Posted by Broken Peace Warrior Cats RP

Eeveeleafz (#33512)

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Posted on
2018-01-14 19:28:25
Broken Peace is a Discord roleplay based on three Clans. Those Clans are as follows.

SwiftClan, similar to WindClan

RapidClan, similar to RiverClan

AgileClan, similar to ThunderClan

This roleplay is still a work in progress, so bear with me. If you want to join, post a roleplay sample below and if you get accepted I will PM you an invite link.
For roleplay samples, feel free to use a reply from a roleplay you're currently in, or from past roleplays you were in. Roleplay samples you wrote specifically for other roleplays will be accepted as well :)

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Aster (#127364)

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Posted on
2018-01-14 21:54:00
(Just gonna use a loner of mine named Lark)

Lark was padding through the forest, looking around cautiously. Her paws lightly rustled any leaves on the ground underneath her. Every so often, she would scent the air carefully. She swiveled her ears, listening for any sort of threat nearby. A sudden rustle startled her and she turned around. It turned out to only be a squirrel and she silently scolded herself. 'Lark, you know better. You would've scented a cat, not a squirrel you mouse-brain' She thought, rolling her eyes at her kit-like skittishness. She continued on, this time relaxing. The soft breeze blew through her fur, as if silently urging her to continue on with a more relaxed attitude. Wishing to please whoever was above, she continued on, allowing herself to relax.

Soon, she arrived to a calm looking river. She decided this would be a good place to relax, padding up to the water to take a drink. She purred softly as the cool liquid slid down her throat. After she was finished, she stretched and padded to a tree. She curled in a ball, allowing herself to relax and fall asleep.

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Raith (#135381)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-15 14:42:23
Pinepaw huffed softly as he pushed his nose deeper into the narrow hole. The smell of mice was hot across his tongue - call him a coward, would they? A coward wouldn't do this. He glowered into the darkness, as if Longpaw was somewhere within, watching him with that awful smirk on his face.

He strained and pushed until he finally managed to pull his head back out to the surface. There was something in there, and Pinepaw wasn't leaving until he'd caught it. He raked his claws across the soil again, trying to widen the hole...when, suddenly, something sharp clamped on his extended paw. He shrieked as he yanked his paw out, bringing with it a very angry mouse. On impulse, he flicked his paw to shake the pain away, and his quarry went flying off into the underbrush.

Well. That sure didn't go as planned.

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Cwazy (#81593)

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Posted on
2018-01-15 17:44:54
Atticus could hear the cats outside his house, deep within the woods. What was he supposed to do? His heart yearned to be with them. To be free, running in the woods, feeling the wind press against his fur. How could he not want freedom, how could anyone not want freedom? But, then, he had his family to take care of. His two-leg mother would be devastated if he left. She was sick and it would break her heart to have him leave. The next house over housed his beautiful Pumpkin with their kits that she was carrying. How could he leave her to raise the kits on her own? He wouldn't be a good father if he did that.

Taking minutes, he ran out of the house, jumped over the fence and landed. He was free, for now. The trees sung a lullaby and the mockingbirds sung songs of family. The distant cats voices called to him, singing his name. His paws tugged and he took off, running. He'd be back to his family, but he just needed a little taste of what his heart yearned for. His paws crunched the earth, his eyes took in his surroundings, mapping them in his head, his ears allowed him the joy of hearing the jays and mockingbirds. He nose allowed him the smell of the mice, and his body allowed him the thrill of free wind on his fur, of no worries for his brain. How could he not want this? He skidded to a stop, mesmerized by the green leaves of the tree's canopy. Maybe he could live with a paw in both worlds. Maybe one day he could give his kits the freedom that was waiting for them beyond the plush life they would have to grow up in. But that day was not today. "I'll be back." He promised the forest as he made his way back to his house with his mum.

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🌺α ℓ ℓ
o (#134696)

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Posted on
2018-01-27 12:35:12
An introducing scene for my two cheetah OC's :)

The frantic huffing of a small animal could be heard echoing through the plains.
A small hare leaped through a curtain of tall grass, his long black legs skidding on the ground so he could turn left in a matter of milliseconds, and bolted towards the open fields. Such a small thing running so fast could only mean one thing, and with the look in the creature’s eyes, it wasn’t hard to guess.
Following through the grass, another blur came bolting in the direction of the hare.
Picking up whatever speed it could, the rabbit pushed harder and could only think about exhaustion soon setting over, sealing his fate.
Besides the pounding in the hare’s ears, the fields were quiet as the sun shone above; it was a perfect place to die.
A knick to the back leg and the rabbit felt itself tumble over and tried desperately to return to its feet but failing as gravity pushed harder with every inch. The earth settled and time slowed as a motionless hare was stuck to the ground, it’s legs twitching from the overpowering run and adrenaline. He could hear the footsteps getting right over him, followed by a nasty chuckle.
“Poor thing,” It cooed. “So helpless.”
With no more energy to run on, the hare stayed motionless, looking with it’s upright eye at the figure above him. The yellow and black blur focused and he was soon staring at earth’s fastest land mammal, the Cheetah. Of course, it couldn’t have been that simple, it was Zev; a cheetah born of two, spending his days praying on the helpless. His long arrogant smile showed off his prized canine and his black tear markings placed ironically under his shadowed eyes.
With whatever strength the hare had left, he rose to his feet and made it a few inches away from his pursuer, before pausing in terror.
“Going somewhere?” The voice ahead of him asked, and it felt almost like a magic trick; like Zev had teleported in front of him with some sort of witchcraft. The second cheetah’s long tail flicked around his hind legs, looking amused at the sight before him. It was Kapa, the second cheetah known to these areas, and Zev’s twin brother.
The hare could sense the cat behind him move forwards, but too afraid to turn around as Zev also started moving around to the hare’s left.
They were circling him.
The cheetah’s paws gently kissed the ground before moving again as they practically tiptoed around the hare.
“Feeling like rabbit today, Zev?” Kapa purred, like, actually purred.
Zev took an obnoxiously long time to respond. “I don’t know, this one sure stinks.” He chuckled, and Kapa stopped walking, staring at the hare with a wild smile.
“Then perhaps,” He got into a stalking position. “You’d better run.”
The rabbit’s heart began beating frantically, and he took the quickest opening in front of him, while the cheetahs mockingly ran after him for a few yards before stopping, laughing as they saw him dart off into the forest.

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mothman (#102817)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-11 14:52:48
Sunstorm had wandered ahead of the group. Honestly, most of his clanmates hadn't noticed the sand-colored tabby half-heartedly walk at a slightly faster pace to the edge of the cliff. The edge of the overlook. The edge of the canyon. His green eyes lowered and gazed upon the churning, lethal river that had swallowed their home. His chest grew tight as the hatred grew inside him. Sunstorm stood still at the cliff's end before a shrill voice pierced his ear like a set of enemy claws.

"You!" The sickeningly familiar voice was garbled with fury. Sunstorm froze as he turned to see who had joined him. A soaked, thin brown cat stood before him, odium blazing like a great fire in his eyes. Sunstorm almost choked on his own breath. "You abandoned me! You watched the water swallow me, and you did nothing!" Treepelt, his greatest childhood friend, shrieked and spat at him as if he had purposely drowned him with his own paws. The accusations did not register in Sunstorm's mind as words failed him. He was forced to listen as Treepelt stepped closer, resembling a drowned rat instead of a fellow feline. "You could not fathom the suffering I went through, you traitor. I was in your paws, Starclan's paws, and you both betrayed me. I cannot kill Starclan," his claws unsheathed, and Sunstorm fearfully glanced towards them, "but I can kill you." Sunstorm's blood turned to ice. "Treepelt, wait, I-"

Treepelt had already lunged forward, knocking both of the toms to the ground. Sunstorm struggled against him, his greater size soon overpowering Treepelt's weakened, waterlogged body, but Treepelt slipped from under him. Sunstorm had gathered himself. "Treepelt, I did not drown you with my own two paws did I, old friend? You were under the cover of the water when I attempted to save you, but the current was too strong. The river spat me out, and you were carried further downstream. I tried to save you, old friend," he choked as his throat grew tight with the sentiment, "Please believe me." Treepelt visibly softened, for the animal that he had momentarily turned into was truly not him. "Sunstorm," he breathed and took a step back against the edge of the cliff. The ground beneath his back paw was unstable, too unstable. Sunstorm barely had the time to cry out before Treepelt fell into the canyon in the blink of an eye. His shriek echoed in the air as Sunstorm crumpled to the ground, having lost his best friend for the second and last time.

and the link to this thread: link lonk

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Kitra [Side]
{HardMode} (#135994)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-11 15:25:26
(It's a bit old but oui)

Watching Shadowstar make his way towards the Clans meeting place, Heatherpaw noticed Leopardfur returning to camp. Her mouth giving away she'd already eaten some fresh-kill today. Nodding in greeting, Heatherpaw turned her gaze back to her leader, hoping he'd be announcing who would be helping her with her apprenticeship. The words that came out of Shadowstars mouth, however...were not what she was expecting.

Jaw dropped, eyes wide. Heatherpaw looked like a kit seeing warriors return from battle the first time. She was in awe, she was honoured. Chest puffed with pride, she flicked her ears towards the leader, barely acknowledging that he had continued on to announce the Gathering that would be tomorrow. She was already planning the training-she could ask him about patrols..and hunting! All the battles of the Clan! What if she was invited to the Gathering and she was announced as his apprentice?! Possibilities were endless-but she had a role, a reputation to uphold. Closing her jaw, she regained her neutral expression, listening to what other warriors would say about the Gathering. Mostly murmurs of worry about how the other Clans were doing and excitement at seeing old allies - grumbles at seeing old enemies. Watching Shadowstar make his way towards the Clans meeting place, Heatherpaw noticed Leopardfur returning to camp. Her mouth giving away she'd already eaten some fresh-kill today. Nodding in greeting, Heatherpaw turned her gaze back to her leader, hoping he'd be announcing who would be helping her with her apprenticeship. The words that came out of Shadowstars mouth, however...were not what she was expecting.

Jaw dropped, eyes wide. Heatherpaw looked like a kit seeing warriors return from battle the first time. She was in awe, she was honoured. Chest puffed with pride, she flicked her ears towards the leader, barely acknowledging that he had continued on to announce the Gathering that would be tomorrow. She was already planning the training-she could ask him about patrols..and hunting! All the battles of the Clan! What if she was invited to the Gathering and she was announced as his apprentice?! Possibilities were endless-but she had a role, a reputation to uphold. Closing her jaw, she regained her neutral expression, listening to what other warriors would say about the Gathering. Mostly murmurs of worry about how the other Clans were doing and excitement at seeing old allies - grumbles at seeing old enemies.

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damnedculprit (#68670)

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Posted on
2018-02-13 16:02:20
Bouldernose got up the moment Fernstar crashed into the clearing. It still hurt a bit to breathe but he saw Houndpaw launch right back into its back. Growling, Bouldernose spun around to the back, taking hold of the tail and haunches of the fox. He hoped to distract it long enough for Houndpaw to wound it then get off. The fox screeched as Bouldernose crunched down on its tail as hard as he could. As it screeched, he raked his claws down on its haunches, leaving gashes and bare skin.
Bumblekit stared at him in disbelief, "Of course I want to be a warrior! Being a medicine cat sounds boring and stuffy. I bet they don't even eat prey. They just eat leaves and berries." she mewed, crinkling her nose at the thought. When he mentioned about just trying something she stared at him in disbelief, "But can I be the best if I tried?" she asked, tilting her head slightly. The big tom confused her with his words. Why would he choose to be a medicine cat when he looked like a warrior? Being a medicine cat sounded so boring!

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Zero Fate (#138317)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-02-17 17:19:23
The gentle bat of feathered wings reached the girl's ears, a familiar pain in her forearm following soon after. "I assume you did as told, Roku," she stated, getting a squeeze to her arm in reply. "Good. Here is your reward," the woman praised, raising a metal cage. She felt talons travel to her shoulder, then used her now freed arm to release a little blue bird. The bird let out shrill chirps, little wings beating the air fearfully. A screech left her companion's break, and the predator took off after the tiny bird. With deadly accuracy, the larger bird gripped the tiny one in its talons, crushing the breathe from the prey animal as it landed.

The girl watched the beautiful bird get torn apart, not a spec of remorse fluttering in her gut. Letting out a sharp whistle, she turned and outstretched her arm. She heard a screech, and talons dug into her forearm once more. The woman then proceeded to walk forth, darkness shrouding her figure. She's never loved anything more than her precious companion. The bird was loyal, ruthless, and positively the best. The perfect reflection of its human counterpart. The woman appreciated this, treasured it even, and took good care of her companion. For together, they took out her targets, her tormentors, one by one. Soon, there'd be nothing left of her past but bitter memories.

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Anaxeco (#137377)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2018-02-19 13:10:21
|||*dies a little inside* I'm pretty new to Lioden, so I didn't know to watch for this, buuuut... I had written about four paragraphs that I was really happy with (a little more novel-like than RP like, but hey) but by the time I went to reply to the thread, i had been signed out and it was all wiped. .-. Aaaanyway, I tried to replicate it, but I was running short on time, so it's not as good as the original. I hope you still like it, let me know if you need anything more.|||

A multitude of icy winds tore down from the jagged, white mountain tops surrounding them, seemingly coming from every direction at the same time, casting flurries of snow flying wherever two of them intersected. It whipped at the thick white coats of the small band of foxes that was trudging through one of the gullies that carved its way, snakelike, through the mountain range. If any water remained, it was frozen solid and buried under feet of dense snowfall. The foxes moved forward slowly and steadily, keeping their light bodies low to the ground, fur-covered paws padding gently atop the rolling bank of snow.

The foxes continued travelling in silence for some time, as the winds gradually grew louder, and the snow flurries became more and more dense, until the world around them was obscured with a blanket of hanging snow, almost beautiful against the dark velvet of the arctic night sky. As surely as the moon was rising behind the veil of snow, the storm was also growing, the wind howling and buffeting at the foxes, until finally the center fox stumbled. Her forepaw pushed through the top of the bank as her weight fell off balance.

"Ahnah," the trailing fox barked, bounding up to the side of her mother and burrowing her muzzle into the warmth of the fur that enveloped her neck, "are you well?"

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[Hybrid Queen] (#97938)

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Posted on
2018-02-19 15:20:50
Have a fresh RP sample

Silence like a dove's feather gently swaying in the breeze. Birds chirping quietly in the evening. Stars beginning to show in the ever darkening sky. Down below, a swarm was moving. Many dark pelts moved across the forest floor, eyes of many colours following behind the leader of this swarm. Icy blue eyes scanned the area. No longer in their territory, they moved around rapidly. ears swivelling in all directions. Listening...for any sound. Watching.. for any movement. Nose twitching ever slightly. No one was around just yet... and that alone worried him.

The dark pelted leader finally stopped in his spot, flicking his tail up to alert everyone behind him. The ice cold eyes narrowed. Someone was coming.. and he knew it. His gut felt it.

Rustling. Rustling in the bushes. But only one figure appeared from the darkness of the forest.

"Redstar..why are you alone." His deep voice rumbled. Was he foolish to come all alone? He must be.

Only fools come alone.

Not from any RP just something I whipped up on the spot :)

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overseer (#51172)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-22 22:32:21
Boltstar sighed as he hears of issues regarding his Deputy and his apprentice, "Such is the lot of a warrior," He sighed as he looked around for the cats in question. Upon finding Tanglepaw and his mentor, Sharpcry, Boltstar explains what he has heard. Sharpcry quickly trying to deny the claims, though glances at the apprentice were to the contrary. Tanglepaw seemed terrified of his mentor and Bolt couldn't have such intimidation plaguing his clan. He holds his paw up to silence his deputy and says he's heard enough. He then leaves to discuss it with other elder warriors.

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PantheraOnca (#137415)

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Posted on
2018-02-23 16:12:18
Silverkit stalks the rabbit silently. She was almost close enough to pounce... and-
A twig snaps behind her, scaring the rabbit away.
She turns around and huffs at the older cat.
"Hey! I almost had it!" She tells the shecat.
"of course you did, now come on Silverkit, back to the den! Your mother has been worried about you."
As the older shecat leads her back to the nursery she looks over her shoulder, at the rabbit
that is poking its head out of its burrow watching the cats leave.
"Soon! Soon I will hunt!" she whispers to herself, fiercely, before joining her littermates with their
mother in the warmth and the safety of their nest...

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Delinquent (#93594)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 06:48:08
((Hello! To join this RP, would you need a ton of Warrior Cat knowledge?))

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Eeveeleafz (#33512)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 07:54:04
Actually, no you wouldn't. If you only know a bit, it's perfectly fine!

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august ⭐ G2 Echo (#119511)

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Posted on
2018-03-14 00:51:29
Coveclan rushed into the camp almost seconds after. "Attack!" Pinestar yowled to his clan before jumping into battle, using his massive body to knock aside apprentices and smaller warriors. He was looking for Ripplestar. "Oh Pinestar," He heard the menacing voice and he turned to meet the tom's amber eyes, "I never thought I'd have to kill you." He faked a frown before jumping Pinestar, catching him by surprise. The great tom raked claws down Pinestar's body. The two heavy toms tore at each others fur, clumps and blood falling around them. Yowls erupted in the hallow, and blood surged through Pinestar. He landed a blow to Ripplestar's head, knocking the tom blind for a split second. Using the time to his advantage, he dove for the tom's stomach and clawed his mid section. Blood landed in his eyes, and he staggered back, yowling in shock. He felt a huge weight yank his body to the dirt and a piercing pain shot through the back of his neck. He fell limp and the attacked let go, thinking he was dead. As soon as he heard Ripplestar cackle, he shot up and sunk his teeth into the leaders neck, shaking violently until he heard a familiar crack. Ripplestar fell limp, his body thrashing.

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