, maybe not 1 gb to play, but maybe 200-300 sb to play? That way all the prizes won't be won instantly, and maybe there could be tiers? Like tier one you win up to 10-50 sb if you win first, and tier two you might win a vulture egg or a small tortoise. The tiers could go up to tier five, where you might get applicators or a drone or something. Maybe you could earn titles as well? Like, umm: " Swift Lion " Or something like that.

Maybe you could have a decision to turn in your "trophies" to get a random prize, for example: " You turned in 56 trophies and got _____! " or: "You turned in 246 trophies and got a applicator!" The prizes go up depending on how many trophies you turn in, and you would earn trophies by winning first in races. The races should be about 15 lions though, to make it even harder.

Just my idea, but your's is really good, just thought i could add.

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ŸŒš (#123620)

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Posted on
2017-12-21 20:26:09
@starry that is a amazing idea !!! I will add !!

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