Posted by A Pet's Love

Ravi (#105549)

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Posted on
2018-02-17 19:59:41

Main Roleplay Thread


Here is the essentials you need for this roleplay.

List of animals in care:

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Edited on 17/02/18 @ 20:22:30 by Stormclaw (#105549)

Ravi (#105549)

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Posted on
2018-02-17 20:32:58

Name: Lillie Ashilda Bjorndotti
Gender: Female
Age: 20 years old
Pets: Currently owns a kitten named Skye
Skye is a 2 week old female calico kiten who was a orphan that Lillie raised. After a week of raising her, she decided to keep the tiny kitten, signing all the adoption forms and bringing Skye home as her first forever pet.
Skills Lillie is quite good at dog training and kitten raising
Speciality She specialises in cats
Job Full time voluenteer
Appearance About two metres high with green eyes and brown hair. Almost always wears a shirt with some kind of animal on it.
Personality Lillie is very protective of the animals she fosters. She loves finding them new homes and allowing them to become great friends with other animals. Lillie loves caring for newborn kittens and also loves challenges.
History Lillie lived in a household of six, two brothers and a sister. She always loved animals, however she could never own her own. So when the Pet's Love animal Shelter opened when she was 14, she volunteered after school and after dancing. She soon learnt many animal tricks, like how to care for small kittens and puppies. She helped the shelter grow and soon became one of its most trusted workers, offered a full time job, which she accepted. She then worked harder then ever, until she found a small calico kitten on her porch and brought her inside, where she cared for her and when she looked into the kittens eyes, she knew that this was the kitten she wanted. She tends to stay nights at the shelter with Skye her kitten.
List of animals in care
Skye (Her own cat)
Fina ~ A small 8 day old brown kitten who had been left outside the shelter in the afternoon.

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Edited on 23/02/18 @ 15:54:24 by Stormclaw (#105549)

Evilgreenjellybean (#120816)

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Posted on
2018-02-17 20:39:07
Name: Cass
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Pets: Jess(horse), Ellie May(dashound), Salem(Mane Coon), Tigger(Highlander)
JESS: pinto mustang
ELLIE: copper red, long furred dashound
SALEM: black, long furred, yellow eyes
TIGGER: pollydactoal paws, bobbed tail, folded ears, tabby marks
Skills: training animals, Vet
Speciality: Vet
Job:Vet fosterer
Appearance: long black hair, '6 ''2, white
Personality: Kind, funny, clumsy, patient
History: Went to Cornell University
List of animals in care:

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Edited on 17/02/18 @ 21:13:04 by Mrs. Shady (rp joke) (#120816)

sinister (#112820)

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Posted on
2018-02-17 21:22:05
"Surely not, at least I don't think so,"

Euphoria Griffins



Robin - Gypsy Horse
Cashew - Gypsy Horse
Crumble - Border Collie

Training Animals - Care Taking

Training Animals


Short and lithe, being around 4'3 and weighing barely anything in some terms. Her black hair reaches almost to her elbows, which is usually put up into a ponytail, in which her bangs escape and cover most of her left eye, or combed thoroughly, with a left blue eye and a light, brown right eye. She'll usually wear a black sweater with a white shirt underneath, white jeans and checkered shoes.

Quiet and calm, though cares a lot for all animals and her friends. Euphoria has quite a patient trait, and will wait even a week before receiving anything or any animal to take care of, though will obviously give up if it takes her entire life. She had also been the fastest in her college, having the most stamina out of her soccer class after school ended.


List of animals in care-
All her pets listed
Choco - Chihuaha - Coco's sister - Left outside on her porch
Coco - Chihuaha - Choco's brother - Left outside on her porch
Skylight - Arabian Horse - Found in the fields chained to a fence without food and water

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2Weird2Live (Moon) (#135104)

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Posted on
2018-02-22 19:20:40
Name: Lia Brooke Anderson
Gender: Female
Age: 23 Years
Sneakers - Female - Pit Bull
Alishaba - Female - Main Coon
Skills: Training animals, no matter the type, size, or age. She is a very good pet sitter.
Specialty: Working with horses.
Job: Foster
Personality: Lia is calm and doesn't get frustrated easily. She is over protective with her animals and every thing she thinks that will hurt them is guarded. She is very sweet once you get to know her.
List of animals in care:
A 3 day year old catahoula leopard dog who she named Blue and Blue is a female.
Images used:

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Edited on 28/02/18 @ 18:24:28 by Moon (#135104)

rvedBetter (#99089)

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Posted on
2018-02-22 20:08:22

Jacqueline "Jackie" Davenport
27 years of age.
Grey asexual, aromantic.

Chronos - A male grey & tan Chinook dog. Ideal weight, adopted from breeder. Five years of age. Fed PURINA® PRO PLAN® FOCUS ADULT LARGE BREED FORMULA. Got that from the 'Proplan' site.

Azzura - A female cat of unknown heritage, amber eyes and russet fur. Adopted after fostering, is slightly underweight. Three years of age. Fed PURINA® PRO PLAN® SAVOR® ADULT SHREDDED BLEND CHICKEN & RICE FORMULA. Got that from the 'Proplan' site.

Basic animal care.
Basic animal injury care.


Normal job is writing.
Secondary job is pet sitting and fostering.
She volunteers at the veterinary shelter nearby.

Advanced Basic
A dark ombré black to brunette, wavy hair. Jackie has lighter caramel skin and has heavy freckles over her face that are somewhat dark. Her face is softly curved and thin. Jacqueline has a muscular, average height body that doesn’t have many curves besides muscles. Her eyes are a tri-color hazel that goes blue-green-brown.

Too be played out.

Too be played out.

List of animals in care:
Bowden - A male Greek Tortoise hatchling, about 2 inches. Fed wild strawberries, clover, and dandelions that grow in tank.
Highly WIP

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Edited on 24/02/18 @ 11:16:40 by 🌑NightShade🌑 (#99089)

Tiara (#124229)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-23 07:26:58
Name: Willow Smith.
Gender: Female.
Age: 22 yrs old.
1~Daisy~Mare~5 yrs old~Quarter horse~Chestnut
2~Owl~Hen~1 yr old~Leghorn Chicken~Brown, black, and white.
3~Buddy~Male~4 yrs old~Australian Shepherd~Blue Merle.
Skills: Willow can kind of speak to horses, and she knows why they are acting one way.
Speciality: Mostly horses, is good with dogs too.
Job: Full time volunteer
Appearance: Willow has a wavy, black hair that reaches a little past the middle of her back with bangs to the side. Her skin is kind of a light tan, and her face is long. Willow has pale blue eyes, she is 5"9 and has an average weight.
Personality: Willow will not give up easily. She spends most of her time bonding with her pets, and helping out other animals. She loves to go on trail rides on her mare, Daisy.
Willow is almost 100% of the time happy. She loves to laugh and socialize with people.
The defects of her, she can be a bit gullible, and doesn't know when to be serious. Willow loves to prank people, but sometimes, it bothers when she does it too much.
History: Willow grew up on a farm as a western rider. She got her first pony at the age of 2. Eventually, she grew too tall to ride her pony so they bought her a horse at 13. She then started competing. Later, her horse died of colic, which left Willow a little depressed. When she turned 18, they bought her a chestnut Quarter horse yearling filly who is now 5-years-old. When she turned 20, she volunteered. After a while, she saw a lonely Leghorn hen just walking around near her farm, so she decided to take her in. She rescued a male Australian Shepherd and named him Buddy.
List of animals in care:
Buddy~Australian Shepherd~Male~4 yrs old~Blue Merle~Was rescued by abusers.

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Farrah (#120513)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-23 17:11:20
Name: ~ Madisyn Meyer ~
Gender: ~ Female ~
Age: ~ 26 ~
~Apollo~ Rescue collie ~ Other half ~
~ Peabody ~ White Teacup Poodle ~
~ Teacup, Lilian, Honey, and Sherry ~ Miniature Horse Herd ~ All Mares ~
Skills: ~ Can and will spend ALL of her time on her animals and her patients' animals. She DOES NOT give up :3 ~
Speciality: ~ She majored in exotics including hedgehogs, lizards, turtles, mice, hamsters, and birds. ~
Job: ~ Veterinarian Specialist ~
Appearance: People, Woman, Girl, Clothing, Eye
Source: ~ ~
Personality: ~ Bubbly, fun, outgoing, funny, etc. ~
History: ~ Madisyn's life revolves around animals of all sizes, shapes, and colors. She bought a small apartment after graduating highschool early and went straight to vet school. She recently purchased a small farm house with a little red barn where she keeps her minis. She is now finishing her last year and plans to live on a larger farm for more animals of course! ~
List of animals in care:
~ Talula, Sadie and Burbank ~ 3 week old kittens abandoned in the basement of an old house ~

Name: ~ Angel Gray ~
Gender: ~ Female ~
Age: ~ 19 ~
~ Petunia ~ Chinese Dwarf Hamster ~
~ Charolette ~ 9 Year Old Golden Retriever ~
Skills: ~ Good with technology + People ~
Speciality: ~ Has amazing Snap stories :P ~
Job: ~ Receptionist ~
Appearance: Woman Looking at City in Winter
Source: ~ ~
Personality: ~ Friendly + Loves to Talk ~
History: ~ Typical highschool girl ~ Wants to study verterinary Technology ~
List of animals in care: None at this time

Name: ~ Mathew Hocks ~
Gender: ~ Male ~
Age: ~ 20 ~
~ Junior ~ Yellow Tabby Cat ~
~ Scout ~ Leopard Gecko ~
Skills: Trains animals frequently
Speciality: ~ Patient + Calm with animals ~
Job: ~ Animal Behaviorist ~
Appearance: Free stock photo of fashion, man, person, people
Source: ~ ~
Personality: ~ Calm, Patient, Kind, Smart, Quiet ~
History: Lives with girlfriend, Sandy, majoring in animal behavior, more to be played out.
List of animals in care:
~ Old agressive dog, Marlin ~

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Edited on 24/02/18 @ 14:17:03 by Farrah (#120513)

Ravi (#105549)

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Posted on
2018-02-23 21:10:51
Name: Danielle - Last name: Woodlong
Gender: Female
Age: 15 years of age
Pets: None
Skills: None, Training
Speciality: None
Job: Doing a Work experience with the shelter
Appearance: A brown haired girl with blue eyes. She often wears her hair in a simple plait. She wears a kitten t-shirt.
Personality: Danielle has always loved animals. She just wants to see them. She is very passionate about the animals. - To be played out, I'll add more
History: Goes to some random school.
List of animals in care: None

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Turnip Chair (#117787)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 00:08:57

Charles “Charlie” Wolfe


36 years old

Charlie is a licensed wildlife rehabilitator and carries several permits enabling him to keep exotic animals, so his pets are a bit out of the ordinary.

Louie, a white-headed capuchin, is his most popular pet. He was rescued from the illegal exotic pet trade as a baby, and because Charlie had handled capuchins before and was licensed to own them, he was immediately contacted after the rescue. Charlie often brings Louie with him to work on slower days so as not to overwhelm the monkey, and Louie loves the animals at the shelter and has developed a particular fondness for Gretta, Charlie’s foster dog.

Charlie's lesser-known pet, Jasmine, is a striped skunk. She was rescued by Charlie after being attacked by a stray dog, and he nursed her back to health over the course of several months. He occasionally comes to work smelling awful because of her, but he doesn't mind and is hoping to release her back into the wild soon, as she isn’t fully domesticated and can't live in a house the rest of her life.

If there's one thing Charlie is good at, it's bonding with animals. There are very few animals he can't get through to, and no one is quite sure why or how he does it. Perhaps it's his gentle and kind-hearted nature, or his extensive knowledge on animal behavior and knowing how to handle situations. Whatever the reason, if there's an animal that seems unsaveable, Charlie is usually the person called to help.

Being one of the senior veterinarians at the shelter and growing up with animals means Charlie also has plenty of experience in the veterinary field. He can accurately diagnose a medical problem a good ninety percent of the time, and he knows how to handle most situations that could arise.

Charlie is often referred to as a “jack of all trades” when it comes to specialties, as he deals with a wide range of animals in his line of work. However, he is most experienced with reptiles and canines, but that doesn't mean he can't take care of felines or equines.


Charlie is a rather large person, standing at 6’2 and possessing a wide frame that fits a biker more so than a veterinarian. His short, chestnut brown hair is flecked with countless (albeit premature) gray hairs, the result of the stress associated with being a full time veterinarian and having to deal with whatever exotic pet he may have at the time. His eyes are a warm brown, always bright and happy.

When he isn't wearing his typical vet clothes, he's usually wearing some sort of ridiculous Hawaiian shirt with cargo shorts and sandals, and of course his prescription glasses that he requires to see any more than a foot in front of him. No one is quite sure why he wears such odd clothes in his downtime, although he claims it's because of the comfortableness of the outfit.

They say animals know who they can trust, so it's no surprise animals tend to gravitate towards Charlie. He's as open of a book as he can possibly get, and he never keeps secrets about himself from others. If someone asks him a question, he'll answer honestly (although maybe not brutally honest), even if the answer is upsetting (such as in the event of losing a patient in the vet clinic). He's kind-hearted and incredibly gentle, and he would never hurt a fly. Or anything else, for that matter. However, he's also levelheaded and mature, and he knows that death is part of his job. He always tries to find the silver lining in bad situations, and has been known to crack a joke or two if he sees someone feeling down. Overall, he's a fairly pleasant person to be around, and it's difficult to resist his kindness no matter how tough one may be.

Charlie was surrounded by animals since the very beginning. He was the son of a herpetologist and a rather well-known veterinarian, so their home was always full of various reptiles and sick animals that required around-the-clock care. His veterinarian mother became a registered wildlife vet when he was seven, and she traveled to other countries to help wild animals in danger, particularly in Africa and India. When Charlie was ten, he was allowed to accompany her on one such business trip, and he fell in love with working in the field. He began to join his mother on every trip, which wouldn't have been possible had she not homeschooled him.

Eventually his family decided to move to India so that his mother could permanently help rescue and care for the wildlife there. Charlie's father was forced to give away all of his snakes except his boa constrictor during the move, resulting in Charlie developing a close relationship with the boa, as it was his only companion when he moved to India. However, despite the loneliness that came with moving to a new country, he immediately began to bond with his mother's patients, even being allowed to play with some of the tigers (under careful supervision, of course). He quickly picked up on animal behaviors and learned how to tell whether or not an animal was okay with his presence, and the animals liked the kind-hearted boy so much most of them would become excited at seeing him every day, pushing against their enclosures to try and get to him faster. Even though Charlie didn't have any friends his age (or species) to play with in India, he certainly had the animals.

When he was eighteen, Charlie returned to the U.S. to go to veterinary school and get his degree, working with various shelters before the Pet’s Love shelter opened up and he fell in love with the shelter and the community. By now, most of the shelter volunteers have heard tales of his time in India, and he's already promised to take a few of his co-workers with him the next time he visits his parents.

List of animals in care
Gretta, a high-strung labradoodle that is extremely skittish (and even sometimes aggressive) towards everyone except Charlie due to an abusive past. He's been fostering her for over a year, and they're slowly making progress, but it is unlikely she will ever be adoptable, which is why she's usually referred to as “his” dog.

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Edited on 24/02/18 @ 19:35:00 by Turnip Chair (#117787)

Mewmew (has a
cloudburst) (#139182)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-24 00:45:21
Name : Skylar wolk (wolk means cloud in dutch)

Gender: female

Age: 42 years old

Pets: Delilah (3 year old female golden retriever), Lucky (9 month old male golden retriever/husky mix) Luna (2 month old female golden retriever/husky mix)

Skills: works good with bigger dogs, and bigger animals in general

Speciality: is currently going back to vet school (i don't live in a english speaking country, please correct me if i got the name wrong)

Job: volunteer, but trying to make it her full-time job

Appearance: shoulder lenght light brown thick hair, with a few strands dyed blueish-green. Hazel eyes, skinny face, you can see her cheek bones. Always wears a suit-like top with a tight skirt to fit the look. And black leather shoes that she never forgets to polish (think about the generic uptight teacher)

Personality: tries to keep everything in order. dispite not even working there yet, she acts like she's the boss. She loves it when things go smoothly, and is a low-key control freak. It seems like she has no emotion except for annoyed/ angry, but trust me, she does, just keeps them bottled up inside herself

History: Skylar grew up with animals, when she was two, her parents adopted a german shepard puppy, and the two grew up together. The first time Skylar concidered being a vet was when she lost her 'brother' to sickness and age. Her parents got another dog after that, a german pointer, but to Skylar, it just wasn't the same. She moved out at 26, going to live with her boyfriend, 3 months later she gave birth to a baby girl. And four years later she got a baby boy. While walkingtrough the neiborhood with her 16 year old daughter and 12 year old son, her son started crying, and putting his ear against a fence and crying "There's puppies in there, i can hear them!" Skylar, confused and at a los, called the cops like her son was screaming at her to do. Turns out it was a backyard breeder. As reward for her son, Skylar let him adopt one dog, and he chose Delihla, and her six month old son who wouldn't leave her alone. Since then, Skylar has been inspired to be a vet

List of animals in care:
Pointer (german pointer)
Rex (german shepard)
Lexy (black and white kitten) (she has a fear of picking Lexy up)

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