Posted by Divided | Dog RP | OOC & Info [Closed]

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2018-01-12 19:35:13


Semi-Literate Canine Roleplay | Moderators: BlazeRed (#27478) and For never, forever (#61889)

Chaos erupted among the pets when the humans left the city, many of the dogs not able to figure out why their precious owners had abandoned them. Most didn't want to think even for a second that they'd never see their families again, and clung on to what little hope there was that they'd come back for them, but once the reason for the humans' sudden disappearance was revealed, it became clear that the pets were on their own for good: a strange virus had swept through the city, harmless for most animals, but fatal for humans. 

The streets soon became a battleground, with dogs constantly fighting for food and territory, and for weeks the scent of fear and blood always seemed to be in the air. Then Illarion, an imposing, battle-scarred Caucasian Ovcharka, rose to power, several followers backing him. He and his pack claimed the best scavenging and hunting grounds, forcing other dogs in the area to either join him or go to other places within the city, where food usually wasn't as easy to find. Under Illarion's leadership life was more structured and there were fewer fights, but he ruled with an iron-fist, attacking anyone who questioned him and treating smaller dogs like dirt. One morning, however, the pack awoke to find their leader dead, seemingly having perished in his sleep. The murderer revealed himself immediately: Otho, a very small but intelligent dachshund. He had spiked Illarion's food with rat poison that he had found in an abandoned human home. Several pack members stood by him, who were also fed up with Illarion's violent and unfair ways. Otho took over the pack, leading it with a strong sense of justice, and making sure all smaller dogs could find useful positions within the ranks so that they could be treated equally to the larger breeds. But Otho can barely travel anywhere without bodyguards at his side, for just over his borders, a group of dogs plots his demise. 

The dogs who still agreed with Illarion were chased out of the pack's territory as soon as Otho came into power, but they have regrouped and have taken part of the pack's hunting territory as their own. Their numbers are fewer than that of the packs', but they are large, powerful dogs, and they are set on revenge. Will the two groups be able to come to a compromise, or will they start a war, filling the streets of the city with blood once more?

[This plot of loosely based off of The Last Dogs by Christopher Holt. Some locations, such as the Cat House, are also taken from the series, but most elements of this roleplay were created by me.]


↪ All Lioden rules apply.
↪ All mating/birthing scenes should fade to black. Violence or gore is alright, just don't go into crazy detail.
↪ I'd like to keep this roleplay semi-realistic, so no superpowers or strange coat colors.
↪ This roleplay is semi-literate, so I expect at least six well-written sentences for each post, per character. Occasional writer's block is acceptable, but no one-liners.
↪ Because there are limited spots in this roleplay, I ask that each person only has three characters maximum. If all necessary roles to start the roleplay aren't filled within a few days, I may allow you to have more.
↪ I want to keep this roleplay active, so please notify me if you're not going to be able to post for a while! After three days of not hearing from you on the OOC or roleplay thread, I will PM you asking if you're still interested. If I don't receive a reply within two days of sending the message, your characters will be removed.
↪ Please ask someone for permission before having your character challenge theirs for their rank.
↪ To prove that you've read the rules, tell me what your favorite dog breed is in the 'other' section of your character's application.
↪ No overpowered/perfect characters, your character can't win every fight or have a flawless personality.
↪ Your characters cannot be in relationships with one another. If you want your character to have a mate, you need to put effort into developing relationships with the characters of other players.
↪ Hate the character, not the player. Characters can have disputes in roleplay, but when talking to other people in OOC please treat them with respect.
↪ If you use an image in your application, please source it! If you're having trouble finding references you can use for your character, I suggest Wikimedia Commons or Flickr (when searching for your image go to the drop-down arrow where it says "any license" and change it to "all creative commons"). Please refer to this guide.
↪ If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to ask them here or PM me about them. :)


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Roleplay Thread

Please stay subscribed to this thread, since I'll let you know if you've been accepted or not on here and I'll also be posting updates.

[All headers are from FontMeme]

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Edited on 19/02/18 @ 05:38:02 by BlazeRed {WCU} (#27478)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2018-01-12 19:36:16


Otho's Pack
The largest pack in the area, they have some of the best hunting and scavenging grounds, and their borders are regularly enforced. Violence is discouraged within the pack and all ranks are appointed by the leader. If a pack member disagrees with rank assignments they are welcome to speak to the leader about it and he may make a change, but no positions are to be challenged for by fighting. Dogs of all breeds are welcomed.

Leader - [1/1]
The most respected dog in the pack. The leader appoints when patrols leave and where they go to, and they also make all the tough decisions. They eat first and are completely in control of the pack and which dogs take up which ranks. Their word is law.

Otho | Male | Dachshund | BlazeRed (#27478) ◘

Advisor - [1/1]
Usually a dog that's very knowledgeable in battle plans, the Advisor acts somewhat like a Second-In-Command. When there are fights they help the leader come up with strategies, and they also support and advise the leader on what to do when a tough situation arises. They are chosen by the Leader, but can be stripped of their rank by vote if the majority of the pack feels they are not suitable for the job.

Tania | Female | Saint Bernard | Kittenixie (#126870) ◘

Bodyguards - [2/2]
Dogs who hold this rank need to be large, intimidating dogs who know how to fight. They also need to be extremely loyal to the Leader, because they are tasked with the important job of protecting him when he leaves the pack's base and may need to risk their lives to do so. They are well-respected and eat second, alongside the Advisor.

Cairo | Male | Canis Panther | Blue (#95211) ◘
Beatrice | Female | Great Dane x Doberman Pinscher | Tater Tot (#33076) ◘

The Excused [Closed For Now]
Pups under the age of one, elders, and nursing or heavily pregnant females. The Excused are the dogs who are unable to join in on hunts or patrols. They have their own room to sleep in and they are supported by the rest of the pack. They often eat first, alongside the Leader.

◘ None to Begin With (Dogs may receive this rank in the roleplay) ◘

Gatherers - [3/4]
These dogs are usually the medium to small-sized breeds, who have strong noses and can run fast. They are tasked with going out to find food for the pack, through both scavenging old human buildings and hunting. Sometimes gathering parties are accompanied by one fighter for safety. They eat after the advisor and bodyguards, alongside the fighters.

Olive | Female | Border Collie | BlazeRed (#27478) ◘
◘ Open ◘
Amber | Female | German Shepherd | allo (#134696) ◘
Maya | Female | Italian Greyhound | Kittenixie (#126870) ◘

Fighters - [4/4]
The majority of the large, bulky dogs end up in this rank. They are trained warriors, and their main job is to patrol the borders and take care of any trespassers, sometimes they may be assigned to guard a gathering party. They eat after the advisor and bodyguards, alongside the gatherers.

Pax | Female | Shetland Sheepdog | For never, forever (#61889) ◘
Steele | Male | American Pit Bull Terrier | Blue (#95211) ◘
Oliver | Male | Bernese Mountain Dog | allo (#134696) ◘
Athena | Female | Great Dane | Gold (#97673) ◘

Lackey - [1/1]
Although the name isn't very appealing, the lackey of the pack isn't treated badly. They are simply a dog who doesn't have sufficient skills to be either a gatherer or a fighter, but is still allowed the protection and food of the pack as long as they help around by doing all the small jobs such as tidying up around camp, softening bedding, or delivering messages within the pack. They eat last.

◘ Reserved by Husk (#37594) ◘

The Rebels
These were the dogs who were still loyal to Illarion after he was murdered, either driven out of the pack or choosing to leave of their own free will. They've grouped together with one common goal: avenging their previous Leader's death. They're all very large dogs and they are much more disorganized than Otho's Pack, but they're fine with living that way, and actually seem to prefer it. Ranks are earned through fights which are judged by the Leader.

Leader - [1/1]
The Leader of the rebels has many of the same privileges as the Leader of the pack. They are respected by all the other group members and they get the first bite of any prey that's brought back. The Leader of the rebels is perceived to be the strongest, best fighter of the group. They lead all the charges against Otho's pack.

Dorran | Male | Ibizan Hound | For never, forever (#61889) ◘

Scouts - [2/2]
The only dogs that are distinguished from the rest of the subordinates. Scouts attempt to spy on the pack and report any information they find back to the rebels. They do this in hopes of finding a weakness within the pack that they can exploit. They also occasionally go out of the territory and try to recruit other dogs. They eat second.

Shiva | Male | Saluki | For never, forever (#61889) ◘
Atticus | Male | Afghan Hound | Tater Tot (#33076) ◘

Followers - [2/3]
The subordinates of the group. They patrol the borders and find food, though they rarely hunt, and the main reason for the rebels claiming the park was to make a statement to the pack. They rely on scavenging to get their food because they are very large breeds of dog, and they can't move very swiftly. They must bring all their findings back to the Leader. They eat last.

Beretta | Female | Belgian Tervuren | BlazeRed (#27478) ◘
Drill | Male | Beauceron | Tater Tot (#33076) ◘
◘ Open ◘

Dogs that live on their own have to be crafty and adaptable. Because the pack and the rebels have claimed the best food sources, they have a harder time of surviving, and while many loners end up perishing, there are some who thrive living on their own. Loners are usually dogs who were strays, surviving without the help of others even before the humans left. (These spots are not necessary to start the roleplay. They're just here for those who want them.) - [2/2]

Syndus | Male | Longhaired Whippet | Tater Tot (#33076) ◘
Lucky | Female | German Shepherd Mix | allo (#134696) ◘

[Note: For the sake of the plot, I will only be allowing large dog breeds for the rebels group, because they need to be strong enough to still be a threat to Otho's Pack. Also, Illarion disliked small dogs, and considering the rebels are his followers, it would be strange for a small dog to be among them.]

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Edited on 24/02/18 @ 19:30:20 by BlazeRed {WCU} (#27478)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2018-01-12 19:36:39


Otho's Estate: The villa that Otho and his owners used to live in, and currently, the Pack's camp. It's a large, spacious house with three bedrooms on the second floor. One room for the Excused, one room for the Advisor, and the master bedroom for the Leader, with his two bodyguards sleeping right outside his door on comfortable, plush dog beds. The rest of the dogs sleep on the bottom floor, and while they don't get their own rooms, they are still welcome to lounge on whatever soft furniture they can find. The Estate is conveniently located right next to the Pack's half of Narrowbridge Park. The house is located in the upper-class suburbs, and is surrounded by several other large estates, perfect for scavenging for food in. The garden is large, and on rare occasions small prey animals will wander in.

Narrowbridge Park: A huge park split almost exactly in half by a long river that flows through it, seperating the border between the Pack, who have the West side, and the Rebels, who have claimed the East. There are all types of prey animals here: rabbits, squirrels, voles, birds of all sorts, and even fish in the river, for those fast enough to catch them. It's easy to see why it's the pack's favorite hunting ground. There's also a restaurant by the river just a few metres away from the bridge, just on the Pack's territory.

Orchid Plaza: A shopping mall just less than half a block away from the East side of Narrowbridge Park, it got its name from the colorful orchids it once had on display, though they have been dead for weeks now due to lack of maintenance. This mall is the place that the rebels call their home, finding the restaurants and food courts useful for scavenging around in. They sleep in a furniture shop. It's not a bad place to live, but it's large and attracts other animals such as raccoons and cats, which often need to be fought off. There's a fake river running through it as well, where humans used to be able to take gondola rides. But the water's stagnant and has turned green in color, so it's not advisable to drink from it.

Cat House: Though this brick villa is very close to the pack's territory, most dogs tend to avoid it. It had belonged to an elderly, retired woman who had six cats. The cats have taken over the house since the woman left, and they've invited strays in as well, turning it into a safe house for felines. They chase away any dog that comes near it with tooth and claw, but some smaller loners occasionally attempt to sneak in and steal their food.

Hart Street: A long street located just outside of the rebels' territory. It's in a neighborhood that, when the humans were still around, had a very high crime rate. Now it's very popular amongst loners because of all the dumpsters and little restaurants to look for food in. If a dog is desperate enough, they may even try to hunt the many rats that run around on the street.


Rats: Though some might try in desperate times, it really isn't a good idea to eat rats. They often carry diseases, and even getting bitten by one of the tiny things can get a dog sick. Rats are especially a threat to smaller dog breeds. They are most commonly found running around on Hart Street, but there are also quite a few of them in Orchid Plaza.

Foxes: They can be found all throughout Narrowbridge Park, some of the braver ones even enter the garden of Otho's Estate. They're smaller than most dog breeds, but they can be very crafty and deceiving, often cornering dogs seperated from their hunting groups and stealing their prey. If you're in a large group, however, they'll probably leave you be.

Lone Dogs: Other dogs can be one of the most dangerous threats in the city if you're on your own. Most lone dogs are unpredictable, and there's a lot of things they'd do to get a scrap of food off you. Some aren't very fond of pack dogs, since they took all of the best scavenging grounds.

Raccoons: Even though they're possible prey for some of the larger dogs, raccoons can still be a danger. They scavenge in many of the same places that dogs do, such as Orchid Plaza, and they can also be encountered while hunting in Narrowbridge Park. They tend to avoid dogs but can become aggressive when defending their food.

Cats: Luckily, cats tend to stay off dog territory, so the two don't come into contact very often. But when facing a cat in battle many dogs make the mistake of thinking that they will be an easy target because they are smaller. Do not be fooled, their claws sting and many dogs have been blinded when raked across the face by a cat.

Humans: Some humans weren't able to make it out of the city, and now roam the streets looking for food just like the animals. Humans that are left behind are sickly, but the disease spreads slowly, and some still have strength left in them. Sometimes, when previous pets see these humans they try to approach them, but they are usually armed and may even try to kill dogs if they get too close, seeing them as carriers of the disease.

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Edited on 17/02/18 @ 05:33:33 by BlazeRed {WCU} (#27478)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2018-01-14 00:17:41
This roleplay is now open! :)

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🌺α ℓ ℓ
o (#134696)

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Posted on
2018-01-14 08:10:28
This sounds so fun!!

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2018-01-14 08:32:21
I'm glad you think so!

So far Lucky is accepted, just make sure you add a link to the source of the image you're using or the Lioden moderators will remove it.

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🌺α ℓ ℓ
o (#134696)

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Posted on
2018-01-14 08:38:09
Alrighty! Thank you!!

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Husk (#37594)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-14 11:40:47
May I reserve the Lackey position? I've an idea for an OC sparkin'.

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Husk (#37594)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-14 11:42:56
;o; sorry if that's a redundant question, just wanna be sure it's okay to create a sheet for that position?

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Edited on 14/01/18 @ 11:44:27 by Husk (#37594)

Blue 💤 (G1 Ebony
Haze NRLC) (#95211)

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Posted on
2018-01-14 11:51:58
Hey, Blaze! I hope it isnt too late to also reserve a fighter? I decided to make two ^^

Edit: aa, there's so many cool breeds that would fit the Bodyguard role :0 right now im stuck on Canis Panther or Bully Kutta xD

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Edited on 14/01/18 @ 19:49:14 by Blue (#95211)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-01-14 12:43:07
My bios are complete. Let me know if anything needs to be changed. I'll admit they aren't my best, I promise I roleplay better than my character sheets probably imply.

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2018-01-14 18:08:06
Hey! Question, I found this image on pintrest that I want to use for Jayvyn, but I don't know if it's the actually the source or not, help? It's this one

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-01-14 18:24:31
I think it might be! The uploader has a lot of pictures of the same dog which was the case with the Doberdane photo I used. I would use this link with all the pictures as your source instead though.

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2018-01-14 18:26:32
I thought so, but I wasn't sure, thank you so much!!

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-01-14 18:27:20
No problem. Hopefully the mods agree with us, but I haven't been told to change my image yet and they're usually pretty quick about it. :')

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Blue 💤 (G1 Ebony
Haze NRLC) (#95211)

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Posted on
2018-01-14 23:52:44
Hey guys, should I replace my APBT with a smaller breed instead? Since I don't think there are any smaller dogs in the Pack.

Also, does anyone know how to link drawings as your image lmao. If i do use the APBT, the photo would be a drawing of mine from a few years ago on my ipad.

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