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Once upon a time, long long ago, there was no life on this planet. But soon, the great god Sanctus was born of stardust and light. They were, at first, alone. They created several smaller gods to help them create life and rule over the land. Vulpes, the god of canines, Albursi, the goddess of ursines, Pardus, the god of felines, Cirva, the goddess of cervines, Aquilia, the goddess of avians, and Lacernia, the goddess of serpents. Together, they created the creatures and shaped the world. When the world was still new, there were several packs of creatures. The creatures lived peaceably, but for the most part, separate from one another for eons. Alone, they adapted and grew. Soon enough, however, the groups began to compete for food and territory. Canid fought felid, avian fought ursa, and everything in between. Despite this, there was no large conflict.
After centuries of minor fighting and unrest, true fights began to form. Rivalries deepened, and hate grew in the hearts of the creatures. Times were becoming tougher, even more so in the bitter winters. Murder became more common amongst the beasts, and tempers grew thin. The fighting ceased after years, but the beasts were severely weakened and as angered toward each other as ever. During the coldest winter to date, the worst happened. A huge beast revealed itself, a gigantic serpent that could eat a thousand beasts in a single chomp. The beasts all feared the serpent. None dared to challenge the gargantuan. However, one small creature rose to the challenge, a tiny felid by the name of Mimo. "Brethren," they called to the felines in as big a voice as they could muster, "we cannot live in fear of this beast. Together, with the help of the other animalia, we can defeat this great monster and live in harmony." The idea seemed outlandish to many, but some were willing to try anything, and went with them.
The small group of felines went as ambassadors for the pack, to the canids, the avians, the ursas, and the cervine. Although they all found the idea ridiculous at large, Mimo had amassed a group of creatures to go up against the serpent. The smaller serpents soon found out about the animals' plot, and went to the gargantuan to warn it. After a long journey, and a harrowing battle, the serpent was killed by the ragtag group. However, they'd had many losses during the fight, Mimo being one of them. Beaten, bruised, and saddened, but victorious, the pack of many species left to their own homes. The survivors told the story of their experiences in Mimo's pack, and while the others initially didn't believe them, they soon noticed the absence of the serpent. Mimo was hence hailed as a hero to the beasts, and their story is told even to this day. Though the different species still do not get along entirely, they coexist in the world and can be friendly to one another.
A new era of peace has come, but how long will it last?
OOC Thread