Posted by -LOCKED - -ADDED TO THE GAME-Toothless/Edentulism (Lethal) (170+ Supports!)

πŸ’ŽRarity [1K G1
Kiman Rosette] (#114707)

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Posted on
2018-01-25 19:15:41
Hello guys! So I have a new Lethal mutation! So I'm thinking in the art the cub will have its mouth open with no teeth inside. My thoughts where that it would die at 5 Months. My reason for this is in the first 5 months, it can still nurse from its mother, but when it's time to eat meat the cub cannot chew so it will starve to death or choke. Any suggestions feel free to comment bellow.

1) Is it a real mutation?
Yes it is
2) What is it called?
3) Is it documented in animals, particularly large cats or other carnivores?
I know in smaller felines it's possible. Tbh, in big cats I'm not 100%. Not a lot of people are interested in this topic, but I'll continue my research until I get a "No" or a "Yes"

Possible Death Months:
3 months
4 months
5 months
6 Months
7 Months

Message Idea:
Your lioness (name of lioness) has given birth to (number of cubs)! One cub seems a bit odd, and as you look closer you see it has no teeth.

Death Message:
You found the body of (name of toothless cub) laying in the grass. As you look closer it seems it has starved to death.

Art Idea:
Maybe the cub is laying on it's side, and it's sides are 'heaving', it's mouth is open and there is just a gap (like with human babies before they get teeth) in it's gums?
(Suggestion by Taehyung's Face
Enthusiast (#84624))

If you no support please explain why

This suggestion has 210 supports and 19 NO supports.

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Edited on 23/03/18 @ 11:46:02 by Duskie (#114707)

Juminakata (River) (#6903)

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Posted on
2018-01-25 19:19:39
Would this be lacking milk teeth or proper adult teeth? If it's lacking adult teeth, then maybe they could die as an adol or older cub instead? It would be an interesting change from the quicker lethals. Either way, I don't believe lion cubs have teeth for the first few months of their life.

Supporting, just curious about specifics ^.^

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πŸ’ŽRarity [1K G1
Kiman Rosette] (#114707)

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Posted on
2018-01-25 19:25:11
Well the toothless cub never grows any teeth. If I am correct, the cub can still nurse with its gums but it cannot eat meat.

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Anonymous (#44152)

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Posted on
2018-01-25 19:26:10
I did learn lions are born without teeth but around three - four months they eat meat so this could work for a lethal having them die around three or four months old when they'd begin to eat meat (where i found the information)

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Edited on 25/01/18 @ 19:28:13 by Anonymous (#44152)

Juminakata (River) (#6903)

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Posted on
2018-01-25 19:27:13

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
g1 olive nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-01-25 19:29:18
Hmmm...Couldn't it just suck on the meat until it's spit breaks it down enough to swallow it? I dunno.

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Juminakata (River) (#6903)

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Posted on
2018-01-25 19:30:39
Taeh: given how voraciously lions eat, it would never be able to get enough food without others stealing it. It might survive a month or so off of pity, but it would die.

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
g1 olive nrlc (#84624)

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Posted on
2018-01-25 19:34:02
I mean, we DO feed our lions by each use so I don't see a problem with my idea, I don't think it should be a lethal.

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Juminakata (River) (#6903)

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Posted on
2018-01-25 19:37:02
The game, rainbow lions and event storylines aside, does try to be realistic. Even a full lion wouldn't mind snagging an easy snack from a cub gnawing uselessly at it. And assuming everyone plays nice at the rate they would chew, it would likely expend more energy than they could gain, and they would eventually start to weaken and it would spiral into death.

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
g1 olive nrlc (#84624)

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Posted on
2018-01-25 19:44:16
Oh, very true. Anyway, I supported it.

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Juminakata (River) (#6903)

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Posted on
2018-01-25 19:46:03
xD the gif confuses but amuses me. also sorry if i sounded over aggressive, long day >.> just read over my message and it was a bit... curt >.>

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
g1 olive nrlc (#84624)

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Posted on
2018-01-25 19:48:41
Oh lmao the first guy that slapped the other guy is Taehyung, a member from a Korean band. Hence my name. I just tend to throw gifs at people if I feel really angry/sad I don't know. (I'm really weird)

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Goku-san 🐀 (#1854)

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Posted on
2018-01-25 19:52:40
Lions don't chew their food like people do. They slice up their meat into smaller bites using their carnassial teeth like a pair of scissors and swallow it whole. The canines are for gripping prey.

But yes, a toothless lion would most likely starve because they wouldn't be able to hunt or cut up their food for them to be able to eat.

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somniak [MAIN] (#69134)

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Posted on
2018-01-25 20:16:41
How would the lineart be edited to show that it is a lethal mutation? (Supported anyway, but I am curious.)

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
g1 olive nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-01-25 20:21:27
Maybe the cub is laying on it's side, and it's sides are 'heaving', it's mouth is open and there is just a gap (like with human babies before they get teeth) in it's gums?

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somniak [MAIN] (#69134)

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Posted on
2018-01-25 20:24:18
Ohhhh, and maybe it is on the verge of starvation, ribs showing, since as time progresses it's mother would start weaning her offspring on meat, and the toothless offspring cannot get enough nutrients from milk and cannot eat meat?

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