Posted by A new part of the Leaderboards?

Solaeia [11M
Piebald!] (#113684)

Dreamboat of Ladies
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-02-12 18:09:09
Hello! I'm just a lone user who just happens to be fascinated with muties and learning about them. So, to make research a little easier for people who don't wanna go through all the trouble of stalking users and searching up which user has the most of which mutation, i suggest a mutation leaderboard!

Just another tab in the leaderboards section, really. It could be simple: track which member has the most mutations, which mutations have the highest stats, all the normal stuff. But...some more obscure stuff would also be welcomed!

What about, say, the mutation that has given birth to the most mutations? The mutie with the longest lineage? Which member has the most of a specific mutation (___ has the most Primals: ___!, ____ has the most Leopons: __! etc etc)? I'd love to see these! It'd be so cool to see the specifics on mutations! The most i can really find is the 'mutations alive' counter- it'd be so fun to be able to see more! Why can't muties just be treated like normal lions on the leaderboard? :D

User suggestions for obscure mutie topics to put on the leaderboard:

This suggestion has 30 supports and 6 NO supports.

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Karmo (#98909)

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Posted on
2018-02-12 18:24:56
This has been suggested before, but it seems like it hasn't been active for a while ^^

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Solaeia [11M
Piebald!] (#113684)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-02-12 18:27:30
@Karmo Oh, oops! Sorry! I can flag it for deletion right now, if you want me to... >.<

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Edited on 12/02/18 @ 18:51:18 by Solaeia (#113684)

💎Rarity [G1
Ennedi KiRose] (#114707)

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Posted on
2018-02-15 09:40:47
Don't flag it. I support 100%!

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Solaeia [11M
Piebald!] (#113684)

Dreamboat of Ladies
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-02-15 09:43:49
Alright, Duskie! Thank you for supporting! I just think it'd be really cool to have this incorporated. :3

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