Posted by Wish Trading Game

Rushes (A.K.A God)
~VS~ (#43702)

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Posted on
2018-01-07 09:56:10

Wish Trading Game

Hey hey hey, I'm back and better than ever, with a new game for all you lovely Liodeners!! So you all loved TBMGA and the Wish(es) Granted games, so I give you the Wish Trading game! A splice between the two games, that incorporates both giving and receiving. So here we go:


The Wish Trading Game is where you post 3-5 item(s) that you can give and 1-3 items you wish for. The next player below may accept up to 2 of the giver's offering, unless the giver specifies they are willing to give more. The giver may also specify that certain wishes are not grantable together, meaning that if they offered a mutie and a rosette that the next player would have to choose between the two.

At least 1 of the wishes that the giver asks for must be reasonable, however, you have the right to use 2 of your wishes to ask for something crazy. If you wish to, putting a star next to a wish means that it is either the thing you want most or something that you desperately need.

To be eligible to have your wish granted, you must have granted one wish of the person in front of you (unless all of their wishes were irrational, if this is the case, screenshot the post and include it in yours). Although, I suppose if the the gifts are of close or equal value to the wishes it could be alright. It's up to your judgement really.

If you are blocked or have blocked someone who has posted, do not post or attempt to post until there is another available person for you to gift/be gifted from.

Feel free to chat amongst yourselves as long as you don't disrupt the flow of the game.

... And here we go... again

Don't forget to share this topic :)



Player one: I'm giving...
1. A feather
2. 50 SB
3. A rosette
4. A carcass
5. A friend

I wish for...
1. A friend
2. A mutie
3. A decor

Gawsh, this is fun. Don't forget to pm to claimmmm! :D

Player two: I claim the feather and the rosette. :) Wishes all granted! I'm giving...
1. A cub sex changer
2. A random decor
3. A support on you topic
4. A surprise

I wish for... Nothinggg!!!

You can claim up to 4!! I hope you like your stuff! :)

Player three: I claim all thank you so muchhh. <3 I'm giving... EXAMPLE OF HIGH VALUE GIFTS AND WISHES
1. A rosette
2. A rare background
3. An ochre gnawrock
4. A stud to my king
5. 1000 SB

I wish for...
1. 4 GB
2. A mutation
3. A GMO cow

You can't claim both 1 and 3.

Player four: Jeez, you asked for a lot, but I guess it's not too bad. I claim 2 and 3, and I'm granting 2.
I'm giving...
1. 2 free commissions from my art thread
2. A rabbit's foot
3. Free studding

I wish for...
1. A coconut
2. Art of my lovelies! :)

You can claim all of them!

I wish you all the best of luck and to have fun playing!! I've got a new game in the works, so hopefully it'll be on here soon!!

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Edited on 07/01/18 @ 10:30:22 by Rushes (A.K.A God) ~VS~ (#43702)

KᗩIᒍᑌ (#96580)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-06-07 21:02:21
Granting amusement items :3

I'm giving:
1: 5 Lion Skulls
2: 5 Toy Bundles
3: 1 Free Breeding to my King
4: Cave Materials Excluding the SB (Sorry, don't have much!)
(Can pick two!)

I wish for:
1: Clean/Beautiful lion (Rare Base or cute markings :3)
2: Gems
3: Breeding items

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Edited on 07/06/20 @ 21:02:45 by Kaiju (#96580)

BlackFlame (#39928)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-06-10 12:33:44
Edit : Forgot to say what I'll grab lmao. Sorry. I'd love a free breeding and the lion skulls if possible < 3

Giving Great Tit, 7 peridot gems and 33 amethyst gems

What I Can Give

1.Conjunction Background
2.Primordial Spring Background
3. Dirty Fur decor
4. Wenet Idol decor
5. Tefnut's Memory Background
6. a Lucky Foot
7. Medlar Fruit
8. 5 Vulture Eggs
{You can choose two}

What I Wish For
1. Currency of any sort
2. Garnet Dust/Garnet Gems
3. Breeding Items or Changing items {Cub sex changer, Mark Opacity Changer, Black stallion, etc}

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Edited on 10/06/20 @ 12:34:49 by BlackFlame (#39928)

KittiBaybee (#49878)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-06-12 13:24:28
Claiming 6 & 7
Granting 2 (Gems)

Can Give
1. Vit Bomb Cub (all marks will be Vitiligo)
2. 3x Broken Drones
3. Toys (Broken Cameras)
4. 1 free breeding (will not go towards granting stud)
5. Any herb(s) you need (Dream Root, Buchu, Umganu, Uzara, Uqume)
6. 1 Random Decor

You can claim the same amount as you grant
(If you grant 2 things, can claim 2 things)

1. Stud to my king
2. Food (Larger Carcasses Please!)
3. Rough Opal Gems (need 8)
4. Dry Palm Leaves or other toys
5. Dove Feasts (more than 1 if possible)
6. Buy a cub from trades (just made a bunch of new ones today)
7. Join Raffle:
Dwarf Babby!
8. Bid on adopts:
Plushii & Caracal Adopts (New adopts added + more to be added today!)

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Edited on 12/06/20 @ 13:27:00 by KittiMorningstar Demi.10Vit (#49878)

KᗩIᒍᑌ (#96580)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-06-12 13:41:11
Claiming 3x Broken Drones and Herbs (A mix is fine) :3
Granting Join Raffle and Rough Opal Gems <3

Can Give:
1: Brawl/Rumble Apps
2. 5 Speckled Pigeons
3: 4 Toy Bundles
4: A Cute Dirty Male Cub
5: 1 Free Breeding to my King

1: Breeding Items
2: Gems
3: Join my Auction
4: Clean Beautiful Cubs (Muties if possible)
5: Shiny Red Rocks

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Edited on 13/06/20 @ 00:49:19 by Kaiju (#96580)

AkiraRose (#164628)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-06-23 00:41:28
Claim Breeding and toy bundles
Giving auction (not clear on auction end dates) and gems

Can give
Cubs from not keeping cave

Broken drones
Breeding items

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KittiBaybee (#49878)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-06-23 10:00:59
Claiming decor
Granting cubs
(Never received gems from kaiju)
Can Give
1. Vit Bomb Cub (all marks will be Vitiligo)
2. 3x Broken Drones
3. Toys (Broken Cameras)
4. 1 free breeding (will not go towards granting stud)
5. Any herb(s) you need (Dream Root, Buchu, Umganu, Uzara, Uqume)
6. 1 Random Decor

You can claim the same amount as you grant
(If you grant 2 things, can claim 2 things)

1. Stud to my king
2. Food (Larger Carcasses Please!)
3. Rough Opal Gems (need 8)
4. Dry Palm Leaves or other toys
5. Dove Feasts (more than 1 if possible)
6. Buy a cub from trades (just made a bunch of new ones today)
7. Join Raffle:
Dwarf Babby!
8. Bid on adopts:
Plushii & Caracal Adopts (New adopts added + more to be added today!)

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Hellhound● (#178029)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-07-06 10:13:12
Granting 6 was gonna join but it has ended
Claiming 1

Can give
2 free studings
Decor that would fit my queen
Stud me

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Edited on 06/07/20 @ 10:14:16 by 🖤☾Hellhound☾🖤 (#178029)

hello,friend (#206912)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2020-07-15 09:39:30
Claiming 2
Granting 1

Can give:
a random decor
Small tortoise
free stud from my king

sb (50+)
any breeding items
exp items

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Ghost Of Anubis (#146574)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2020-07-15 17:59:18
Granting 1 ( 50 sb)

Wish for,
50 sb
Any mutie
A leopon

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Edited on 15/07/20 @ 18:02:25 by Ghost Panther (#146574)

Damindrann (#179336)

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Posted on
2020-07-22 13:43:44
granting sb
cheetah skulls


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AkiraRose (#164628)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-07-22 23:26:33
Damindrann and photostat partner

So is that you are offering or granting? Because you’re meant to give and wish - it does state in the rules....

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FireTail (#200428)

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Posted on
2020-07-23 19:21:26
sending sb btw
im giving away
Mane feathery
lab test frog

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Edited on 23/07/20 @ 19:21:55 by FireTail (#200428)

🏳️‍🌈💜 (#207670)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2020-07-28 02:27:57
Claiming lab test frog
Giving app
You can claim surprise ,

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Edited on 28/07/20 @ 02:28:43 by zoe (#207670)

AkiraRose (#164628)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-07-28 04:36:55
Zoe - a newbie wouldn’t be able to gift those and good decor is opinion based

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Rombass (#209948)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2020-07-28 19:07:45
My wishes:

A surprise! :D

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