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rabe & tox
[Hiatus] (#89506)

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Posted on
2018-02-15 09:46:53

This is an official clan thread for the 'Best Buddy' Clan!



Welcome to 'Best Buddy'
a Clan dedicated to those, who want to find Friends!

Please make sure to read the other Sections in this Thread to be sure
that this is the right Clan for you.

Whenever you have any Ideas or Suggestions, feel free to let us know!
We are happy to call you a "part" of us now :)

Enjoy your stay <3


Formerly known as "Lioden Friends", we're back guys! ;D

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Edited on 12/10/18 @ 04:14:30 by rabe & tox (#89506)

JokerCatNLM (#125339)

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Posted on
2018-07-01 06:25:38
I wasn't here last year so I don't know what the deal is with the Zimbabwe thing, which part is that meant to be under?
Is it the story or the celestial lion part? Or maybe it's on its own?

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rabe & tox
[Hiatus] (#89506)

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Posted on
2018-07-01 06:28:08
It's on it's own. You pay some Shards and pick the amount of time you want to spend, after that timespan is over, you'll recieve what you've found. :)

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文多 Frozen (#107963)

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Posted on
2018-07-01 06:29:15
But god help. I think new sunset marking app is like 2000 shards each?

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JokerCatNLM (#125339)

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Posted on
2018-07-01 06:32:18
2000 shards? Oh gosh that's a lot, looks like we're gonna have to spend some gb this month if we want all the apps

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文多 Frozen (#107963)

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Posted on
2018-07-01 06:34:10
At least it say so on Lioden Wiki.
If I has to choose between Interstellar base and sunset markings I take the base.

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JokerCatNLM (#125339)

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Posted on
2018-07-01 06:40:32
I've not seen it on the wiki, where are you finding it Wenduo?

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rabe & tox
[Hiatus] (#89506)

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Posted on
2018-07-01 06:42:52

Edit: Scroll all the way down :)

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Edited on 01/07/18 @ 06:45:11 by rabe & tox (#89506)

JokerCatNLM (#125339)

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Posted on
2018-07-01 06:47:54
Oh I've been completely missing it
Thank you rabe

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Corax ARCTIC Cosmic
Incub MS (#101792)

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Posted on
2018-07-03 03:38:06
Hey guys, I'm totally worn out. We moved to a new town 2 weeks ago, with our cat. I originally had 2 cats but we had to euthanize one of them some months ago. He was chronically ill, and it was very sad to watch the last days.
Now that we are settled, we decided to get our cat some company again.

We found two nice ladies, only slightly younger than himself. Two Siam-Mixes, one of my favourite cat breeds. At first I wanted to go to shelters to look for cats, but these were some kind of emergency. The owner's wife left him and dumped her 8 cats on him. He also has horses and other stuff, so he was kinda overwhelmed.
I specifically asked if those 2 girls are healthy, he affirmed and even took them to a vet, who also said they are healthy.

Now I just got them some hours ago, and one of them has really bad teeth, odontolith, red gums, and it smells like pus from her mouth.
The woman who brought me the cats (they are her chef's cats) said she will show the pictures of the cat's mouth to her vet, she also thinks this doesn't look normal at all.

I'm very sensible, and have trouble coping with unexpected problems, decisions, and new situations. And now I'm just totally done for, I'm sitting here crying and don't know what to do, and I don't have anyone to talk to.

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rabe & tox
[Hiatus] (#89506)

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Posted on
2018-07-03 03:45:46
Ohhhh, that sounds horrible! >.<
You can try to let her sip a bit of tea, to calm down the inflammation a little. (Chamomile, Salvia are both nice for teeth pain.) At least thats something which won't hurt or make things worse.
Make sure she eats and drinks enough in general, a lot of animal stop eating when their teeth hurt, so i'd make sure to let a Vet check her. The best you can do right now is to let her rest for little. It's all new for them, stressful, just try to relax for a bit, so they relax as well and see what the Vet off the last owners has to say.
(If you don't feel thats enough, think about asking a Vet by yourself? Maybe tomorrow morning?)

And don't worry, you have us to talk to <3

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Corax ARCTIC Cosmic
Incub MS (#101792)

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Posted on
2018-07-03 03:57:16
they're both under the bed, not doing anything besids lying in a basket together.
Earliest I'd go to the vet is tomorrow, but I don't even have one yet in the new city.
Next problem is financially. I did not expect getting a cat who is already needing kind of a surgery...


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rabe & tox
[Hiatus] (#89506)

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Posted on
2018-07-03 04:03:20
Maybe ask the person you got them from if they can help out?
And finding a vet isn't too hard, you can check google reviews, or reach out for dog owner you see outside and simply ask them. That might be a bit awkward, but dog owner /are/ outside a lot and most of them talk with eachother. So they're the people who have most information about Vets. (I am not sure if theres a kind of Facebook Group or anything for your new town? You could ask there maybe?)
Try the tea first, we used to do that with a dog and it was at least something different.

And of course, it's extremely shitty that you got a sick cat. I'd be mad as well :/

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LaurelDuma (#104283)

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Posted on
2018-07-03 04:07:46
Well, ad rabe said, let them relax and relax yourself, they're Just arrived in a new place and it's totally normal to act like that! Maybe you can prepare something for them to eat, something soft Easy to chew, so even the Kitty with the poor mouth will eat It. Even a bit of warm milk could help, my cat really enjoys it, especially when I see he's a bit nervous. For the vet thing, trying search something in the internet, Just to see where is the nearest one; you Can even search for some organization or animal-friendly association that could help you, usually their cost are not so high and much more affordable ^^ Just, try to stay calm Corax, everything will be fine <3

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Corax ARCTIC Cosmic
Incub MS (#101792)

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Posted on
2018-07-03 04:48:10

I've finally managed to calm down. Gonna try that with the tea when my boyfriend comes home, it's easier if one holds her. And looking up vets on google maps will be the next thing to do.
I just hate breaking down like that. It'S not the end of the world and it just feels wrong to get that much depressed over something like this.

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rabe & tox
[Hiatus] (#89506)

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Posted on
2018-07-03 04:55:49
It's a lot of stress to leave an old life behind and change everything. Don't feel bad about it, it's fine to simply stop for a moment to break down. It's how you relief the pressure right now, that's totally fine and i am sure it get's better within the time.

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