Posted by Bloodlines Stud Thread

Evelos (#88181)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-29 20:48:35

Bloodlines Stud Listings

Welcome to the clean lined stud thread for Bloodlines members. Here we'll be assembling a list of noteworthy studs as a resource for anyone interested in non-inbred kings.

Table of Contents

Non-Mutated Kings
Primal Kings
Piebald and Somatic Kings
Other Mutated Kings

Hard Moders, please click here to jump to our Heritageless King section!

Please message me (#88181) if you're a member of Bloodlines and are interested in applying with a noteworthy stud. Please use the subject line: 'Bloodlines Stud Application.'

Include any details of your king's mutation in your message to be added to the relevant section. Also, please mention if your king has no heritage to also be added to the Hard Mode Friendly section.
I'll be verifying this information personally as well as the number of markings, base type, and stud price for each king, (and please let me know or make it clear in his stud rules if your king offers any discounts for Bloodlines members). I'll also add a picture of his current looks to the thread, so please make sure your king is already the way you want him to look in his picture before you send in an application. (If you'd like me to use a certain day/night/seasonal cycle for your king's picture, please make sure to message me during the chosen season and mention whether you would like me to take the picture during Lioden's day or night hours.)

On the first day of every month I'll do a sweep of the listings to search for outdated information and to update the thread as needed. I'll be accepting applications at any time during the month, but I likely won't be able to change aesthetic things (like updated stud pictures) until sweep day, which is again, the first day of each month.

What is noteworthy?

Noteworthy is how we separate plain rolled lions from the more appealing examples of kings that our clan has to offer. Noteworthy does not mean that you need to have an extravagant or expensive king to apply here, and neither stats or mutations affect the application process. Noteworthy does not mean that your king has to be either unrealistic or natural themed to apply, nor does he need to be decked out with lots of decorations or a fancy background, (though these things might help make your king more appealing to potential people looking for a stud.)

Noteworthy means that your king is unique enough to stand out from rolled kings, that he shows a good bit of effort and care put into his appearance. He needs to be more than just a common base with one or two common markings.

So what specifically is the difference between a rolled king and someone noteworthy?

A rolled king generally looks like this:


He has a very common base, and a few common marks. He's not a terrible looking fellow, but he doesn't really have much to offer when it comes to genetics.

Now, here is someone more noteworthy:


He isn't an explosion of color, but he also isn't too dull. He has some effort put into his design, but everything he has is reasonably obtainable by any new player who chooses to focus their resources into improving their first rolled king. Here is his wardrobe link for anyone who might be curious.

His decor and background are from the monkey business shop, and every other part of his appearance is obtainable from oasis customization. He doesn't need all ten marking slots filled to qualify as noteworthy, and his marks don't need to be anything more than oasis applicator marks; he just needs to look like his player cares about his appearance and is working to improve his looks as much as they can.

As long as you're a member of Bloodlines and your stud is about as well put together as the example stud, you're welcome to apply to this stud listing.

List Last Updated: (to be noted in future)

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Edited on 18/03/18 @ 05:18:22 by Evelos (#88181)

Evelos (#88181)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-12-29 20:50:36

Non-Mutated Kings



Sunshine Base

Stud Price: 250sb.png
Offers 50% off for Bloodlines, Clean Lines and Hard Mode members.

Azarasti VI


Celestial Base

Stud Price: 500 sb.png or 1 gb.png
Offers 50% off for Bloodlines and Hard Mode members.

Okadi Ka


Ebony Base

Stud Price: 1500 sb.png or 1 gb.png

Vivek Evander


Rhodonite Base

Stud Price: 300 sb.png or 1 gb.png

Members of the Bloodlines get 50sb.png off of stud requests. Leave a message in the stud request for the discount.



Chatoyant Base

Stud Price: 3000 sb.png or 2 gb.png



Tawny Base

Stud Price: 250 sb.png

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Edited on 03/06/18 @ 22:38:21 by Evelos (#88181)

Evelos (#88181)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-12-29 20:50:53

Primal Kings



Primal Smilus | Opal Base

Stud Price: 600 sb.png or 1 gb.png

Members of Bloodlines can request a 50% off discount on sb.png stud requests.



Primal Felis | Pearl Base

Stud Price: 600 sb.png or 1 gb.png

Members of Bloodlines can request a 50% off discount on sb.png stud requests.



Primal | Sunset Base

Stud Price: 300 sb.png or 1 gb.png



Primal | Korat Base

Stud Price: 400 sb.png or 1 gb.png



Primal | Ginger Base

Stud Price: 300sb.png or 1 gb.png
Offers free stud requests to Bloodlines members if they PM after the lioness is pregnant.



Primal | Supernal Base

Stud Price: 225 sb.png or 1 gb.png

Offers 50% off for Bloodlines members.



Primal | Russet Base

Stud Price: 250 sb.png or 1 gb.png

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Edited on 13/06/18 @ 16:13:22 by Evelos (#88181)

Evelos (#88181)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-12-29 20:52:13

Piebald and Somatic Kings



Croupe Somatic Patches | Sunset Base

Stud Price: 380 sb.png or 1 gb.png

Discount of 100 sb.png for Bloodlines members. PM for discount.



Slender Piebald | Pearl Base

Stud Price: 1500 sb.png or 1 gb.png

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Edited on 03/06/18 @ 22:43:32 by Evelos (#88181)

Evelos (#88181)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-12-29 20:52:47

Other Mutated Kings

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Evelos (#88181)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-12-29 20:53:57

Hard Mode Friendly (Heritageless) Kings



Primal | Supernal Base

Stud Price: 225 sb.png or 1 gb.png

Offers 50% off for Bloodlines members.



Chatoyant Base

Stud Price: 3000 sb.png or 2 gb.png



Tawny Base

Stud Price: 250 sb.png



Primal | Russet Base

Stud Price: 250 sb.png or 1 gb.png

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Edited on 13/06/18 @ 16:13:49 by Evelos (#88181)

Evelos (#88181)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-12-29 20:54:59
(Reserved just in case.)

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Evelos (#88181)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-29 20:55:08
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Evelos (#88181)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-29 20:55:24
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Evelos (#88181)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-29 20:55:34
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Evelos (#88181)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-29 20:55:46
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