Posted by Wish Trading Game

Rushes (A.K.A God)
~VS~ (#43702)

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Posted on
2018-01-07 09:56:10

Wish Trading Game

Hey hey hey, I'm back and better than ever, with a new game for all you lovely Liodeners!! So you all loved TBMGA and the Wish(es) Granted games, so I give you the Wish Trading game! A splice between the two games, that incorporates both giving and receiving. So here we go:


The Wish Trading Game is where you post 3-5 item(s) that you can give and 1-3 items you wish for. The next player below may accept up to 2 of the giver's offering, unless the giver specifies they are willing to give more. The giver may also specify that certain wishes are not grantable together, meaning that if they offered a mutie and a rosette that the next player would have to choose between the two.

At least 1 of the wishes that the giver asks for must be reasonable, however, you have the right to use 2 of your wishes to ask for something crazy. If you wish to, putting a star next to a wish means that it is either the thing you want most or something that you desperately need.

To be eligible to have your wish granted, you must have granted one wish of the person in front of you (unless all of their wishes were irrational, if this is the case, screenshot the post and include it in yours). Although, I suppose if the the gifts are of close or equal value to the wishes it could be alright. It's up to your judgement really.

If you are blocked or have blocked someone who has posted, do not post or attempt to post until there is another available person for you to gift/be gifted from.

Feel free to chat amongst yourselves as long as you don't disrupt the flow of the game.

... And here we go... again

Don't forget to share this topic :)



Player one: I'm giving...
1. A feather
2. 50 SB
3. A rosette
4. A carcass
5. A friend

I wish for...
1. A friend
2. A mutie
3. A decor

Gawsh, this is fun. Don't forget to pm to claimmmm! :D

Player two: I claim the feather and the rosette. :) Wishes all granted! I'm giving...
1. A cub sex changer
2. A random decor
3. A support on you topic
4. A surprise

I wish for... Nothinggg!!!

You can claim up to 4!! I hope you like your stuff! :)

Player three: I claim all thank you so muchhh. <3 I'm giving... EXAMPLE OF HIGH VALUE GIFTS AND WISHES
1. A rosette
2. A rare background
3. An ochre gnawrock
4. A stud to my king
5. 1000 SB

I wish for...
1. 4 GB
2. A mutation
3. A GMO cow

You can't claim both 1 and 3.

Player four: Jeez, you asked for a lot, but I guess it's not too bad. I claim 2 and 3, and I'm granting 2.
I'm giving...
1. 2 free commissions from my art thread
2. A rabbit's foot
3. Free studding

I wish for...
1. A coconut
2. Art of my lovelies! :)

You can claim all of them!

I wish you all the best of luck and to have fun playing!! I've got a new game in the works, so hopefully it'll be on here soon!!

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Edited on 07/01/18 @ 10:30:22 by Rushes (A.K.A God) ~VS~ (#43702)

KittiBaybee (#49878)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-20 22:05:04
Claiming food
Granting lions

Can give:
1. Free breeding to new queen (can't be used if granting stud request)
2. 1 of each eager cub
3. Dino Decor
4. Surprise Cub
5. 3 toys

*only claim same amount as you are granting*

1. Stud to my queen (Divine, Mottled Rosette, Patches Croupe.. 250SB)
2. Buy any lion(s) in my Sparta cave (need them gone ASAP)
3. Umganu or uvula-omphlope herbs
4. Broken Drones and/or Coconuts
5. Surprise

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Freaky Missy (#142500)

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Posted on
2018-10-23 12:24:18
Granting broken drones and surprise

Claiming dino decor and free breeding

Can give:
1. Free lion from my sales den
2. Free stud to my king (will have a demonic base soon)
3. Aging pebble
4. Lucky foot
5. Poem for any one of your lions

Take as much as you give

1. Nesting material
2. Free stud
3. Any applicators
4. Ebony or Ivory based girl (Just in case. Hoping to breed a soul.)
5. Lots of food

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IGHT COLORS] (#147014)

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Posted on
2018-10-24 14:01:47
Granting free stud
Can give:
Free studs
Random decors
1.A gmo cow
2. A mutie of your choice
3. Any apps

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Camo | dm me the
word melon (#121184)

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Posted on
2018-10-24 16:54:47
Claiming 1
Giving a random gift because of those being unreasonable

Can give:
1. Decor
2. Scars
3. Shiny Rocks
4. Support for a topic
5. Free Studding

Please only claim the same amount as you can grant!

Wishing for:
1. Applicators
2. Breeding Items
3. Nesting Material
4. Gb
5. Sb
6. Amusement Items

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Edited on 24/10/18 @ 17:03:08 by camouflage (#121184)

Freaky Missy (#142500)

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Posted on
2018-10-29 13:43:34
Claiming 1 and 5

Granting 5 and 6

Can give:
1. Free lion from my sales den
2. Free stud to my king
3. Aging pebble
4. Lucky foot
5. Poem for any one of your lions

Take as much as you give

1. Nesting material
2. Free stud
3. Any applicators
4. Ebony or Ivory based girl (Just in case. Hoping to breed a soul.)
5. Decor

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KittiBaybee (#49878)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-29 17:31:18
Claiming 4 & 5
Granting 1 & 5

Can give:
1. Free breeding to new queen (can't be used if granting stud request)
2. 1 of each eager cub
3. Dino Decor
4. Surprise Cub
5. 3 toys

*only claim same amount as you are granting*

1. Stud to my queen (Divine, Mottled Rosette, Patches Croupe.. 250SB)
2. Buy any lion(s) in my Sparta cave (need them gone ASAP, buy 2 get 3rd 100sb off, buy 4 get 5th free)
3. Umganu or uvula-omphlope herbs
4. Broken Drones and/or Coconuts
5. Join my Brimstone Core&Imprints Raffle ends on my b-day!

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mashiro (#151400)

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Posted on
2018-10-30 13:06:34
I claim 3 and 4 and grant 1 and 5.

I can give:

1. 3 free studs to my king
2. 1 GB
3. RMA

I wish for:
1. a Rosette
2. Suprise cubbins
3. A friend to talk to because I have nobody to talk to on here :")

You can claim up to two, but not 2 and 3 together :o

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Edited on 30/10/18 @ 13:16:31 by Mashirocrow🦊 (#151400)

Freaky Missy (#142500)

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Posted on
2018-10-30 13:13:53
Could you try to make your wishes more reasonable? It's rather hard for newbies to grant things like that.

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mashiro (#151400)

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Posted on
2018-10-30 13:16:52
Oh yeah! My bad, fixed :)

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Freaky Missy (#142500)

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Posted on
2018-10-30 13:23:11
Granting all (Would you take a boy rosette? That's all I can spare.)

Claiming 1 and 3.

Can give:
1. Free lion from my sales den
2. Free stud to my king
3. Any of my non-royalty's heats
4. Lucky foot
5. Zombie body decor

Take as much as you give.

1. Nesting material
2. Free stud
3. Markings apps
4. Ebony or Ivory based girl (Just in case. Hoping to breed a soul.)
5. Decor

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mashiro (#151400)

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Posted on
2018-10-30 13:33:10
Yeah! All Rosettes are pretty.
Shoot me the stud requests and I'll send the sb back?

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HugePolecat (#159312)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-11-05 19:17:44
Claiming 5, giving 2.

Can give:
1. Any lion in Unsorted.
2. Possession or Invocation apps.
3. 10 Amusement uses

1. Any amount of GB.
2. Art!
3. Surprise.

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KittiBaybee (#49878)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-06 22:19:19
Claiming 3
Granting 3

Can give:
1. Free breeding to new queen (can't be used if granting stud request)
2. Surprise Decor
3. Random herb
4. Surprise Cub
5. 3 toys
6. An In Heat Lioness
7. Random Gem

*only claim same amount as you are granting*

1. Stud to my new Queen (only 250SB fee) or any amount of sb
2. Nesting Materials
3. Buy something from my Hoard Clearout
4. Art of my queen/king
5. Cotton Root Bark
6. Broken Drones/Coconuts.
7. Join my Brimstone Core&Imprints Raffle 10SB & other ways to join.

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Solisfox (#111278)

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Posted on
2018-11-07 10:32:56
Claiming 1, 2, and 4! Granting 1, 6, and 7!

I'm giving ~
1. A free cub from my adoption den
2. Free breeding to my king (3k+ stats and divine base)
3. A black stallion

I wish for ~
1. Medlar fruits
2. Marking applicators
3. Art of one of my lovelies
4. Studs to my king (he's only around for another month or so)

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KittiBaybee (#49878)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-07 10:41:24
Claiming 3
Granting 4

Can give:
1. Free breeding to new queen (can't be used if granting stud request)
2. Surprise Decor
3. Random herb
4. Surprise Cub
5. 3 toys
6. An In Heat Lioness
7. Random Gem

*only claim same amount as you are granting*

1. Stud to my new Queen (only 250SB fee) or any amount of sb
2. Nesting Materials
3. Buy something from my Hoard Clearout
4. Art of my queen/king
5. Cotton Root Bark
6. Broken Drones/Coconuts.
7. Join my Brimstone Core&Imprints Raffle 10SB & other ways to join.

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